Book: The Future of Another Timeline

One of the many things I do at my new library job is put the plastic protective covers on new books. I like to read the book flaps as I’m covering, and that’s how I found this book:

(image from

The Future of Another Timeline, by Annalee Newitz.

Assuming our own future turns out reasonable, which I do not assume, I think it won’t be long before this book is part of a college literature class on books written as a result of the 2016 election and all the accompanying madness. I felt similarly when reading The Power, by Naomi Alderman. Fiction gives us an interesting way to look back at what the issues of the time were, and the fears, and the hopes, and the revenge fantasies.

This is a time-travel book. One group of travelers, The Daughters of Harriet, is attempting to prevent an outcome in the future of their own timeline, where women don’t have the right to vote and are powerless non-citizens used only for breeding and service. Another group of travelers, called Comstockers, are working on preserving that future and also breaking the time-travel devices so that their edits to history can never be undone. It’s a suspenseful race.

I found the sections about the time-travel machines and how they worked to be dull, but I know there are other people who love that stuff. I skimmed those sections, and skipped to the more riveting flashbacks of the story of teenagers Lizzy, Heather, Soonjin, and Beth, and their connection to our current-time grown-woman protagonist Tess.

The underlying message of the book is that no one person can change history; only vast group efforts can change our timeline. It’s not subtle, and it’s invigorating. To use the cliche, it’s a parable for our times. Also, there are some similarly invigorating revenge scenes where terrible men get what’s coming to them.

I’m adding this book to my list of Gift Ideas for Pissed-Off Progressive Women.

8 thoughts on “Book: The Future of Another Timeline

  1. Monica

    I LOVED The Power, so I am going to go pick up this time travel book right now. Reactions to 2016 are the balm to my burning anger and hopelessness. Also Elizabeth Warren.

    Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Gigi

    Did I miss the post about you having a job at the library? I would LOVE a job at the library. This sounds interesting – adding it to my list.

  3. Sarah

    I was wondering how you are settling into your new house? I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had an update.

  4. Allison McCaskill

    I pre-ordered this and have added it to much the same kind of list of people to buy for. I loved it only slightly less than I thought I would. I actually loved the descriptions of how the time machines worked, maybe because I am addicted to time travel books and this was one of the most inventive and unique descriptions I’ve come across.


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