Boat Dream; Still Locked

I dreamed last night that I bought a truly enormous boat, like a multi-level boat with numerous rooms/cabins, and I invited extended family to join me on a delightful boat vacation, without realizing until we arrived at the boat that (1) I did not know how to drive a boat, nor did I know the correct verb for driving a boat; (2) I had not taken into account various Important Boat Issues such as How To Get the Boat to/into the Water; (3) I had not taken into account various boat-related expenses such as storage, docking, supplies, fuel, crew; (4) I had not realized I would need to NAME the boat, and apparently the naming had to be done Right Now before we could put the boat into/onto the water. (I named it “The Cautious Optimist” and then fretted that I should have chosen something else.)

I was so, so relieved to wake up without a boat. Even now, hours later, I keep having an anxious unhappy feeling and wondering what it is, and then realizing I’m worrying about the boat situation.

My Target account is still locked. I called again this morning, because the person I talked to on Sunday said it would be a couple days, and I didn’t want to find out I’d ended up locked much longer than necessary by not calling back. I pretended I was a person who “just picks up the phone” and I called after I had the impulse but before I could change my mind. The person I talked to read the notes on the situation, and then said she would leave a message on the desk of the person who is supposed to be handling this, letting her know I’d called. She said it CAN take up to seven business days to fix something like this, so I shouldn’t worry yet. Well clearly I AM going to worry, considering I am still a little worried about a boat I bought in a dream, but it’s still nice to be told there’s no need. (No need “YET.”)

21 thoughts on “Boat Dream; Still Locked

  1. Meredith

    I relate to dream-based anxiety so much. Most of the time, I have sufficient work and life worries to keep my subconscious in a near-panicked state even while sleeping, but on the rare occasion that I don’t, my brain likes to just make stuff up and serve it to me in vivid, unsettling dreams. Like you, those dreams and the anxieties they provoke will stay with me for at least a full day. The only upside is the flood of relief every time you remind yourself, oh RIGHT I don’t ACTUALLY have a boat! Whew!

    But really I could do without the whole business.

  2. KC

    It’s so delightful, not having a boat! (but so, so weird how things from dreams can unnerve us substantially after we’re awake, even when they’re not even *plausible*)

    That is hilarious, and thank you, and sorry your Target account is still locked, but thank you for calling! You are amazing. :-)

  3. alice

    I am so sorry you continue to be anxious about the boat, but the fact that you remain anxious about your non-existent boat is giving me a good little chuckle :D

      1. Liz

        My family had a little inflatable rubber rowboat, that we called the “Daisy, Duckburg, USA”. So if, God forbid, I ever own a real boat, that’s what I would call it.

        I hope Target gets its act together.

  4. nic

    Sometimes the dream-anxiety situation happens to me too, but the opposite has also happened: for example I dreamt I was in love and I was in a relationship with that person, and I felt amazing the whole day except for those moments that I realized the person I felt in love with DIDN’T EXIST and that I was in fact still very single. Felt like a cold shower each time Ihad the realization.

  5. Sharon

    The Cautious Optimist is a perfect boat name. PERFECT IN EVERY WAY. I regret that I have no boat for which to steal your dream-boat name.

  6. Nicole MacPherson

    I get that, about the dream anxiety. I had a dream where I was the only person wearing a mask at some…I don’t know what. Event? Store? I don’t know but people kept asking me about my mask and WHY I was wearing it and I was unsettled the whole day after waking up.

      1. Heather

        I’m having mask related dreams but they’ve replaced the “i’ve shown up at a party entirely naked”. Now I’m dreaming that I go somewhere and I’m the only one without a mask….

    1. Bld424

      Nine — haha!

      💀 💀 💀
      That’s how my kids text when some thing is so funny they die laughing.

      No wait that doesn’t happen!
      Instead it’s more eye roll 🙄 🙄 🙄 or mom, that’s a dad joke, do better.


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