Cranky La La La

I am assorted cranky this morning. There was a long series of events starting with Rob texting me that the bake sale was TODAY instead of tomorrow (luckily for him, this was not his error), and me being thankful I’d done the baking already but worried because I’d put everything in the freezer because I made it ahead of time, but fine, no big deal, I will just drive it all over to the school, everything will thaw. Except…where is my key? It is not on my keyring. Paul borrowed my keys yesterday, so probably my key is in his pocket. But the keyring is all bent, so perhaps my key is more lost than that. And then the genius realization that we made Rob a copy of our car keys, to give him when he gets his license! Whew! Saved! Except…the copy does not work. HOW CAN THIS BE? WHY DID WE NOT TEST IT?? ARE WE NEW HERE??? Anyway, my parents have a spare so my dad drove over and gave it to me and I took the stuff over to the school.

Really, when I type it out it doesn’t sound nearly as exasperating and thwarted-at-every-turn as it FELT. Partly is that I am trying to be brief because this is not the INTERESTING kind of dramatic event, so I left out things like “And then I realized I couldn’t go yet because it was almost time to bring the littler ones to the bus stop” and, like, the part where I emailed my dad, then emailed him to say never mind because I’d remembered the spare key, then had to email him again to say the key didn’t work; and partly it is that it all ended well with the baked goods at the bake sale, so I’ve lost the urge to communicate the FRANTIC PANIC.

Another issue is that my baby names blog is down. Just…down, since at least yesterday. I can’t even get to the dashboard. And I just recently gave access to that blog to a place that does one of the plug-ins, so they could fix their polls that stopped working when I updated to the new version as requested, so I’m wondering if that is connected to this problem and, if so, how serious the fall-out is going to be. I have copies of all the posts, but dear heaven that would be a chore. Well, maybe the blog will pop right back open today, with all the polls working again too! Wouldn’t that be nice! La la la!

Also, I bought a new chair to replace the one that had duct tape holding it together, and it’s a nice chair but I didn’t give any thought to the upholstery, which is a cool grey-blue or blue-grey, and I don’t think it’s going to go with anything else I will ever like. And I am JUST ABOUT to replace our two stuffing-bursting-out recliners, so perhaps it would have been nice to consider the upholstery. Also, I ALWAYS choose bad upholstery. ALWAYS. When we bought our couch, I thought we were choosing a daring fiery multicolored orange and red, but it turns out it’s the standard wine-color, which I dislike even though it’s convenient for spilling wine. Well. Let’s just not think about that. Let’s certainly not turn this into a series of thoughts about ALL past furniture errors and all future likely ones. La la la.

Also, my blog is doing this annoying thing where it asks me to log in while I’m in the middle of typing a post. Then it goes back to the post as if everything is fine, but EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE, and when I try to publish/save the post, it says “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again,” and when I try again, it brings me to a BLANK POST. Luckily I am now in the habit of copying the whole post when this happens, but isn’t that annoying? Isn’t that something that SHOULDN’T HAPPEN? Well, it just DID happen. AGAIN.

Oh, and one more thing is that I heard that song about “with every broken bone, I swear I lived,” and I am very tired of the concept that “living life” has to be measured in units of DANGEROUS ACTIVITIES.

20 thoughts on “Cranky La La La

  1. Alyson

    I’ve essentially been stuck in the house SINCE LAST SATURDAY due to snow. And my husband was out of town over the weekend for work. And then we were all here because BLIZZARD and my husband got hours of alone time while I shoveled and the baby napped at least 2 hours each day WHEN I SHOVELED OR MADE DINNER. And now the husband has escaped us to go back to work and the F$$%#$% baby won’t nap. I’m not even cranky. I left cranky behind when the baby woke up at 430 am FOR THE DAY. I’m pissed.

    1. Alyson

      Thanks, Liz. The dog is also squirrely because he hasn’t really been walked in forever. the 5 year old is being pretty good though, so there’s that.

  2. Candace

    Oh boo! I’ve been wondering about the name blog… I’m one of those expectant moms who desperately checks the blog morning and night to see what words of wisdom you’ve spoken. I hope things begin looking sunnier soon!

  3. Alice

    These days really need their own type of word. Once you’re through the bustle, they’re not BAD-bad (getting awful news, having expensive things break, etc.), but they just thoroughly sap all of the goodwill out of me when they happen.

    Here’s to a better afternoon, and major kudos to you on having baked ahead of time. That’s something that’ll rarely – if ever – happen to me, so know that I’m quite impressed by your level of preparation.

  4. Another Heather

    I must have attempted to load your baby name blog about ten times yesterday, and as of this morning it’s back, phew! I was definitely getting worried. What ELSE am I supposed to do in the precious ten minutes I have alone with my morning coffee??

  5. StephLove

    I spent 3 hours on a Girl Scout sleep-away camp website yesterday, trying to get my daughter registered for camp, first an hour in the queue to even get started and then a couple hours watching the available slots disappear before my eyes as I wrestled with bureaucratic and technical issues. I had to keep telling myself if she didn’t get into camp it wouldn’t be a tragedy, but my goodness was it frustrating and stressful. I almost cried more than once.

    1. Swistle Post author

      Oh, man, that Girl Scouts site. Last year I ended up filling out a PAPER REGISTRATION FORM and then MAILING IT IN, like a SAVAGE, because I COULD NOT GET the site to work. Not on a Mac with Firefox, not on a PC with Internet Explorer, NOTHING. They suggested I get Chrome, which is when I suggested I write the information in ink and let them input it manually to their system. SO FRUSTRATING.

  6. Jill

    Yesterday morning I walked my Kindergartener to school (it was 20 degrees out) and then on the way home my middle kid fell so I carried him the rest of the way home, screaming, (him, not me) while my twins screamed in their stroller b/c it was freezing. And then the door didn’t open. We have one of those key-in-the-code locks so you don’ need to carry a key and I guess it ran out of batteries? With no warning what so ever.
    I stood there frantically pressing buttons with three, screaming, freezing children and called my husband at work and left voicemails to him on two phones. He finally texted back and said “doesn’t your key work?”
    Thank god my neighbor was home and let us destroy her house for an hour or so before my husband was able to come home and unlock the house with his actual key, that he carries, on a ring.

  7. Lawyerish

    The last paragraph: YES. I do not need to ski from a helicopter (or even ski AT ALL) or engage in other treacherous activities to be living life to the fullest.

    Sorry about your crap-storm of a day.

  8. allstarme

    LOL I teach college writing and so many of my students want to write the “important life moments” papers on broken bones! I have honest-to-God made that a non-option because breaking your arm does not make you who you are.

  9. Slim

    I love One Republic but yes, I hate that line, all the more because he wrote the song for his kid. So go break something or you’ll be a disappointment, I guess?

    Also, does anyone else hear that song as a retread of I Hope You Dance?

    1. Swistle Post author

      Ooo, ooo, me, me! I’ve started mixing them together in my head for comic results. “Yeah, with every broken bone, I swear I….DANNNNNNNNNNNNCED, I swear I dannnnnnnnnnced….”

  10. Saranel

    I had that day last Monday. It’s one of those days that remind me of Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day. If you have not read it I suggest you do. On those days I understand just wanting to move to Australia but fortunately they don’t last forever. Drink some wine and sit on your couch and if you spill, think about how nice it is that it’s already wine colored. :)

  11. Laura Diniwilk

    Your key situation sounds like my every damn morning. There is ALWAYS some stupid thing that happens to prevent me from getting to work on time, and it’s ALWAYS something that probably could have been prevented if I were capable of running my life like a normal functional adult, and yet there I am in frantic panic mode. ARGH. But “convenient for spilling wine” made me laugh, and is also very relevant to my life. Hope today is going better for you!


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