Question About Target Deal

Oh hi, quick question. You know how Target has those things where it’s like “buy 4 of something, get a gift card”? Can you also use coupons for those things, or not? I ask because I bought four of something and got a gift card, but the reason I did it is that I ALSO had four manufacturer’s coupons, which brought the price down to awesome. But when I got home, I could see the coupons recorded on the receipt, and yet they didn’t change the price of the items. I’m hoping to avoid explaining this to a customer service clerk (I had some trouble figuring it out myself), and/or embarrassing myself by presenting the situation to a clerk and learning that it’s clearly stated coupons can’t be used, by finding out from YOU what the situation is.

Four-packs of Kleenex: $5.99 each. Deal: buy four 4-packs, get a $10 gift card. Also: the 4-packs had $1.50-off coupons on them. So the total should be ($5.99-$1.50) x 4 plus ($10 gift card – free $10 gift card) = $17.96. But instead it’s $5.99 x 4 plus ($10 gift card – free $10 gift card) = $23.96. But I can SEE the coupons. They just don’t seem to COUNT.


18 thoughts on “Question About Target Deal

  1. Alyson

    I would think your beef doesn’t even matter if you *should* be able to use a coupon or not. The cashier took the coupons, the receipt acknowledges the coupons but the total doesn’t reflect the coupons. If you took that to your state’s attorney general, methinks Target would be in an ocean of hot water. It’s fraudulent and, illegal, to have your registers not add things up correctly.

    Having said that, I also think you are allowed to use the coupons on those things. I had them price match claritin with their website and then used a coupon too. This is kind of like that. PLus, I would also think they’d have to have a disclaimer that coupons are not accepted for these items or something.

  2. Heidi J

    Yeah, that looks like a glitch to me. It looks like the total should reflect the coupons, but it doesn’t.

  3. Melissa

    I’ve used coupons for those deals before I’m almost positive. Did the value of your coupons maybe come off the total bill, just not there in the package deal section?

  4. Lindsey

    I was at Target this week, and my poor cashier was getting very frustrated and started banging on the keys and then the register just started shutting down. The nice manager came over (I don’t believe he saw her pounding on the keyboard) and aald that they updated their register software this week and they’ve been having some issues. I wonder if that’s the cause of the problem. In any case I would definitely just go to customer service. At least at my Target, no matter who is working, the customer service staff is very accommodating.

  5. Nicole

    Your coupons should have counted. It definitely looks like a glitch. Typically Target will let you stack sales, their store coupons, manufacturer coupons, and Cartwheel.

    A good customer service rep should be able to fix it no problem, but if you’re having trouble, ask for the GSTL (Guest Services Team Lead) or the LOD (Leader On Duty, essentially the store manager at the moment). What will likely happen is that they will let you keep the gift card you already have and manually adjust the price down so that you get your $6 as a refund.

  6. shin ae

    I don’t know if I’m maybe being thickheaded, because I tend to have difficulty in coupon situations, but even if your coupons had counted (which clearly they didn’t), wouldn’t the refund value be $4.49, not $3.49? I guess my point is that everything about the math on that receipt is confusing to me.

    1. Nicole

      Because they can’t really ask for the gift card back if you return one of the package items, they distribute the value of the gift card benefit over the items included. So the refund value is the $5.99 less one-fourth of the gift card benefit ($2.50), so it’s $3.49. It completely ignores the coupons, which it shouldn’t have done.

  7. Virginia

    Please post an update. I can’t believe there would be a glitch in their system. I never check my receipts. I guess I need to start.

  8. Rbelle

    All I can say is that I’m impressed you even tried to figure it out. I’ve had so much trouble with Target’s misleading sales signage (signs near items that aren’t on sale, only SOME items from a brand on sale, not getting “one free” because the item isn’t included in the sale, etc.), and weird ways of discounting on the receipts (so I never KNOW if I’ve gotten the sale I thought I was getting or not) that I’ve basically given up. I feel like it’s a secret plot to save money by making their sales as confusing as possible, and if I had gotten a receipt like yours, I would have crumpled it up and watched it catch fire in my hand from my burning internal rage. Ahem. And yes, please post an update. If there are answers to their mysterious discounting methods, that would be great to know.

  9. yasmara

    FWIW, I’ve had good luck (in the past, not recently) at Target with coupon adjustments. I’ve brought back my receipt with a coupon *I forgot to use* (so, clearly in this case it’s all my own fault) & they handed me the $1.50 in cash at the service desk. Bring your receipt back & they should adjust it, either with cash to you or a deduction on the card you used.


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