Name the New Cat!

Um. You wouldn’t want to, like, VOTE on the new cat’s name, would you? I realize this is a little silly. But we’re so indecisive, and we keep changing our list, and we just want it to be OVER and the cat NAMED. Here are the finalists (with links when the name means something to us):

1. Benchley

2. Faraday

3. Darwin

4. Kip

5. Archie

6. Tycho (the fact that it is pronounced TEEK-oh but looks like TIKE-oh bothers me)

7. Albert


I’ll put a poll over to the right to keep track of votes, but feel free to elaborate in the comments. Here are some pictures to remind you what he looks like while you’re considering names.

112 thoughts on “Name the New Cat!

  1. Miss Grace

    I have to put out a STRONG no on Darwin. My cousin being Darwin Rush IV, my uncle being the third, my great grandfather being a junior, ET CETERA.

    Plus I could tell you the funny story about how my great uncle Darwin accidentally shot himself in the head….Darwin NO

  2. Fiona Picklebottom

    I think if Albert is after Albert Einstein, I’d name him Einstein. Just because I would find it amusing when he did something stupid, which I believe you mention in a past post is all the time. Also because I jokingly call my husband/kids/animals/self Einstein whenever he/they/I do something stupid. Which, coincidentally, is also all the time. And the joke is more obvious than if his name were to be Albert.

  3. parkingathome

    I like benchley a lot. It seems like one of those slightly doofey, really smart scientist guys that just wants everyone to love him. And you do, because he’s benchley! What’s not to love! He does slightly inapropriate things at parties because he doesn’t understand social graces! But he’s so easy to talk to! And loving! And I’ve made up a whole personality for a human version of him!

  4. saly

    I voted for Albert, because you said he’s dumb, and Enstein…hahahaha. Anyway, you get it; it was your idea. But do you remember The Drew Carey Show? Our cat, Oswald, was named after the dumb character on that show. The other, Sebastian, was named because Hub told me that no son of his would ever be called Sebastian.

  5. Misty

    I thought he was… not the brightest kitty in the bunch. Can’t name him Darwin… ;)

    The Husband is trying to get me to name our next child Darwin. While a fantastic namesake, I am just not feeling it.

  6. Lisa

    You’ve said he’s not the brightest cat….which reminds me of the Darwin awards (generally stupid people getting themselves maimed or worse for doing dumb things.) So I vote for Darwin.

  7. Melospiza

    Wait, what? Tycho ISN’T pronounced Tie-co?

    My world just shifted.

    I voted for Darwin, for the same potential irony reasons as Albert. I mean, the Darwin awards!

  8. LA and BD

    I voted for Archie — I think that fits best with what you described a few days ago (i.e., respectable name but not likely to know a person with that name). Plus, it’s just cute!

  9. ~Jenny in MD

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Kip; however, I feel disloyal to your baby name blog because I would REALLY love to see a human baby of someone who writes to you be named Kip, but if I were to suggest it, and your kitty was Kip, we’d all remember that, and it wouldn’t be right somehow. But do you love the alliteration or what: Kip the Kitty. PRESH!

    I LOVE Darwin also, though!!!! Makes me think of a brilliant scientist (DUH), but when the kitty does something particularly dense, you can all share a laugh and say, “Oh dear, Darwin is testing natural selection,” or something equally witty about survival of the fittest and such. Very fun name for a cat, I think.

    Also, rather than Albert, may I be one of those pains in your a$$ who suggests EINSTEIN is even more adorable? Again with the Darwin thing – first thought is the cat is named for the smartest dude ever, but if the cat does something random and ridiculous, you can all laugh and say lovingly and affectionately, “What an Einstein.”

    Don’t like Tycho for exactly the reason you said – you will be doomed to an eternity of vet waiting rooms where “TIE-CHO” is called for. I cringe to think of it.

    The cat is really, really cute. HURRY UP AND TELL US WHAT YOU ALL PICK!!!!

  10. Emblita

    Darwin… I think its a perfect name for this cat- based on your description of him. He’s an explorer and sometimes gets himself into a bit of a pickle!

  11. Shelly

    I like Benchley because it seems dignified, and I think he’s a very dignified looking cat. Plus, Benchley won’t get mispronounced at the vets!

  12. Steph the WonderWorrier

    Benchley and Darwin appeal to me most. I think Benchley is a super great pet name; Darwin I like for the same reason as other commenters — if he’s brave/stupid it reminds me of the Darwin awards!

    You really don’t want to go with the M thing, hmm? That seemed so cool when people pointed out the giant M on his head.

  13. JCF

    I voted for Kip, because I think that name suits him best for his appearance (the name is adorable and so is he!) but I was hard-pressed to decide between that and Benchley.

  14. Swistle

    Steph the WW- I like the M idea too! So far no M names have seemed Right (I liked Major, but Paul didn’t), although Faraday’s first name was Michael if that’s an influence!

  15. Ellen

    As I was reading your list, I was thinking things like, “Oh, that’s a nice name. I like that name.” But when I got to Archie I thought, “OHMIGOSH, I love that name and it is PERFECT for him!!” It just fits. Love.

  16. Lippy

    I love the name Kip, he looks like a Kip and gives you options. You can call him Kippy, Kipster, Kippy von Kippenstein, Kipper Snacks…. Oh, am I the only one who does this??? Whoops, my bad. He looks like a Kip.

  17. alice

    I say Tycho, but am deeply confused on pronunciation. Wikipedia says it’s pronounced tai-co, unless you’re going for the Danish pronunciation, which I can’t make out at all. In which case, I still think it’s awesome, but will defer to you if you don’t want to clarify all of the time. But TYCHO! Dude! (and fwiw, my cat who looks remarkably like him, just jumped up on me, so I’m inferring her approval.)

  18. Sahara

    Oh my. I am obviously really late to the game and don’t have time to read all these comments, but if you’ve got a scientist name theme thing going on, what about Tesla? He was brilliant but also quite the nutter, and it sounds like your cat might have a little extra ENERGY at times.

    Just what you wanted, right? Another suggestion?

  19. Ashley

    I voted for Tycho…thanks for pointing out that it is spelled tee-co, not ty-co. Because he is not a ty-co.

    Also, it is funny that you have Darwin on your list, because my husband and I are considering (seriously for him, semi-seriously for me) Darwin as a name for our next son, if we ever have one. Maybe if we ever get to that point, I will consult you on your baby names blog.

  20. Bethsix

    I’m for Darwin.

    My baby – 10 months, youngest of four – is Archer, but we call him Archie almost exclusively (he has a teacher at daycare who calls him Archie Bunkie, which still cracks me up every time). So. I was both excited and insulted when I saw that one on your list. :)

    I’m a fan of human names for pets, though, so I suppose I can’t be too offended, especially with the inclusion of Darwin.

  21. Blondie

    I know it was suggested only in the comments, but I love Einstein (“nice going, Einstein!”)… I also like Oswald (from Drew Carey)…

    But if we’re choosing ONLY from your list, I’d vote for Darwin. I also REALLY like Tiko/Teeko, but not the scientist’s actual spelling. I’m all for changing up how things are spelled!

  22. Swistle

    Bethsix- PLUS, the reason I sneaked that one onto the list is that Archer/Archie is one of the names that makes me VERY SAD I’m not going to have any more babies to name! (I told Paul I added it because it was a nickname for Archimedes. Hee!)

  23. Susan

    It was very hard to vote for just one. So … I voted for Faraday, but I also vote for Benchley, Kip, and Tycho. Archie is okay. Albert is okay, too.

  24. Virginia Ruth

    I voted Kip because he looks kind of like our old cat Kipling, and it was too much to overcome. (Kipling, I’m pretty sure, is the best name I’ve ever come up with for a cat… the writer created so many great feline characters.)

    On looks, Archie is the other name I’d support. And I like the irony of naming a not-so-bright cat after Darwin or Faraday or Einstein, but I don’t actually like the names for him.

  25. Anonymous

    I was all for Faraday before I learned there’s a tv character with the name. I’d hate to name my cat after a scientist and have everybody think I’m just another vidiot.

  26. Jen

    Kipling would totally have taken my vote (I voted for Faraday). Maybe make a new poll with your top three so the votes aren’t splitting?

  27. Sabrina

    Have not read previous comments, sorry if repetitive.

    I love the name Archie. I tend to like real people names for pets, but sort of obscure real people names. Family pet names have included Seymour, Cole, Jameson, Benny, Jemma, Ginger, etc. Oh, and Pickles the goldfish. Sigh. Anyhow, Archie is a PERFECT little boy name for your mischevious little kitty.

    Tycho really made me laugh, because I agree that it looks like |TIKE oh|, and is spelled like Psycho. Which might be a decent fit for him. But the association with Psycho will accentuate the mis-pronunciation. But |TEKE oh| is adorable. Reminds me of Nico, nn for Nicholas. Why not Tico?

  28. Anonymous

    Tycho:P hehe Cause i had a cat named Tiko (same pronounciation) and he was the best cat ever:)
    I like all your ideas tho
    Benchly and Faraday:) oh how I love scientists:)

  29. Nervous

    It’s um, it’s probably too late to throw Mr. Pickles into the mix, isn’t it? I get shot down on that name suggestion every time! ;)
    (Ohh, and you already have a Mr. Pickles. Could get confusing.)

  30. el-e-e

    I love Kip. Kippy! Good teenaged boy name.

    I also like Tycho for you at this time, because it reminds me of “‘ti-coup,” which is what my cajun grandfather called his daily adult beverage (bourbon & 7-Up). Literal translation, “petit coup” = “little taste.” ;)

  31. BRash

    Benchley, but only because it seems like Swistle’s only contribution to the otherwise all-science-geeky-all-the-time list. (My actual fav is Tycho.)

  32. Steph

    I’ve been a Tycho Brahe fan since high school. Just love him. And some of his theories were a little nutty, which just might work well for a cat – especially with what you have described so far. Tycho!! Yessss!!

  33. Hannah

    I voted for Tycho, and I like Darwin too. And since you were hoping for more options to choose from*, I submit the following:

    Spock – Because the M could be interpreted as vulcan eyebrows, and it would be fun to shake your head at the cat every time he does something brave/stupid and say “highly illogical”.

    Mordigan – Because of the M. And I’ll confess, I don’t know if this is a real name, but it IS the name I gave to one of the main characters in the very first novel I ever wrote back during my teen years. A novel entitled: “Torchfire”, but which should have been called: “Hannah’s Adolescent Angst as Performed by the Cast of Lord of the Rings”. But Lord of the Rings hadn’t been made into a movie yet so how could I have known?

    *What? You WEREN’T???

  34. C C Donna

    I voted for Kip but also like Archie. I think Einstein is cool. Benchley makes my mouth go in too many directions and with 5 kids, you might want something short and something that you can shorten to one syllable. Bench is not cute.

    Have you considered letting the 5 kids name the kitty? You could throw the names into a hat and pick one. That would be fun. I wonder what Henry would come up with? My grandson named his horse (a 28″ furry horse that rocks) Donkey.

  35. Kathryn

    You don’t happen to have a relation to Michael Faraday, do you? One of my close friends is descended from him… how the internet may make the world smaller. On the other hand, I like Kip/Kipper for a cat name.

  36. Val

    Archie from the comics. It was unanimous among my three cats, Andy, Kiefer and Gus. Don’t ever name a cat Gus. They live up to the name.

  37. Anonymous

    I vote for Tycho – sounds like such a darn cool name for a cat! (and the moustache on the namesake kinda cracked me up!) And really, how often do you write your cat’s name down? Pretty much only for the vet (oh, and I guess for your blog, but we all know how it’s pronounced now!). So, if you really only have to explain the pronunciation to your vet and vet assistants, I think that is manageable! :-)


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