New Ring; Complaint about Giant Hershey’s Kisses

This seems like a good moment to link to my own post on the topic of Active Disinterest. (The too long, don’t like to click version: It’s about how when people don’t like something or don’t want to participate in something, they don’t need to try to ruin it for (or show scorn for) the people who DO like it or DO want to participate. They can just participate in something THEY like, instead.)

My Valentine’s Day present from Paul is my new ring:


He made it out of brass on his metal lathe. I was pretty impressed. He didn’t intend it as a Valentine’s Day present: he gave it to me days ago as soon as it was done, and he didn’t say it was for Valentine’s Day. But it is in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, and so I am chalking it up as such.

I would like to complain about something, and as I begin this sentence it occurs to me I would be better off complaining to the people who can do something to fix it, so I will do that after I complain to you. Here is my complaint: the giant Hershey’s Kisses sold at Valentine’s Day say “#1 Teacher” on them.


That is very, very silly, to customize something so specifically. A giant Hershey’s Kiss is exactly what I like to buy for the kids for Valentine’s Day, and it’s what they want to receive, and we had to have a little family meeting about whether the “#1 Teacher” thing ruined the idea for us and whether we should choose something else as our tradition. They said no, but it bugs me every year.

A giant Hershey’s Kiss would be a great gift for a high school sweetheart, or for a high school crush, or for a friend you have a crush on but aren’t ready to say so yet, or for a friend you DON’T have a crush on, or for a co-worker, or for a parent, or, sure, why not, for a teacher. So WHY LABEL IT ONLY FOR TEACHERS? My guess is that the marketing concept was to plant the idea of buying a gift for the teacher. Instead, what it has accomplished is to make the gift completely unusable EXCEPT for teachers (and for children who have specifically said they don’t care and want it anyway). I’m going to write to Hershey’s about this, for actual.

27 thoughts on “New Ring; Complaint about Giant Hershey’s Kisses

  1. Wendi

    Wow, you aren’t kidding about the giant Hershey’s Kiss being too specific. Think of the possibilities if they left the … banner? … blank. You could write your own, personalized sentiment! Someone fell down on the marketing job there.

    Happy Valentine’s Day from one of your most loyal readers! :-)

  2. Rachel

    I haven’t seen this in real life, but could you take it out of the box? That wouldn’t solve the poor marketing, but might make it less annoying when you leave it in your high school boyfriends locker?

      1. Swistle Post author

        They look so much smaller that way—and I’d have to take off the foil, too, to remove the “#1 Teacher” paper flag. That starts to seem like too much tampering. I’d rather just choose something else.

  3. Monica

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    I love your new ring, and I am impressed by your well-groomed nails. Mine have leftover mostly-chipped-off nail polish which looks terrible.

    Love the suggestion about leaving the banner blank so you could write in whatever you want. I’m glad you’re writing to Hershey about it…maybe I will too!

  4. Emily

    I would totally repackage that big kiss – either get it out of the box, or white out the banner! Also – your post about active disinterest has guided my own behavior (or at least facebook status updates) quite frequently for the better. Not sure why I needed to have it pointed out to me that it is rude to rain on someone’s parade, but I’m glad you did. A much needed PSA – Thanks!

  5. jen

    I love the new ring. It’s so sweet Paul made it for you!

    I don’t understand why they would ONLY have #1 teacher. Why not just have several different sayings so one could choose? Or the even better idea is the write your own idea above!

  6. beylit

    The fact that he made you a ring is so very cool. I love that.

    I have to agree that making the giant Hershey kiss so specific kind of ruins it. Leaving it blank to fill in on your own would be the best idea I think. That way it is perfect for anyone.

  7. Jenny

    I’ve been listening all morning to people displaying scorn toward my program assistant’s lack of interest in Valentine’s Day. “What do you MEAN, you’re not going to hang out with the guy you’re dating tonight?” “Um, I have other plans?” “THAT’S INEXCUSABLE.” “We don’t feel like it?” “BUT YOU’RE DATING.” “It’s just not a holiday we celebrate?” “WHAT’S WRONG WITH HIM?”

    Leave her alone. Let her be. Maybe she very seriously celebrates National Pie Day. Who are you to judge?

    I love your new ring, Swistle!

  8. Alexa

    The Hershey’s thing is so weirdly specific I found myself thinking you must be mistaken, and maybe those were the only ones they had left at your store, but then I reread the post and see this is not a new/one time issue and I am just…baffled. What could they possibly have been thinking? (I mean I understand making the “#1 Teacher” packaging, just not to the exclusion of other packaging. Surely they do not manufacture this whole giant kiss product JUST for teacher gifts? WEIRD.)

  9. Brooke

    I buy big Hershey kisses for my 3 kids for Valentine’s Day every year, not the giant ones, but a medium size in between the regular ones and the giant ones. I have never see #1 teacher packaging! At the Walgreens near me the box says “Happy Valentine’s Day” – a much better choice, obviously! Have you always bought them at the same place? Is this a regional thing? I’m curious! And also, I never would have thought of giving one of those to a teacher, so I guess that marketing should be stepped up a notch!

  10. Elizabeth

    In Canada we can get the big Hershey Kisses and they don’t say #1 Teacher on them. I agree that they are the perfect V Day gift for lots of different types of people; we gave them to the kids this morning…they were a different size though – 41g which is quite a bit smaller than the box you showed in the picture.

  11. Gigi

    I have to wonder, given some of the comments, whether you can buy them online without the “teacher” on it? If so, it seems that Target’s buyer is too blame.

    LOVE the ring!

  12. Jolie

    Love the ring! I have always liked a wide band for a wedding ring.

    Regarding the kiss – I think it’s just Target. You can order a “plain” one trom Amazon. :o)

  13. d e v a n

    A ring he made himself is such a nice gift! I never noticed that about those giant kisses. It does seem like a stupid thing to print on it. There are tons of other people who might like giant kisses.

  14. Gwen

    I am so annoyed at that too! I was so excited to see them in target and was about to pick one up to buy for my son, then saw the ‘teacher’ business and didn’t buy it. So disappointing!


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