“Sale”; Skechers Bobs Utopia Sneakers; Shelf-Stable Creamers; Coinstruction Toy

I got an email from Russell Stover about a 50% off sale. I thought it would be on stuff I didn’t want, but I clicked through just to see—and it was a lot of stuff I liked! I filled my cart, la la la, so much fun! Free shipping over $25, I will somehow manage that! Teacher gifts etc.! And then I started the checkout process, and the shipping was $45 on that $25 order, because it’s warm outside so the order doesn’t qualify for free shipping or even normal shipping. Okay! But maybe not bother having a sale then, if “warm weather” means insane shipping charges and it is MAY! If I save $25 off $50 of chocolate, but it costs me FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS to ship it, then what I have IN FACT done is spent $20 EXTRA on the chocolates, when I could buy them for regular price and no shipping and no minimum AT A LOCAL STORE! It’s kind of like an OPPOSITE DAY sale!

Speaking of warm weather, I have switched to my warm weather shoes. This year I have a new pair:

(image from Amazon.com)

(image from Amazon.com)

Skechers Bobs Utopia sneakers. I dithered for a long time. Were they…Too Much? Would I feel silly wearing them? Finally I bought them, and I love them. They’re sort of like Converse: comfy but not a lot of support or padding, maybe a little more than Converse but not a lot more. The laces just have a little knot in the ends: if you want to tie them in bows, you’ll have to take them out and buy new, longer laces. I thought I might want to do that, but I haven’t wanted to. The backs of the shoes are elasticized so you can easily slip them on.


Dramatic subject change. I have been cranky ever since Paul stopped drinking iced coffee, because he liked half-and-half in it, so there was always half-and-half available. I can’t go through a thing of it myself before it goes bad, but I DO like some in my coffee sometimes. The other day, Paul came home from work with a handful of shelf-stable creamers from the cafeteria. Then I discovered I could purchase them, rather than making Paul steal several from work every day until he retires. LIFE CHANGED.

(image from Amazon.com)

(image from Amazon.com)

Now I have cream for my coffee WHENEVER I WANT IT, without fretting that the carton in the fridge is going bad, or that it’s not worth it to buy a carton and just use a third of it! I put the box downstairs in the basement, and I use a canister next to the coffee pot to hold a more reasonable number of creamers. Bonus: this is a canister I bought because I liked the squirrel pattern (I think it was intended for dog biscuits), and then couldn’t find any use for it. So it was sitting uselessly on my counter ANYWAY, and now it is sitting there usefully!

(It looks like a HUGE canister, but actually it is next to a SMALL coffee pot—the 4-cup kind. Also, usually I have the canister shoved to the side of the coffee pot, but I pulled it forward for this demonstration of how I have TINY CREAMERS! IN MY HOUSE!)

We have a new flash-hit toy:

(image from Amazon.com)

(image from Amazon.com)

Coinstruction. Paul got this from a post-yard-sale FREE pile on someone’s lawn, figuring meh, what the heck. OBSESSIVE COINSTRUCTION ensued. It’s a set of little things that attach pennies together temporarily to make structures.

Note that I am not necessarily recommending this toy. It has hundreds of tiny little coin-joiners. They are EVERYWHERE. But if you are people who get out a toy, play with it carefully, and then put it away neatly; or if you are people who aren’t particularly bothered by little pieces everywhere and you pretty much gave up on that sort of organization years ago, then this may be a success at your house, too. (You will need to obtain the pennies separately.)

10 thoughts on ““Sale”; Skechers Bobs Utopia Sneakers; Shelf-Stable Creamers; Coinstruction Toy

  1. Slim

    I buy those creamers! They delight me. (And I don’t care if that means I am easily delighted, because I can sit in my office and make coffee in the office Keurig and then put cream in it and I am happy. So there.)

  2. Wendy

    I confess that I laughed a little bitterly at the “warm weather” shipping costs. I spent last night at the first soccer game of the season, shivering my biscuits off in a rain storm. It was about 49 degrees. Perhaps I can still get free shipping here in the Arctic north of Minnesota.

  3. Alice

    I have been seriously spoiled / brainwashed by Amazon Prime. I am now ENTIRELY UNWILLING to pay anything over $5 in shipping now (even though I know I am basically paying Amazon for shipping up front, instead of per item! i know this! but it doesn’t change how i feel about individual shipping charges!)

  4. Shawna

    Internationational Delight makes non-dairy individual creamers (good for lactose-intolerant people like me). They can’t be bought in Canada – I discovered them on a trip to Wisconsin last year and my father-in-law has been bootlegging them up to me on his shopping trips south of the border ever since.

    My only problem has turned out to be that it seems that Amaretto flavour (my favourite) is not available at stores anywhere between Ottawa and Florida, yet they were all over the place when I was in Wisconsin. My solution was to buy a box of 288 online when I was last in the States and have them shipped to me when I was back at the hotel in Wisconsin. I had to leave room in my luggage, but I successfully got them home.

    Like Slim, I chiefly use them at the office where there is a Keurig, but the nasty, stinky communal fridge is prone to the depradations of cream thieves.

    1. Julia

      Shawna — I live IN Wisconsin — don’t drink non-dairy creamer (hello!), but would be happy to send some if you need it :)

      1. Shawna

        Ha! I never thought of the irony of travelling to The Dairy State to procur non-dairy creamers before.

  5. Maureen

    I LOVE those shoes! Cute shoes really do make me smile, I love looking down and seeing the cheerfulness of them.

  6. Jodie

    Just a thought (from experience!) make sure you look at the sell by date on the individual creamers–they do actually go bad and they are NASTY when they do.


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