
The radiologist called me today and I answered the phone even though I was at work where I am not supposed to use my phone (if my supervisor had been in, I would have explained the situation after taking the call, but she was not in), and she said the sample from the breast biopsy was benign. So that is a relief, and how nice to get the news before the weekend.

In what might seem like a surprisingly fast pivot from relief/gratitude to carping/complaining, one of my co-workers has been out with Covid. She had not been wearing a mask. The co-worker who sits within a few feet of her, who also does not wear a mask at work, was today coughing steadily. Meanwhile, another of my co-workers came back to work five days after his positive test, saying it doesn’t matter that he’s still positive on rapid tests, because “those only measure antigens.” I DON’T FULLY KNOW WHAT EXACTLY AN ANTIGEN IS OR WHAT EXACTLY THE RULES ARE EITHER, BUT I DON’T WANT HIM BREATHING HIS POSITIVE BREATH NEAR ME

I feel as if I am losing my mind. I am still wearing KN95s to work, and that is NOT AT ALL COMFORTABLE TO DO in an active job, but I am doing it because it still seems to me like a very sensible thing to do. My supervisor and our library director are also wearing masks, but cloth ones, which I have been seeing FOR QUITE A WHILE NOW are no longer recommended (cloth is reportedly better than nothing, but not great at protecting against the new variants, and much less useful overall in a pandemic stage when most people are no longer masking nor distancing nor working from home nor limiting travel nor limiting the number of people in a space nor etc. etc.), and they take them off frequently to talk or eat/drink. My co-worker who used to make companionable remarks to me about how she and I were the only ones still wearing masks, has now stopped wearing a mask, because she got Long Covid, and now when she wears a mask she starts gasping and coughing and feeling like she can’t get enough air. When she stopped wearing a mask, so did the two people who work under her—even though she is a VIVID EXAMPLE OF WHY WE WANT TO DO WHAT WE CAN TO AVOID LONG COVID (THE RISKS OF WHICH MULTIPLY EACH TIME YOU ARE INFECTED). I feel increasingly embarrassed and stubborn to still be wearing one, but again: IT STILL SEEMS TO ME LIKE A VERY SENSIBLE THING TO DO.

Back to the topic of the biopsy. The biopsy site is still sore two days later, but not VERY sore—more like, I do notice it, and I try not to bump it against anything. Now and then I do a move that quickly registers as Unwise, such as pushing myself up off the floor with that arm, or snugging an armload of books against that side. I have worn a bra to bed two nights in a row, and I like that it keeps me from dragging the biopsy site against the mattress when I turn over. I haven’t had any trouble sleeping on that side, though I start out each night avoiding it. The steristrips are still on snugly, and I don’t feel inclined to remove them. I have an undramatic yellow-and-pale-purple bruise about the size of smallish cookie—an Oreo, or a Chips Ahoy.

I have been feeling a little MORTAL about this whole experience. It felt like a little test-run.

44 thoughts on “Benign

  1. Auntie G

    Best, direct subject line. Yay!

    As for masking, I know you know this, but YOU DO YOU. It is all, and also the most, you can do. You do what YOU feel best doing for YOUR situation. We will continue to be frustrated and disappointed and sympathetic with the &$:??&! !!&@&& HUMANITY of humans for quite some time. Sigh.

    Solidarity. And also BEES.

  2. Rachel

    I work in a library and most staff aren’t wearing masks but absolutely NO ONE has any negative thoughts or (God forbid) comments about those that do. I know that wasn’t the intent of your post but please don’t feel embarrassed or stubborn for making the choice to do something that protects your health and the health of the people who live with you.

  3. Slim

    Whew about the benignity, even if it does feel like a test run (although if all your runs are test + reassurance, that feels OKish. maybe?)

    I don’t know what to say about your co-workers. I only have to go into the office occasionally, and I am still masked, but my coworkers are generally not. And I had to take a plane earlier this week. The two other people in my group of seats were masked, but I don’t remember seeing anyone else who was.

  4. Jd

    Your colleague is a moron. Covid tests use antigens on the test strips to test for the presence of VIRUS. You are not testing for antigens but using manufactured antigens to test for COVID. If you test positive there is actual virus coming out of your nose. I know the tests have the word antigen on the box but lord help me, it’s been two years people.

  5. Alyson

    Oh, yay about the biopsy and WHY ARE PEOPLE?!?! About the covid coworkers?

    I generally wear a surgical mask covered by a cloth mask (and also avoid indoors but absolutely do not remove it while indoors thankyouverymuch). I think the whole “which mask is best” got really impossible to untangle at some point last year. I really liked pee your pants analogy (the if you’re both naked, non- peeing person has now been peed on. If non-pee is wearing pants, it’s better. Best is peeing person wearing pants but obviously we’ve collectively given up on THAT. )

    Anyway, I don’t buy the “cloth masks do nothing” because that was literally me for TWO YEARS. And I don’t for one second think I’ve just been lucky enough to never be exposed OR am some sort of covid-proof person. It helps. Perhaps not if you’re locked for hours in a tiny, unventilated room with someone who is seriously symptomatic. I also feel like good old American capitalism got ahold of the mask manufacturers and the retailers and all of a sudden “everything but a mask with 95 in the name is useless, but also they’re mostly fake! Hahahahaha good luck” While healthcare settings are having people REMOVE a 95 mask to put on a surgical one and ?!!????!?!!??!?$!??(;$$:8;$;$;

    But it sucks that we collectively cannot manage this one thing. One thing. Everyone just wear pants and no one will be wearing pee not from them. The blooming PRESIDENT has it because we cannot expect anyone to mask up for anyone else. It’s bananas.

    But, I am truly glad about the biopsy. We all got a little knowledge and you are fine. Yay!

    1. Karen

      We also double mask, and I am forever grateful that at least our church has a section for people who want to wear masks AND social distance, because everywhere else I’m made to feel like a pariah for wearing a mask. Honestly.

  6. yasmara

    I’m very glad it’s benign!

    My husband has covid right now (first timer! vaxed/boosted once) and he got it FROM HIS BOSS WHO DID NOT APOLOGIZE. I’m so shouty about this because it meant I canceled an expensive, long-awaited, SOLO VACATION to a friend’s wedding – one of my oldest friends on the planet.

    Husband had worn a mask while traveling to/from a large conference, but not while at the conference. Boss wore a mask…nowhere. Boss gave husband covid (very clear who/when/how).

    Anyway, wear your mask. You are right. They are wrong.

  7. liz

    I had to go to an series of corporate meetings yesterday*, and of about 300 people, I was one of maybe 7 wearing a mask. Everyone at my company is supposed to be vaxxed and boosted, but what does that even count for anymore? And I had to take the mask off to eat (see series of meetings, at least they fed us).

    We had contractors in our house today and I insisted they all wear masks, letting them know that I’m probably a vector.

    *Company is merging and there was a whole bunch of stuff we needed to know about benefits, management shifts, etc. The former owner would have done it all via Zoom. These new guys are not as cautious.

  8. sooboo

    Glad to hear it was benign!

    My husband is teaching summer session (college, in person) and masks are no longer mandatory but he requests everyone wear them. He also keeps the doors open (in 100 degree heat with the AC on) and doesn’t allow eating or drinking in class. Most students wear masks but one of the ones who doesn’t tested positive as did the woman sitting next to him also with no mask. My husband wears a KN95 and never takes it off in class. I also flew recently and the plane was stuck on the tarmac for an hour with no air flow and a flight full of unmasked (some tipsy and yelling) people. I had a KN95 and glasses on. We are up to date on boosters and wear these masks around others always and have not caught covid yet. In my experience, the good masks, worn properly, work.

  9. Karen

    Very glad to hear it was benign!

    On the other topic: it is driving me absolutely nuts that our local covid numbers are going up and STILL i rarely see people wearing masks in the grocery store. I was so glad to see the staff at my library all wearing masks (and looking very glad, too, that I was wearing one), but hardly any patrons were, because there is no county wide mask mandate.

    When I went to get my driver’s license renewed I was the only one wearing a mask in the (smallish) BMV. I took my vision test and my glasses were fogging up a bit, and the lady said, “You can take your mask off! I know it’s a personal preference.” I looked at her and said, “My husband is immunocompromised. It is NOT a personal preference.” She apologized profusely, but geez.

    Look, I get it: people are tired. They are weary of hearing about covid and being told to be careful, but goodness sakes, people, it’s like a piece of clothing. Shoes keep your feet safe from the ground, people will buy special shirts to wear at the beach to protect themselves from the sun, but they can’t wear a mask to protect from a virus that, yes, can make you very ill, or make somebody ELSE ill.

    At my husband’s workplace they have made masks mandatory and yet he says he sees the blasted interns sitting around, no masks. So annoying.

  10. Ariana

    “ I feel increasingly embarrassed and stubborn to still be wearing one, but again: IT STILL SEEMS TO ME LIKE A VERY SENSIBLE THING TO DO.”

    This is exactly, EXACTLY how I feel lately. Thank you for saying it so succinctly.

    I’m very glad for your benign results.

  11. Lee

    Happy news and happy you got it (and shared it with us, thank you) before the weekend. I like your description, “feeling MORTAL about it, like a test run.” Yes.

  12. Anon

    Yay for benign!

    Boo for covidiots. A family member had an emergency dental appt and the dentist walks in, removes her mask to “show her face” (at least she put it right back on), and explains she’s a week out from covid (so, potentially still positive/transmissible, b/c that’s what the CDC “guidelines” allow). And keep in mind, this is the *dentist* – the patient *can’t wear a mask.* So now what should have been a big family weekend has been spoiled by quarantining – because How To Figure How Risky that was????

  13. DoingMyBest

    Hurray for the best test results!

    *elbow bump* for masking. I feel so disheartened every time I go somewhere and see how few people, if there even IS anyone besides me, are wearing masks. It is a comfort to read these comments and find My People.

  14. Lori in CT

    Hooray for benign news on a Friday!! You’ve managed this so admirably, I appreciate all the explanatory info. Yay and enjoy your gin tonight!

    Your coworkers….sheesh and ugh….you just keep doing what you’re doing, it’s the right thing for you, your family, and SOCIETY. Not a popular concept these days but I’m right there with you. I feel so fortunate to work in a hospital that still requires medical-grade masks for all.

  15. Gigi

    Yay for the result AND getting them back so fast! Now, you can have a relaxed weekend.

    As to your co-workers…I just can’t, I’m so tired of the foolishness. I don’t give a flip what the CDC’s “recommendations” are regarding still testing positive. It’s common sense, if you are testing positive then, ergo you still have the virus.

    I feel you re: the masking at work. I’m still pretty much the only person on our floor who masks. Occasionally, I will see someone come in with a mask on and then later see them wandering the halls mask-less. It’s maddening.

  16. Kerry

    I went to a meeting last week, at my workplace where masks are SUPPOSED to be required again because case rates are so high here, and as soon as we sat down the most senior person in the room suggested we could all take our masks because who likes them anyways. I left mine on, which was awkward but I tell myself that as long as I am wearing a mask, no one else has to be the only one wearing a mask – which helps me feel like a kind & thoughtful person instead of a no fun judgy one. Even though no one actually asks, it helps to have the explanation in my head.

    1. Julia

      Yes! I was at a meeting where the head was like wow so nice to see you all without masks even though not all of us were and one of the senior leaders was wearing a mask which made me feel more confident wearing mine. I don’t care about being the only person 90% of the time, but the times when it’s specially called out, it’s so helpful having someone else there, unapologetic, with a mask.

  17. KC

    Hooray for benign!

    And AUGH for “still testing positive, eh, whatever” because NO. Still testing positive on PCR: yes, okay, that might just be detecting broken-down viral particles (apparently you can stay positive on a PCR for weeks or months after live virus is no longer detectable in your system?). But still testing positive on antigen rapid test: please keep that infectious material to yourself.

    And keep on with the solidarity of wearing masks, y’all. (ideally a well-fitting n95 if you can) The more people wear masks, the more other people will be comfortable wearing masks, and fewer people will get sick!

  18. Rebecca

    I assumed you would be benign and I am pleased to have my psychic powers confirmed. Yay for good news on a Friday!

    I feel like I can say this here… I actually think I prefer wearing a mask, but it’s because it renders me barely recognizable. I’m such a misanthrope.

  19. Jenny

    Good news!! My family had a bad diagnosis this week, so I’m happy to read about anyone that had a good week. :)

    And this new wave of COVID is causing a lot of anxiety. I went with friends out to dinner on Friday. On Saturday, one of them tested positive (actually didn’t test positive until Sunday, but was sick starting Friday night). We were together in a car for about an hour and in the restaurant for about an hour and then outside for another hour. One of the people with us was leaving for a twice postponed trip to Hawaii today. You can imagine how worried/nervous I was for her. I am supposed to go to a work conference in a week. Despite handling COVID pretty well over the last 2 years, they are being very stubborn with this conference (mainly b/c they will be out hotel costs). And they refuse to think about how it is likely that several people won’t be able to attend b/c it is highly likely that several will be positive.

    BUT–so far I am negative (I’m testing daily mainly out of curiosity) and my friend was negative and left today. Another couple of days and I’ll feel confident that I didn’t get it from my friend. I had read so much about how this new variant is so contagious and basically if you were in the same room as a positive person you were going to get it no matter what. But I read an article today that was less alarming—basically this new variant IS really contagious, but the vaccine and immunity from previous infections still does help. I had a very, very mild case in late January. I find this whole thing kind of fascinating in a weird way. For example, I know someone who was in a camper for a week with her husband when he had COVID and she didn’t get it. But then a few months later she got it from spending a few minutes with her son.

  20. Jenny

    So glad you got good news.

    Our kids are at summer camp, counseling younger kids, and the camp advertised itself as not accepting campers or staff who weren’t fully vaccinated. But it turns out that the camp director accepted just a *few* unvaccinated children — ones who had a “really good reason” — without telling other parents of this decision — and one of them had covid last week, and infected three staff members and another, vaccinated child. Now I am waiting to see if my son, who rode home with the second infected child (who tested positive as soon as he arrived home) will test positive, or if my daughter, who spent the week with the staff members, will. I. Am. Livid. I would not have sent my children under these conditions if I’d had the choice.

  21. Alyson

    My parents, with whom we stay in the summer, who should be under NO ILLUSIONS as to my take on COVID or my precautions or those I expect of them, have COVID. My mother’s sister visited with her husband and daughter at the tail end of their own vacation, and wouldn’t you know, one of them didn’t feel so hot while with my parents. Now all three of the houseguests have it, husband of patient zero has it. My father has a “head cold” that coincidentally developed shortly after hosting a covid positive houseguests. This is not the enraging part. I saw this coming, my children and I came home and were planning on being here a week (it’s about 1.5 hours away) regardless and will now likely stay another home week, at least.

    The enraging part is my mother, this morning, told me that my father doesn’t always wear a mask in stores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I could make it clearer. I am trusting them. This is the bare minimum, these are your ONLY GRANDCHILDREN. And you can’t be bothered to do this one, very simple thing? I was like “well, if he’s not going to wear a mask indoors, we will remain home for the rest of the summer.” (Then they go to Florida). JUST, WHAT?????

    I don’t think they understand that if my children get this from their negligence, our relationship will never recover. It’s one thing to get it after taking precautions. Another to throw them to the wind, because you can’t be bothered. We are home right now because I knew this would happen. And they’re kind of “who could have predicted?” “They say everyone will get it eventually” Yeah, that doesn’t get you off the hook for spreading it TO ME.

    1. Jenny

      EXACTLY. It’s one thing to be as careful and transparent as possible and still get it. It’s another to be careless and get it AND SPREAD IT.

  22. MCW

    I feel your rage about COVID and carelessness! My daughter was playing at the home of a neighbor kid off and on last week. She planned to sleep over night on Friday, but then came home because kid’s mom has COVID. Baffled, I texted the mom to clarify, ‘You tested positive for COVID just now?’ and she had it all week, when my daughter was playing at their house. Forehead in palm. Wouldn’t you know it… a day later my daughter comes down with a fever, runny nose and cough, 4 days before our vacation. Lots of hand-wringing, several home tests and a PCR test later, my kid is negative. We got lucky but I’m still so mad and confused. My neighbor is going through chemo and I thought their family was being cautious.

  23. Karen L

    So glad you got good news (and on the early side) about your biopsy result.

    I’m constantly shaking my head over the stupidity of humanity.

    And for the record, the POSITIVE antigen test means that one (your coworker) has enough antigens in their system to … BE INFECTIOUS TO OTHER PEOPLE. So FTLOG if one (your coworker) tests positive on a RAT they should isolate or maybe at the VERY, VERY least wear a decent mask. OMG Humanity sucks.


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