Movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

We all (except Rob, who is back at college) went to see the movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It was at my insistence, which was a bit of a surprise to Paul who generally finds me rather tepid about superhero or comic-book movies. I can only watch so many men using fantasy/glory scenarios to wrestle with their father issues while gaining emotional motivation from the endangerment/pain/death of women before I get a little weary of the theme.

Anyway, I saw many, many highly positive mentions of this movie online, including this one from @birbigs:

And I saw lots of other people saying similar things: that they’re not into superhero stuff or comic-book stuff but they nevertheless loved the movie. So, fine. And it won an award, so.

It would be best to see it without all the build-up: like, if I’d gone to see it reluctantly/resentfully because the kids wanted to see it, I would have been rather blown away. But the trouble is: without the build-up, I wouldn’t have gone to see it. Which means that while I don’t want to build it up too much for you, I do want to build it up enough to encourage you to see it—especially if, like me, you are not normally into superheros and comic books.

I can say I considered it worth it to see it in the theater: it is a visually fun movie, and it’s nice to see that LARGE. I found it a HEARTENING movie. There was enough humor. There were some good Men Showing Emotions moments. There was Lily Tomlin voicing Aunt May. Naturally there were Daddy Issues and violence, but it was not too much for me and I am pretty dicey about violence; it helped that it was all animated. I’m not sure there was even any blood, and in my memory it seems as if most violent acts were done out of view: for example, you “see” a bad guy crush a good guy, but you only see the arm going up and the fist going down, and the actual act is hidden by the bad guy’s back. But there are a couple of emotionally upsetting deaths. There’s no sex or nudity at all, just a tiny bit of mild friendly flirting.

Anyway I recommend it! Go see it! If you want to! And maybe even if you don’t particularly want to!

13 thoughts on “Movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

  1. A

    I was pleasantly surprised by liking it when I went to see it with my husband and two boys. I almost didn’t because I am SO. TIRED. of superhero movies, but It was visually very interesting and different from other comic book movies and cute and funny so I enjoyed it.

    I was also really happy that after hearing a kid called Miles for an entire movie, I still feel like it’s the perfect name for my baby boy due in May. (#4, others are Jack, James, and Rosemary).

    Anyone else have thoughts on the name Miles?? My parents don’t like it, but that’s just too bad for them.

    1. Alison

      Just wanted to say I love the name Miles. A friend has a little Miles and it is adorable and suits him. Your other options are cute too.

      Also, we’re taking the boys to see this this weekend so I’m glad to hear it’s good!

    2. Stephanie

      I have a Miles. I love it. I’m still very happy with our choice 6 years later! It’s not super popular but also isn’t unheard of. It’s a pleasant surprise each time we come across another Miles.

    3. Ernie

      The name Miles is cute. I like that you cannot shorten it. I want to congratulate you for not caring what your folks think about your name choice. My six kids are now 20 yrs down to 11 yrs. I used to care what my folks thought (while secretly DID NOT care what his folks thought). His Dad hated my 3rd son’s name. Said it sounded like a farmer. Guess what my now 16 yr old wants to do? Yep, be a farmer. Took me years to decide that while entitled to their opinion (talking more than names here), it has little bearing on what I do.

    4. Shawna

      I like the name Miles, but know quite a few young boys with that name – including my cousin’s son – so it wouldn’t have been “rare” enough for me. We went with Harris for my son and I don’t think we’ve encountered another one his age.

      By the way, my dad is Scottish and Can. Not. Stop. Saying. that Harris would have been called “Tweedy” as a nickname if we were in the UK. Always with a fake-sounding laugh that implies kidding-not-kidding. I personally don’t believe him, and I didn’t let it stop me from choosing the name, but his unwillingness to let it go after 10 years is kind of wearisome.

      1. Shawna

        Oh, for those that have not heard of it, Harris Tweed is A Thing. It’s a cloth that is “Handwoven by the islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides, finished in the Outer Hebrides, and made from pure virgin wool dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.” (I believe it’s named after the Isle of Harris) in the UK.

    5. A

      Sorry for hijacking your post Swistle, thanks everyone for the positive feedback on the name Miles! I needed to hear that after today! (Fighting off a cold, husband working a 12 hour shift, and 6 months pregnant and taking care of my wild kids aged 6, 4, and 1)

    6. Heidi J

      I love Miles. It would have been the name of our 2nd son if we’d ever had one, but alas, we are done so it’s on my “sad we couldn’t use it” list.

  2. rebecca

    I loved this movie SO MUCH. Daddy gets to take the 12 year old to all the Marvel movies but I snuck this one into the mommy pile. We all went. I loved it the most. Appreciated the diversity, the humor, the good parenting. Cannot say enough good things about it. Go. See. This. Movie.

  3. Sylvie

    Yes, we loved it too. I took my 7-year old. We live in France, so I had to search around to find it in English (not that it wouldn’t have been good in French too, but I wanted to hear the original voices). We actually tried to go on a Saturday night, and by the time we got there it had sold out. Great disappointment! So we were back at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, and it was totally worth it.

  4. Lisa

    Our power went out this weekend, and it was 58 degrees inside the house, so we took our kids to see this movie, and we also all loved it. Side note–I listen to 90s rap all the time, and my teen/tween kids laugh at me, but the soundtrack to this movie had a bunch of songs that are on my playlist, so I got some street cred out of it.

  5. Ernie

    I am so very tired of super hero movies. I could not believe my college son went to see this. I might go see it after reading this, but seeing as we only get to the movies like once or twice a year- I do not think it will be to see Spiderman. We saw Instant Family before Christmas, so that might be it formany moons.


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