Time Change Printout; Haircut and Streaks; Sentimental about Trick-or-Treat

I should have posted this earlier, but I forgot: here’s the link to the “Wait, right now it would be SEVEN o’clock—no, wait, it would NORMALLY be NINE o’clock…” printout.


I got eight inches cut off my hair and I am so much happier with it:


It’s still long enough to put up, but I no longer hate washing it and brushing it. When I take it down at night, I like the way it looks; before, when I took it down I felt frumpy and oppressed. I’ve even been wearing it down sometimes during the day.

I got some bleachy streaks put in at the same time, and those too improve my hair happiness by a significant amount. I am hoping they will help decrease the frequency with which I am asked if I homeschool.


I got a little sentimental last night while trick-or-treating. People buy candy, so that they can give it away for free to children who come to their houses. They voluntarily spend a couple of hours being inconvenienced by the ringing doorbell. Some of them even dress up, and/or decorate their houses, and they say nice things to these children they don’t even know. All of this because we are an animal species and we VALUE our community children. WEEP. It reminded me of when I got all sentimental about playgrounds. Grown-ups with jobs spend lots of time and effort to design safe structures for children to PLAY on. WEEP.

23 thoughts on “Time Change Printout; Haircut and Streaks; Sentimental about Trick-or-Treat

  1. Carrie

    A picture of Swistle!!! You are so pretty and I love your hair – super cute. And your comments about trick-or-treating has me all misty eyed too. I love the way your brain works.

  2. Lindsay

    I love all the commotion of Halloween. So many people old and young, just acting kind of silly for a night. It makes me think we all really just want to have fun, as opposed to being the all serious less fun people we usually are.

  3. Donna

    “I am hoping they will help decrease the frequency with which I am asked if I homeschool.”

    I howled at this. Thanks, Swistle, for all you do for us, your loyal readers.

    1. Shawna

      You do kind of look like a homeschooler, maybe?

      I must look like a vegetarian, because it has been assumed that I am one many, many times over the years, even though I’m not.

  4. Gigi

    I’m with Donna – that line had me rolling on the floor!!

    And although I’d never thought of it that way before – Halloween does bring out the good in a lot of people; all in an effort to bring children they don’t necessarily even know, joy.

  5. Beth

    Your hair looks great!! I was feeling so GRATEFUL about trick or treating last night too! Halloween is a fun holiday :)

  6. Dr. Maureen

    My favorite part about your time change posts are the instructions on how to prepare your children for the time change. Futile, wasted effort, that.

    I like your haircut!

  7. Stimey

    I love your hair! I’m in that loooooong hair is driving me crazy place right now, so I might join you in moving to medium hair. Even better than the hair is your awesome smile though. :)

  8. chris

    I got all teary last night when I saw someone dressed in a full on minion costume like this one http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2015-NEW-Despicable-Me-Inflatable-Suit-Costume-Minions-Design-fancy-suit-clothes-Minions-Costume-Adult-Large/32465879668.html?currencyType=USD&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=708-803-3821&isdl=y&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&albcp=206813665&albag=14156629225&slnk=&trgt=56128534817&plac=&crea=en32465879668&netw=&device=c&mtctp=&gclid=CjwKEAjw8NaxBRDhiafR-uvkpywSJAAxcl6f5kGK7XbPFBV3ihrpXBwXCyGrUkf_Xq0siLeRSyiPMxoCMJPw_wcB and the kid said it was their Grandpa inside the costume. We yelled, “You are the most awesome Grandpa EVER!!” and I tears were rolling down my cheeks.

  9. Jessemy

    So good to see a snap of you, Swistle! Your hair was LONG! Wow! It looks good!

    I know exactly the mood you are talking about. One day got weepy watching the solemn grade school kids do traffic duty at a four way stop. They looked to earnest! And they stood there, making sure the younger kids didn’t get hit by a car! WEEP!

  10. Joyce

    “I am hoping they will help decrease the frequency with which I am asked if I homeschool.”

    I AM a homeschooler and this made me laugh. Also, maybe I should have my hair cut more often than every 18 months. ;) I really like your hair length – long enough to braid, yet not so long that it is all weighed down and drab if you leave it down.

  11. Laura

    I am down to one trick-or-treater (the other two are now too old.), and a photo from Halloween of yesteryear with them sitting on the couch with their three little buckets made me weep at the passage of time. This is a sentimental time of year.

    The hair looks fantastic! Perhaps, this is an example of one little change (work) leading to other little changes (haircut?), that result in a 10% happier existence?

  12. Laura Diniwilk

    We get Swistle pics so rarely that I was instantly happy when I scrolled down to this post – you look great! And that was before I even got to the heartwarming Halloween part! I get all weirdly sentimental during my city’s marathon for similar reasons. Complete strangers, taking time out of their day to pass out water or to cheer on random people. One of the few times I really stop to appreciate my community. And now I will during Halloween too!

  13. Kalendi

    I always make sure I have at least a small amount of candy to pass out, because we usually only get the littlest kids (those who toddle around and try to come in when you answer the door). We live in downtown and most of the kids go up the hill to the subdivision. But they are so cute and rather clueless and I must give them candy and tell them how cute they are. And I don’t even “do” halloween

  14. Rebecca

    That haircut is super cute. The homeschool line made me laugh- I actually do homeschool (and have very long hair) and I actually make a great effort to not look like a homeschool mom. Apparently this doesn’t extend to a haircut.

  15. velocibadgergirl

    I think you have managed to articulate what I love most about Halloween – it’s a holiday almost entirely for children, which is orchestrated almost entirely (and willingly) by adults, many of whom have no children at home. So much is done, so that little children can have a wonderful time walking around in fun costumes being given candy and compliments. It reminds me how great we can be sometimes, as a species, when we do nice things for children just because.


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