
Now that the election is over and the current administration is nearly out the door, I am hoping to get back to normal coffee-drinking without my reflux panicking and thinking it should tell me we’re probably choking/dying. Early experiments are promising (two days in a row I have had a small mug of coffee with no serious ill effects), but in the meantime, would you like to recommend teas you like? Either caffeinated or not is fine: I started with all non-caffeinated ones (because sometimes it’s the caffeine causing reflux symptoms, not the coffee), but have gradually added in a large full daily mug of caffeinated tea and that works just fine—but I haven’t found a caffeinated tea I LIKE much, yet.

I want to clarify that I am ONLY talking about tea bags at this point: the whole world of infusers/strainers and loose-leaf tea and whatnot is charming and I love it but let’s save something to look forward to in case I can’t go back to coffee after all.

Obviously I should have gotten a Tea Advent Calendar this year but sadly I did not think of it.


My favorite teas so far:

(image from Target.com)

Bigelow Lemon Ginger. No caffeine. This is the one I most want to drink in the morning.


(image from Target.com)

Bigelow Lavender Chamomile. No caffeine. I don’t like the FLAVOR of this one as much as the Lemon Ginger, but I like the VIBE. I like drinking it and feeling as if I must be being soothed.


(image from Target.com)

Celestial Seasonings Peppermint. No caffeine. Peppermint can irritate reflux, which is counterintuitive for me: I think of peppermint Tums as the ultimate in soothing, but apparently not. But peppermint is GOOD for various esophagus stuff, which I also seem to have. So I drink this with caution. I like the flavor a lot. (I don’t like spearmint, in case that is springing to mind as another option. I do like wintergreen.)


(image from Target.com)

Tazo Wild Sweet Orange. No caffeine. This is sweet enough that it makes me nervous and I keep side-eyeing the nutritional information to make sure there is no sugar in it. It’s quite good, though sometimes I find it A Bit Much. (The children, mocking me: “Oh, this tea is TOO FLAVORFUL for me!”)


(image from Amazon.com) (I don’t buy six boxes at a time; I buy it at my grocery store)

Stash Licorice Spice. I’d read that licorice tea was good for reflux/acid stuff, and I thought, “But I detest licorice.” I tried it anyway—and either I do not detest licorice, or this does not taste the way I think licorice tastes, or both. Anyway, I like it and I’m on my second box of it.


(image from Target.com)

Celestial Seasonings Country Peach Passion. No caffeine. Pleasant. Not a complex flavor: just sort of…peach. I sometimes get tired of it before I’ve finished a mug of it, but I like it enough to keep it on hand.


I haven’t found a caffeinated tea I like enough to add it to this list, and would love to try some new options. I like Earl Grey pretty okay, and I thought Constant Comment was pretty okay (it’s like black tea combined with a little bit of spice and a little bit of the Wild Sweet Orange), and I am drinking a Vanilla Chai that is also okay but I thought I’d like it more than I do. The SOUND of it was so good. I probably won’t buy it again, unless I forget I’ve already tried it and think “Ooo, that sounds good!” (I think actually this has already happened once before.)

I have not yet found a green tea I like. I have tried jasmine, lemon, and ginger flavors. I am willing to try maybe one or two more kinds—especially since all the kinds I’ve tried have been Bigelow, so maybe it’s the brand and not the green.

119 thoughts on “Tea

  1. Susan

    I want to like tea, but the flavor (for me) is just not as good as coffee!! I love the Good Earth cinnamon tea (which I know has already been recommended here), and then I enjoy a good cup of chai. Black tea with a chai mix…mmmmm. I buy a pre-made spice blend from a company called Tea Source, but there are lots of chai spices out there. I mix a spoonful of the chai spice with a can of sweetened condensed milk, which makes a nice container of “Chai Goop” (I swear that’s what it’s called), and then after it sits overnight, you just stir it into your cup of brewed black tea and, voilal! Chai.


    1. Sarah

      I like Stash Moroccan Mint green tea a lot. I am also a wintergreen rather than spearmint lover…so I *think* it leans more towards wintergreen.

    1. Nicole

      I’ll second Bengal Spice! It’s herbal & caffeine free, but has the flavor of a spicy black tea and is good with cream! I will point out that I find I have to let the tea steep for a LONG time to really get the flavor to come through – like way longer than I would usually ever let a cup of tea steep. I’ll let it sit for 10-15 minutes sometimes and then stick the mug back in the microwave to warm it up a bit before I actually drink it.

    2. gwen

      This is a favorite for us as well. My mom had a lot of trouble finding it, I can only recommend Walmart (which, I hate to recommend, but in store and online they have an excellent tea selection)

      I also want to recommend Yorkshire Gold. That’s my go-to morning cup of tea.

    3. KC

      YES. This is my new favorite tea this year. That said: it gets really strong (like, one tea bag can fuel two refills of a 14oz mug strong), so maybe don’t leave the teabag in there (like I lazily do with many herbal teas that are less progressively-potent)

    4. Shawna

      Adding my vote for Bengal Spice by Celestial Seasonings here too! It’s sweet on its own so it doesn’t require sugar or milk, so it’s my go-to warm drink when I’m watching my calories/sugar. It’s a strong scent though (predominantly cinnamon and orange I think) so YMMV. Back in the beforetimes I got compliments on the scent coming from my giant mug whenever I brought it to meetings. I haven’t heard from anyone that dislikes the smell so it’s either universally appealing or someone has silently fumed through a meeting with me and I’m cheerfully oblivious.

    5. Catherine

      I clicked through to also recommend Bengal Spice! I steep for 5 minutes and add a splash or two of milk or cream – it’s good black but I like it milky. I got paranoid about how sweet it is but the internet tells me its either the roasted chicory or the roasted carob and not secret sugar.

  2. Jeanette

    I am just starting to become more interested in tea for the same acid issues. I also have been enjoying it in the evening after dinner as an alternative to wine. May I suggest the Republic of Tea? I just tried their sampler as an early Christmas gift to myself. My favorite picks were Ginger Peach (decaf) and Comfort and Joy which is a spicy apple tea that tastes like Christmas in a mug.

  3. Maree

    I like regular English breakfast brewed with two cardamom pods in the cup (lightly bruised) with half a teaspoon of sugar and milk. Very soothing. That is as exotic as I get I’m afraid otherwise it’s plain English breakfast brewed strong with milk.

  4. Cece

    I’m an English oddity in that I’m not really a big tea drinker. I mean, I like it, it’s fine. But I just don’t usually think to drink it more than a few times a month although I do go through phases of a herbal tea in the evening.

    I think you’ve already covered all of my standards – Earl Grey, peppermint, and Yorkshire tea (with milk) for a proper English cup with a cookie. But my husband is a big fan of this one: https://www.baldwins.co.uk/clipper-organic-snore-peace-chamomile-lemon-balm-and-lavender-infusion-20-teabags?gclid=Cj0KCQiA2af-BRDzARIsAIVQUOfomYPzjc9tlya_NuElgVRce4xW4OM8nUPzS2QrURw6TRnH2E_Pt6EaAvfzEALw_wcB

    I assume the specific brand might not be available but the flavour combo probably is? It’s chamomile, lemonbalm and lavender.

  5. Ashley

    I drank so much ginger tea when I was pregnant with morning sickness that the smell of it makes me nauseous now. I used to really love ginger!

    If you’re looking for a tea that’s like a treat, red rose makes presweetened tea bags in dessert flavors. I think they use stevia. It’s nice if I want something sweet after dinner.

    They also have a presweetened ice tea bags I survived on when I had gestational diabetes.

    1. Maggie

      Ah ginger tea pregnancy nausea buddy! I drank so much ginger tea when pregnant with Youngest over 11 years ago that I still can’t smell it now without feeling vaguely ill. Damn it, pregnancy…

  6. Amy

    I drink the bigelow French vanilla black tea (not the chai, just vanilla) everyday. I also really like the yogi brand “positive energy” tangerine tea. They have a “positive energy” vanilla spice that it seems like you might enjoy based on the others you talked about. Both are caffeinated though.

    1. Eileen

      Yes! to the Republic of Tea, Vanilla Almond Black Tea. Also, Ginger Peach, even though it sounds terrible to me.
      David’s Tea has one of my favorite non-caffienated teas, Forever Nuts, and you can get it in tea bags as well. Another dessert-y evening one I like is Tazo Glazed Lemon Loaf.

  7. Kelsey

    I’m not a huge tea drinker but I love Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer – I find it instantly soothing, which is probably power of suggestion, and only drink it in the evening. Another favorite is Meijer (do you have those stores) Cinnamon Spice tea. I love cinnamon but don’t care for cinnamon apple teas – this one smells like a pack of Cinnamon gum!

    1. Jen

      YES! Came here to recommend Tension Tamer. Even if it is the power of suggestion, PLEASE DO SUGGEST THAT I TAME MY TENSION WITH THIS TEA.

  8. g~

    I did not like tea until I had it in a moment of desperation in Europe. I still prefer coffee for my morning hot drink of choice. I only drink tea that I brought back from Europe because I have convinced myself that it tastes better. The reasonable side of me knows this is clearly the placebo effect; however, I leave room in my luggage for plenty of tea. I also don’t drink it often enough that I’ve exhausted my stores.
    So my point is that maybe you should stealthily show this to Elizabeth so that she can convince Paul to order some English tea from an international market store (like World Cost Plus) as I think that would make a most excellent Christmas Stocking Stuffer gift for you.

  9. Marcia

    I was never really a tea drinker (it tastes…weak? and flavored tea tastes gross to me) until my son traveled to Sri Lanka with a friend and brought back Ceylon tea. It’s unflavored, black tea and it’s delicious! Also! It can be found in US grocery stores! Total convert.

  10. shin ae

    I like Harney tea the best, and I get their Earl Grey and their peppermint at Target. I love Celestial Seasonings peppermint for nostalgia, but I love the Harney peppermint because it’s very powerful. It soothes my headaches and sinuses.

    I also order from their website. I like the Paris (one of the most popular ones), Darjeeling (delicate and a little peppery), and Russian Country (smoky) as staples for the house. The Pomegranate Oolong is good. I only like flavored green tea, and I think their Tropical green tea is good. They say the flavor is pineapple, and…I guess? It just reads as yummy to me. The other green I like is Cherry Blossom. Their Dragon Pearl Jasmine tea is a favorite for spring when it’s still chilly and damp outside. It made me think I love jasmine tea, but nope, just that particular one.

    Those teas all come in a very non-environmentally-friendly sachet option which I, unfortunately, use and appreciate.

    1. Jessemy

      I didn’t know about Harney until I read this comment. I’m the proud owner of a variety pack now. *sips jasmine tea* ahhhh

  11. EG1972

    In case you haven’t tried it – there’s straight up Orange Pekoe – which is the only ‘real’ tea in my part of the world (Maritime Canada). I drink a pot a day, which is probably not great for me but I love it and am not going to stop.

    1. Paola

      We drink plain orange pekoe too! We’re in western Canada. Would you describe it as similar to English breakfast? I think of it as standard brown tea.

    2. Maggie2

      Haha, that’s Canadian tea for sure. I go through Red Rose tea (plain orange pekoe) at a furious rate, 7-8 cups a day. Nothing flavoured tastes as good! And I choose to believe the studies that say black tea is highly recommended for its antioxidants.

  12. KD

    I dig Twinings Lavender Earl Grey and Bigelow Raspberry Royale (black tea with raspberry), but I usually add sugar or sweetener, so I don’t know if they’re as good plain. :) I feel like the sweetener brings out the flavors. (Not caffeinated: Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime, and Trader Joe’s Harvest Blend Herbal Tea.)

  13. Sarah

    This is a topic dear to my heart. At the beginning of the lockdowns in the spring my teenage daughter and I stumbled on the Adagio Communitea. You buy a monthly box and it comes with a new tea to try each day. It has given us something to look forward to and get excited for each day. It is a single pot of tea’s worth. We have been introduced to all kinds of new teas, and it has been a bonding experience for us.
    Caveat- it IS loose tea (you might be able to get it bagged). But tea strainers are cheap and there are some super cute ones you can buy.

    Site is Adagio.com and they have tons of cool teas you can even make your own blends. We have had a lot of fun with it.

  14. Liz

    We lived in England for three years and I came back to the US addicted to PG Tips or other similar “builder’s” / strong teas. It goes well with milk or a tiny bit of cream if you’re doing low carb. I still do coffee most mornings, but if my stomach is funny PG Tips with caffeine is my go-to. I drink the decaf version most nights before bed. Also , Trader Joe’s has some great teas this season including “ Winter Wake Up” and a Maple Espresso tea that is different and pretty good. Love this post, btw. I could talk tea (not spill tea like my teenager says) all day.

    1. Jenny

      Love PG Tips! Just tastes like tea to me. I drink black loose leaf tea, strong, with milk, every single morning, and my mugs just keep getting bigger.

      Flavored tea is for the evening. I like Celestial Seasonings Black Cherry, and the peach one you like, and the blueberry one, and the Tazo orange one and the passion fruit one.

  15. Carlin

    I drink Yorkshire loose with milk and honey every morning
    This afternoon I tried a new one, Stash Chocolate Mint. I like the herbal mint teas but grabbed this because it had oolong, so caffeine. I thought it was a chocolate mint plant with black tea, and was surprised how chocolaty the aroma was.
    Turns out it has cocoa in it too and it was good.

  16. Melissa

    I love Twining’s Winter Spice (only available this time of year). It’s almost like having mulled apple cider.

    Tazo’s chai is delicious.

    Have you tried brewed cacao? I can’t have coffee but I’m fine with cacao. Crio Bru makes many delicious varieties.

    1. Rebekah

      It may be a bit too advanced tea, like loose-leaf, but I also recommend brewed cacao. It’s a much lighter drink than hot chocolate, has that bitter edge like coffee, and you can just make it like cowboy coffee- boil cocoa nibs (or Crio Bru grounds) in water on the stove, strain, then sweeten/milk to taste.
      For regular bag tea, have you tried Rooibos (Roy-boss)? It’s a south/Central African plant, goes really well with fruit or chai flavors.

      1. Paola

        I was just about to recommend roiboos, I once had a strawberries and cream roiboos that was to die for but haven’t been able to find any since. Just have plain red roiboos on occasion these days, store brand usually.

  17. JMV

    “But I detest licorice.” made me think of Breathe Easy tea by Traditional Medicine. I get it on Amazon subscription for under $5.

    1. Jen LC

      Yes! The Traditional Medicinals teas are also favorites of mine. Throat Coat, Breathe Easy, and Gypsy Cold Care are all so good.

  18. Angela

    I like Tazo Zen Green tea best–and it’s also best if you don’t boil the water quite as hot. I have an electric kettle that has a button for “green tea” that’s not as boiling hot as for black tea. You could also let the water cool for a minute before adding the tea bag…it helps make the green tea not taste so bitter. I also like it with a little bit of honey but my husband likes it plain.

    My husband also likes these Lord of the Rings themed teas: http://www.hobbittea.com/product%20two.htm I find them very charming and nice too. He likes the Meadow Mint best and I like the Gandalf the Grey (It’s chamomile but doesn’t taste like chamomile to me) the best. Might make a good self-stocking stuffer?

  19. Karen L

    The only non-caffeinated tea I like is also a Celestial Seasonings: Sleepy Time Tea, sweetened with a dash honey. My only complaint is that it is weak enough that I use two bags for larger mugs.

    My usual brand of black tea was an orange pekoe Salada, which is only sold in Canada (I think), and has been hard to come by on and off for about 5 years. So now, my go-to orange pekoe brand is Yorkshire Gold, which is nice and strong and has a beautiful colour. My back-ups are Twinings English Breakfast or Twinings Earl Grey, which are a bit pricier. I drink a LOT of tea, so I do have to consider price at least a little.

    The green teas at my house don’t have English names (or even pinyin). so I’m not sure how help other than suggest that you take a chance on a small package of green tea from an Asian market or the “International Section” of your regular grocery store. It’s not an expensive experiment and maybe someone else in your house would enjoy it, even if you don’t.

    The only tea I really dislike is “chai” tea, which… I know.

    1. Karen L

      David’s Tea makes an advent calendar. Maybe for next year? Then again, I find their teas way too expensive considering how much tea I drink.

      1. Paola

        I got this one year, I found I tended to like the chocolate or caramel flavours, not the fruity ones. Unfortunately David’s closed down where I am. Perhaps online…

  20. Anna

    Ok I’m going to comment without reading anyone else’s comment (yet). I also do NOT like licorice but I do like licorice tea- it is surprisingly sweet tasting without being sweetened. in the realm of licorice-containing teas, I like Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat when I feel like I am coming down with something. After years of use, just the smell of it makes me feel taken care of. It’s kind of expensive but good to have in your personal stash.

    Celestial Seasonings Morning Thunder is amusingly named… it has a buffalo on the package. Thunderous mornin’ to ya! It is marketed as a coffee alternative, and while it does not taste at all like coffee, it has a comparatively robust flavor. Good with milk/creamer.

    1. Anne

      I am annoyed with myself for getting on to comment with such a downer message but I will take this tea conversation to make a short public service announcement on licorice tea. A woman I know was drinking a LOT to combat a cold and went into cardiac arrest while swimming. She was lucky to be at a pool with a defibrillator and was revived but does not, obviously, drink licorice tea anymore. I doubt many people would drink six cups a day and take a licorice supplement (as she did) but a doctor interviewed about her case answered “A fairly significant intake (of licorice root) can lead to high blood pressure and low potassium levels, which can lead to an increased risk of arrhythmia and fatal arrhythmias,” So…

      1. KC

        Yes, licorice is one of those “just because a little is good for you does not mean a lot is good for you” things, along with so many including with turmeric (I have a relative who is an engineer who thought the “if a little is good, a lot must be better!” thing with turmeric and took enough of a highly-concentrated supplement that he blacked out due to low blood pressure, oops, which *really* takes some doing; you cannot apparently accomplish that by eating straight turmeric). I mean: even microwave popcorn has problems if you eat six bags per day every day for years; and you can give yourself hyperkalemia if you drink 8 coconut waters in a row.

        But basically that boils down to (ha) not drinking more than a few cups of one specifically strong type of herbal tea per day and/or not doubling up on the ingredient in supplement form, without talking to a doctor beforehand. So it sounds like that’s probably already covered?

  21. Jd

    Love Lipton Terrific Turmeric. It has a whiff of orange and ginger. Bright and soothing and more interesting than what I normally get.

  22. Lemon

    In case you can’t go back to regular coffee, “Teeccino” brand “ herbal chicory coffee” in Hazelnut is quite good! No caffeine, no acid. I brew it in a regular coffee maker. I also love rooibos tea (herbal). It’s full-bodied, but never gets too sharp or acidic.

  23. Phancymama

    Tazo’s Passion tea is also quite good. The Celestial Seasonings Zinger teas are good—Lemon Zinger is my favorite. C S Mandarin Orange Spice is also a favorite. They have a Morning Thunder Tea that could replace coffee. Their holiday tea of Nutcracker Sweet is a good caffeinated tea. Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride is a good sweet (but not as sweet as Tazo Orange) tea. Celestial Seasonings also has some good sampler boxes with three or four bags of four or so varieties. I find that suites me well in variety and amount of each flavor.
    The premade Oregon Chai tea is mixed with milk and is quite good and sweet. But it is rather pricey.
    Teavana Youthberry Tea is very good and available on Amazon. They also have a peach flavor that looks interesting.
    Finally, a Tea Forte sampler (also on amazon) is quite pricey too, but they have some fantastic flavored black (caffeinated) teas. That would be a nice gift if anyone needs ideas for you.

    1. Jeanne

      I agree that the Zinger teas are good. My favorite is the Raspberry Zinger and the Lemon Zinger is a close second.

  24. rlbelle

    I like the Teavana teas Target has started carrying – they are less cost effective (more expensive AND fewer tea bags, ho ho ho), but as someone who likes to buy tea (and collect tea cups and pots) more than I actually like to drink it, I find these milder but also not as uniform in flavor as some of the less pricey brands. And I guess what I mean by that is, if it says, for example, “lavender chamomile,” I can actually taste both lavender and chamomile, neither so strong as to overwhelm the other. I find that other than peach or ginger teas, many herbal teas just have sort of generic flavors to me: “sour” or “licoricey” or “cinnamony” or “floral.” So finding something less overwhelming but with a bit of flavor distinction is nice. Anyway, here is the peach one at Target:


  25. Terry

    I recommend Numi Tea’s Rooibos Chai (herbal) and Numi Tea’s Breakfast Blend (black). Both are delicious and satisfying. I want to try more of their flavors. I also recommend drinking iced green jasmine tea the next time you eat an Asian meal. Just be careful not the get the water too hot or steep too long for green tea. I enjoy drinking Bigelow’s Constant Comment often at breakfast.

  26. Eli

    I’m a fan of Lady Grey tea, for a pretty easy to find standard pre-bagged tea variety. If you do decide to make in the sun, flavored, loose teas, you can buy your own disposable bags… Avoids having the cleanup mess of a reusable strainer.

    1. Andrea

      Lady Grey is my recommendation as well. I am primarily a chai person, but if I’m in the mood for something that’s a bit lighter and unspiced while still being a black tea, Lady Grey is nice. If you are OK with Earl Grey and gravitate toward citrus-y flavors in your non-caffeinated teas, you might be on board with that. My grocery store usually has regular and decaf versions of the Twinings bags.

    2. KC

      Yes, Lady Grey was going to be my suggestion for a caffeinated black tea, as slightly more interesting than Earl Grey but in the same general direction. Twinings Lady Grey is *finally* available in the US.

    3. prs

      fourth-ing twinings lady grey. Earl Grey, but…better. I think the various flavors are just balanced differently? It’s not any less strong, it’s just a bit different.

  27. Ang

    I don’t do coffee but do love tea! My standard day is Bigelow Earl Grey, a 2nd Earl Grey, sometimes followed by Bigelow Earl Grey Decaf. Then on to other fun things. My very favorite Other is Stash Christmas Eve, followed by Pumpkin Spice Decaf Black. I drink Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time if I need a good sleep, it really helps me.

  28. Rose

    In the before times, I hosted a ladies group and put out a selection of teas every time. The winner hands down was the Good Earth Sweet and Spicy. I don’t care for it myself, but I had to keep buying boxes of it both caffeinated and decaf for everyone else. I’m boring: I drink multiple cups of peppermint tea a day and never get tired of it.

  29. Elizabeth

    I am told that if you pick up a discounted advent calendar the day after Christmas, you can use it to countdown to the inauguration of the new president. (Just in case you really did want to try a tea advent calendar.)

  30. elembee123

    (Before I share my favorites, I should probably list a couple disclaimers which will cause most tea lovers to cringe, but when I drink tea I want to actually taste it…which means I let mine steep far longer than recommended, and I always drink mine “Bear style” with a bit of honey in it.)
    Anything from The Republic of Tea is wonderful! My personal fave is Comfort and Joy which to me tastes like Christmas in a cup! https://www.republicoftea.com/comfort-and-joy-black-tea/p/v00598/#V00598
    Since caffeine can make me jittery, I usually use one Comfort and Joy tea bag and one Cranberry Spice which is non-caffeinated https://www.republicoftea.com/cranberry-hibiscus-spice/p/v20271/#V20271 in a large mug.
    They did have an advent calendar in their latest catalog, but it looks like they’re sold out already. But that would be a nice way to get several flavors to try. They also sell samplers in small amounts, either of one flavor or a variety.

  31. lillowen

    I’m a fan of just your basic orange pekoe. My husband, however, LOVES the Stash Extra Bergamot Earl Grey. I find it tastes sort of tree-like to me (like gin) even though I think bergamot is a citrus (??) but if you enjoy that sort of flavour, he claims it is excellent.

    Stash also makes a Ginger Peach Green Tea, which I remember being very tasty, although like a previous commenter, I haven’t had ginger tea in ages due to it being forever associated in my brain with pregnancy nausea.

  32. Cara

    I’m so ready when you decide to do loose teas, because these days that’s primarily what we drink. A pot of tea on a chilly afternoon is a lovely treat that my girls love to share with me.

    But, when reflux has forced me to drink tea instead of coffee, my go to was Irish Breakfast Tea. I used just a small amount of sugar just like I do with coffee but skipped the cream.

  33. confiance

    One of my favorite teas is Lapsang souchong. If you like peaty, smokey scotch, you will like this tea. (Bonus: Makes a FABULOUS hot toddy!)

    With green teas, I find it is important to not let the tea steep too long, or it becomes bitter. I believe someone already mentioned being careful to use slightly less hot boiling water for green tea, which I have definitely found to be true.

    When I have a cold and can’t taste anything, I slice up a few pieces of ginger and let that soak in hot water for a bit and then drink it. I just want the hot water, so why waste tea bags?

  34. Mary

    For a black tea, my go-to is Irish Breakfast – it’s not flavored with anything other than the tea flavor which is nice and bright without being acidic and goes well with milk and sugar if that’s your thing. Pukka Licorice Peppermint is the favorite herbal around here – sweet so I was doing the label-reading too, and the combo is delicious. Flavored black – Harney Cinnamon is powerful and delicious and the tins are pretty. I get it at my Target. Enjoy! ☕️

  35. Alice

    Harney and Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice/Sunset. Both caf and decaf. I love them so much I started ordering the bags of loose tea directly from them—easier to compost, plus I don’t end up with so many tins floating around. (I love the tins and pour from the bags into them for day-to-day use…it’s just that at my current consumption rate, the tin situation would get out of hand.)

    I don’t like most teas and absolutely hate chamomile, but their cinnamon is amazing. And, for me, requires no sweetener or anything else to enjoy.

  36. Tiffanie

    I really like rooibos tea of any kind (although I think it’s decaf), as well as twig tea (Kukicha). Both of those are smooth not bitter, and have different enough flavors to taste interesting.

  37. LeighTX

    My in-laws used to own a health food store and one of my favorite items there was something we call “sick tea.” It’s Olbas Wellness Tea, you can buy it now on Amazon, and it’s a bit pricey but it’s just the thing for when you feel slightly under the weather and want something hot and comforting. It has a mild mint flavor and comes as little pellets in a jar, you scoop out how much you want into your hot water and it instantly dissolves. We keep it on hand just in case someone gets a stuffy nose or sore throat.

  38. Marguerite

    I am so here for this and have added a couple to my shopping list! My caffeine source/morning drink of choice is the Tazo Chai latte mixed with milk. Super sweet, I cringe at the sugar intake, but so, so yummy! My other tea preferences are for fruity or lemon teas.

  39. Amy H

    I second the comment for Harley and Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset. Hands down my favorite warm beverage alternative to coffee, and it comes in a nice tin. It is available at Target, I believe.

  40. Blythe

    I do NOT like coffee and I LOVE tea, so it is possible our tastes are not aligned. However, I find it worth noting that the BRAND of tea makes all the difference! I’m sharing my opinion, obviously, not bashing or elevating any particular tea.

    For Earl Grey (my go-to), I find that Bigelow is… fine. I won’t seek it out, but if it is the only option, I’ll drink it and be grateful for it.

    Stash is Good— that is what I buy for my 5+ cup of tea a day habit. Delish.

    Steven Smith Earl Grey (a tea maker in Portland, OR)? Be still my heart. It is such a treat. I am OBSESSED and I don’t share when I get it. Their Meadow tea (herbal) is also amazing.

    1. Lauren

      Steven Smith makes the best peppermint tea! They also have gift packs of assorted teabags which make cute stocking stuffers.

      The other flavors I’ve discovered this year that I would recommend are Bigelow Salted Caramel and Tazo Vanilla Bean Macaron. They give the impression of dessert, especially with a little milk and sweetener, which is enough to get me through a grumpy afternoon.

    2. BSharp

      Came here to say just this. I adore tea, and my childhood was scented with Bigelow and Celestial Seasonings, but if you find a tea / all tea isn’t resonating for you, it may be the brand’s fault.

      Stash is good. For me, Numi makes the best bagged tea. I hate spending money on myself, but great tea is…an experience. Numi’s chocolate puerh, bamboo Presence blend, and earl grey are AMAZING.

      When you do go for loose-leaf (a tea habit tends to go that direction), Adagio is fantastic. Adagio Cream Earl Grey is to Bigelow Earl Grey what the Queen is to her corgis.

  41. Wendy

    My very favorite tea is a large mug with one Tazo orange teabag and one peppermint teabag. It sounds weird, but it’s delightful and it brings down the strong Tazo orange in the most wonderful way.

  42. KC

    I like all the teas on your list that I have tried (although I waffle on Tazo between Wild Sweet Orange and Passion).

    My suggestions would be:

    Bengal Spice (Celestial Seasonings): if you let it steep forever, it will end up tasting like a Red Hot (inc. sweetness) and be Way Too Spicy for me personally, but you can also just get several mugs of differently-interesting tea out of it as the teabag progresses, and I like all of them. If I could currently have black tea, I would 100% try combining Bengal Spice with a solid plain black tea (probably PG tips?), but I cannot.

    Stash Mango Passionfruit: Tastes nothing like either mango or passionfruit, but is good and generically fruity.

    Tangerine Orange Zinger (Celestial Seasonings): one of my favorites; if you add a tiny bit of sugar, it tastes completely different, but both are good. Very citrusy, not very sour. (it is similar to all the other zingers, though, so if you hate zingers, probably no.)(the Stash Mango Passionfruit also has some zinger-related-ness; it’s the hibiscus)

    Twinings Lady Grey: so good; a lot like Earl Grey, but more… something.

    Market Spice tea: so good; spicy, black tea, with orange.

    Republic of Tea Ginger Peach: yum.

    There are often boxes of Assorted Teas (Stash and Celestial Seasonings especially) for the same price, approximately, as a box of one tea, which is a great way to try out more flavors. Also, Twinings Lemon Ginger is less tangy than Bigelow (the Twinings one has no hibiscus), if you would prefer that direction.

    Also, when it is safe to go to grocery stores again, I agree on “buy green tea that is mostly in a language you can’t understand in an international grocery store” – although I basically always like jasmine green tea, so I don’t know if that is trustworthy or not, since yes, you may simply not like green tea.

    The other factor is that if you *like* bitterness, it is possible to make most actual-tea teas bitter by hot over-steeping; if you do *not* like bitterness, then steeping them at about the right temperature (cooler for green teas than for black teas, if I remember correctly?) for about the right time will generally minimize that (although good luck/fat chance with Lipton unless you go for cold steeping *maybe*).

    Hooray for new teas for you! (if you have a PO box, it is quite possible that many readers like me would be interested in sending you some tea bags [the ones that come in individual packets] in cards?)

  43. Jen LC

    Oh my goodness! I have an exciting suggestion for you! Yogi Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy Tea. If you like a little orange but find Tazo too much, this is very mildly orange — enough to taste it, but not enough to taste like Gatorade. IT’S SO GOOD. And, it has caffeine, but less than coffee, so it’s a good re-entry.


    It has checked all my boxes and I’m mildly obsessed, as you may have gathered. I cut out coffee because it was making my anxiety worse. This tea doesn’t do that either, so win. :)

  44. Laura

    Tazo’s chai is the best chai I’ve tried so far. Occasional additions:
    – a pinch of Spicewalla’s Masala Chai Spice to increase the ginger-i-ness
    – sweetened condensed milk and / or evaporated milk for a touch of sweet / body

  45. Heather

    Big fan of T2 (Australian brand but you can access their US site easily) New York Breakfast Tea. Unsweetened black tea but SOMEHOW it smells of and tastes of pancakes and syrup! No idea how they do it.

  46. Eileen

    Twinings Irish Breakfast all morning. I stopped being a loose tea>>teabags snob because I have to go to work, you know? But still Twinings >> Bigelow Lemon Ginger.

    Question for those who mentioned Republic of Tea Comfort and Joy and Twinings Winter Spice, or any spiced tea…have seen a Twinings Christmas black tea? I swear I had it a few years ago. Have you had Mariage Freres Christmas tea? A friend used to bring it from France, it’s my all time fave and I’m wondering if any of these flavors are in the same vein.

  47. Liz

    When my doctor thought I had reflux, I made a concoction using Cafix (which is a non-caffeinated beverage made from roasted barley, rye, chicory, and beets), boiling water, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and sweetener. It wasn’t coffee, but it wasn’t at all bad. Quite tasty.

  48. Alexicographer

    So I drink only herbal tea. My two go-tos at present are Yogi Ginger or (better) Lemon Ginger, and — OMG I love this stuff: Egyptian Licorice. That is a sweet and soothing flavor.

    I haven’t had it recently, but I also like Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat. It sounds, well, medicinal, and I do find it vaguely helpful for a sore throat, but it is also quite tasty and refreshing. Tazo Passion is another one I used to drink a lot of — very, very sweet and fruity with no added sugar, and as many others have said, the Celestial Seasons Zingers are a good standby.

    I’m sure this will horrify many, but in pandemic times I have found that I can (a) brew a cup of tea in, you know, a cup, via a tea bag and about 2 minutes after pouring truly boiling water into same, and that I can then dunk same tea bag into a large thermos-like bottle, also full of very recently boiling water, and that by the time I’ve finished the cup, the bottle (which probably holds 1.5 liters) also has good tea in it — all from one tea bag. I can then drink that hot or over ice for about a day (if there’s any left after that I generally toss it and start again).

  49. Gianni Gardiner

    I have been really enjoying Yogi tea – I love their immune support echinacea tea, and their Honey Chai Turmeric is also delicious. We get them from a local grocery store but they are also available on amazon for a decent price. ALSO, I have discovered golden milk and while it takes just a bit more work I find it to be more satisfying than a cup of tea – 2 cups of your milk of choice (I use whatever we have – it’s most delicious with whole milk, but I will often use 1 cup of almond milk and 1 cup of coconut milk and I find that also has nice flavor); 1 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, a dash of ginger, a little bit of black pepper, and somewhere between 2 tsp – just under 1 T of honey (this depends on your sweet tooth). Stir together over the stove (some people say blend it together – I am never interested in making MORE dishes so I just use a whisk and stir vigorously at the stove). When it’s as warm as you’d like it to be, strain into a glass. It’s tasty, and it feels sufficiently healthy that I can reward myself with pound cake!

  50. prs

    Bigelow’s black chai (not vanilla, but usually decaf) with some half-and-half is my go-to “I don’t want nutritional dessert, but I want to feel like I’m having dessert”. I drink it in the evenings. Sometimes I add a bit of local honey – to help with my allergies, of course ;)

    I’m usually a coffee drinker but when I’m in a tea household in the morning, I usually go with a standard English breakfast plain black tea. I love cream in coffee but with morning tea I usually skip it.

  51. Carolyn

    The Tazo Zen green tea is the ONLY green tea I’ve ever liked (and not just like, but love! It’s delicious hot or iced). For heartburn relief, the Heartburn Relief tea from Earth Mama is targeted at pregnant women, but I’ve had it when not pregnant and found it was really soothing! And it tastes nice, too.

  52. eni

    Strong advocat for rooibois tea! Caffeine-free, very forgiving if you keep the tea bag in for hours (side glance at baby girl), soothing in case of upset tummy (even suitably for babies), tastes from good piping-hot to fridge-cold, comes in all combinations with different flavours (try vanilla for guilt free sweetness).

  53. juliloquy

    Many of my favorites have been suggested already: Bengal Spice, Tension Tamer, Lady Grey. There’s also “Morning Thunder” and the bison on the label always makes me laugh.

    My younger kid had a Celestial Seasonings tea in school last year (hippie Montessori classroom) called Sweet Coconut Thai Chai. I’ve been trying to find it w/o having to pay tons of shipping. Rarely stocked on grocery store shelves.

    My favorite green tea has lemongrass in it. It might be Tazo Zen, but it looks like that has spearmint in it, too, in case that’s a deal-breaker. Passionfruit is also yummy in green tea. Keep us posted!

  54. Lilly

    6 other people have recommended Lady Grey but it is like a more fruity Earl Grey. We drink it as our every day tea.

    The other go-to in the Motion household is Twinings no.22 dark caramel. It’s black tea with caramel flavours and I really like it.

  55. Hillary

    My favorite tea is Twinings English Afternoon tea, which I drink at all times of the day. It is caffeinated, but not super strong like some of the breakfast teas.

    I also like the Tazo Peachy Green tea, if you’re still looking for a green tea to try.

  56. Natalie

    I read this with interest and then thought “this is right up Swistle’s readers’ alleys, I bet people are all over this” and then realized there were 104 comments. LOL :)

  57. Shawna

    Decaf Earl Grey is my family’s tea of choice, both hot and iced. When I make it iced in the summer I add a few mint leaves while it’s steeping, then finish it with some simple syrup a healthy squeeze of lemon when I take the teabags out.

    One suggestion for green teas: I like strong tea but green can get very bitter very fast, so my go-to is to use enough bags/leaves to make it quite strong, quite quickly (like, under 2 minutes max) then take them out.

  58. Stephanie Mollohan

    I just started scrolling through comments and got lost! Apparently we like tea. :)

    I drink Twinings English Breakfast as an everyday tea in the morning. I also keep a box of their decaf English breakfast for afternoons, because unlike a lot of brands it still tastes like the regular version.

    My other favorites are Tazo calm (chamomile and peppermint, good for upset stomach or just general uneasy stomach such as ate too much), Republic of Teas Downton Abbey Bates Brambleberry (black caffeinated with a strong berry flavor), Republic of Teas Mango Ceylon (black, caffeine, strong fruity flavor…see a pattern?), and Twinings Christmas Tea (black caffeinated cinnamon and spice tea). One note, I drink all of my hot teas sweet, so that may skew the kinds I like.

  59. Sarah!

    Who says Advent calendars HAVE to be used in December?!?

    I think you should pointedly inform one of the male family members who are bad at gifts (particularly the older ones that have money and can Amazon) that wouldn’t it be quite nice to have a tea advent calendar to continue the festivity of the holiday season through the dreariness of January!

  60. heidi

    1st, I realize I am very late to the game here but I shall still put in my 2 cents.
    2nd, I’m not a big tea drinker (prefer coffee) but, I do like a strong black tea (Like Earl Grey).
    3rd, my one true tea that I do love is https://www.target.com/p/lipton-orange-passionfruit-jasmine-green-tea-20ct/-/A-13008293#lnk=sametab . Yes, it’s Lipton (I am not fancy). But, it is delicious and caffeinated. It is also green and jasmine which you said you don’t like but this is REALLY good.

  61. RA

    Very late comment, but my local tea shop is wonderful and offers free shipping! You can get tea loose or in bags, and I have recommended it up and down to my tea loving friends and converted them all. My favorites are all decaf: Peaceful rooibos and Orange Grapefruit. Although I do love the chai, too! Check it out: https://mrsrobinsonstea.com/


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