Gift Ideas for Middle-Aged Husbands

I would very much appreciate gift ideas for middle-aged husbands. Here are the ideas I have so far:

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A UGearsModels…model. He’s asked for a few of these over the years. It’s like a toy! (These are also good for teenagers who like building things.) Paul likes the ones that are sort of related to his job, so he can bring them into work and everyone geeks out over them.


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Scale spoon? Literally I got a Facebook ad for this. It is a spoon that weighs things. The reviews are…mixed. But Paul lovvvvvvvvvvvvvves our kitchen scale and is constantly weighing ingredients, so I thought this might be fun to try. I ordered it January 10th and it is still not here.


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Back-scratcher. Like, the more things he can do for himself, the better, is how I am feeling these days.


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The Happy Isles Magic Puzzle. I got this idea from Life of a Doctor’s Wife. I was partway through reading her post, and immediately departed to go order the puzzle, and then came back to read the rest of the post.


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Mega Smarties. Just HUGE Smarties. He loves these things and will buy them for over TWO UNITED STATES DOLLARS PER ROLL at a local store. I know Buy Local is theoretically better than Amazon, but also TWO DOLLARS PER ROLL COME ON.


37 thoughts on “Gift Ideas for Middle-Aged Husbands

  1. Paola Bacaro

    So tough! I struggle thinking of what to buy my husband on every occasion. My current idea is bike mittens (the ones that attach to the bike and stay there). He has been winter biking and complains that his hands are always cold no matter how wrapped up he is. But if they’re not sporty I don’t know! I’d love to hear some of these comments.

  2. Susan

    My husband loves tech-y things. But he pretty much buys whatever he wants (I cannot even count the number of boom boxes (we’ve been married a long time), music players, and headphones of every description he has bought. He is searching for the Holy Grail of headphones. For Christmas I bought him an Ember mug. It’s rechargeable and keeps his coffee or tea HOT for like 20 minutes. And it works. He keeps saying how much he likes it.
    Another very successful gift was a bird feeder that I hung right outside the window where he spends most of his time. Neither one of us thought he would get into it, ut he loves watching the birds and squirrels that come every day.

    1. Shawna

      My husband loves the cordless noise-cancelling Bose QC35 headphones I got him a couple of Christmases ago. They’re spendy, but there was a good sale and the noise cancelling is phenomenal.

  3. Bethany

    A battery storage case/organizer.

    Car wash gift card

    32 degrees brand long underwear bottoms


    Rain Gage

    … these boring gifts have been HITS with my gift averse spouse. He doesn’t spend money flippantly or else overthinks purchases.

  4. Kate

    I think all your ideas are good ideas! This Christmas my husband and I finally just told each other what we wanted, and here were some of the ideas that he sent me for him:

  5. HereWeGoAJen

    I got my husband a pen with dirt in it, from his favorite baseball field. I haven’t given it to him yet, but I think he’ll like it.

    Does he have favorite shows or fandoms? Matt has liked stickers and little signs and such from those and he puts them on his laptop or his office fridge or his car.

    If he likes Star Wars, I got Matt a glow in the dark light saber stick on thing that sticks to his windshield wiper on the back of his car so that when he washes the window, it looks like a light saber swooshing.

    He also really liked the couch arm cover thing I got that turns the couch arm into a mini table with pockets. He’s always putting things there and now it has a little table with spots for the tv remotes.

  6. Suzanne

    Yay! So glad our middle aged husbands have at least one overlapping interest 😂 (And thanks for the link!)

    In case there is additional overlap, here are a couple of recent hits:

    Footed pajama pants (the feet can come out, if necessary). (I got my husband’s pair from feejays but looks like there are many options.)

    Hands free neck light for reading in bed.

    Not sure about Paul’s facial hair tendencies, but my husband loves his beard bib (it attaches to the mirror and keeps all the little hairs out of the faucet handles, so I love it too)

    Pizza scissors (niche product but fun). We don’t own these yet, but we will. Oh, we will.

  7. K

    Head lamp? They are very popular in my house for everything from nighttime walks to reading in bed. We also have had success with windup cars (cheap but fun to have races).

    1. Kalendi

      He had one, ordered one for himself, and also put one on the list he gave me of items he wanted. Now he has three and loves them. I use one of his sometimes as well, but he always wants it back. What do you do with three of them I don’t know, but he is always wearing one.

    2. Terry

      Yes, a head lamp is a great idea! My husband bought this one for himself.
      It was so awesome, he got me one for my birthday and then we got one for my dad for Christmas. Headlamps are perfect for taking out the bins after dark or going into the attic anytime. I’ve been known to use mine cross-stitching. We use them all the time.

      A more geeky thing my husband loves is his heat-thermal camera. He loves looking at where heat is escaping from the house and taking pictures to show contractors.

  8. Alexicographer

    Hmmm. I like to buy my hubby kitchen things because I have learned he will use them. To cook. So that is good. I don’t think Paul cooks much but if there is anything he does like to cook or would enjoy … pizza stone? Smoker? Fryer (like, a turkey fryer but my hubby uses ours for fried chicken and french fries, and occasionally fish).

    I often turn to Cafepress for funny t-shirts, which are a hit in my house, but do require more planning ahead than Prime. Flannel boxers are popular here. So are alumni (i.e. alma-mater) themed items like t-shirts, sweatshirts, small coolers, coozies.

    Books? Music?

    1. Alexicographer

      Oh. My hubby recent got (for himself) a Wiha magnetizer/demagnetizer tool that he likes very much. It will e.g. make a screwdriver (anything iron/steel, I guess) magnetic so that you can use it and have fewer problems losing screws. It’s pretty inexpensive, like ~$6, so maybe more a stocking stuffer (or equivalent) than a grip, but he does use it all the time and thinks it’s very cool/handy.

      At a totally different price point (though we went with relatively cheap Ancheer brand available on Amazon and Costco also offers nicely priced options), a few years ago we got and love, love, love e-bikes. They have made an afternoon family bike outing a fun adventure, which it never was before.

  9. Janeric

    Get him three different bread machines, so he can determine which one best meets the pizza-making needs of your household.

    (This would be an excellent gift for my husband, who likes to determine the objectively correct answer to questions via extensive testing. His kitchen equipment experiments have thus far been to cast iron cooking surfaces, kitchen shears, and orange juicers, but I know that purchasing two panini makers would bring him IMMENSE joy and hours of testing, and then he could clean the losing press, put it back in its box, add some notes, and donate it.)

    1. BSharp

      I dearly love this idea.

      I’m a big fan of the slightly unjustifiable tiny luxury. Like $30 socks from Darn Tough or those $50 measuring cups from All-Clad that double as tiny pots. It’s one damn thing and many damn dollars! But…if it has a lifetime warranty and makes a tiny part of the day better, go for it.

  10. Cece

    My husband is the in-house cook so I tend to lean heavily on kitcheny-stuff. Le Creuset French press and casserole dishes, fancy German knives, instant pot, Denby dishes, coffee grinder, new wine glasses, saucepans. I mean I’m sure he’d LOVE a bigger newer TV but that’s not quite in the budget right now ;)

    But actually the biggest thing I like to get him is trips away for the two of us. With no day to day family support and two demanding jobs and two demanding kids, plus total burnout after 2 years of *this* (waves hands vaguely at the pandemic) there’s nothing he needs or wants more than a break. His birthday is in a couple of weeks and our anniversary a few days later – I’ve booked a lovely hotel in an old coaching inn for one night, and we’ll go stay with (child-free) friends for a second night. They live in a very beautiful historic UK city with a great food scene so it should be super relaxing I hope.

  11. g~

    If he likes puzzles, I enjoyed doing this escape puzzle (there are others) where you have to solve riddles and clues to solve the mystery:
    My husband is handy around the house and enjoys the classic “magnet on an extendable pole” to pick up dropped screws.
    I second Darn Tough socks or Bombas–always an indulgent treat.

  12. Anna

    The gear toy reminds me of a novelty light switch that my mom got for my husband. It’s similar to this
    (his was from Uncommon Goods and is no longer available), and has been an enduring hit. Fun to look at, fund to use, plus he gets to install it with tools in a manly way.

  13. JMV

    My hubby requested this waterproof backpack for Christmas and uses it almost daily: Earth Pak Waterproof Backpack.

    This is possible over-sharing, but hubs actually requested a manly (?) sleep shirt (ahem, dress) that harkens back to illustrations printed next to “Ma in her ‘kerchief and I in my cap.” The Vermont Country Store actually has these things:
    The model in that picture is cute, but no one can pull of sexy in a mumu for men. It seems like you haven’t been smiling as Paul enters the bedroom, so you might as well amp that up.

    1. MelissaH

      I want to thank you for the mental picture of my 6’5″ husband wearing one of these. I’m almost crying over here.

  14. Judith

    As a tool somewhat adjacent to the back scratcher, I’d suggest the back nobber, which is for pressuring trigger points on your own back and something I’ve heard good things about. I also have considered getting one myself. Back health is a thing etc.

    If Paul enjoys the wooden kinds of model kits, he may also enjoy the metal kind. They exist in all kinds of variations, including Star Wars versions:
    And others (I’ve also seen the Titanic somewhere, for example):
    Having looked this up to include here, I am now aware there is a De Lorean one that I just may have to buy for myself.

  15. Nine

    Does Paul play video games? My boyfriend refers to me as the Chief Technology Officer of our relationship because he is not tech inclined at all and relies on me to make computer/console/video game, etc. purchases. I’ve had good luck buying him older PC games on Steam/Good Old Games, and newer games on xbox. I finally broke down and bought an Oculus Quest 2 right before xmas because I was sick of everything we were playing, but then I fell in love with Cyberpunk 2077 (on xbox) over xmas so the Quest is still in pristine condition on our coffee table. It will be there until I set it up, he’s intrigued but too tech adverse to open it.

    He is also really appreciative of Very Basic Gifts that don’t feel like gifts to me, like socks and underwear. From Target. Low bar over here.

  16. Charese

    Gifts I buy for my husband (who is 50 this year):
    Nostalgic/favorite candy
    Interesting chips or snacks he would like
    We are Bob’s Burgers fans, so I will check Etsy for cute (inexpensive) handmade items. Is there a fandom that Paul is part of? I bought a hydro flask (well, the Amazon equivalent), and some vinyl stickers for it from Etsy that were a hit.
    I loathe the cologne my husband picked for himself, so I got him a sampler of various scents to try out from Target
    Are there any subscription boxes that he would enjoy? (Check cratejoy) or actual magazine subscriptions? Something like Popular Mechanics or Consumer Reports?
    Please update us, good luck gifting!

    1. Shawna

      For years I would ask my husband, completely earnestly, if he was wearing bug repellant around the house. He was extremely grumpy when he informed me each and every time that he’d put on cologne. He wore it so seldomly that I never recognized it when I smelled it.

      Fortunately he ceased wearing it a few years ago, probably tiring of my non-flattering question.

  17. Jd

    The Meater. Wireless meat thermometer that tells you via phone app meat temp, ambient temp and projects when your meat will be done with stunning accuracy. Good for grills, smokers, ovens etc.

  18. Gigi

    I second the flashlight idea. According to my husband, one can never have enough flashlights, lanterns, etc. – you know, “just in case…” (Of what? Considering how many we have we are good if the electrical grid just disappears someday.)

    I also suggest a butane type torch thing (similar link below). My husband was in charge of buying a Christmas gift for the male half of our friends and that’s what he picked out. The guy LOVES it. And I’ve got it bookmarked for my husband on the next appropriate gift giving occasion.

  19. gwen

    I don’t know if he’s into podcasts, my husband is, and I’ve had great success getting merch from the different podcasts he listens to – t-shirts, vinyl stickers, etc. If he doesn’t watch already, he might like Colin Furze. He is a totally crazy Brit that my husband and children adore.

    I also, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, am contemplating buying him a tandem sky-diving experience for his birthday. He is in such a mental rut (as I think we all are) and I think it would be a great experience for him.

  20. Jenny

    My husband, also of a certain age, absolutely adores his Meow Meow Meow shirt that you recommended. I think he is wearing it as I type, in fact. This shirt has even made me giggle when I have found it in the *dirty* laundry pile. Paid for itself, IOW. (In case anyone else is looking, it’s at, just search for “meow.”)

  21. Shawna

    Oy vey, gifts for my husband are fraught. I mean, when I start trying to figure out what he’d like I get super-annoyed: he says he wants nothing most of the time, not doesn’t want anything, but literally wants nothing. Like it would be a horrendous thing to burden him with a gift. But the kids want to get him something and I want to get him something and I know there are gifts he likes. But what? He doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, barely keeps up the yardwork in the summer (I think I ended up mowing all last summer), doesn’t have any hobbies other than watching TV and washing his car (usually when we have company coming and I want him to help clean the inside of the house), doesn’t really belong to any fandom, doesn’t particularly like art or adorning anything with any sort of design, isn’t interested in emergency preparedness items, doesn’t need any tools, isn’t into fashion and actively discourages me from even buying him socks because he doesn’t trust me to get ones he’d like.

    This is the point in my thought process where my blood starts to boil a bit. (And if I’m smart I don’t start to dwell on the fact that he’s still paying off his “dream car” so he isn’t chipping in on the basement renovation significantly, plus I’m buying the new furniture, plus I’m paying to have the entertainment centre assembled because I cringe at how angry he gets when stuff like that doesn’t go smoothly for him. But I digress…)

    But then I remember that he always welcomes cotton boxers from Old Navy or Boathouse. And the waterproof outdoor speaker I got him one year is still used frequently by everyone and wasn’t very expensive. And he will always use a gift card to his favourite restaurants to take me and possibly the kids to dinner. And he did wear the Star Wars socks I got him (ignoring his no-sock-buying-by-anyone-else-rule) until they wore out. And then I start to be a little less annoyed, because there are always options even if I can’t think of anything new to buy him.

    I also tend to buy gifts for the whole family on some occasions and have him open them if he has significantly fewer gifts to open than everyone else – like at Christmas he opened the projector I got for us all to watch outdoor movies in the summer.

  22. weirdmagnet

    I backed the Kickstarter for those Magic Puzzles – they are great. The images are so detailed you can find where the piece goes based on the image. I never had to sit there and try pieces because I had 50 basically identical pieces.

    My brothers and I have started getting my Dad things we can buy other things for at later birthdays/holidays. So we bought him a new record player, and now we have a list of albums he wants and can always buy new needles.

    He plays guitar, so fancy picks from V-picks are always an option.

    Lego makes sets for adults, and we got him the Fender guitar set for Christmas.

    We have also given lots of TV box sets.


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