
I made a couple of tweaks to the fundraiser options. The size 5 skirts are gone. I made the six-postcard subscription into a twelve-postcard subscription (I’d sent out the first installment of postcards and was already itching to send out the next batch, which cued me that every-other-monthly was too skimpy) and moved the six-postcard subscription to the international options. Also, I investigated and found that my top favorite bee earrings (the ones I have been wearing almost every day, bordering on obsessively) are sold by an Etsy seller who will ship internationally for a reasonable price, so I added those as another international option. Also, I found a bee ornament (I’m going to use mine as a Christmas tree ornament, but it was sold with wind chimes and decorative gardening supplies and those rear-view-mirror crystal danglers, so it could be a suncatcher or a very wee wall-hanging or a rear-view-mirror decoration or whatever), and put that in as an alternate option for the Bee Twins: you can do ornament/sticker instead of earrings/sticker (if you signed up for earrings/sticker but want to switch to ornament/sticker, it’s not too late).

If you signed up for the bee earrings/sticker, I have ordered the stickers and they have arrived, and I have ordered the earrings but they have not yet arrived, so don’t worry that you haven’t received yours yet. Napkins, skirts, pottery, and baby name books ordered so far have been shipped out, except for one set of napkins on my kitchen counter that will likely go out tomorrow. There were more napkin requests than I expected (SO PLEASING), and we are starting to run low (SO PLEASING), but we still have at least three sets left. (One of the sets pictured below has been claimed.) William and Elizabeth and I were working on combinations last night, and they think that any further sets would be TOO hodgepodge—but, while appreciating their artistic sensibilities, I disagree that “too hodgepodge” is a thing, and I think I can get at least two more sets out of what’s left—though I admit I’d be tempted to go buy some more napkins to freshen the selection up a bit. Which I would love to have the excuse to do.

pictures of assortments of cloth napkins

I have an extremely pleasing spreadsheet of future greeting cards / care packages / treat packages / Christmas books / wall calendars to send out. I can’t tell you how heart-in-throat sentimental/exhilarating/fun I am finding this. It gives me purpose and hope and things to look forward to.

We are now at $4903.41. It would be so exciting to hit $5000, but even if we DON’T, I feel as if we BASICALLY did. Like, if we stopped at $4903.41, and I were telling someone else about it, I would feel comfortable rounding to $5000. And LOTS of you were able to get matching funds from an employer, and I did not count those in the total but I TOTALLY COUNT THEM IN MY HEART.

I have started shopping for the care packages, which is so fun. I just love it. When I placed my latest Penzey’s order (THE UNEXPECTED SPICES OF THE RESISTANCE) I bought some extras. I am also keeping the care packages in mind every time I buy any indulgence for myself: what’s good for a Swistle is good for a Swistle care package! An interesting care package request concept I hadn’t thought of: someone asked me to send a care package to their college-freshman nephew this fall. I plan to make packages for college-junior Rob and college-freshman William at the same time, so I can get good deals on larger quantities of Kraft Easy Mac and Clif Z-bars and mug cakes and microwave popcorn and Altoids and string lights and temporary tattoos and novelty socks.

Several people donated and said they did not need prizes. I said so already in the individual emailed replies, but I want to say publicly too that if you change your mind and want the prize, I stand ready and eager to add you to the list. Like if you have A Day and you feel as if having treats coming to you at some later date would be bolstering, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME. I would love to add you to the spreadsheet of hope and purpose.

18 thoughts on “Fulfillment

  1. Jenny

    You have no idea how great all of this is. It is an inspired idea which I never would have thought of. And when the news gets depressing (as it seems like it always is now), I think of all of the people who have donated and of YOU for giving all of us a treat. It gives me hope and the whole thing makes me tear up.

    I signed up for the postcards and you sent a Panda one and the tagline is “Mail a Panda-The most convenient way to send your loved ones an authentic giant panda-As it has become increasingly difficult to clear airport security with a standard panda.” That last line CRACKS me up and has made me smile every time I look at it. (partially because I DO want a giant panda! ;) )

  2. Phancy

    Oh this is so pleasing! Also—I get the Penzey spice emails and am so enamored by their positions, but I have never actually ordered spices from them and would love to know your take.

    1. Swistle Post author

      Oh! I like them! But! I should say that I am not someone who can tell much difference between one cinnamon/pepper and another cinnamon/pepper. So I’m hoping someone who is particular about spices will see this and weigh in.

      [Edited to add: I got a jar of their Szechuan Pepper Salt with my last order and I LOVE IT. I said I couldn’t tell much difference between one pepper and another but apparently I was wrong. I am ordering several more jars to put into care packages! Also, my sister-in-law says the Ozark seasoning is great in eggs.]

  3. Meredith

    I think that you SHOULD count the matching donations! After all, those donations would not have been made by employers BUT FOR you inspiring their employees to donate! Even without those included, that is a VERY IMPRESSIVE amount you have drummed up. What an excellent idea.

  4. RA

    Thank you for the reminder! I kept meaning and meaning to do this, but now with the nudge, I will take care of it. GO, SWISTLE!!! I am so glad that you are doing this in a way that you really enjoy AND it is benefiting a cause you support. WIN WIN WIN!

  5. Lauren

    This post reminded me of a spin on a care package that I’ve given to friends when they were going through a rough time. I filled a cute box with a bunch of little individually wrapped gifts so that whenever they had one of Those Days and really needed something happy they could unwrap a present. I used a mix of treats (chocolate, fancy chapstick) and silly stuff (laser finger pointers, wind up toys).

    I’ve gotten such good feedback from people with new babies or going through chemo. It let them decide when they needed a little extra love in their day.

    Now off to donate because this fundraiser makes MY day every time I read about it!

  6. Alice

    You know, i was one of those “I will donate but don’t need you to send me anything” people, except I’m now reconsidering solely based on how happy this is making YOU :-D

  7. Melissa

    Penzey’s! We are lucky enough to have a Penzey’s store nearby and we absolutely love it. My husband, the cook, says that their spice blends are better than any others (and my cupboards attest to his willingness to try all of them). The packaging is also so fun and if you’re on their email list or follow them on Facebook, they come out with deals every couple of weeks which are a true bargain. (Of course we go to the store to take advantage of the giveaway/cheap items and spend a paycheck buying everything else. Perhaps we should look into mail order.)

    1. Slim

      I like going to the store and deciding which things to buy because I like smelling stuff. Tung Hing cinnamon, baby!

      And the people who work there are lovely.

  8. Molly

    Spice snob here and I LOVE Penzey’s. I think. I own just about one of everything they make. They always have free ones and it totally works because it gets me hooked on the most random things (shallot pepper! Sandwich sprinkle!). They’re super high quality and make everything taste better.


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