Grocery Store Report

I went to the grocery store today. They had something they have not had since the beginning of the pandemic: OUR REGULAR STORE-BRAND BREAD. We have been buying a different bread this entire time. It was almost eerie to see our old bread again. …Writing that out makes me realize once again that this pandemic has definitely affected our brains in a weird way.

Another thing they haven’t had since the beginning, but had again today: Hillshire Farm Lit’l Beef Franks! It caught my attention because it seemed like an odd thing to be out of.

They had yeast again, in jars, just sitting there! I already bought some, but had a hard time not buying another one anyway.

They had paper towels again! I was relieved to see them. It had been so many weeks.

They had a pretty good supply of vegetarian meat-substitutes.

The chicken looked odd. Normally they put three chicken breasts in a package; this time there were a lot of packages with just two, and in most cases one of them looked a little odd/small/dicey, and there were not many packages.

Still no spritz-bottles of any basic cleaning supply. They had some bleach and they had some bottles of Pine-Sol. The rest of that aisle is just filled with laundry detergent. No sanitizing wipes. The hand sanitizer is still some brand I’ve never seen before, and expensive.

I did not buy toilet paper; I will buy some on my next trip. I had to talk myself through it: “You actually have plenty of toilet paper. You do not need to buy toilet paper.” I regret not buying toilet paper. What if they don’t have it next time?

They were completely out of Diet Mountain Dew: no cans, no bottles. We looked online and found some at a Target about an hour away, and Paul is making the journey to fetch it. (His commute puts it only about half an hour out of his way.) Also he is going to start rationing it, AREN’T YOU, PAUL

I wonder if Ginger Lime Diet Coke is GONE-gone, or just gone because of the pandemic. I miss it. I had one single can left, and I finally drank it.

I have started buying the non-perishable things I will need for Thanksgiving, Just In Case. I bought cans of pumpkin and cans of cranberry sauce, and a package of stuffing mix. I looked for the frozen raspberries we use in a cranberry-raspberry thing I always make, but they did not have any; I put them on the list for next time. This is not the year for going on that last grocery shopping trip before Thanksgiving and finding the store is out of something.


What is your Grocery Store Report?

53 thoughts on “Grocery Store Report

  1. Jodie

    I could have written your Diet Coke comment. I was also upset about not being able to get this crock pot bbq sauce we always bought that Campbells makes. Apparently that’s been discontinued. I found out because I went to campbells webpage

  2. Shawna

    The Great Sweet ‘n Salty Kettle Corn Drought here has ended!

    Otherwise last time I was at the grocery store things were mostly back in stock, but a lot of stuff was more expensive than it used to be before the pandemic.

    I have also found that my initial enthusiasm for taking on new culinary challenges has petered out on the items I made over the summer (bread, fridge pickles, cold brew, fridge tea, curried tofu salad, tofu and veggie scrambles) but our menu is getting kind of blah and predictable again. I need new inspiration for fall dishes, especially veggie-forward ones! I should be able to find most ingredients…

    1. Anna

      Stir fry is my go to for a veggie forward dinner! …If you cook with tofu you have probably already figured this out. Imo the key seasonings for a generic Chinese style stir fry are fresh ginger, garlic and/or onion and/or green onion, soy sauce/tamari, and toasted sesame oil. Many, many vegetables will submit to this treatment.

  3. Suzanne

    I find grocery store reports endlessly fascinating.

    I too bought some pre-Thanksgiving things: canned pumpkin, which was only on ONE end-cap.

    We had store-brand frozen fruit for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. As with your toilet paper talk-down, I had to remind myself that we have PLENTY of frozen fruit, and then came home and looked in my freezer to confirm that we do, in fact, have PLENTY.

    I stocked up on some canned beans that we eat frequently, and on rice and couscous. Just in case.

    My store had LYSOL SPRAY. I bought two bottles and regret that I didn’t buy more. It’s the first time I’ve seen Lysol in the store since March, and even then all they had was a refill bottle, which I have been using even though I am constantly nervous that I’m mixing it wrong.

    Still no Hormel pepperoni, a staple in our house, although they did have Hormel TURKEY pepperoni. (My daughter won’t eat it. Sigh.)

    I didn’t check on yeast, although I don’t need any; I keep buying a three-pack of the instant yeast every time I’m in the baking aisle and I am in danger of crossing from “stocking up” into “hoarding.”

    Chicken has been weird here for months — lots of very small breasts, and very few packages in stock. It seems to have picked back up to normal levels lately, so I bought three packages last time and froze them all.

    Pancakes were back in stock, but I have a few packages in the freezer already.

  4. Melanie

    We still can’t get Fuze iced tea, my youngest’s preferred brand . Our store has been pretty reliable for meat but you can’t really get family packs. I had a long stretch where I couldn’t get diced tomatoes or tomato paste. That was awful

    1. Kalendi

      ooh yes the tomato paste/diced tomatoes and even tomato sauce was challenging. We use the no-salt added and that was even harder. Now I have stocked up and feel so much better…but I do keep my eyes on the shelves.

  5. Kate

    I also miss the Ginger Lime Diet Coke- I drank MY last can of it a few weeks ago, so you have more willpower than I. Also the Blackberry Canada Dry Ginger Ale, which I had just discovered when it went away. Diet Canada Dry (for my boyfriend) is apparently not being made anymore- I’ve checked every store within driving distance. I heard it was due to an early shortage of aspartame (due to the supply chain from China being disrupted) and then once the aspartame was back, we’re now in the aluminum shortage. We still have no regular all-purpose spray cleaners, although the bathroom cleaner section seems to be filling up a little bit. Plenty of flour now, but I did grab one of the last bags of sugar on my most recent trip, which was alarming. The frozen potato section, fries, tots, hash browns, all brands, was pretty much empty and I don’t think frozen fruit has ever been fully stocked since the beginning. I’m noticing more and more too that even when something *seems* fully stocked, it lacks variety. The wall of Pop-Tarts is still a wall of Pop-Tarts, but where previously there would be 6-7 different flavors, now there is just two.

  6. Liz

    Our grocery stores have been out of rye bread and ramen (no space even on the shelf for the rye bread, always sold out of the ramen and only shelf space for one flavor), and have had everything else, although not in their usual myriad options.

    Whole chickens no longer have giblets inside (which is fine with me). Chicken livers were hard to find, but they finally got them back in (different brand, more expensive, but I’ve got my chopped liver made and extras frozen and my usual anemic crankiness is on the decline).

    Half and half goes in and out of availability.

    The produce section is very odd. Absolutely fewer options, most of which are packaged weirdly. Buying prebagged produce is definitely riskier in terms of how much of it is bruised or outright spoiled when you get it home.

  7. Jenny

    You’re comment about how this has affected our brain is right on. Whenever I see video of people close together with no masks on, I’m confused. And I’m starting to believe this will never get back to normal. I found name brand paper towels finally but no toilet cleaner. I’m looking forward one day to not wondering what cleaning supplies I’ll find. Remember when target would set up a section of multipacks of Lysol wipes, paper towels, cleaning sprays and other things. I think I’ll be that section out when it’s back.

    1. Jenny

      I saw the movie Lady Bird last week (which I just loved and highly recommend) and it was full of high school students kissing and sharing drinks and cigarettes and crowding into cars and doing sports and drama. It was so odd. I was torn between feeling like they were being so! irresponsible! and feeling so tender towards these quaint naive old-timey people who didn’t understand how things worked.

  8. Joanne Kehoe

    I go once a week, I used to go on Tuesday mornings and now that I’m back at school I go Monday afternoons after work. I have noticed the chicken thing too, I had to buy two packages which was about one chicken breast too many, for the recipe I was making. I found some Cherry Coke Zero this week for the first time in months, what is UP with the soda thing? If they can make stupid old boring Diet Coke in cans, why can’t they make Vanilla Coke Zero? We have had toilet paper and paper goods for a long time, like normal but there are still never any wipes. We are starting to run low at school, it’s such a pain. Like, where are they? Why can’t they make more? Are there never going to be wipes on sale at Costco ever again? So weird.

    1. Misty

      I just found vanilla Coke Zero for the first time , but I haven’t been able find Sprite Zero or the orange vanilla and cherry vanilla Coke Zero flavors.

  9. LeighTX

    I read this morning (although I don’t remember where, sorry) that we should prepare for more shortages as people stock up for holiday baking, etc. The article also mentioned that aluminum is at a premium right now so that might explain why there were NO cans of Diet Coke at Target yesterday. :(

  10. Tessie

    I hadn’t thought to grab some Thanksgiving stuff, but that’s a good idea. I’ll probably buy a frozen turkey as soon as they put those out. Definitely not feeling a last minute, week-of-Thanksgiving grocery trip this year.

    Paper towels are STILL relatively scare here, though I see that I can add some to my monthly Amazon Subscription order. I hate using Amazon for stuff like that since, besides the Evil Corporation thing, you end up with a HUGE, wasteful cardboard box. Bah.

    Agreed with Suzanne on the Hormel pepperoni-when I see it, I buy 2 since it keeps forever (thx preservatives). Also, Roasted Garlic Triscuits (pepperoni & cheese on Triscuits is Ava’s favorite snack).

    I’m starting to implement your idea of buying holiday gift cards each time I’m at the store, too (new post idea-what are we doing for teacher gifts this year, esp if we don’t SEE teachers in person??) Basically I’m trying to avoid ANY last minute shopping close to the holidays this year.

    1. Shawna

      I’m not sure if this works everywhere, but the teachers’ school email addresses can be used to send electronic gift cards here. I did this for end-of-year teacher gifts at the end of last year.

    2. Laura S

      Long before Pandemic Times I set up a lot of bulky items on Amazon subscription. When I get my paper towels and toilet paper it almost always comes in it’s original box with a delivery sticker affixed right to it. Very occasionally it’s put in an outer box but usually not.
      I have paper towels, toilet paper, cat litter, cat food, gallon size shampoo & conditioner, laundry soap and several other things set up on subscriptions which allows me to shop in bulk without having to do any of the heavy lifting. It also turned out to be quite fortunate because I got a case of tp and a case of paper towels delivered 3-4 days before everything locked down.

  11. Lisa Ann

    It’s so interesting that there’s still such a wide array of items not available in one place, but no problems in another place. For example: lysol-type wipes. After the initial shortages, I’ve had no problem finding them in any iteration (one container, multi pack, purse sized) at local stores & national chains.

    There’s definitely a fine line, which I’m straddling, between hoarding and stocking up. I used to tease my mother for doing it, now who has 6 jars of Peanut Butter in her pantry???

  12. kellyg

    I’ll be going to the grocery store this afternoon but I wanted to comment on the last couple of weeks of shopping. The big store had disinfecting wipes 3 weeks ago and I grabbed 2. Those are now completely gone again. My husband grabbed a 5 pack of wipes from Sam’s Club in the same week. I don’t know if they are now out of them again. Sam’s was out of their store brand of paper towel so he got Bounty. Back to the big grocery store, they were very low on Ramen products. Just a few flavors and brands. The rest of the shelf space was taken up by cartons of chicken broth. Cherry Coke Zero and Rice Pilaf flavored Rice a Roni are my 2 anxiety producing hit or miss items. My husband can deal with the lack of Cherry Coke Zero. If we can’t get 2 liters, he can grab 20oz. bottles when he’s out. But the Rice Pilaf is one of the few foods my son eats. I’ve been grabbing 4-6 boxes each week to keep a 2-3 week supply on hand. Fortunately the smaller store had the Rice Pilaf. But I’m thinking I might start picking up more boxes just to make sure we don’t get caught without any.

    Anyway, I’ll give an update later after I shop. I’ll try to take better note of things. And I’m sure y’all will be waiting breathlessly until I get back. :)

  13. Alice

    I haven’t actually been inside the grocery store since March or April, I think. I’ve been doing groceries for pickup for normal groceries and physically entering Costco 1x/month for prescriptions/coffee/certain canned goods/toilet paper.

    For the regular grocery store:
    *There isn’t a lot of online transparency when it comes to what’s actually in the store. I think the online system doesn’t show their actual inventory so much as it shows what they wish they had or usually intend to have. There are things that they’ve showed as available for months but which have been rejected/subbed every time they’ve been requested.
    *Produce availability and quality is weird and questionable, not sure how much is related to what’s available and how much is to me not picking out my own.
    * Canned soda dips in and out of available. Decaf diet coke has not been available for awhile, caffeinated is sometimes and sometimes not.
    * Preferred ice cream over the summer was sometimes available, sometimes not
    * Preferred chips, ditto
    *Requested canned beans seem to need to be subbed at least half the time. Same type of bean, different brand
    *Dried beans have seemed available lately
    *Preferred rice pasta brand/type has been surprisingly available
    *Condiments have been up and down– and what I ordered usually turned out to be smaller than I expected
    * Canned pumpkin started being subbed about 1 month ago, first for brand and now also size.
    * Udi’s GF bread had a spate of being absolutely shredded inside, which was particularly obnoxious given what they charge for such little loaves– it was not usable for sandwiches at all. My own gf bread baking has not been successful; I need to revisit it

    I put frozen turkey breasts on the list for this week in the hopes that I’ll actually get them and have them for Thanksgiving. We do a crock pot turkey breast thing when we do our small-family at-home Thanksgiving, and I’m concerned that what I’m used to using will not be as available as we get closer to then–since there will likely be more small Thanksgivings this year. I’m a little concerned that I’ve left it too late, in fact. I thought about buying cranberries, but am concerned that they’d go bad– they’ll go on the list in a couple of weeks. Baking stuff for the next 2 months, I already have– I was buying extra GF flour over the summer. I’m planning to order more from Target in the next few weeks in the hopes of being supplied through the new year. (Target has my preferred GF flour brand for a cheaper per-oz price than the regular grocery store.)

    For Costco:
    * I bought toilet paper last month so that we have a decent backup supply. They had quite a lot and no rationing
    * I was able to buy a salmon thing we like in the smallest size package I’ve seen there– good for us, because the usual smallest size is about 1/3 too big… but perhaps a sign of supply issues
    * Canned tomatoes were available, as were pasta sauces
    * Regular coke was available, but not diet and not diet decaf
    * Could not find the canned beans or oatmeal I was expecting to find, not sure if that’s a supply issue or Costco being Costco– even pre-pandemic, I found it was better to go with loose categories of things to seek but with no expectation of actually finding it all

    1. Swistle Post author

      I would be very interested in hearing more about your crockpot turkey, if you are willing! Normally my parents cook the turkey, but we’re not getting together for Thanksgiving this year, so I need to come up with something—and I don’t want to make a whole turkey when we’re a family that eats mostly the side dishes.

      1. Alice

        A little late to the reply, but–I don’t have a consistent recipe I use yet. I usually find something on the internet that looks good and go with that. This year it’s probably going to be this one:, only with using vegetable stock instead of chicken stock. Mostly because the pandemic has gotten me to start making my own vegetable stock and I might as well use what I have instead of buying a box at the store.

        I prefer doing a slow cooker turkey over over the full turkey experience because we’re a smaller family and it lets me not have to mess around with the turkey too much. Plus it leaves more oven space for roasting vegetables.

    2. Shawna

      Another vote for deets on the crockpot turkey! Our Thanksgiving is over, but it looks like I might need this info for Christmas!

  14. Kate Mo

    I discovered this week my normal Publix has been out of canned pumpkin purée since August. The shelf stocker boy couldn’t explain it, he just shrugged. They had dozens of large and small cans at the Target right down the road. The mind boggles.

  15. Lee

    I had several weeks in early October when pumpkin puree was just NOT available here (GA) or in my Mom’s home state (FL). So weird. I finally was able to buy 2 cans, but had to reeeeeeach back onto the bottom shelf for them, hiding. I’ve used one. Trying to decide if I’ll save the other until Thanksgiving or….?

    Inexplicably, McCormick is experiencing a shortage of Chili seasoning mix (the packet). It is NOWHERE. And we each chili at least every other week.

    Still no wipes here either. And not much yeast. Most everything else seems normal to me but I admit I’ve stopped looking carefully.

  16. Slim

    One of the hardest things for me is that I don’t always remember where I used to buy things, so I don’t know if places are out or if it’s something I used to buy at a different store, and I don’t go to that store any longer.

    In other news, I broke down and ordered some socially responsible Halloween candy (for the past few years, I haven’t given out chocolate because fair trade is so expensive and I couldn’t handle giving the privileged kids in my neighborhood chocolate harvested by child labor, but my kids told me we were the Bad House now, with our stupid Rice Krispy treats and Welch’s Fruit Snax, so I caved). And now everyone in my town is announcing that they are letting their kids trick or treat, so that’s this month’s failure, I guess.

    1. KC

      This is one of the times that I rejoice in not having extra-privileged kids locally, because our neighborhood kids are thrilled to get a generic-brand nutrigrain bar (either that, or they’re really good at acting?), because, likewise, I can’t deal with slave-labor chocolate. (I mean: there are tons of other candy options that are simply not chocolate, but I have a limited sugar capacity and do not want my “all male relatives one generation older are diabetic” husband eating pounds of leftover pixy stix and Nerds, and the food bank is annually happy to receive the after-Halloween generic nutrigrain bars we have left over when we have any left over, so! It works tidily. But man. What kind of kids do you have around that aren’t thrilled to bits over getting fruit snacks? I thought all kids wanted more fruit snacks [and stickers].)

      1. Slim

        Between the kids and the parents, whose comments about school closings and teachers I see on a discussion board, I am having to work overtime to love my neighbor.

  17. Julia

    I love the smell of Pine-Sol, but I have come to associate it with the pandemic because it’s the only cleaning product I can consistently find. I am well stocked up on it now. Also, there is no flavor of diet coke that I love better than ginger lime. I have one 12 pack left from when I found it at Target earlier in the summer. My backup is to squirt lime juice into my diet coke and honestly, it’s very good. I never really tasted the ginger anyway and I can add a LOT of lime if I want to.

  18. katie

    I have a hard time telling what is out due to pandemic and what is out due to sales/season. Generally we haven’t had any problems getting most things the last few months (in the PNW at a major non-specialty grocer) except this week:
    – no sweet potatoes at all
    – no black, white, kidney beans, BUT I think this was due to a mega store sale
    – very limited spray cleaners

    Otherwise we have been fortunate to not feel like our access to anything is restricted. I also have been perhaps overly optimistic that post-election access won’t change much in our region so I haven’t stocked up on anything. however, I am childless and realize that is an immense privilege. Maybe I’ll stock up this weekend.

  19. rlbelle

    Except for a quick trip to Target to buy lunch-type snacks the day my kids went back to school on our hybrid plan, I haven’t been in a store in over two weeks, so can’t remember what the shelves looked like. But. I have discovered that at least some of my supply chain concerns are actually a result of the time that I shop (I mean, obviously, if things are gone by the afternoon that in normal times are there all day, we still have supply chain issues, but it’s no longer “these AREN’T AVAILABLE, OMG” and now “THESE SELL OUT QUICKLY, GO EARLY.) Anyway, I walked into Costco on my last trip, immediately encountered a palette of five-pack Clorox disinfectant wipes and completely froze, assuming that the employee in the middle of stocking them was about to tell me he had to open the packages before I could take just one. Instead, he just gave me the price, as if price was why I was hesitating (oh, hohoho, as if I pay attention to price for anything anymore), and I walked away with my wipes feeling like I’d found a diamond in a parking lot. And then felt guilty for being lucky enough to get a package. But I had gotten to the store within 20 minutes of it opening that day. Likewise, when I went to Target after dropping my kids at school, fully 2 to 3 hours before I normally make it to Target, they ALSO had Clorox wipes on the shelf (I restrained myself from panic buying more). So now I feel like everything I knew about what is and isn’t in stock is wrong.

    1. Lisa Ann

      Timing is everything. Conversely, I’ve found if I go too early (right when store opens) they haven’t always re-stocked shelves. My sweet spot is about an hour after they open.

  20. Anna

    In my part of TX, foodstuffs have been pretty consistently in stock after the initial panic shopping. What hasn’t come back is cleaning supplies- my favorite multipurpose cleaning spray (Lemi Shine) has been out for ages, wipes come and go, and they have even resorted to displaying EMPTY spray bottles in that section.

    I ordered our turkey, and bought frozen pearl onions, because last year I couldn’t find them and it was sad. This year we may not have other things, but we will have pearl onions, dammit.

  21. R

    I’ve been trying to get canned pumpkin for my last couple of grocery orders (I do curbside pickup), and they keep either subbing sweet potato or not giving me anything. At first I just wanted it for a baking recipe, but now I’m starting to worry about Thanksgiving. Appreciate your canned pumpkin, people!

  22. Kara

    I am still waiting for Macintosh apples to appear in my store. Usually they’re in stock by now, and so far no dice. Also, no bags of fresh cranberries. I wonder if it’s The Pandemic or if it’s just a late Thanksgiving? I cleaned out our extra freezer and I’m hoping to start stockpiling chicken breasts, and ground beef. JUST IN CASE. Because this whole uptick right before winter is starting to seem like A THING.

  23. Carla Hinkle

    The weird little shortages are so odd…this week my store was out of reduced sodium soy sauce (but had plenty of regular) and pinto beans (although plenty of other types). Last week I got a big 5 pack of Lysol wipes at Costco and they had Bounty paper towels but no Kirkland (which are the BEST).

    I just read a few days ago that Coca Cola is getting rid of some side flavors…I hope your favorite won’t be a casualty!!

  24. Nicole MacPherson

    The last few weeks have been pretty normal; no shortages to speak of. A lady on my facebook put up a panicked post about all the shortages we have been having! No onion flakes or rolled oats! Panic at the disco! But I saw both of those things in huge quantities at Costco, and then later when I was at the grocery store, I looked and there they were. Oh! Wait. There is something – canning supplies. It is impossible to get canning supplies here right now which is not a huge thing, but interesting. So many people “putting up” for winter, I guess.

    1. Jenny

      My grocery store took down all the canning supplies at the end of summer and replaced them with other stuff. I don’t know why! People still can things in the fall! I wonder if they still have supplies at the hardware store or whatnot.

      1. kellyg

        My store did the same thing to make room for the next seasonal thing. I think if I looked in the small appliances/pots and pans section, I can find a small selection of canning supplies. I live in Michigan and if your kid loses their mittens in March, forget about it. The bathing suits have arrived, even though we almost always have snow on the ground through the first week of April. As soon as they have cleared out the Christmas stuff, in comes the garden, grilling and pool supplies. Because who isn’t buying grass seed and pool chemicals in February in Michigan? Do Floridians get stuck with sweaters and winter coats in September when they probably still need shorts and sandals?

        1. Shawna

          In fact, yes! And I know because my kids needed bathing suits when we went to Florida in October one year and of course there were none here in Canada but I figured Florida was always hot so surely they’d have bathing suits year round right? Wrong! It took us trips to 4 different stores to find one suit for each kid! The stores were full of things like mitts and winter jackets!

  25. StephLove

    The one thing that’s been consistently hard to find is vegetarian sausage links. The patties are usually there and bacon (though not last week) but the links are hardly ever there.

  26. kellyg

    I’m back with another update. Still out of Rice Pilaf Rice a Roni. There were probably a third of the flavors they usually have. Ramen noodles seem to be coming back. 2 guys were stocking the ramen shelf with actual ramen. There was still a good amount of shelf space with cartons of chicken stock but maybe they will be moved to make room for the ramen. Canned vegetables and tomatoes were back to their usual levels. There were small canisters of both store brand and lysol wipes. No lysol spray but there was store brand disinfecting spray. I wanted frozen peas/carrots mix but nada. This was the second week they didn’t have them. The rest of the frozen veggies seemed to be at their normal levels so I don’t know why there wasn’t any peas/carrots. Still no cherry coke zero. The baking aisle seems to be close to normal. I don’t do much baking so I don’t go down that aisle that often. OH! Paper towel. Most of the paper towel/toilet paper aisle was filled with small single rolls of an off brand paper towel. It wasn’t even the store brand. There were a handful of Bounty multipacks left. Then the toilet paper was mostly small packs of Cottenelle. I did see a handful of our preferred brand multipacks. That made me anxious about tp and paper towel supplies again.

    That was all at the big grocery store. Hopefully the small grocery store will have Rice Pilaf and Cherry Coke Zero. And Stax. But I’m pretty sure the lack of regular Stax chips is due to being in a college town and not necessarily a supply issue.

  27. Karen Palmer

    I am posting this here because I know you all understand DITHER!
    I have been needing mesh bags to wash masks and socks (so I can remove easily to hang dry) I kept looking for them to “appear” in the laundry aisles (as they did magically once, but only 2 very small bags).
    SO I just now Ordered them from Amazon! I just DID it! One large and one medium microfiber with YKK zippers. Sounds sturdy!
    Yay for Decision! ( I almost bought 2 sets – decided to see first set before doubling down.)

  28. Laura

    No Diet Dr. Pepper and still no Clorox wipes. Where have they all gone? Meat is in completely different packaging now. Paper towels were low. No thermometers at all. I’m in the hottest of hot spots, and although many things were not open when we had low disease activity, things are opening because… Covid fatigue? But then, businesses are closing almost daily because staff is out sick or quarantining. It seems like so many people are sick now. Every trip out feels like venturing into a terrible virus blizzard.

  29. Maggie

    I’m extremely late to this, but am commenting just because it was so weird. Went to the grocery store yesterday and they were completely out of Oregano: none in the bulk aisle, none in jars, none to be had anywhere. They were almost entirely out of tomato paste and beans but those have been off and on this entire time. The Oregano really threw me.


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