Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Lighted Birch Trees and Little Heart Ornaments

The little heart ornaments I mentioned in the last post arrived today, and they are so perfect for the little lighted birch trees, and represent such EXTENSIVE research and effort to find The Right Thing, that, especially in light of yesterday’s exhortation to take Valentine’s Day action along non-romantic pathways, I am spurred to take such action.

This will be a giveaway of one set of on-sale lighted birch trees plus one set of heart-shaped ornaments that work perfectly on them, so that you will see how right I am about that combination. I will send them to you, for Valentine’s Day.

The giveaway is open to (once again apologies to everyone living outside the U.S., it’s not you it’s the U.S. postal service) people with U.S. mailing addresses. If you do not yourself have a U.S. mailing address but you KNOW someone with a U.S. mailing address you would like to give to me to send the trees/ornaments to (I can say Happy Valentine’s Day from me, or I can say it from you), you can enter. To enter, leave any comment, including, say, “<3!” or “Entering!” No need to be fresh or creative. If you find yourself tongue-tied at such a moment, as I do, you can say one thing you are doing for Valentine’s Day for someone you are not romantically involved with, including for yourself. Feel free to turn it into a little vent about how your significant other does not do anything for Valentine’s Day, if applicable. You can also leave a comment but say “but don’t enter me,” if you like to participate but you already have the trees/ornaments and so do all your friends, or you don’t have any U.S. address I can mail them to, or I guess there could be a third option but I can’t think of anything?

We will run this for let’s say three days, because Edward is home this weekend for a routine medical treatment for Crohn’s so I will not be around much until Sunday, let’s call it Monday. Sometime Monday I will draw a name, or maybe I will do it Sunday night, let’s see how I feel when I get home from bringing Edward back to college. I don’t want to miss the sale on the trees, or have the heart ornaments sell out. Well, so maybe I should do the drawing Saturday night from the hotel?? That might be fun! Why don’t we just say “Enter promptly, and we’ll see when the drawing happens! Maybe tomorrow, maybe not until Monday!” I’ll update the post when the drawing has happened, so you won’t have to wonder. [Update: I HAVE CHOSEN, and have emailed the winner.]

There will be a set of ornaments, which will be either like the color combination I actually got or the color combination I linked to when the first ones were sold out and not available (you can specify which you’d prefer, if you have a preference and if both are available at the time the contest ends! I am not actually sure which set would be BETTER now that I’ve seen the ones I ordered: the white gets a little lost in the birch/light, but I do still like the white ones):

(image from

(image from


And there will be a set of the lighted birch trees, which I decorate with my smallest Christmas ornaments at Christmas, and now with heart ornaments for Valentine’s Day, and I have plans for getting Easter ornaments for spring:

(image from

As I mentioned the last time I posted about these trees with their listing photo, I feel the photo DOES NOT AT ALL do them justice. (Is that SHOWER TILE behind them?? why are there, like, three pine cones just sitting there?) A dear friend of more than half my lifetime told me to “Order them. Trust.”—and I STILL DID NOT ORDER THEM for quite some time, because of the picture. And now that I have them in my home, if anything happened to them I would IMMEDIATELY replace them, because they are CRUCIAL to my fall/winter happiness. I have also bought them for several friends. One of my favorite things is that if you press the little button on the base TWICE, they will come on for six hours every day at that same time, shutting themselves off automatically. I like to have them come on at about 4:30.

133 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Lighted Birch Trees and Little Heart Ornaments

    1. Swistle Post author

      Ha ha, oh no! Well, perhaps it will drop back down! And I’m still in, unless they go silly-high, in which case I may issue a raincheck!

  1. Tara

    This is such a sweet giveaway — thank you, Swistle!! 💖

    P.S. Thanks for turning me on to the waffle game that you mentioned recently — I’m obsessed!

  2. Yoly

    I would love one of these ornaments! <3!
    Celebrating all the love in your life, family, friends, yourself is always important and necessary ❤️


    Entering. I am having my best friend, her sister-in-law, and their high school senior daughters over next weekend to watch the Barbie movie, I got themeach a small candy heart box with a unicorn on them.

  4. Squirrel Bait

    <3! Entering! And I hope it's fun to see Edward this weekend and it makes up for the sick Christmas break visit a little bit.

  5. Kerri

    So cute, entering!
    I bought a couple packs of sour gummy hearts for my sons for Valentine’s Day, and that’s about the extent of my efforts. From Target, online as part of a larger order, so I didn’t even need to go to the store.

  6. Aly

    Entering! Happy Valentine’s day, Swistle! I buy my husband a video game every year so that he will play that and let me read. Not very romantic, but lord does it make me happy 😆😆😆

    1. Kristen H but with an e

      I will use my entry comment to vent. 2 weeks ago a teenage girl backed up into my wonderfully reliable 2010 Rav4 in parking lot. She was moving from parked and managed to do over 5K worth of damage. Just this morning the car status updated to totaled. Waaaah! I planned on keeping it for 5 more years or so.

  7. D in Texas

    I’m celebrating by mailing a box with some candy, heart-shaped earrings, a mini cookbook and some red, white and pink candy-sprinkled chocolate covered pretzels to my sister. I’d love to win the birch trees! Thanks, Swistle, and best to Edward.

  8. kellyg

    I am not entering. Just commenting. :) Spouse and I get cards and candy for each other. I get cards and candy for the kids. When I turned the calendar to February, it hit me that I need to mail a Valentine’s gift to the college kid this year and I might need to get on that. So that’s this weekend’s plan.

  9. Deedee

    Entering! And my spouse, bless his heart, means well but ALWAYS whines “I don’t know what to get you for [insert relevant occasion here].” Like poor him with this terrible burden of having to figure it out himself. He usually comes through just fine in the end but we have to go through that annoying step every time.

    1. Rachel

      Yes! I would not prefer that you do nothing but I don’t LOVE listening to you complain about doing this socially mandated act of caring! Stop complaining about and/or asking me to HELP you love me. (i know this makes me an ungrateful shrew).

  10. Kimberly

    Entering…and now I’m reminded to order a box of See’s for the family to enjoy. I hate that they don’t include a map of the treats…my family, however, finds this charmingi and exciting! xoxo

  11. Wendy

    Thank you for such a fun giveaway! My late husband and I were not super into Valentine’s Day, other than to maybe make a heart shaped cake or order a heart shaped pizza for dinner. Since our wedding anniversary was also in Feb (today actually! 2/2/02) that kind of overshadowed Valentine’s Day.

    Now that I am widowed, I am just generally wistful in February and it never occurred to me to just treat myself for Valentine’s Day. This has very much brightened my outlook! :)

    1. Shelly

      Wendy! I know a couple that also got married on 02/02/02. At 2:00! (As my friend always said brightly, LOL.) I was in their wedding. What a fun reminder. I’m so sorry that you lost your husband. May today bring you happy memories.

  12. Jennifer

    Entering! My husband is often out of town on Valentine’s Day, and I learned years ago to just make it the day I wanted instead of lamenting his disinterest (not in me, just in the holiday). I’ve made it a fun celebration day with my kids in a “It’s a day to celebrate anyone we love” way–balloons and pink plates and sugar cookies and chocolates. It allows me to get excited about the day without relying on someone else to set the tone for the day.

  13. Jessica

    Entering! I got tickets for my husband and I to see a comedian we like, which will be a Valentine’s gift to both of us just because it happens to be the weekend after Valentine’s Day.

  14. Tori

    We never settled on which jewelry armoir/full length mirror combo to get our daughter for Christmas, so I am trying to talk my husband into ordering her one for Valentine’s. We don’t usually do much more than dinner and maybe some treats, so a Gift gift for Valentine’s day – lets just say he is not as enthusiastic as I am. I’d love to win the sweet set of trees & ornaments

  15. heidi

    I love this so much and if I do NOT win the drawing, there is a fairly good chance I will be purchasing these things anyway. I need all the help I can get in the dark, gray winter months here.

  16. KC

    I am probably going to be moving this year (*looks around at all the Stuff and panics lightly*) so that would be a third reason *BUT* I totally have a friend who would enjoy them…

    (the trees look delightful, even in the photo you say does not show them off well, and right up my alley. Just. MOVING. And not just moving, but temp moving where we will be storing part of our stuff and taking part of our stuff with and maybe hopefully clearing out the part of our stuff that is neither worth storing or moving but honestly does that ever actually happen? Maybe it will, at least partially, this time?)

  17. Nicole

    The elementary school has decided to focus on holidays other than the standard traditional US holidays and I believe this means there is no valentine exchange this year and I am exceedingly happy about that.
    Not that I hate Valentine’s Day but it is another day in the string of so much candy entering the house. I would like a break from that.

  18. Elizabeth

    My sister lives in the US, so I’m entering and will gift it to her if my comment gets picked!
    Thank you for spreading cheer, Swistle.

  19. Kim

    Entering! This Valentines Day promises to be one of the worst as my husband has filed for divorce after 25 years of marriage. But I love holidays in general and I have kids so I will still celebrate them. I already bought myself a box of chocolates, ate it, and then bought myself another one for the actual holiday. Felt like the right thing to do :)

  20. Heather

    Entering. Valentine’s Day is weird because my husband is on the music faculty at the university and they have been doing a ‘Faculty Gala’ concert on Valentine’s Day for several years, which means if I want to ‘see’ my valentine I have to get a ticket and sit by myself in the audience.

  21. Shari

    Entering! I might do heart shaped pancakes for dinner for the kids, or maybe nothing…husband is not inclined to celebrate “hallmark holidays”, sigh…

  22. Katie

    Entering, please! We tend not to make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. I mostly just get a bunch of themed candy for all of us to share. Maybe this year I’ll give each of the kids their own so we don’t have to have the inevitable “How many did you have?” discussions.

  23. Tiffanie

    Thank you for this giveaway! My birthday is the day before Valentine’s Day, so I’m already planning visits to the coffee shop up the street on both days, to get their King Cake Latte (the February special)!

  24. angela

    Entering! I am historically anti-commercial holidays of all sorts, but as a mom I feel like I must “create the magic” so I now give nice chocolates and small trinkets to the boys on Valentine’s Day. This would be lovely gifty for mama!

  25. Angela

    Entering! Valentine’s Day is my father-in-law’s birthday. My favorite story of his is when his coworker asked him if his birthday was always on Valentine’s Day.

  26. Beth

    For Valentine’s Day, I’m entering this very sweet giveaway! I love how enthusiastic you are about the things you like and recommend. It gives me joy.

  27. Birdie

    Entering! I did not really have any Valentine’s Day plans for myself or non-romantic loved ones in my life, but am taking this post as inspiration to do something! Anything!

  28. MCW

    I can attest that the lighed birch trees are delightful; they are especially nice to light up the doldrums of winter. Back in October, my daughter and I hung on the trees some colorful fall leaves made with paper and watercolors. The heart ornaments are so irresistible! Amazon is getting a little sales boost today!

  29. Lobster

    My family is coming to visit my new home in California for the first time and we’re doing a 6-way Palentine’s Day celebration! (9 ways if you count my dogs) Enter me, please! I finally have a home of my own to fill. :)

  30. BlueGlow

    I’ve been pondering ordering trees like these for ages! I would love to enter.

    My Valentine’s Day plan: I have given up on my husband ever identifying a good gift on his own, so I told him which flowers I want (a live orchid from Trader Joe’s, cheaper than roses and likely to last significantly longer), and which chocolate thing I want, and that’s it, that’s the whole plan.

  31. Maggie2

    Entering! They are perfect for this time of year – much longer lasting than chocolates.
    My kids have a Annually Requested Valentine’s Treat, pink Pocky’s (those little coated sticks). I hope they will never turn up their noses at a little traditional treat from Mom on Valentine’s day, even as adults. I am glad you mailed Rob the giant kiss.

  32. Rebecca Colbert

    Oh my goodness- I already have the birch trees in my amazon cart! But entering anyhow because more trees = more joy.

  33. red

    Entering! I’m taking my spouse – whether he likes it or not – to the local zoo’s “The Birds and The Bees” event for Vday and helping my kids make Valentines for their classes. It’s really cold and snowy here, so the red and pink color scheme is cheering.

  34. Christy


    Yesterday I ordered See’s mini heart boxes for all the staff at our law firm. Husband and I have agreed to not do anything special, but get candy and a card for each kid. Done!

  35. Sara too

    NOT entering, because 🇨🇦. And because we also are moving about 5 hours away to another province, I’m not going to buy the trees right now. But. I will next fall, because I always hate how it feels when the Christmas decorations are gone and there’s Still So Much Winter!
    They are Just Right!

  36. Sara

    My little family of four has a celebration tradition that I love. My husband gifted the kids stuffed animals on their first Valentine day as babies. Each of these ended up becoming their lovie, so we do a little birthday party for them. We play Pin the Tail on Puppah, make a small paper bag pinata, and have a cake or dessert with candles. We also exchange names just between the four of us and make a homemade Valentine for whomever we draw. And each person gets to pick one thing we have for dinner, so we’ve ended up with some crazy dinners. I always pick heart shaped ravioli from Costco. One year we had raviolis, roasted Brussels sprouts, shimmer pink jellybeans, and croutons 😆 It sounds complicated, but it’s low-key and fun.

  37. Elizabeth Richardson

    Oh this is so sweet! I love the idea of ongoing seasonal ornaments- little painted eggs at Easter! Maybe red white and blue somethings in July… tiny back to school-themed doodads in September…
    Entering <3

  38. Mary Kate

    What a wonderfully generous idea! These birch trees are currently on my Amazon wis my list and I been unsuccessful in my attempts to get nice valentine’s decorations. :)

  39. Maggie James

    Entering, but not for myself. For Jenny Levy in the hospital or even if she’s able to return home. I thought it would help brighten her days and especially her nights. I don’t know her personally, have just followed her story, so don’t have her address, but you could probably get it from Wendy, the organizer of her gofundme site. Thanks for being so thoughtful of others!

  40. Katie

    I bought my daughter an Axolotl beanie boo (it’s holding a heart!) and discovered the TY website does free shipping if you get a free membership so it was only $6 and she will be so pleased! The anticipation of gifting it is making me happy.

  41. Rachel

    Oh my goodness, this just inspired me to send a valentines box to my unpartnered people….Oh how fun! I will have to think about the timing and when to get into the target app, but yes, this is a wonderful idea!

  42. Rachael

    Entering! I just bought a stuffed goat for my teenage son for Valentine’s Day because it said “for the GOAT” on it and I thought it was funny. He will probably not agree with me.

  43. Stephanie

    I have a flocked pencil tree up year-round that I love for the glow it emits. Because of this, I haven’t been able to make myself purchase those adorable birch trees. You are so kind to do this!

  44. Melanie D

    A give-away is such a fun winter blues fighter!! <3 I’m so happy you’re still here, it’s fun to have gone through so many phases of life “together “.

  45. Lulu

    This post warms my heart. Not only the post, which is GREAT, but the string of comments bringing together this community to share their lovely ideas and experiences made me realize how not knowing what to get your SO is a common place affliction.

    This year with two littles under our belt now, I’m putting together Valentine treat baskets for both of them. The littlest will likely fling hers about so I’m planning on wrapping them both in plastic gift bags to help with this, random “microwaveable pp” baskets at our local Japanese dollar store kicked off the idea though I’m not sure how safe (or relevant) actually microwaving them would be.

    Trees definitely reasonably priced right now so tempted to get some even if we don’t win, but do also want to bring down our random stuff spend AND do more cleaning before we purchase more. If we win, the littles will get one each which will be a grand tradition as we cycle through the various holidays. The Easter one is so dear as well!


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