Brace for Legion

I apologize in advance to all of you who, like me, have so many new posts to read you are clicking and skimming, clicking and skimming, trying desperately to get the number of unread posts down to zero so you can relax–and meanwhile new posts crop up every time the RSS reader refreshes. But my plan of the day is this:

1) Put out bottomless sippee cups and crunchie bowls for the twins and let them watch TV all day long.

2) Eat brownies and drink coffee with peppermint mocha creamer until I wish I’d never been born.

3) Blog. Repeatedly. I have missed you–nay, LONGED for you. And so you may need to click and skim. I don’t know how many times I will post today. Does “legion” work for you as a rough estimate?

15 thoughts on “Brace for Legion

  1. Jess

    We have missed you too. And your posts. This is so exciting–it’s like coming home from a week without TV and getting all your favorite shows on the DVR at once. There will be no skimming. Only full reading.

  2. Tessie

    Fist pump, FIST PUMP!

    Slow day at work + cold and rainy + empty Reader=frowny face.

    You had better be serious about the legion. Also, I LOVE the word legion. It’s as if we’re blogging…in ROMAN TIMES.

  3. Devan

    Yay! Because frankly, everytime I go to Google Reader and see Swistle highlighted I go “YAY!” and rush over. (That sounds sarcastic, but it is truthful.)

  4. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch

    I may have 336 unread posts in my reader right now, wishing everyone would stop writing, just for a day so I could get caught up. The exception to this is YOU, of course seeing YOUR posts always makes me smile. Blog away, blog away, blog away!

  5. Tess

    It’ll be AWESOME to have you back. :) I’ve been lurking for a long time and only recently have a place of my own to link to. Expect many more comments! :)


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