Book: Horus and the Curse of Everlasting Regret

One of my dearest friends had something exciting happen this month: Knopf published her book.

(image from

(image from

Horus and the Curse of Everlasting Regret. I think the cover art is SO CUTE.

It has been a long and very exciting wait: I remember when she got the news that the book had been chosen and it seemed like August 2016 was A MILLION YEARS AWAY and would NEVER be here. But now it is here. I went to a bookstore today, and there it was on the shelf! multiple copies of it! RIGHT ON THE SHELF WITH OTHER REAL BOOKS. IN A REAL BOOKSTORE IN MY ACTUAL TOWN.

Anyway. I recommend it. All seven of us at my house have read it. The target age is around 8-12 years, approximately grades 3-7. I don’t usually like to read juvenile fiction so I was worried I’d have to do some suffering for my friend’s sake, but actually I really liked it. It reminded me of the Harry Potter books, where you don’t really feel as if you’re reading a “kid book” per se, except in that you find yourself thinking how much you would have loved it when you were a kid.

It is a little bit of an adventure/thriller/suspense book, with exciting parts. There is good comic relief to keep things from being too tense—but they are a little tense. The mummy is a good mummy, not a scary one. And there is a darling, darling, DARLING, not-scary pet bat.

Anyway! The hardcover is on a really good price right now on Amazon, so I will buy three copies to give away. (U.S. shipping addresses only.) Leave a comment below to enter. (Or you can leave a comment below if you’re NOT entering, and just add that you’re not entering.) You can just say “Enter!” or whatever, but if you like to write a little more, it would be fun to hear who you’d be winning it for: yourself, your kids, relatives, whatever. I’ll pick three names on Friday, August 19th, at around noon Pacific time. [Winners]

126 thoughts on “Book: Horus and the Curse of Everlasting Regret

  1. Shannon

    This is so exciting!!!! Congratulations to your friend. Publication sounds like a total dream come true. (And I’m entering! Would be a great gift for one of my soon-to-be nieces.)

  2. MARY

    Enter please! Would love to give this to my 9 year old son who I am desperately trying to keep interested in reading.

  3. badger reader

    I would love to enter! I would probably read it first (like I do with all book gift purchases) and then pass along to my best friend’s 2nd grader who is a total bookworm and makes me beam with joy. So fun that you know the author and can share in all the excitement!

  4. Matti

    That is SO exciting!!
    I’d love to win, my 8 year old has read herself through a lot of our library’s selection already, so we supplement with the Salvation Army and inter-library loans, but a fresh book would be wonderful! And it sounds like it’s right up her alley, a little bit scary, funny, and cute.

  5. Robin

    How exciting for your friend (and for you vicariously)! I’m entering for my 10-year old Harry Potter fanatic daughter. I’m sure she’d love something in the same vein. And you’re totally right, the cover art is to die for. The book jumps right out at you!

  6. whitney

    It’s incredibly sweet of you to support your friend this way. I would give it to my niece who just started 6th grade… after I read it.

  7. Jenna

    This is exciting! It’s HARD to get a book published! I would love to win a copy to read with my 8 year old daughter.

  8. Amelia

    Ooh, fun! I’ll probably buy it if I don’t win :-) My son, who is almost 8, is a voracious reader and I am always ALWAYS looking for new, good books for him to read. Plus, he has two younger brothers who will read all his books in the future!

  9. Holly

    This is so cool! And youre right – the cover art is darling. I’d love to win and to read it aloud to my 8 and 6 yr old boys :)

  10. Nora Cain

    Looking for book recommendations for my nine year old who’s not that interested in HP, would love to read it with her!

  11. Sarah

    How exciting! I am totally entering–I have a couple of readers in the age group that this is recommended for. Congratulations to your friend!

  12. Wendy

    Entering for my 8 year old who I think would like a book with a nice mix of excitement and funny. And yay for your friend, that is so cool.

  13. Christy

    Oh, pick me! My son is a little young, bit we are having a hard time keeping reading interesting and I am SO sick of Lego Star Wars books.

  14. Becky

    I would love to find a good book for my nine year old son who is a good reader, enjoyed the first three Harry Potet books, but doesn’t like reading books that are, “too suspenseful”

  15. Squirrel Bait

    Congrats to your friend! I hope the book sells like hotcakes. I would like to enter; I’d give it to my smartypants niece.

  16. Donna

    I have young relatives in 4th and 5th grades who would be thrilled right down to their socks to have this book. I might have to buy two copies if I don’t win, or buy a single copy if I do.

    Thanks, Swistle!

  17. Jana

    What exciting news! I’m always looking for something my “But I hate reading!” 9 year old boy might like.

  18. Lindsey

    Entered because I need to start building my two year old’s library! (And of course I will enjoy reading it myself).

  19. Adah

    Congrats to your friend! Book launches are incredible moments in the life an author. I am going to shamelessly suggest that folks buy a copy in a real store as a celebratory gesture. Her book tour will be an important period of introducing this gem to the world and book tours are put on by hard working publicists and booksellers, the reward for which is book sales! Sincerely, Longtime Blog Reader and Bookstore Owner who will definitely be stocking this book!

  20. DrPusey

    Entering! How about if I say that I’m joining the fray to get first crack at it myself, and then to pass it on to my 8 year old nephew?

    Congrats to your friend, Swistle, and I’ll put it on the list for my next bookstore trip should I not win. Thanks for doing this.

  21. Gigi

    At first I was going to say, Not Entering, but HOORAY for your friend and YOU for sharing the love (anyone who tries to foster a love of reading in children moves to the head of the class in my book) – mainly because my son is WAY WAY past this age group.

    But then I remembered, my dear friend’s son IS in that age group, loves Harry Potter and reading and this would be a perfect gift for him. But even if I don’t win, I will probably buy this book for him anyway.

  22. Sheena

    How exciting for your friend. It is a major accomplishment to publish a book and then for it to be carried in bookstores is even more!

  23. Sharon

    That looks so cool! I read all the available “look inside” pages from Amazon and I think that I’ll really enjoy it, along with my 11- and 7- year old boys. (If I don’t win, which I don’t expect to, I may buy it for them for Christmas anyway.)

  24. Laura S

    How exciting! I’d like to enter for one of your giveaway copies for my 10yr old grand daughter. If I don’t win I will go buy one for her in a bookstore as Adah suggested above because I totally believe in brick & mortar bookstores and keeping them alive! Thanks!

  25. Ruby

    That’s so exciting! I work with kids in that age group, so I’d love a copy! (And I’d like to read it, too!)

  26. Shari

    I can’t believe there is such a thing as a darling bat. I would read the book anyway…after my 9 year old was done!

  27. Marla

    My 9 year old book worm loves the Harry Potter series so much, he’s read all seven books twice. He’s always looking for the next good book. I think he’d love to read this!

  28. Kelsey

    Oh me, me! I’m entering! We will read it and then I will put it in my library, where 688 middle schoolers will have the option to check it out!

  29. Jenn

    Oh, congratulations to your friend! The book looks great, and it is so nice you’re supporting her in this way. I would read it myself and then pass it on to my niece.

  30. Hannah

    Yay book giveaway!! I am always looking for good read aloud books for my 8 year old daughter and I to read together. We read a chapter at night before bed. I gave birth to a miniature me and we butt heads a lot during the day, so this is our chance to unwind, relax and spend quality time together. This sounds like a great one that we would both enjoy!

  31. LandZMom

    Enter! I think my soon to be 9 year old would love it as would my 6 year old. Trying to get them to love reading has been a struggle for me.

  32. Brenna

    I am always looking for books to interest the 8-almost-9 year old. I think this will make an excellent birthday gift!

  33. el-e-e

    How fun! I would love this for my 8 year old reader! We’ve made a new, no-TV-before-dinnertime rule (eek) so I can use all the help I can get. ;)

  34. Lauren

    Massive congrats to your friend! What a huge accomplishment! I’d love a copy to read myself before passing it on to a niece who I know would love it.

  35. Anne

    Entering me! Simon is a bit too young for it now, so I’ll get it for my cousin. Then I can buy another one for Simon in a few years.

  36. Teej

    Enter please. I would read it first, and then if it seemed like my 5yo could understand it, I would read chapters to him at bedtime.

  37. Jenny Grace

    I would love to win this for Gabriel. Do you think it has equal appeal to boys/girls? I find that Gabriel is getting to a reading level where the books for girls dramatically outnumber the books for boys, which is….interesting, I guess. (I guess older boys typically don’t read as much as older girls? Is that true? I know my husband doesn’t read books….)

    1. Swistle Post author

      I THINK it would: the two main characters are a boy and a girl working together, so it seems like it would work for either.

      It’s interesting about reading: I still read, but I think my brother mostly stopped around middle school age. I mean, he still reads SOME, but nowhere near like before. My two older boys still do SOME reading, but not as much as they used to, and not as much as Elizabeth.

  38. kerri

    I’m not sure if I’d save this for my son or give it to my niece and/or nephew, but either way, I’d love to read it first. :)

  39. Corinne

    Enter! This looks like something that would be DEVOURED at my house! We have voracious readers age 8 and 10, and a picky reader age 13. We are always looking for new things to read. So exciting for you and your friend!

  40. Jenn

    So fun! I love it when friends get published!
    I’m entering for my 10 & 7 year old daughters, they go through books like water :)

  41. Michelle

    How fun, congrats to your friend! I’d love to win a copy for myself to check it out before passing it on to my friends’ children.

  42. Stacie

    I have a 10-year-old kid who is not a very good reader. I mean, he READS ok, but he doesn’t really…like to read. This is a new concept to me; his siblings and I are avid readers. He’d rather be outside playing football or baseball or whatever. ANYWAY. One of the few books that I can get him to read are the Harry Potter books. Slowly and with some effort, but he seems to like the genre. I would love to have him try this book…it seems right up his alley. And at this point I would love to have Silent Reading Time not be a struggle.

  43. BSharp

    Entering with great delight. I have a soft spot for MG fiction for myself, but I also have a friend who’s a book blogger and I’d let her read it. (She’s got a backlog of things to blog about, but delightful things tend to jump the queue, and this looks as much up her alley as it does mine.)

  44. Joyce

    I’ll enter. I DO love reading YA and children’s fiction, and so does my husband. Lucky for our kids, because they get a lot of read alouds. My daughter is almost 8, and might be able to read it herself soon as well.

  45. Maureen

    Please enter me! I am a substitute teacher, and I try to bring fun books with me for the age group I’m teaching. That way if we have a free moment, I can do a read aloud.

  46. Debbie in KS

    What fun! Thank you for doing this. I’m entering for myself because I’m doing research into the geography in children’s adventure books like this and I’m always intrigued by new titles. :)

  47. DeAnna

    Entering! This is the sort of book that would get passed around in my family (As all good books do)! From myself to my parents to my grandparents to my cousin to my cousin’s 3 kids (2 girls and a boy aged 11, 9 and 7).

  48. C C Donna

    Hi Swistle,

    This is very exciting! How do I order the book on Amazon through your blog? Don’t you receive a little bit of money from Amazon if merchandise is ordered through your blog?

    No need to include me in your give-away as there are much more deserving readers who would love to win the book. I will be ordering the book right away, gifting one to my 9 year old grandson (sounds like a perfect book for his dad to read out loud to him and his 6 year old sister) and keeping the other for myself. If you can make a few cents, I’d rather order the books through your blog!

    1. Swistle Post author

      I do, yes! If you arrive at the book on Amazon through a link on my blog and then purchase the book, the few cents happens automatically. Thank you—that’s really nice of you! The few cents add up, and I like to use them for things such as this giveaway. *starts singing “The Circle of Life”*

  49. Maria

    I never *wanted* to be the kind of person who lurks on a blog for years, only to comment for the second time ever in order to enter a contest, but… here I am. This looks like a book that both my 7 year old *and* my 12 year old *and* me would love: a rare feat!

  50. Sara

    How fun! I want to enter! I typically read only nonfiction, but I’m getting So Bored of sentences that start with, “Recent studies suggest…” and this book sounds like an awesome break from pace. Thanks for doing this.

  51. Liana

    Entering for my 7 year old daughter – who is obsessed with mystery/suspense/adventure type books right now. We’ve just made it through all of the A to Z mysteries, so this would be awesome!

  52. BKC

    Congrats to your friend! I’m entering for 9 year old who finally just recently became a cheerful reader. **breathes heavy sigh of relief**

  53. Betsy

    I have a 5th grade girl and a 2nd grade boy, and I count on you OFTEN for gift recommendations for them and my nephews and nieces! I would love to win this book to read at our house and pass on to the rest of the family. Thanks.

  54. Angela/@antiangie

    We are just about to finish up Harry Potter with R and this sounds like a great next step. Congrats to your friend!

  55. Joanne

    This looks great! We are reading Harry Potter to our 8 and 7 year old and while we are reading the Goblet of Fire, she is re-reading the Prisoner of Azkaban at school, so it will be nice to mix it up!

  56. Jennifer Leslie

    Fun! I will have to check out this book whether I win a copy or hunt one down on my own. I’m new to teaching middle school, so I’m trying to build my library of age-appropriate books. Also, I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but this book’s cover is SO CUTE! Congratulations to your friend on getting published, and I look forward to reading it.

  57. British American

    That is exciting! I would love to enter. I read books to my boys, since my 8 year old has dyslexia and doesn’t like to read on his own, since it’s so tiring for him. Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. k

    Enter! I hope I’m not too late! I have two boys in this very fun reading age and it’d be fun for them to discover a new author before all their friends hee hee!


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