Happy Thoughts for Tax Time

I did our taxes this past weekend, and I’d forgotten that a LARGE CHUNK needed to be paid on any money earned from blogging stuff. I kept having to remind myself that it was not only FAIR but also GOOD: I WANT to increase the amount on record I’ve paid toward Social Security and Medicare: rearing The Next Generation, while valuable, does not add to those funds until The Next Generation starts earning, and that will be awhile yet. That’s what I was saying to myself as I made a large withdrawal from Rob’s Braces Fund, which is what I’ve been saving my blogging income for.

And that’s when I read Melissa’s timely post about tax-time defunkifying through happy thoughts and GOODNESS I thought of a lot of happy thoughts! Melissa said to just think of as many as we could for 5 minutes, and I did so in her comments section but then I kept thinking of more and more.

1. Henry is juuuuuust getting old enough that it’s not QUITE such a hassle to bring the three littles somewhere, so yesterday after we did our errands we ALSO went to a big pet store and had lots of fun looking at animals and buying toys for our new cat.

2. Our new cat.

3. We saw some beautiful little finches at the pet store. I had no idea finches could be pets. I love finches. Now I kind of want a finch. But they were surprisingly expensive, like $40-50. That’s about triple what I would have expected a finch to cost. But now I am enjoying thinking idly about maybe having a pet finch or two.

4. Deli turkey was on sale this week. I love deli turkey.

5. Paul got a bag of Doritos as a treat. So last night I had deli turkey AND Doritos for dinner.

6. I have Mrs. Meyer’s lavender dishwasher detergent.

7. Also, I just spelled “lavender” right on the first try, for perhaps the first time since I made learning the spelling one of my 2009 New Year’s resolutions.

8. I’m really enjoying the book I’m reading: Family Album, by Penelope Lively.

(image from Amazon.com)

9. I bought a pretty Liberty of London storage box to match my pretty Liberty of London mug. I’d been holding myself back from buying it, but then Miss Zoot mentioned that she’d considered the Liberty of London stuff the perfect use for a gift card she’d been saving for something special, and I remembered I TOO had a gift card I’d been saving for something special! So I bought the storage box. I would have bought the canister if I could have thought of a use for it, and I would have bought a sundress for Elizabeth if they’d had it in the pattern I like best.

10. My brother, sister-in-law, and niece are moving. They will live a one-hour drive away rather than a six-hour plane trip away. I can hardly believe it. !!!!!

11. Because I have so enjoyed my six-hour solo plane trips to visit them, I’m going to do one last one in May. This means all kinds of fun preparations such as going frequently to the library book sale to find books to bring with me.

12. I’ve mentioned before that I find it very cheering to send packages of fun things in the mail, especially as surprises. And I have TWO surprises traveling right now.

13. The new cat had the sniffles and was sleeping a lot and not playing, and I was fretful even though the shelter had said it was likely to happen. But now he’s better and is playing with the kids and repeatedly slamming into the window looking out the window at birds again.

14. It’s really fun to be considering a name for him. I’m leaning toward Kip. Paul is leaning toward Benchley. I also like the name Peabody: it has a very nice mix of silliness and dignity. And I like Biscuit, which makes up in whimsy what it loses in dignity.

15. Reader Melanie, who shares my PostCrossing addiction obsession hobby, emailed me that MOMA was having an excellent postcard sale, and indeed they were, and the postcards have arrived and they’re great. I like the Objects of Design set best, and in fact I wish I’d bought two boxes because it’s hard to make myself send them (Rubik’s Cube! pens! typewriter! weird coffee table! cool chairs!).

16. The new cat is settling in very well, but he CLEARLY wants to play with Mouse, and she’s having NONE OF IT. This has led to pleasant thoughts of perhaps shopping for ANOTHER cat to be a companion for him. It’s unlikely, because when we had three cats I had the STRONG FEELING that it would be pleasant if we Reduced In Some Unspecified Way, and when we DID Reduce In Some Unspecified Way it felt like two cats was the perfect number of cats—but it is still enjoyable to think of.

17. Henry is still going strong on his dinosaur kick, and he has been very particular about wanting to wear dinosaur clothing pretty much every day, and I’ve had great luck recently finding him dinosaur clothes. I found an Osh Kosh T-Rex shirt at Target, 50% off. Carter’s dinosaur mix-and-match pjs at Target, 30% off. T-Rex pjs at The Children’s Place, 40% off. Circo T-Rex t-shirt at Target, on sale for $4. (Why so much T-Rex, manufacturers? How ’bout some plant-eaters?)

18. When I get the twins’ pictures taken each year, I get pictures of them individually but I also get pictures of them together. I enjoy having their clothes coordinate for the together pictures, but it’s a little tricky. Happily, The Children’s Place always does coordinated lines in the spring, so I wait for those to go to 50% off and then I buy outfits. This is what I bought yesterday:

19. Every year, I think, “I would really like to plant some bulb flowers!” And every year I miss the cut-off. Last fall, Kara Marie sent me some tulip bulbs at exactly the right time to plant them, so I went out right away and put them into the dirt. AND THEY ARE COMING UP! I guess I didn’t expect this to WORK!


If you enjoy assignments, here is one for you: spend one minute in the comments section writing down happy thoughts. Let’s Pollyanna it up a notch!

70 thoughts on “Happy Thoughts for Tax Time

  1. ALW

    This is so timely for me this morning Swistle! I was having a bit of a surly morning, but I’m going to sit down at my dining room table with a sharpie pen and a yellow tablet and write down my happy thoughts. Then, I’m taking my kids for treats and coffee with a neighbor.

  2. d e v a n

    What a lot of happiness! Yay! OK – here are mine:

    – tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day.
    – i’m drinking some very good coffee right now.
    – the baby slept in her crib last night for about 2 hours, which is 2 hours more than usual.
    – I will see my family AND help throw a baby shower over Easter!

  3. Shelly Overlook

    My mom is coming to visit for a week tomorrow! I haven’t seen her in 6 months and I am thrilled to see her and also b/c my kid will be thrilled to see her.

    Does New Cat have a name yet? In our family, in your situation, we’d get another young cat. Since Old Cat doesn’t want anything to do with New Cat, 3rd Cat really just relieves Old Cat from annoying youngsters. Then New Cats 2 and 3 can pal around together and be best buddies, leaving Old Cat to live out her remaining years in relative peace. Then when she passes, you already have 2 cats and there won’t be need to find another to keep New Cat company, thus starting the Older/Crankier Cat doesn’t like New Playful Cat cycle again.

  4. Sally

    My Alma Mater (Kansas State) made it to the NCAA Great 8 for the first time in 22 years! In a double overtime game! That lasted until 12:30 this morning! And I’m exhausted and high on victory and caffiene!

    5 more weeks until our week-long family vacation to Disney World. (NOT thinking about how much it costs . . .) Kids are v excited for the trip and their first plane ride.

    I have a pre-paid massage scheduled for tomorrow.

    My son is rocking the potty and is only having an accident about every other day. THIS close!

    Just finished a wonderful book (which is making me both happy -loved it- and sad
    -finished it-. (The Thirteeth Tale – highly recommended)

    Hubs and I FINALLY bought bedroom furniture (we’ve had Target cheap-os “just to get us by a little while” for 10 YEARS) and it’s coming on Tuesday. Hate our old uncomfortable bed SOOOOO much and v excited to get the new one!

    It’s Friday and both my boss and HIS boss are on vacation = lots of time for me to read blogs.

  5. Heather

    Oh fun!

    -It is Friday night. This weekend I’m going to the movies with my (dinosaur obsessed) four year old nephew, I’m going kayaking and am spending a day photographing Penguin Island with my husband.

    -I’ve worked out Mon, Weds, Thurs and Fri so far this week.

    -I just made apple and rhubarb sponge pudding tonight…right after a huge pot of chicken and vegetable soup (yum).

    -Hubby and I are going on a cruise to Mexico and then I have a week in San Francisco with an old school friend…two and a half weeks to go!

    -The weather has FINALLY dropped below 100F.

    -I’m closing in on the 200 postcard mark (officially) so will be able to send 12 postcards soon-yay! (Btw I wish I knew your username lol)

    -The MOMA people ship internationally!!!

  6. Safire

    This is good for me. I’ve been cross all morning.

    -Hubby has a short day today and will be home in a matter of minutes (hopefully). This means I can go shopping by myself for Easter candy.

    -Our dairy delivered milk this morning. That milk tastes SO good.

    -I realized that I have several gift cards to the local sports shop and can probably buy my daughter a bike for her birthday. She’s going to be thrilled.

  7. Chez Bacon

    1. I have nowhere to be today and so the kids and I are still bumming around in our PJs, very content. I am an overscheduler so this is a rare treat.
    2. The weather here has overall been gorgeous but today it is raining that sort of soft, soothing, drizzly rain and it’s lovely.
    3. My husband just heard that the large government agency he is a contractor for is hiring, and interested in him, so he might get a job at large government agency instead of Craphole Subcontractor, which is his lifelong dream job and wow it would be amazing if he got it.
    4. Friday! Weekend! Woo!

  8. Melissa

    Even though we owe a LOT on our taxes…we have the money to pay them. (looking on the bright side)

    We leave in 3 days for Tucson to visit my parents and my youngest daughter (12) keeps saying, “I CAN’T WAIT!” which makes me happy. My middle daughter (17) is more Meh about it but then again, most 17 yr olds are Meh about just about everything. My oldest is in college and is therefore ticked she can’t go (spring breaks never collide, it seems)

    It’s FRIDAY! And I’m at work doing PERSONAL stuff because my BOSS IS OUT OF TOWN and left me NOTHING to do!!!! Wooooooooooot!

  9. Shelley Malone

    – It’s Free-Lunch Friday at work! (sure, it’s leftovers but it’s still great.)

    – I’m going into a three-day weekend, which will be followed by a three-day work week, which will be followed by ANOTHER three-day weekend! I KNOW!!!

    – It’s sunny and cool out, my favourite weather.

    – I’m sending out some happy mail today.

    – Just discovered 750words.com and I think I like it.

    – Spending the day with my friends tomorrow working on my art journal (it’s been way too long.)

    – Husband’s going out of town for the weekend, which means I don’t have to cook.

    – I’m reading Swiss Family Robinson and then telling the story to my kids as a serial bedtime story.

    You’re right, I DO feel better!

  10. Nicole

    I love the happy thoughts!

    1) We are on spring break as of today so I’m still drinking coffee and kicking back instead of GETTING EVERYONE READY AND OUT THE DOOR.

    2) My dog is getting groomed next week so he will smell really good.

    3) The weather is unseasonably warm!

    4) I’m having my favourite dinner tonight.

    I like this so much I might just make a whole post out of it! Thanks Swistle!

  11. jiveturkey

    – I’m participating in a super-fun 24-hour play festival this weekend.

    – I’ve decided to treat myself to lunch at the French crepe place across the street today.

    – Coffee.

    (And please, PLEASE get a finch so I can live vicariously through you! I have wanted one FOREVER, but they kind of skeeve Brad out & I fear it would drive the cat nuts.)

  12. Whimsy

    Lovely Friday activity, Swistle!

    . So happy that Chip is home from a recent business trip.
    . A whole weekend ahead of us.
    . A good night’s sleep.
    . I finished a jacket and skirt combo I was sewing for Bean for Easter.

  13. clueless but hopeful mama

    Oh I need this on this dreary RAINY morning where I am staring at our UNTOUCHED taxes/ pile-o-papers and thinking about how I’m going to stay sane next week on spring break with Z home from school.

    Where was I? Happy thoughts?


    1. CG is taking Zoe to visit his sister tomorrow so I get the better part of the weekend with just E!

    2. After much searching, I finally found the fabric for E’s curtains that was out of stock EVERY WHERE. YAY!

    3. Z and I are going to make chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. Butter is softening on the counter now.

    4. E seems fine after our…. mishap earlier in the week. I am beyond grateful.

    5. I finally slept well last night, after a week of not sleeping well due to #4.

    6. I went to the book group at CG’s workplace last night and though I feared it would be all a bunch of science geeks talking about science-y things that I can’t relate to, it turned out to be a BLAST and they actually talked about BOOKS and kids and healthcare and politics and Sandra Bullock and IT WAS SO FUN.

    Okay, I DO feel better. Thank you for this.

  14. DCMomma

    Happy Thoughts:

    1) It is almost Spring Break for my son. Which means from March 26-April 6. We don’t have to be anywhere, so I’m hoping for lots of playing at the park, visiting Grandma, and doing all the things we didn’t have time for before.

    2) I have a bunch of friends who are preggers, so I get to enjoy picking out gifts, and cooing over new babies being born soon.

    3) My 2 year old daughter has potty trained herself watching big brother go, and totally is into going potty. #2 is another issue, but small victories.

    4) I am going to buy another mattress cover this weekend. I realized to stop the annoyance of waiting for it to dry to make the bed, I could always buy a spare with Walmart/Target prices being what they are!

    5) Easter is right around the corner. Target end cap deals/steals. Love target.

  15. Jess

    1. This post is very cheerful and that makes me cheerful.

    2. I am going home tonight and I will see my husband and my dog and sleep in my own bed.

    3. I went out for dinner with coworkers last night and it was super fun and I learned about a lot of gossipy-type office stuff that has gone on since my last business trip.

    4. It is supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees in Denver for most of next week.

    5. I am wearing a purple and gray sweater that I have loved for a long time but that has been too small until now.

  16. Katie

    Love Happy Thoughts.

    1. I am 7 weeks pregnant. Shhh, don’t tell. :)
    2. It is Friday, and I am wearing jeans at work. Love Jeans Day every week.
    3. I don’t have to come to work on weekends.
    4. I get to sleep in tomorrow.
    5. I get to go to a Sweet 16 party for my step-sister tomorrow, and I get to dress up in 20’s, 50’s or 60’s attire (she’s “creative”).
    6. I have an awesome family.
    7. I have great books at home to read this weekend.
    8. I sent a friend some knee socks in the mail yesterday and she was so happy and surprised.
    9. Easter is next weekend. Yay for Easter!
    10. I get to go Easter basket shopping! Even better!
    11. My tax returns have already been received and were used to pay off my credit cards. Yay for being mostly-debt-free!

  17. Bunnyslippers

    Little Bunny slept FIVE solid hours last night, and SO DID I! (I can count on one hand the number of times it has happened in the last year.) I feel awesome!
    After she dozed off I cut all her long scratching nails (again, this is a rare oppotunity).
    Yesterday’s etsy purchase was partially refunded because shipping charged more than it should have (three cheers for honesty).
    My last etsy purchase should arrive soon, maybe today!
    I am planning to bake a chocolate cake today.
    It should be a great weekend. Hope everyone else has a great one too! :)

  18. Swistle

    Shelly Overlook – No name yet. I think I’m reluctant to decide, since it’s been so fun to choose!

    I like your logic re justifying the third cat. I am going to pitch that to Paul and see if it flies. Or perhaps I will just bring home a third cat, which is what my own mom did when I was a child.

  19. Devil Doll

    We had finches when I was a kid, a m/f pair, and they were wonderful pets. They were cute and happy, and would chortle all morning as soon as the sun came up (which I guess may not be a plus for everyone…) and they would cuddle together on the perches. They even laid tiny eggs, which never hatched, but as kids we were still amazed by it those little eggs the size of peas. They weren’t so into being held or petted, though they would sit on your finger. Probably not a very satisfying pet for little kids that would want to touch, but they were so cheerful to have around.

  20. Sixminutes

    It was surprisingly hard for me to think happy thoughts, which shows what a grouch I’ve been lately. It’s horrible that I can easily rattle off a list of things that are frustrating/upsetting/irritating, but I have to work to think of the good things. Okay,

    1. I’m waiting for the second part of an editing project to come my way, so my workload is very light today, and I might have time to sneak off to buy some new pants.
    2. My kids LOVE going to preschool. There are never any tears when I drop them off.
    3. Going to see a college friend and his baby this weekend.
    4. Everyone I love is healthy.

  21. robyn

    I love Mrs. Meyers lavender stuff! I’ve also recently seen a citrus-scented one by J.R. Watkins at Target that smells *really* yummy.

    My happies:
    1. a good night’s sleep
    2. feeling energized by a good workout
    3. my sister coming to visit!
    4. making Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls this weekend. I can’t WAIT
    5. My son’s crazy curly hair

  22. Sarah

    Hey! My mom and I got Addy the exact same CP dress for Easter this year, and a coordinating sweater for Eli! We got the headband too with the little bow on the side- it kills me. It reminds me, for some reason, of something Haley Mills would have worn in the sixties.

    I still feel so rotten most of the time, but at least I’ve had very few moments of thinking, “Oh no! I wonder if the baby’s still okay?” All the sickie pretty much keeps me convinced I am indeed still preggo.

    Just a week or two or three (depending on which baby book you’re reading) until the second trimester! And the magical end of queasiness!

    My sister is moving back to town next week!

  23. nicole

    Just had a checkup today (baby #6 is six weeks away from arrival) and everything looks great. He is already 5+ pounds though! :)

    Tonight I get a date night with my husband, we have a couples study and then we are going to dinner with the other couples. Yummy fish and chips await.

    Spring has arrived in Texas!

  24. Nellyru

    My current happy(ish) thought is that this fever has got to be ending SOON…and also that just because everyone else in the house has had a bout of whatever this is, it is not GUARANTEED that the baby will get it next…
    See? I think positive!

    And I’ve been voting for Kip! I love it! But not as much as Peabody-that’s great!! I think your description of that name is perfect, too.

  25. Angela Pea

    Happy Thots! Happy Thots!


    1. Husbands sinus infection is finally going away, which means I am getting more sleep. Bless his heart.
    2. The sun is shining!
    3. My daffodils are stunningly beautiful this year because we actually received enough rain this winter.
    4. Teen Daughter #1 got a Superior rating on her state opera solo this morning, despite battling laryngitis all week.
    5. Coffee!
    6. New Soap and Glory lipgloss in red!

    almost out of time….must type faster!

    7. The sterling crucifixes and centerpieces I ordered came in yesterday, just in time to whip together a pair of rosarys for two of my favorite confirmation candidates.
    8. Leftover Veggie Pizza for lunch today, with zucchini, artichokes and asparagus…YUM!
    9. Beethoven Sonata 14 is playing on the iPod.
    10. Blackberries are in season! WHOOT!!

  26. Jess

    OK I just came back to these comments to read everyone else’s happy thoughts, and oh! The pregnancy announcements! THAT is CERTAINLY another cheerful thing! Congrats to Katie and Anonymous!!!!

  27. Anna

    I had my twenty-week scan today with my second baby, and everything was happy and healthy and as it should be. And we found out we’re having another little girl which is lovely (a boy would also have been lovely of course, but, this is lovely too. If you know what I mean).

    And I have M&Ms.

  28. missris

    Loooove the dinosaur obsession. I had dinosaur SHEETS when I was little and they made me so happy (and I erm, stuck out a little at playdate as I was the only girl who was OBSESSED with dinosaurs).

    Hmm as for happy thoughts:
    1. I’m having lunch with a friend today
    2. I found a Starbucks giftcard in my desk drawer at home and treated myself this morning
    3. I have a very clean apartment right now, which makes me so very happy.
    4. I’m having a potluck tomorrow night at my house!
    5. With lots of Trader Joe’s wine!
    6. Yay cheap Trader Joe’s wine
    7. It’s FRIDAY

  29. Hotch Potchery

    1. My new Nike running shirt. Last year this time I didn’t fit into Nike sizes.

    2. Doing a fun, hard, mud run with my sister, daughter and husband next Saturday.

    3. Moving from 4 miles away from my sister (which we reduced from 1000 miles last year) to 1/2 mile.

    4. Getting to take my nephew to an Easter party tomorrow.

    5. Remembering my nephew saying Dj”your asshole” last night when I was telling his mother the joke…What is the capital of Djoubouti.

    6. Ha ha ha ha ha to #5 again.

    7. The pepper plants I bought yesterday for my hanging down pepper planter.

  30. Jay and Amie

    1. It’s FRIDAY!
    2. Going to Chino Bandito for dinner tonight (Chinese Mexican food – DELISH)
    3. They have the best Snickerdoodles
    4. I really have the best husband ever!
    5. Got encouraging news from the doctor this week
    6. I’m drinking coffee RIGHT NOW
    7. This week I got a $650 check when I closed a bank account I didn’t even realize I still had (until they called to update my address)
    8. 75 and sunny today – can’t beat that!
    9. Going to Target AND JoAnns Fabrics during my lunch break (considering buying that Liberty of London storage thingy that you got. It’s so cute & I’m sure I could use it in my sewing room for fabric scraps or something?)

    Phew! That’s about all I could fit in 1 min. This is a great idea.

  31. marilyn c. cole

    I LOVE Peabody. And Benchley still.

    I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the twins’ new clothes. Yellow and blue and it’s springtime!

    I’m getting a haircut tomorrow after not having had one in almost a year and a half. WHOO!

    It’s Friday and the clouds overhead just cleared away.

    I just bought 7 daffodils for only $2 from the farmers’ market yesterday.

    It’s Friday! And pretty outside! And I’m going to lunch now!

  32. DCMomma

    Katie and Anon, congrats. That made me misty happy for you guys.
    Also Swistle, the Liberty of London storage box makes me squeeeee for you. Not to mention the mug. Double squeee!

    I now want the storage boxes, but will start a fund for squee items.

  33. Katie

    Thanks Swistle and everyone else! We are super excited but it’s hard when you can’t talk to anyone about it (we’ve told some family, telling the rest on Easter, and telling work later on)!

    Congrats, Anonymous!

    Hooray for babies!

    This is my favorite blog post of the week. I’m all warm and fuzzy. Thanks, Swistle. :)

  34. artemisia

    Oh, this is delightful! Thank you.

    There are birds outside my window at work chatting it up and I am loving it so much. Birds!

    A. and I own our VERY HUMBLE home free and clear. That is a good, good feeling.

    I am learning to be very happy with our VERY HUMBLE home.

    I am surrounded by very good people in my workplace. I am grateful these are the people with which I share 40 hours of my week.

  35. Missy ~

    Ooh, happy thoughts!

    I just wrapped up a huge project at work and have taken the week off to spend with the kids!

    Oldest is in a talent show at school this afternoon and I get to go!

    Baby is FINALLY sleeping at night and taking regular naps after 8 months of not sleeping. Sleep=happy mama and baby!

  36. Farrell

    It’s friday!
    Easter is coming and as the mother of a five year old, that means egg decorating and shopping for easter bag goodies (=fun!)
    My friend Becky will be visiting for Easter, and also possibly my cousin David (=super fun!)
    It’s supposed to be nice tomorrow so we are going to the zoo!
    I’ve kept my house clean for two whole days! (a record)

  37. Banana

    I like this post a lot. Here are my happy thoughts:

    -If my baby is born today he’ll share a birthday with his grandpa (although considering it’s 10 AM it is not very likely)
    -My son could be born any day!
    -It’s supposed to be sunny and nice tomorrow.
    -I was able to sleep until 9:30 today!

  38. Joanne

    I’m waiting for it to turn a new minute on my computer clock so I can do this right. I don’t have any clocks in my house with second hands.

    1. I feel so much more hopeful and happy when the weather is good. It’s so sunny out here today.

    2. My son is doing very well in his ABA therapy school, and I think is making real progress. This week he has been trying, taking his diaper off at night and exploding it into one million pieces in his room, but we bought some Gap feeted pajamas to foil him.

    3. My baby is going to be one year old in just six weeks and then I can wean her and be free again and maybe go away for the weekend.

    4. We are buying a new car, a minivan, which is something I fought for a long time but am happy about now.

    I’m so happy about your Niestle! Yay!

  39. JMT

    PLEASE call the cat Peabody and pronounce it like the town in Massachusetts: PEE-b’dy (‘ is a schwa) pleeeeeeeease

  40. HalynB

    Easy to do, today:

    The kids are leaving to spend spring break with their grandma…An entire week of having Husband to myself!

    My hair is doing something right for a change, so I feel very pretty.

    Also, I like Peabody or Biscuit for the kitty.

  41. Melissa Haworth

    I thought of some more!

    I am redecorating Biscuit’s room and she likes it as much as I do.

    We will have lots of eggs to color for easter.

    We are going on vacation tomorrow!!

  42. Sue

    Back away from the finches. Oh, they are cute, but do they ever make a mess. They fling their food everywhere! I had 3 of them at one time, that might’ve been the problem, but I don’t think so. Sorry, the only happy thought in my comment was that they are cute!

  43. Fran

    -The sun is shining brightly today
    -My daughter was joyously dancing to The Marshall Tucker Band a little while ago. I was busy putting away groceries, but I just had to stop and watch
    -It’s Friday which means eating pizza in the living room while we watch tv/movies together
    -I have been having a lot of fun trying new foods and writing on my recipe blog
    -There are only 2 more months until summer vacation!!

  44. JEN

    It’s Friday.
    At 3:00 pm I get to have a 2nd Diet Coke today (only on Fridays).
    It’s fun to read your blog because you seem really fun and make me laugh.
    My husband doesn’t have to work this weekend.
    I’m going to do a Easter Egg hunt for my toddler this year.

    Love the children’s place clothing you chose!

  45. Di

    Ah, I was thinking of happy things the other day
    * My lime green notebook, filled with notes to myself
    * Buying a new bottle of blue ink and refilling my fountain pen collection
    * Taking Claire to school and getting a cup of coffee and a jelly donut to eat on the way home.
    *The IDEA of picking out a new coffee mug at Target.
    *Homemade mac and cheese for dinner tonight
    * Finally getting Ben to sleep through the NIGHT!

  46. DCMomma

    I like Peabody as well. That would be an awesome name.

    I love everyone’s list of happy thoughts….

    Here’s to warm sunny days!

  47. Sooboo

    Beautiful day out, spring cleaning with my husband in order to clean out a space to begin building an additional attic room which we have been waiting to do for almost 3 years. Very exciting. Looking forward to a weekend with friends, an art show is coming and my birthday for which I am purchasing pink and black checkerboard Vans. Your new cat is so cute and I also voted for Kip. Reminds me of long suffering Kip from Futurama.

  48. Barb @ getupandplay

    Hooray for Anonymous! What a joyful surprise!

    Here’s my happy thoughts:

    My baby turned one yesterday. I have lots of mixed feelings about that although it does mean I get to throw him a fun birthday party! And I’m that much closer to it being time to have another baby. And he said “Ball, uh-oh” yesterday. Too precious.

    My house smells like freshly baked birthday cake.

    It’s my spring break from school!

    My sister is in town visiting.

    There are currently beautiful pink and yellow tulips on my table.

    My cuddly, chubby, deliciously warm and snuggly baby just woke up from his nap! Love him!

  49. Tess

    My brother is getting married in June. I get to plan a trip to MN to visit family I have not seen in a while.
    In less than two weeks my husband and I are leaving on a trans-Atlantic and Mediterranean cruise. My first time seeing Europe!
    I get to shop for the weding and cruise.
    I am making Easter dinner this year and I am excited to try some fun new recipes!
    Easter candy!

  50. Kathy

    Oh this post is so well timed today! I’ll probably have to continue this in my own blog :)

    1. Even though my spring allergies finally kicked in today, I had the good allergy meds on hand this morning and I took them right away. I actually feel good rather than wanting to die. Or whine.

    2. The sun was shining all day today!

    3. And the birds were singing, too!

    4. I was also elected President of the Friends of the Library Group/Committee/Thing at the local library!

    5. The mayor (and his wife) both shook my hand and said “Congratulations!” Eee!

    6. When I came home from the library meeting, hubby had dinner cooked!

    7. And he and the kids tidied up the house a bit!

    It’s been an awesome day!

  51. saly

    Ok- here’s my 2 cents:

    Bud woke up dry this morning!! For the first time ever (aside from his injury)!!

    Hub is working today and I took all 3 kids to the playground and for a walk on the trails at our local park!

    Bud didn’t fall in the creek or get abducted when he ran off on his own while I was slowed by the girls on the trails!

    All 3 kids are still sleeping!

  52. SIL Anna

    Yay for living closer! Yay for upcoming visit! Yay for dinosaur clothesies!

    I think manufacturers should play up the 2 favorite dinos in their children’s clothing lines. Like a kid could be either team T-Rex or team Triceratops. The meanie or the greenie. And there could be little team T-shirts!


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