Last-Minute Gift Ideas

I would say “We have reached the stage where I am going to just fling out ideas from my recent order forms”—but this year we reached that stage right from the very beginning. And I am going to continue this even though I hate this new updated WordPress so, so much, and it is putting every image at the very top of the document even though I deliberately place it down below, and so then I have to cut-and-paste it back where I want it. I hate it. Why is it like this.

Elizabeth mentioned she would like an Echo Dot for her room, and it was only $20 and I have ordered her one.

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In our new house we are using these as intercoms, too.

I have discussed with Rob the problem of (1) he doesn’t want anything, including cash or gift cards or charitable donations, and (2) he has to receive some presents. I have told him we are switching modes, from the previous mode where I asked him for a wish list and then used it or not depending on what other ideas I had that year, to the new mode where I will buy him things I hope he will like and/or be able to use, and if he doesn’t like them that’s fine and he can get rid of them however he wants to, just like any other adult does.

I started by buying him two Rubik’s-like puzzles, Morph’s Egg and GearCube:

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The GearCube is expected to arrive after Christmas (though I hold out hope for before), but it doesn’t matter much because his birthday is in January so I could give it to him then.

I also bought him an umbrella, because he lost the one I bought him at full-price on the very last shopping trip before he went to college, after saying again and again he did not need one and then suddenly deciding he did. So he gets a replacement umbrella for Christmas.

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I searched “umbrella” and got some sort of Amazon umbrella contest results, and this one was rated best value or some such thing.

He has a particular kind of pen he likes, so I bought him a 12-count box of those, plus a pack of these deco/colored ones (they are V5 instead of V7, but they didn’t have the cool set in V7).

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I bought decks of lenticular playing cards (mentioned in this post) for the littler kids, so I got playing cards for each of the bigger kids, too. For Rob, these manly green ones:

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For William, this secret-code card-trick deck:

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Paul asked for this particular Thor hammer:

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I don’t ask questions about tools, I just purchase them.

Here’s a book on my own wish list: A Field Guide to Awkward Silences, by Alexandra Petri.

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In 2016, when everyone was saying we needed to support good journalism by paying for subscriptions, Alexandra Petri was the main reason I chose The Washington Post. She is so funny and smart.

I was going to put Chrissy Teigen’s book Cravings on my wish list, but then it went really low ($13) and I just went ahead and bought it.

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26 thoughts on “Last-Minute Gift Ideas

  1. Misguided mommy

    Those pens in very fine are the only ones I will ever use. I should warn you, I also got that cute decorated set on amazon and it feels like they dried out fast, and didn’t work all that well. I’m kind of bummed, and I think it’s an old set that some random person is still selling, which is why they dried up. However if you kind of like pens, I did come across this the other day and ordered a bunch.

    I got gray, blue, purple, and pink. You can refine by fine point too if you like. I’m unreasonably excited for these to arrive.

  2. Suzanne

    Man I love gift lists.

    This is about the time of year where I start panic buying things because I don’t want to UNDERbuy, even though I know perfectly well I am going to cringe on actual Christmas when I see how much I have OVERbought. Sigh.

    1. BKC

      I only have one kiddo, and as a single-but-not-alone mom I often forget I’m not the sole source of her Christmas cheer. She has a (sweet, clueless) dad! She has two grandmothers! She has an uncle! I’m trying hard to be mindful this year, but I bought something else today…yikes.

    2. Angela L

      We do that too! I calculated and budgeted and ordered and even wrapped all the gifts for our three kids…and this week me and my husband are like, well what about (random game, book, or toy that they kid mentioned wanting) and so far we’ve ordered three more things that we totally didn’t need.

  3. Elle

    I know that this is only in the loosest way related to this post, but does anyone have any good recommendations for pens for left-handed people – meaning pens that don’t smudge (and preferably are available at Target)? I loved the InkJoy Gel Pens, but it’s like all of a sudden they decided to get way more smudge-y on me and now they’re unusable!!?! And I hate the skipping nature of most ball-point pens (though perhaps there are ones that are smoother than that). I just need normal pens for writing in cards, and I’ve had to throw away cards because my writing is absolutely unreadable by the time that I’m done and my anxiety can’t handle the messiness! And I can’t write just one word at a time and give it 24 hours to dry before moving onto the next word… I like to write my best friend basically letters in cards, and pencil just isn’t long-lasting.

    1. Mtbaketgirl

      I would check out the shu box blog, she is a planner enthusiast and a lefty so I think she has some good pen recommendations!

    2. Phancymama

      If you go to the jet pens website the first commenter listed above, and search “left hand” they have some left handed sampler sets with pens they recommend. At the very least maybe they have some good suggestions. Good luck!

    3. M.Amanda

      I’m a lefty and have pretty good luck with Pentel’s Energel pens. I use them at work where I need several colors for different types of writing. However, I can’t use black ink that comes in the multi-color packs, so I bring it home. Just last night my husband, a righty, complained it smudged too much. *shrug* I’m still happy with them. I get them at Office Max, though. Don’t know if they are available at Target.

  4. Blythe

    Every single thing I’ve made from that cookbook has been delicious. I keep recommending it to people and they (usually politely) scoff at the model-turned-cookbook-authoress but then they eat the delicious food I make and wonder where I got the recipe. The coconut rice is especially great.

  5. Lynn Jatania

    Swistle – I am a WordPress designer/developer in real life. If it is within your technical reach, you can go back to the original editor by installing a plugin called Classic Editor:

    Here’s how to do it:
    * on the WordPress back end, click on Plugins
    * click the Add New button at the top
    * use the search box (on the far right) to search for Classic Editor – it should be the first entry
    * click the Install button in the Classic Editor box
    * click the Activate button once it’s done installing

    Done! Everything will revert to the old style editor. Happy to do this for you if you need.

    1. Swistle Post author


      I got actually CHOKED UP to see my old familiar editor again! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  6. Gigi

    I love that you got Rob a replacement umbrella. I’ve been stumped for ideas for Man-Child this year (24 yrs old) since the “wish list” I received was exactly four items. Since then I’ve heard him mention he didn’t have a toaster…so I bought him one. The Husband, who has decided in the past few years, that he needs to be part of the Christmas present buying (what took you so long, dear?) decided that he needed an emergency kit for his car…and bought him one. I gotta say, buying necessary and “grown up” gifts are way less fun than buying for children.

  7. Phancymama

    Also, Thank You for switching modes from wish list to you-get-what-you-get gifts for Rob. My dear darling brother is on his 43rd year on this good earth and he emailed me and our mom his wish list. (Which consisted of gift cards to places so he could buy something expensive he desires.)(He is single no kids and without very good income.). Sigh.

  8. teen!

    Is Rob a generous type of giver? Like he spoils everyone but has no desires/wants.
    If so, that is tough one. I had a relative like that. So very generous, but didn’t want a thing.

    1. Swistle Post author

      He has been somewhat sporadic about gift-giving; I remember being similar at his age. Sometimes he’ll put a ton of effort and thought into a gift, other times he skips it.

  9. Ernie

    I am tempted to get the dot for my 16 year old. I feel bad because I he has very few items to open – I have scaled back this year for everyone and they have been warned! But he is opening an empty phone box, because he desperately wanted a new phone. I fear that having the dot in his room will drive his younger brother (and the rest of us) crazy. They share a room. He is also getting wireless Bluetooth beats and a flight to go to Florida with his best friend for spring break. Very few items – but pricey! Thanks for the ideas!


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