Moonrise Kingdom; Girls Chase Boys

I just finished watching Moonrise Kingdom (Netflix link, Amazon link).

(image from

(image from

When I was about halfway through watching it, I emailed my parents to recommend it. I said it reminded me of The Royal Tenenbaums, and of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. (More precisely, I said it reminded me of “that weird movie we saw with Bill Murray and a boat, and that weird movie with three siblings…started with a T.”) It turns out that the reason those movies remind me of each other is that they’re all Wes Anderson movies, which puzzled me greatly because Wes Anderson does horror movies and none of those were horror movies at all. And THAT turns out to be explained by it being Wes CRAVEN who makes horror movies. Which led Paul to share this clip with me:

So apparently I’m not alone.

Where was I going with this? Oh yes! I liked the movie. If you like Wes Anderson movies and/or quirky indie movies, I think you will like it too. If you don’t know if you like Wes Anderson movies, I think it is a good one to start with. If you don’t like horror movies, that’s okay because that’s somebody else who does those.

Also, while I am embedding YouTube videos, here is one that makes me love people more (in a mild way, not like those “guy dancing all around the world” and “wedding party dancing up the aisle” ones):

I already liked the song from the radio, but then the video is a spoof of a Robert Palmer video, which perhaps you should watch first if you haven’t seen it, to full appreciate the Ingrid Michaelson one.

8 thoughts on “Moonrise Kingdom; Girls Chase Boys

  1. Belle

    I’m so glad you liked Moonrise Kingdom! When I saw the title of this post I had to have a little conversation with myself about what would happen if you didn’t like it (I’d still love you, I decided, but I wouldn’t think we were as similar anymore, and that would feel a little disappointing), but I’m very happy to know I can go on as before. I kept replaying the scene where Bill Murray runs up the beach, and it cracked me up every time.

    I was going to suggest Fantastic Mr Fox as well; if you’re an Anderson fan, it’s another good one.

  2. Magpie

    I loved that SNL spoof; thanks. Anderson’s new movie is divine. It makes me a little verklempt just thinking about it – it’s that good.

  3. Nancy

    I thought The Royal Tenenbaums was just ok, and I didn’t make it all the way through The Life Aquatic, but I saw Wes Anderson’s most recent film The Grand Budapest Hotel last week and thought it was the best movie I’ve seen in ages. So I haven’t really been sure whether to try and catch up with the rest of his movies or not.

  4. Lawyerish

    I loved Moonrise Kingdom, too! I barely made it through Life Aquatic, but I loved Royal Tenenbaums and then Moonrise was my favorite of all. I love his use of color. Total eye candy, and I find the stories and characters charming, if exceedingly quirky.


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