Music Video To Dispel Lingering Adrenaline

I love this video so much:

Come On To Me, by Paul McCartney.

So much. So extremely much. I had like three and a half stressful things happen yesterday, none of which are long-term important or long-term consequential but I had that queasy/burny adrenaline feeling anyway, so I watched that video a couple of times and felt much better.

I wasn’t going to talk about the boring stressful inconsequential things, but it turns out I am. One was that the school nurse has twice in the last two months asked me for Henry’s vaccination record, and the first time she asked for it I mailed it to her, and the second time I had the medical records office fax it (and I stayed on the phone with them until they got a confirmation that it went through), and she’s claiming that not only did she receive neither, but she has NOTHING FOR HIM SINCE 2012. I just have one question, and that is “??????????????????????” In fact, I don’t even want to discuss it, it’s too infuriating on too many levels, and needless to say this is not the first issue I’ve had with this nurse and the kids’ paperwork. From now on I will email all documents so that I can email them again and again and again as necessary, and so that I can start cc’ing administration.

Another of the things was that I took Edward to the dentist, and as we were checking in, the receptionist said the visit wouldn’t be covered because he’d already been twice this year. I blinked at her, and she reminded me that we’d been coming more often because of his braces, and I said “Oh, yeah!” and sat down. Then, after I sat down, I remembered he got his braces off a year ago and it’s Elizabeth who comes more often because of braces. I went back up to the counter, and she said that after getting his braces off last fall, he came for cleanings in January and April. I checked my calendar at home, and those facts check out. But then…why did I do that? Did I lose my mind? Did they just say “Okay let’s schedule the next appointment” and I let them do it for three months instead of six? What HAPPENED? That was a very expensive mistake, and not a pleasant thing to be surprised by.

The third thing was that Henry’s allergist does shots on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I failed to notice that this week we have something scheduled both days and I can’t take him, and Henry brought this to my attention right after I’d read the email from the nurse saying she had no records for him since 2012 (when he STARTED KINDERGARTEN) and that I was required by state law to call her and tell her when Henry’s vaccination appointment was, for a vaccination he has already had, for which I have already sent in the proof, not only twice this year but also last year when it was required for him to enter sixth grade, so if she really didn’t receive it why is she only tracking it down NOW??? But we won’t discuss it further, we will just simmer with choking, impotent rage. (Also I sent her an email saying it was not possible that all the forms sent by me and by the pediatrician since 2012 had coincidentally not arrived, and that if they HAD failed to arrive, we needed to find out why I was only finding out about it now, and I cc’d administration.)

The half-of-a-thing was that I forgot to allow for construction on the way to Edward’s appointment, construction I KNEW about and KNEW to plan for, and so I didn’t allow extra time. We still got there three minutes early so it was fine. But the adrenaline lingered, and the incident supported the “Am I LOSING MY MIND?” feeling of taking Edward to the dentist too often.

*pant pant* Let’s watch the video again.

20 thoughts on “Music Video To Dispel Lingering Adrenaline

  1. Suzanne

    Thank you for introducing me to this song and video – very cheering!

    The nurse thing is…. SO EXASPERATING. What….????? And “since 2012″…???????? None of it makes ANY sense at all and ARRRRGGHGHGHGHGHG.

  2. WL

    The nurse thing …UGH! But the dentist? I’d have probably walked out and maybe paid a $50 cancellation fee. Man that stuff is bothersome.

  3. Becky

    This song might become my new cooking/cleaning the kitchen dance party song. I don’t particularly enjoy either task, but am the only one in my home that can do either worth a shit, might as well dance party while I’m at it.

    Our school nurse is also exasperating, I believe she is convinced I am a terrible mother who is intent on letting her asthmatic son die right there in the nurse’s office because I won’t drop everything and pick him up every time he has a little cough/wheeze. He has figured her out, and is playing her. Give him his inhaler and send him back to class Norma.

    And to commiserate, I too am losing my mind. In Kansas, my last name letter renews their car registration in October. The form came and only one vehicle was on it, my husband’s. I purchased my car the week between Christmas and New Years. And then I just never registered it (?!) Just put the plate from my old car on it and went about my life, never to be thought of again. I was even pulled over in June and ticketed (speeding in a county park hustling a kid to camp late, stupid) and it didn’t come up.

  4. Shawna

    I am seething on your behalf over that nurse thing! And I can’t even watch the soothing video because I’m at work!

  5. Celeste

    The video was very soothing, and it came on a day when my ruffled feathers needed to be smoothed back down. I had jury duty yesterday and got released during the questioning. Which was fine, because it seemed like it would be an ugly case and I didn’t want to know anymore about either side. I have been called twice this quarter and I really, really hope they’re done with me.

  6. anon

    ARGH. I have a form on my desk right this moment from my daughter’s preschool asking for a health report that must be signed by a doctor. I had dropped it off at the doctor’s office before school started. I called the doctor’s office yesterday and they have confirmation that it was sent. They will resend, bless them. This is the same school that last year kept sending passive-aggressive notes home about paying the snack fee (which I paid in full at the beginning of the year). I sent several notes back saying I had sent it and here’s the check number, etc. and YET. Notes. All the notes. By the end of the year, they finally stopped after I sent a screenshot of the cleared check all stamped and pretty at the beginning of the school year. Awesome.

    I did listen to the song twice because bright yellow paper on my desk claiming I didn’t do what I absolutely for sure did and also: cub scouts. I know you want to hear about this! Haha. My son is 9 and in 4th grade. Our church is discontinuing their partnership with BSA come January in favor of a new children and youth program. When the announcement was made, our small pack kicked it into high gear and was planning to have the boys all the way through the entire program (we had a couple of Webelos and a few Bears and since there were only enough boys to have one den, they have them all together). They could all earn all the things all together! Some of the boys (and parents) have lost steam, understandably, but now I’m in a fun situation: I got a text this morning stating that my son cannot receive the awards he will have earned by December because he has to be 10 and/or in 5th grade. I can see both sides: requirements are requirements, yes? But the kids who had decided they wanted to go for it have now busted their tails to get everything done in time and won’t receive anything for it. I could sign him up for a different pack in the new year, but he’s already completed all the adventures (nearly, anyway), so it feels like I will just be paying money every month for at least a half a year so he can receive the award he already earned? The other moms in the group are kind of in charge of the charter through the church and they don’t care for the program to begin with. They are dear friends and I am caught between not saying anything to avoid potentially damaging friendships, and being my kid’s mom and saying something (but what??). I’m going in for a third listen. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Alyson

    I commiserate with all of that. Ugh. 2012 is SEVEN years.

    Also, I mentioned on twitter when you shared the video and will mention again here. The gentleman in the video is a 610 stomper, which is a fantastic and ridiculous men’s dance troop in New Orleans. Should anyone want to see more of him, minus the McCartney, plus his equally ridiculous amd lovable friends, do check them out.

  8. Kara

    Our school district has a parent portal that allows parents to update the vaccination record. Because the school nurses and admins were totally swamped and things weren’t getting updated for YEARS. Yes, I realize that it does allow for parents to fake a vaccination. But I am not that type of person. They do ask to you attach a copy of the record when you update.

  9. Rachel

    My laptop died two weeks ago. I ordered a snazzy new one from the manufacturer’s website that very day and obsessively tracked it until it finally showed up yesterday. I was so happy and relieved and excited and…

    The Shift key was broken.

    Shall we talk about the hold time to get through to customer service? Or how they insisted on transfering me to talk to tech support (the key is physically stuck, people, a BIOS update is not going to magically unstick it)? Or how they disconnected the call during that transfer? Or the hold time when I called back? Or…

    Nah, let’s just watch that video again!

  10. Surely

    That video is MAGIC!

    I call B.S. on the immunizations. She made an error or something and finds it easier perhaps to blame you. I’d love to phone her on your behalf…lol…no, seriously.

    *replaying and bookmarking the video*

    1. Chris

      THIS. ^^^ His record got accidentally deleted or something. And instead of just apologizing, she is making you feel insane. UGH.

  11. Susan

    Thank you! I’m trying to collect enough “acceptable evidence” for our city, to prove that our daughter was living in our home as our tenant in 2018, and thus avoid a hefty empty home tax. But they seem to keep rejecting all the evidence I can find. The battle goes on…. The music is definitely helping :)

  12. Maree

    Any chance he has two files? Perhaps one with a misspelt name? That happened to me once. Our GP was mixing up my file (Jane Smith) with another woman (Joan Smythe). It got sorted out when I went in for my 40wk checkup and he was nearly frantic with confusion.

    I think it is very rude for her to neither 1) fix the problem herself or 2) ring you up and be completely apologetic about her mistake.

    Bah, humbug!

  13. twangy pearl

    Thank you! I am dancing. Well. I’m dancing in my head, like a wild thang.

    I empathise massively with your hassles. Modern life is just so STUPID and just TOO COMPLICATED with all these dopey systems that break down if you look at them the wrong way. MADDENING.

    Also it seems to me that the feeling of frustration never goes away. Years and years later I can get all agitated all over again if such an incident comes to mind. It’s awful. Frustration and embarrassment, the two emotions that NEVER DIEEE.

    Time for more dancing.

  14. M

    Yes to emailing the docs!!! B/c resending something via email is one of my most self righteous joys.
    I’d be pissed too right now.
    I’d also check to make sure Henry isn’t listed under a different name? Like “James/Jimmy” Thistle

  15. Allison McCaskill

    I frequently feel like I’m losing my mind scheduling crap for just two kids – I literally can’t imagine what it’s like with five. Congratulations on erring on the side of TOO MUCH teeth cleaning, because for me it definitely goes the other way. And I’m torn between being jealous that you still HAVE a school nurse and being outraged that she seems to be a totally ineffectual bonehead. Also, I can never find my kids’ immunization records, so at least you’ve got that going for you.

  16. Angela L

    Thanks for the video–I can’t stop listening to that song now, it’s great!

    As for the nurse, it makes me appreciate our school nurse who is so sweet and helpful and understanding!

  17. Maggie

    I got a new computer two weeks ago bcs ours was over 10 years old and would no longer update our firewall and I work from home 1 day a week. Long story short, it took over a week of daily emails/phone calls/attempted updates with IT to get it to work with my work system as well as my old computer did. I STG this is why I hate updating technology.

  18. Rosie

    I love this video! Brilliant. I have been listening to a lot of Frazey Ford recently – love her. You might enjoy Done – also has a great video.


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