Shopping Trip

Such a good shopping trip today! (Fine: these things are from two separate trips. But how much accuracy do you want/need?)

A package of four brown napkins (not pictured because they looked so drab in the photo) marked down to $3, and a set of frog napkin holders marked down to $7 at Home Goods (a little steep, but it was the last box of them), for future napkin/rings giveaways:


Two oak-leaf-and-acorn flower pots, exactly what I was looking for, $3.99 each at Marshalls:


Sparkle shoes for Elizabeth, 75% off at Target—so, about $3.24/pair. Paul says if I blog about it I have to tell you how many pairs I bought. This is the photo Paul felt was misleading:


So FINE, I WILL tell you, I’M not embarrassed: twelve pairs. I don’t think that’s unreasonable, because it was four pairs in each of three sizes, and also Elizabeth wears glitter shoes almost every day, and also glitter shoes wear out kind of quickly if worn every day, and also SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT OFF which is the same as buying ONE full-price pair in each of three sizes. So in sizes 10, 11, and 12 (current size and next two sizes) I bought silver glitter, gold glitter, and red glitter, plus one more pair of shoes: matte silver in size 10, and then there was a pair of matte black and a pair of patent black and I can’t remember which one was 11 and which was 12.

Paul has this weird idea that people only need one or maybe two pairs of shoes. This is indeed the way it is with four of our children, but I explained to him that one of our children LIKES SHOES. As I was explaining this, the child in question came into the kitchen, saw the shoes, and LOST HER MIND in a very gratifying way, complete with a quavering voice and shining eyes and pinkening cheeks of emotion. I looked at Paul with a “See?” face.

On to the next thing. A pound (not the usual 12-ounce bag) of Starbucks anniversary blend, $7.99 at Home Goods (not a clearance price, but it was a kind I wanted to try, and it was at Target sale prices) (because the sale price on 12-ounce bags is $6, and this is 33% more coffee in the bag so it would cost $8 if it were the same price per ounce):


A pretty soup/salad bowl for $3.99 at Home Goods:


A pink glitter desktop memo pad, with metallic-silver-edged pages, for my desk; and a matching pencil case (not shown) for next year when Elizabeth goes to first grade, $3 each on clearance at Home Goods:


A pig spatula for $1.99 at Home Goods (I already have one, but I use it all the time so I bought another):

(Here is the rear view:)


New Leapster game for Edward, 75% off at Target:

24 thoughts on “Shopping Trip

  1. Devan

    I love that you bought a dozen pair of shoes. AND I love even MORE that Elizabeth was so sweet on them!!!
    Of course, men just don’t understand about shoes.

  2. Lisa

    I do the same stockpiling, especially with end of season clothes sales. I have bought the next size up entire seasonal wardrobes for less than $30. In fact, we are going on vacation in a few weeks to Costa Rica, and I went out to the garage this morning and pulled out all the summer wear I bought for the older two a few weeks ago for $1.17 each piece. Woot woot.

    And what girl wouldn’t get excited over a dozen pair of sparkly shoes? I still would :-) My boys each have a two pairs of shoes, but the baby girl has maryjanes in brown and black, 2 pairs of pink sneakers, a pair of white sneakers, and white fancy shoes. She will pick which shoes she wants to wear each day. Shoes are important.

  3. Superjules

    I have one pair of silver sparkle shoes and I totally hoard them and rarely wear them. I only bring them out unless it is a very special occasion like my graduation when ONLY my feet will show and you will have to LOOK AT MY FEET. Because I’m dreading the day they wear out or stop looking as FANCY. I would love to have three or four pairs so I could wear them more often. Elizabeth’s a lucky gal!

  4. Swistle

    Misguided Mommy- I found it in a whole aisle of clearance toys. The big signs said “30% off” and “50% off,” but many of the toys were marked 75% off.

  5. g~

    12 pairs of shoes for $38? How could you NOT buy them? Although I’ll bet it was amusing for other shoppers/Target checkout person to see TWELVE pairs in your cart. Teehee!

  6. lifeofadoctorswife

    The shoes thing is AWESOME. I think the First Law of Clothing Buying is that you should buy a) multiple things of something you love and b) multiples of those multiples when that thing you love is on sale. It’s just Good Shopping Sense.

  7. Heather R

    I think I need to go to Target tomorrow to stock up on those shoes! Also, I was at HomeGoods tonight looking for car/truck/train art work to hang on my son’s wall and I saw all of those pig cooking utensils and totally wanted them!

  8. momma on the run

    I adore a clearance sale, and I adore a Target clearance sale even more. This makes me wish we didn’t live more than 2 hours from anything but a stinkin’ Wal Mart! I am also very much a stocker upper. I just don’t see how it makes sense to pay full price for ANYTHING! Nice going!

  9. Mrs. Irritation

    OMG, I am running to Home Goods tomorrow for those frog napkin rings. My friend/neighbor collects frogs and these would be PERFECT for her.

    I HEART Home Goods!!!

    & while I love the sparkly Target shoes, sadly my child does not. She thinks they are too hard, sparkly or no, and will not wear them.

    Woe is me.

  10. GratefulTwinMom

    I do that same thing with my own shoes. If I find the perfect pair of boots, and I don’t buy a second pair within the season, I’ll be screwed when they wear out in a year or two and I can’t find them. Yay for Elizabeth’s super shoe wardrobe.

  11. Christina

    I just bought 3 pairs of baby shoes at Target, in sizes 3 and 4, for $3.24 and $2.24 (black “leather” mary janes, a cute pair of Skecher-looking pink mary jane tennis shoes, and a pair of brown leather mary janes with embroidered flowers. Three pairs of shoes for less than $10. Can’t go wrong. I think I need to go back and get the sparkle shoes for when she’s a little older!

  12. Suzanne

    When I was 16, I started working at Target stocking the shoe department at an ungodly hour of the morning. Every day I saved those sparkle shoes for last, because looking at them all in beautiful shiny rows made the day so much less horrible. I just imagined some day I could buy a pair for my imaginary kids. Four weeks ago I had a baby girl and I STILL can’t wait to put those shoes on her. I too will be buying them in every single color and size.

  13. StephLove

    Now this made me curious so I counted my son’s and daughter’s shoes. (I did not include boots.) He has a pair of dress shoes, a pair of sneakers and two pairs of crocs for a grand total of four pair. She has a pair of Mary Janes, a pair of leather shoes, a pair of sneakers, a pair of sneaker-Mary Jane hybrid type shoes. That makes four as well. But she also has a pair of crocs that have been lost since October but we keep expecting to turn up at any moment, sandals, and tevas. So if we count out of season and lost shoes, she has seven.

  14. ixBeths

    my daughter had the red sparkly shoes from target, and you’re right! they wear out so quickly. and what is underneath the sparkles? i swear it’s cardboard. it would have been a much NICER mother to buy her twelve pairs in different sizes on sale than to tell her we just could never buy them again. i guess.


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