Papergang Subscription Box

The first paragraph of this post was originally a description of a dream I had last night. Then the second paragraph was an earnest apology for telling you about my dream. So then I thought it would be more efficient to delete both paragraphs and start over.

I have received my first Papergang subscription box. I was already very close to signing up when @RubyTheBee mentioned it on Twitter, and then Kirsty mentioned it again on the Mrs. Grossman’s Sticker Club post, and I signed up for three months.

I got my first box yesterday, and I am going to tell you about it, but first you need to know that they gave me a referral link, and if you sign up for a subscription using that link (or more precisely only if TWO of you do it), then I get a free box added to my own subscription, which means you should consider me a FULLY COMPROMISED AGENT. (Let’s dilute that by saying this: if you have a Papergang referral code of your own, please leave it in the comments so that people have a choice. I was going to add RubyTheBee’s code here, since that’s what I used when I signed up, but Twitter mangles it when I click on it, so that it turns into a Twitter link and does not look at all like the Papergang code I have. Ruby, you should put your code again in the comments. Kirsty, you too.)

The subscription comes from ENGLAND, so if you are in the United States, as I am, you can feel the thrill of seeing a customs declaration on the box. Also, everything from England is automatically more charming. Here’s what the other side of the box looked like:


And here is what was in the box, shown against a backdrop of the tissue paper it was all wrapped up in:

There was (left to right and top to bottom):

1. a little pamphlet I haven’t read yet, because I opened it twice to read it and both times it looked kind of dull

2. a pack of six scratch-and-reveal postcards, which I want to use this month for the people who signed up for a postcard subscription in the fundraiser, but on the other hand I also want to scratch/reveal each one for myself, because what if I send them off to other people and the part underneath is, like, a rude thing to say??

3. a folded-up poster I can color and then enter to win a contest, plus four markers to color it with

4. a single-page calendar card, I don’t know why

5. a Happiness Planner


I thought you might want to know more about the Happiness Planner. I personally was bracing myself for SEVERE disappointment. Like, I was expecting the Nicholas Sparks of planners. But instead I had an “Oh! That’s not so bad! Actually that’s kind of fun! Actually I kind of like this!” reaction.

18 thoughts on “Papergang Subscription Box

  1. Morgan

    Excellent – I have at daughter about to turn 13 who loves nothing more than getting mail, stickers and paper products. I ordered her both the Mrs. Grossmans Subscription and this one, I used your link – hopefully it worked!

    Thank you for helping me solve the what to get my tween for a gift problem!

    1. Natalie

      Oh this is such a great idea. My daughter just turned 6 and I can’t wait until it’s appropriate to buy stuff like this for her.

      On the dream thing: I was having a lengthy dream this morning where I decided to buy a pet rabbit. I went to a lady’s house, paid her, listened to her talk at length about the rabbit’s needs and likes, and then decided actually no, this is not for me. I asked for my money back and she hugged me then inexplicably gave me more than I had paid.

  2. Annie

    I am very interested in hearing about other parents’ dreams, so please share if you ever have the urge to do so. I used to have crazy exciting dreams, but now I just have incredibly vivid dreams about such things as, “my son’s teacher no longer allows anything crunchy for lunch, so how can I tackle that?”, “folding laundry”, and “should I price compare these wipes, or just buy the ones I like?” NO FUN!!!

    1. Swistle Post author

      Boy, it turns out I don’t have to be asked twice. I dreamed I had signed up to do a task that would expose me to dangerous levels of radioactivity. Since I’d be unconscious already for the task (??) I had opted NOT TO BE REVIVED afterward. Like, to just go ahead and die, voluntarily, because otherwise I…might be at risk for dangerous side effects (??). And then we were to the point where it was almost time to leave to do the task, and I was thinking, “Hey, wait a second. WHAT is the plan/reasoning here?,” and panicking about my imminent death and motherless children.

      But a few days ago, I had a dream that I was, repeatedly, putting away the groceries, so.

      1. Annie

        Well, THAT is MUCH more exciting! And also terrifying. So…hmm. Sweet dreams for moms for the rest of our lives, I guess?!

    1. Annie

      It was all in my dream, probably because my son has 7 things he will actually eat, and 4 of them are crunchy. But I did wake up from this dream at around 3am one morning, and helped myself to a snack sized bag of BBQ potato chips. So that’s cool.

  3. Suzanne

    “The Nicholas Sparks of planners” – snort!
    This is very cute and I am eagerly awaiting whether the scratch and find cards have rude sayings on them! That would make me enjoy them more, perhaps, depending on rudeness level/cheekiness.

  4. Nancy

    Hmm, I want to get something fun in the mail, not sure what though. Swistle, can you ask your readers for subscription box recommendations?

  5. Kalendi

    This sounds like fun. Question though? How much a month is it? One pet peeve I have is that it doesn’t tell you how much it costs on the home page or any page that I can see. So I am assuming I actually have to click on the the subscribe to find out. This always annoys me for some reason.

    1. Swistle Post author

      It’s true, you have to click subscribe. Think of it as clicking for information about subscribing, which would be a much less annoying button to click! I was going to just answer the question so you wouldn’t have to click, but it’s complicated: the price varies depending on subscription term, and there is an additional charge for shipping depending on where you live, and also everything is in UK currency, and also there are bonuses that vary depending on which term you choose and whether they have a deal going on at the time. If I’m remembering correctly, I paid approximately $50 US for a three-month subscription including international shipping, and I think there was some sort of deal at the time where my first box was half-off. A fair chunk of that amount was for the shipping, which is per box and was something I remember as being about $8—which seems fair for international shipping, but on the other hand still adds up.

      1. Kalendi

        Okay that does help. I just didn’t want to get too excited about this without having some idea of it’s cost. I try really hard not to be a impulse buyer. I will think of it as a information about subscribing button…I like that!

  6. Jenny

    Oh! That happiness planner makes me smile. Not so much that I’d use it now. But it sort of reminds me of what I did when I was a middle schooler going through a tough time at school. Every week, I’d write out a top 10 thing to look forward to that week (and some weeks it was awfully hard to get to 10) and I’d write out the good and bad things that were going to happen each day. Somehow the act of writing those things out made everything a bit more manageable and I could see that there were good things to look forward to. I don’t think about it that often and I didn’t do it for very long, but that little system totally got me through some VERY tough times.

  7. Kirsty

    Hi there!
    As promised (though I admit it’s taken me longer than intended to get round to doing this), here is my referral code if anyone is still wanting to sign up for these lovely boxes… My October box finally arrived on Friday and I’m just as pleased with it as Swistle, though I’d say it’s my least favourite of the 5 I’ve had so far (but still lovely, and still totally worth signing up for).
    If all the other codes have been used, please feel free to use this one!


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