Converse High-Tops

I am wearing HIGH-TOP Converse sneakers for the first time, and I love them. I love them. I can’t believe I went so many years assuming I would hate them and not even trying them.

I wear the low-tops all spring and summer, and every fall I get sad because my feet start getting too chilly and I have to switch to something else. Last year I got some thin wool-blend socks and that extended the Converse Season, but I wondered if the high-tops would extend the season even further, and I finally got myself to buy a pair on a good sale. Then I let them sit in the box on my bureau for a month, feeling shy about even trying them on, even though there’s a 30-day free-return policy so the sensible person would try them on right away. But no, I let the return window close and THEN panicked and put them on this morning and they’re great. They’re GREAT. I love them. Thank goodness.

I don’t know if they’ll be warm enough for late fall and winter, but they are definitely cozier. I’d thought I would hate the feeling of them snugged around my ankles but I love it. I have weak arches and tricksy ankles, and the snugginess makes me feel more secure and stable.

BY THE WAY: if you wear Converse but haven’t bought any for a few years, be aware that the sizing seems to have changed. I have a whole heap of old Converse sneakers, all size 11 women’s (9 men’s), so when I finally ordered some new ones, I ordered size 11 without even thinking about it—and they were significantly too large. In disbelief (they were the SAME SIZE) and wondering if it could just be that my old ones were worn-in and laced more tightly, I tried wearing a pair anyway, and I kept tripping over the toes. Happily I’d tried THOSE pairs on before the 30-day return window, so I sent them all back. I then went to a fairly distant store that sells Converse and I tried on other sizes. Pair after pair, just to be sure. And sure enough: now I wear a size 10 women’s. Converse was bought by Nike a few years ago, and they seem to have changed the sizing around then.

ALSO. I do not know if you are aware of this or if it would relevant to your interests, but there are HELLO KITTY Converse. I have these on my Christmas wish list:

(image from

No real update on the move: we’re still sort of twiddling our thumbs and waiting for Closing Day. I’ve packed a few more boxes and I think that process is gathering steam now. Edward, a child inclined toward charmingly oblivious observations, said with wonderment “I never knew we had SO MANY BOXES!” He apparently thought I had pulled these giant piles of moving boxes out of some secret storage place in the house, rather than acquiring them recently for this exact purpose.

14 thoughts on “Converse High-Tops

  1. Jean

    Have they added any kind of arch support? I love the look of them but need more. I’ve apparently trained my feet by wearing Birkenstocks and now they rebel at the slightest little thing.

    1. Swistle Post author

      Not in the ones I bought: still the same old flatties. My mom can’t wear them either because of the lack of arch support.

      1. Kalendi

        I love high top shoes. I too have weak ankles and resisted the high tops but man do they make a difference
        Also I get sofsole arch supports. They seem pricey, but they are the best. I have super high arches and these are great; comfy and I can stand, walk etc for hours in them. I have two sets and just switch them out among all my shoes. Famous footwear sells them but you can get them on Amazon too. I don’t normally recommend products, but I am so glad these were pointed out to me by the shoe sales lady when I complained about my high arches.

  2. laura

    I am so glad that other people have children who are as super oblivious as my older son. I do want to ask/ plead for someone to tell me that the most oblivious of your kids get less heads in the clouds as they get older…

    1. Heidi J

      I am/was that oblivious child and yes, it’s better, but part of that is having learned coping mechanisms and being married to a not-oblivious person who is aware of my tendencies.

    2. Maggie

      I am waiting for Oldest to age in to not being oblivious but he’s 15.5 and so far . . . not much progress. For example, repeatedly he will come home from school and be home for two or more hours before asking “Where’s Youngest?” Now, my youngest child is loud. There is no mistaking when she is home because it is not possible for it to be quiet for more than 30 seconds when she is there so you’d think Oldest would notice her absence at least sooner. But no. Also Youngest has gone to soccer every Monday and Wednesday afternoon for TWO YEARS and yet Oldest is still surprised she is not home Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Sigh.

  3. Kalendi

    Also, I usually buy boy’s shoes (I wear a size 7 in women’s, so a five in boys). So many more choices and quite a bit cheaper too! But they probably aren’t as cute as those Hello Kitty ones!

  4. Ess

    I am INSPIRED! I love my slip on low top Converse. Never even considered high tops. I am now considering! Which is a nice breather from my steady stream of burning lava rage re: politics/men. Thanks!

  5. Jessemy

    Nice! I live in a snowy area and now I’m wondering if I can squeak by with high tops so as to avoid months of boots. I like my boots, but it gets to be a long season.

  6. Holly

    This will be mildly helpful hopefully, but through my scrolling yesterday online (facebook probably) I saw fur lined high top converse! They seemed to be being sold by some 3rd party, and the name didn’t register, and now that it’s a full 24hrs ago, my brain is at a loss. But! They exist! Maybe some google searches can find them for you, and they will be great!


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