Phone Case Options

My current cell phone broke (everything works except it can’t make or receive calls, which as far as I’m concerned means there is an argument to be made for keeping it exactly as it is, “Oh sorry, my phone doesn’t take calls, you’ll have to text me!!”), so I am getting a new one. I was sad that this meant choosing a new phone case: I LOVE my old case and don’t want to change.

Then it turned out my current case is in fact available for the new phone shape, and I had unexpected feelings of disappointment. Apparently I was GLAD to be choosing a different phone case, but had kept that a secret EVEN FROM MYSELF.

Here is my old/current phone case, the one I claimed to wish I could buy again for the new phone:

(image from

Main downside: shipping from far away, so that it won’t arrive until mid-May/mid-June. Main upside: I love it enduringly, and as it wears out the damage just looks like a deliberate part of the vintage-y design.

Here is another case I was considering before I learned I could have what I supposedly wished for:

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VERY DIFFERENT than what I had. I like the colors. I worry the white stripe would soon look grubby.

Or what about this option:

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But maybe I’m only drawn to these bright springy colors because it’s spring. Perhaps in fall/winter I will wish for something a little less exuberant. Here’s a warm, dignified candidate:

(image from

Upside: I like the look of it, and I think it’s a nice non-embarrassing case to bring out in front of other people. Downside: is the clasp decorated with a spider web? Also, the leathery stuff looks like it might crack along the back cover with use. Also, this seems a little TOO subdued/professional for me. I don’t think it goes with my jeans and hoodie and Converse sneakers.

Possible compromise: it’s available in pink.

(image from

Or I could embrace the whimsy entirely:

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(I think this option and the previous option both lose something by being shown next to each other: each pink makes the other pink look less good.) Upside: PINK. FLAMINGOS. Downside: It commits to a very specific concept. I’m not THAT into flamingos.

Similarly, though less whimsically: peacock.

(image from

I like the colors, I like the look of a peacock—but I’m not so into peacocks that it makes sense as a design I’d deliberately choose for my phone case.

I love the color of this one, but not the weird brown leaf clasp:

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Like, the case is SPRING LEAF GREEN. So then there should not be an AUTUMN BROWN LEAF on it. Brown branch, sure. Pink tulip, even better. Brown leaf, no.

I like how bright and fresh this one is, but worry again that it’s the joys of spring whispering in my ear:

(image from

This one seems almost a little too on the nose:

(image from

Like, that’s the one someone could safely buy me as a gift and know it wouldn’t be wrong. It feels a little boring to me, as if I’ve already had that case and got tired of it. Maybe it would be better in brown or grey.

This pink glittery one calls out to my heart:

(image from

(There’s also a RAINBOW GLITTER version.) The same 8-year-old me who spent birthday money on a shiny pink velour shirt is the me who wants this case. But I would feel less confident bringing this out in front of acquaintances. I know, I know, one should BE ONESELF! But I have many aspects of self, and might prefer to have this particular aspect less on regular public display. Like I’m imagining it at Paul’s office Christmas party. Hm.

I had a case similar to this one for a previous phone:

(image from

It was a bit of an assault on the eyes in the photo, but considerably less so in person, and it was one of my enduring favorites. I can’t tell if this would be the same, or if it would actually be that bright (it looks cranked-up to me, color-wise). This option would be less bright:

(image from

Or maybe I should just get the vintage-y hot air balloons again.

I COULD get more than one, but I’ve learned that what I do then is keep the first one I put on my phone, and never change it, and the others sit in a drawer unused.

I’m kind of hoping you guys will be all OPINIONATED about it. You know how sometimes hearing someone else’s opinion can solidify your own, either because you’re glad to hear them say nice things about a particular one or else you get the impulse to disagree? That’s what I’m hoping will happen.

39 thoughts on “Phone Case Options

  1. Celeste

    They’re cheap enough that you could keep a subdued one with your party purse and swap it out then. If it was me I’d go for total sparkle for parties, but if you’ve more of a basic black aesthetic where party accessories are concerned, I’d totally understand that.

    I think you feel done with the balloons. I liked the big pink blossom most, and I don’t feel it’s too seasonal. The tree is charming to me, but I liked it in the ivory color.

    1. Sarah

      I agree with this. Love the pink blossom. Why would you NOT want the feeling of spring all year? It will be a reminder that spring is possible in the depths of winter when it feels like you will never feel the warmth again.

  2. Ruby

    Are you SURE you’re committed to a new phone? Because I’ve had a phone that can’t make calls for the past year and a half (moved to a foreign country, got an international phone plan that allows texting and data but no calling, figured I’d switch to a different number/plan after a month or so, never got around to it) and it’s been GREAT to have an excuse to tell people not to call me. Although, my phone still CAN make calls if I really need to; it’s just expensive.

    My current phone case is see-through with metallic gold birds and polka dots, and I love it. My actual phone is a lighter shade of gold, so the birds show up nicely but still match. It was an impulse buy at the airport–it’s a brand I love that’s usually too expensive for my budget (Cath Kidston), but this one was on a good sale.

    I love the hot air balloons, but I totally understand wanting to have the fun of choosing! My favorites are the colorful stripy one, either of the fake-embossed-leather ones (I’d choose the burgundy for myself, but the pink seems more like your style), and the blue/teal/green paisley-ish one.

    1. Ruby

      Ooooh, idea! I know you only want one phone case, but hear me out: what if you got one in a new style, and another with the hot air balloon design you already have? If you end up not liking the new one, you can switch to the hot air balloon one right away, OR, if you do like the new one, you can put the hot air balloon one away as a backup in case the other one gets dirty or breaks.

      I used to have a phone case that I LOVED and had for about four years–when my phone was stolen, I was nearly as upset about the case as I was about the phone! (I was able to replace both the phone and the case, thankfully.) Anyway, when they were about to discontinue the design, I bought a backup on clearance JUST IN CASE, and I’m glad I did because the case did start looking a bit banged up after awhile. (The same thing eventually happened to the backup case, which is why I now have the bird case.) (In case you’re wondering, it was robin’s egg blue with pink flowers. I think the brand was Sonix.)

      1. rlbelle

        I fully endorse the idea of getting a new style AND the hot air balloon as a backup in case you end up not liking the new one. (FWIW, I adore the hot air balloon case – I wouldn’t be able to easily give that up either!) I recently ordered a new cover for my kindle – there was nothing wrong with the old one, but the new design caught my eye and I needed to fill a shipping requirement, so after a couple of months in my cart, I got it. It sat around for another month while I tried to decide which cover I liked better, but I finally made the switch right before a road trip. I now look at the old cover next to my desk and can’t imagine going back to it. It feels dated, like hearing a song on the radio that I used to love in college. But I never would have known I’d feel this way without trying out the new cover. And if I’d ended up not having this feeling – if instead, the old cover kept calling to me and the new one gave me a weird, dissatisfied feeling, I could have easily switched back and saved the new cover for when it’s time finally came. (Or, more practically in your situation, maybe you could keep the old cover (for the old phone) in a place where you see it often while you test drive a new one?)

        Of the new options, my favorites are the peacock, which I think looks enough like art that it doesn’t necessarily presume the owner loves peacocks so much per se, the tree/butterfly clasp (I like a lot of the other colors as well, like the dark purple or shiny pink), and the one with the single pink flower (although I think it’s the kind of image that I’d love for a while but that would start to wear on me eventually).

  3. BKC

    The paradox of choice! I created a Pinterest board so I could see all my choices side by side the last time I bought a case. I just looked, it has 45 pins. Oof. (I buy Loopy cases now, my fingers are too fat for pop sockets.)

    And then you choose a new case and then there is that moment of panic when you can’t find your phone because your brain is looking for the old color.

    The tree one comes in a nice pink, too. 😉

  4. ccr in MA

    My opinion is that you shouldn’t get the same one again, even though it’s so nice, because you won’t get the little pleasant shock of ‘new case!’ that you’re aiming for. I like the last one the best.

  5. Rachel

    I agree that you should definitely try something new. I keep blaring at my 11 year old, “TRYING NEW THINGS IS GOOD FOR YOUR BRAIN”. I also agree you shouldn’t buy two if you know you are just gonna use the one.

  6. Elle

    What if you buy your favorite spring case now and then plan on getting another more fall/wintery case later? It might be fun thing to do when the weather starts to get dreary. I can see how having various cases for different occasions wouldn’t work, but this way you’d only have to change it once.

    1. Chris

      This is my idea too! Something fun and springy now then something new in November when you could use a pick me up.

  7. Natalie

    I love the blue one with the tree and the butterfly clasp. That green one with the brown leaf – so weird! Leaves are not brown until they die! Who wants a dead leaf? It’s like they reversed the colors. The other way round would be nice.

  8. KC

    Big pink flower looks like it might get a lesser but similar effect as the hot air balloons, although in this case it’d be “damage = shabby chic” instead of “damage = more vintage” – and since the design isn’t as all-over, damage might stick out more than with the vintage-y look.

    Also, I like having brightness around in the fall and winter as well as in the spring and summer?

    (I am also irrationally fond of the flamingo one, despite not being especially attached to flamingos.)

    Good luck!

  9. Bff

    The final blue one. I dont know what to call that pattern but I like it and I think it will wear well and not look grubby and it is grownup looking but not boring.
    I mean I love the spring green that color speaks to me the way pink speaks to you but wtf brown leaf?

  10. Gigi

    Seems to me that you DO want something different – even though those hot air balloons are great. If I were to choose for you here are the ones I’d choose. 1. The peacock and 2. The giant pink flower (although, I worry that the white might show wear sooner than later.

    I have a GIANT, utilitarian Otterbox case on my phone and after this post now I want a new case. Off to search to see if they even make cases for my phone anymore.

  11. Slim

    Is the brown leaf leather? I like that one and figured they went with brown so it wouldn’t look gradually grubby/colorless as it gets worn.

    Regardless, I am on team try something new.

  12. Suzanne

    I am happy to provide a STRONG opinion. You NEED A CHANGE. I am most drawn to the last option — the less-assaulting-of-the-eyes semi-paisley-ish one. I like the blues and greens and the pattern is eye-catching and interesting without being overly whimsical. It looks grub resistant (that makes me think more of worms than dirt, but oh well). And it will transition well from spring to fall etc.

    BUT I am a person who gets a plain, solid-subdued-color phone case every time so keep that in mind when you weigh my opinion.

  13. Tara

    I have to say I’m most drawn to the blue-toned tree with the butterflies— it’s pretty, looks like the pattern and color would do okay with the test of time/“dirt” issue, and can go with just about any mood.

    I myself am trapped with the Otter Box defender series. Working with kids, then life with a toddler, pets, and my own general clumsiness… these cases have saved my phone on more occasions than I can count!! They do make some nice colors and sometimes patterns, and I’ve had a few over the years that I have enjoyed, but I do get somewhat jealous/in awe when people choose pretty and delicate, far less protective, cases than I have! Like… how on earth is your phone not getting destroyed in your purse, etc?! Even with the flap on these cases a phone would not be protected in my possession haha!


  14. Cara

    Not the peacock. I like peacocks and birds are my thing, but that one I don’t like. The Flamingo is okay, but not a great flamingo.

    I would get the blue tree for me. I think it’s pretty, I like subtle interest and trees also show up a lot in my decorative decisions. I feel like you have a been there, done that with that one, though. Second choice is the blues on the bottom. I like it a lot, and it’s fun without being shouty.

    I feel like you shift with the seasons, and you aren’t going to like a Spring feeling phone come Halloween. And while you could buy a new case when that happens, you probably won’t.

  15. Margaret

    I had one that opened like that a d could carry my DL and a CC/Debit card but then the clasp thingie kept getting caught on my back pocket and it broke. Now I use a plain ulitarian one with a cheap plastic pocket on the back for my cards. I saw one that has a strap like a little purse for my phone but it was mucho expensive for something I was worried I might not like. So I’m sticking with what I have.

  16. Ang

    I ordered a glittery case and it is so pretty – but also not a smooth texture, very gritty feeling – so I’ll never use it. It was only about $6 – but I was really disappointed I won’t use it.

  17. TinaNZ

    If it helps, I’m in mid-autumn here, and the peacock one appeals the most, followed by ‘dignified in pink’. Also, work in a corporate environment and see LOTS of sparkly phone cases, so let your inner sparkles free. My current case is clear (on a gold phone) with bright red cherries with gold outlines. I love it but it’s getting end-of-life so this list has got me thinking…

  18. Nancy

    I love that last blue/green one a lot. My second favourite is the pink embossed one, and my third favourite is the blue tree. Maybe if you got two you could plan to swap every six months. I bought a bunch of different bands for my Fitbit and only ever use one so I understand only using one case.

  19. JMV

    Punk glitter!! I work with mainly men in a corporate setting. I have pink sparkle phone case and no one bats an eye.

  20. Ernie

    I like the last one or the blue one with the tree on it – the one you said someone could get you as a gift and they wouldn’t be wrong. Definitely go with something new and not something so light colored that it will get yucky looking.

  21. Anne

    I’m hung up on the fact that your current phone case can get worn and look like that is part of the design. That’s great. Maybe the one that anyone could get you as a gift would also wear that way — not that it would look intentional but just the way old leather looks good. I was surprised how much I like the gray, and the purple.

  22. Jd

    New case, for sure. Just buy one now and if you don’t like it you can trade later.
    I def think pink sparkles. Easy to find in the depths of a bag, wonderful on a gray day, a bit of happiness when you have to call the insurance company.

    My phone cases are otter box with pictures of my kids.

  23. Liz

    I vote for the colorful paisleys for two reasons:
    1) COLORFUL!
    2) I have an apron in almost that pattern and no one would ever know I spilled tomato sauce all over it, some of the white parts are a little pinker/orange-ier than they used to be, but not noticeably so.

  24. Alice

    If I were picking from your list, I would get the stripey one (#2). It’s cheerful, yet would look adult enough to be okay in front of anyone. And if you’re worried about the white looking grubby after time, I would hit it with some leather cleaner and a microfiber from time to time.

    I’m a little jealous that you get to pick a case based on liking how it looks. I have to get the more heavy-duty protective sorts of cases because my life is such that if something can fall, it will. And I am not really a fan of the serious protection cases out there. They’re either grim-looking or clearly designed for a child.

    1. Liz

      I wish they would make the heavy duty ones in prettier colors. Though come to think about it, I used to have an Otter Box for my iPad that was royal blue and black. Quite grown-up.

  25. Kalendi

    I liked most of them. Mine is just like an otter box and very boring (although red). I wouldn’t worry about any of those at Paul’s Christmas Party. I think phone cases are very personal and I have seen attorney’s, CPA’s and others with very distinctive phone cases. Go for it!

  26. Judith

    That part about keeping opinions hidden even from yourself could’ve been written by me. I think you are done with the hot-air balloons because you had started to look forward to something new, just had not arrived at the consciously being happy-stage yet. But if you pick them again now, I’m pretty sure you’d feel a tiny “I like it, but it could be something fun and new instead, but it’s ok I guess and it works so I can’t change it now” pang of dissatisfaction each time you took it in your hands. So I wouldn’t double-buy and have it as a security option.

    For the others. I agree that the white strip of the top option would get grubby, but it would also get clean with a quick swipe of some rubbing alcohol or window cleaner. The question is just if you’d do that, or just get a repeat of a “oh, I should wipe that” thought every time you use it.

    I wouldn’t go with any of the safe options, especially not the respectable brown one. I am very much on the reserved spectrum personality-wise, and have historically often chosen things like that, only to then enviously eye the more fun variations when I see other people with them. In fact, I have a coin purse that is kind of like the blue tree case that you almost feel like you had it already. Not with a tree, but a pretty yet inoffensive design imprinted in the leather. I do like it, but… it very much feels safe-but-boring. And I don’t want that anymore, or at least not for all things. In contrast, I got a little day planner with a silly unicorn design (a unicorn with a breathing bubble on its head and a with a rocket and the saying “the stars are calling me, I have to go”, to be precise) and it gives me a little jolt of happy anytime I pick it up.

    So that’s what I now strive to pick more of, in the little daily items that I handle frequently. Either a little jolt of joy, or something so exquisitely made that I derive deep satisfaction from seeing and touching it, and since “exquisite” doesn’t really align with my budget, joyful it is. Well, mostly – I’m still me, and habits die hard. But at least I’ve become more aware of the pleasure I actually get from not always going with the safe options, and a phone case or dayplanner are were cheap and low-risk options for that.

    I’d probably go for the striped one and just see how it goes with the grubbyness, or the colourful paisley one. I agree it looks like the colours were pumped up, so probably good in person. Flower would be fine too.

    The flamingos I first was enthusiastic about, but then I didn’t like how the body is covered by the clasp, and I know it would keep bothering me. Similar with the sparkly one; while it’s exactly the kind of fun thing I’d look for now, and I first went “oooh, nice!” I then thought it’s probably scratchy to touch, and that would get old immediately.

    I’m with you on the leaf clasp, what were they thinking? A kind of flower would’ve been so nice instead.

  27. Maree

    I feel like I would have just one and get a different one to my old one. That way the memories that go with that old phone, go with the old case and the new memories that you will have of the new phone will have the new case.

    I see this like handbags – I have more than one handbag but I find that at any one time of my life I tend to use the same day-to-day bag until I love it to death and it wears out. Subsequently, I have memories of crazy big handbags that went with having small children and smart sensible handbags when I worked in an office and now my children are bigger but I’m trying to be sustainable so I have a sewn tote in fabric that I LOVE. In my mind the phone you are using at this time will suit you at this stage of life and that should get its own case :).

    I like the blue tree and the peacock because blue sings to me…

  28. Jenn

    Pink glitter! I think this is your secret favorite and you should embrace it. Absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about pulling it out in any context or occasion.


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