Dream Ruining

I had a good dream last night, where first I was able to use my new mad eldercare skillz to assist in an emergency situation, and then I got kissed by a guy I think is cute. But then I ruined my own dream, first by turning out not to have gloves on in the emergency situation (even though in the dream the first thing I said after “Can I help?” was “Okay, I’ll go put gloves on”), and then by thinking, “Wait. If this guy would cheat on his nice wife with so little apparent struggle, not even a series of tortured conversations about it first, then I’m not even interested in him anymore.”

9 thoughts on “Dream Ruining

  1. Alice

    I’m with Lawyerish. I only seem to remember my dreams if they’re horrific and/or super unexciting anxiety dreams (like walking repeatedly into the kitchen and not being able to open cabinets, over and over and over)

  2. Judith

    You really had me laughing there, as my subconscious does the same. I had a dream with an actor I find very attractive (Jim Caviezel, to be particular), and I know is married. So when we leaned in to kiss, my mind went „I can’t do that, he’s married – wait, why would he even do this?!“, and woke up. Same with a dream about a guy I was crushing on, that I knew was in a relationship (so obviously off limits irl). Dream-self goes „I can’t, he’s taken!“, and that was that, dream was over. Sigh. Clearly, my inner dream-chaperone needs to learn when to butt out.

  3. Wendy

    I was having a highly satisfactory dream about the football player JJ Watts (who is not really my type but was VERY MUCH my type in the dream, if you know what I’m saying. And you do. Sexy times is what I’m saying) and then my actual husband woke me up just as things were getting good.
    I was so annoyed at first and then realized I probably shouldn’t grouch at him for interrupting my sex dream if he was not, in fact, part of that dream.
    I keeping home for the dream sequel but instead keep having anxiety dreams about running behind instead.

  4. Maggie

    I’m not sure exactly when I crossed the Rubicon but at some point in my now 18 year relationship with my husband my subconscious decided I shouldn’t even be allowed to comfortably fantasize about other people in my dreams. Just last week I dreamed I was back in college – living in the dorms, going to parties, meeting a cute boy and flirting – and then I suddenly realized in my dream that I had kids and were they going to live in the dorm with me? And, oh my god, I’m married, what am I doing making eyes at Mr. Cutie College Boy? And then I woke up because the whole dream went from fun to anxiety fest. BAH.


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