Lost Wedding Ring

I lost my wedding ring a week and a half ago, and I am in stage three of the loss. First stage was assuming I would find it any minute: it would be in my pocket, or I would have absent-mindedly put it on the bureau (I don’t normally take it off), or it would show up in the washing machine. Second stage was more like “Whoa, I guess this is going to take some looking!” Maybe it’s down in the sheets or under the bureau, or maybe I sleep-walked and put it into my jewelry box, or could it possibly be in the sink disposal? Third stage is “Man, we might actually not find it.” Maybe it fell off my hand into a trash bag, or maybe I lost it when I was out, or maybe it’s in a part of the washing machine where we’ll never find it or think to look for it, or maybe it fell into the bag of clothes for Goodwill.

I feel weird without my ring on, so I’m wearing a cheap ring I got on clearance at Target a long time ago—but it’s a fashion ring, so already the gold color is chipping off from me wearing it around-the-clock. I started thinking about buying a more serious temporary ring. Maybe a relatively-inexpensive-but-real-gold ring (about $100 on Amazon, or something from a consignment shop), something that would be valuable and nice to own even if I found my ring; or maybe a stainless steel ring that would be a fun change and work fine but would only cost $5-10. And then if we still hadn’t found the ring by the time of our next significant anniversary (a few years from now), we could take an anniversary trip to the same place we bought the original ring and replace it for real.

I mentioned these plans to Paul, though, and first of all he thinks it’s too soon to panic and that the ring is still very likely to turn up. And second of all, he’s going to make me a ring on his metal lathe, so it won’t be very expensive but it will be sentimental. I like the idea, and he’s glad to have a project. There are more calls for a metal lathe than you might think, but always fewer than Paul hopes.

In the meantime, I’m trying to feel that this doesn’t really matter. The ring is just a symbol of being married; it doesn’t have to be the original ring, and plenty of people deliberately choose a new ring because of changing tastes or improved finances. I don’t feel superstitious about the ring, like my grandmother when I took off my wedding ring to show it to her and she said in an incredulous voice, “I’ve never taken off my ring! Never!”—as if I were divorcing and re-marrying my husband by taking the ring off and putting it back on. (That’s not fair to her. She was just surprised by it and commented on it, but I was surprised and embarrassed by her surprise and comment, so I later had an argument in my head where I defended my actions and criticized her reaction, and that imaginary argument has lingered.)

But still. Of course the ring is important to me, and of course it’s sentimental that it’s the very ring I got married with. And I really love my ring, too, and have been happy with our choice. Plus, it’s an item of actual cash value as well as sentimental value, and would be quite expensive to replace, especially since gold has tripled in price since we bought it. So what I really want is to find that ring. (I would very much enjoy hearing some “found a lost ring” stories—or some “lost a ring and never found it, but it’s okay now” stories. Or actually even some “lost a ring and never found it and it wasn’t really okay” stories, on the misery-loves-company principle.)

148 thoughts on “Lost Wedding Ring

  1. Katie

    My mom lost the diamond from her wedding ring/engagement ring when I was little. I remember her putting plastic wrap over the sink until my dad got home. He took the sink apart but we never did find the diamond. Now she just wears one of her grandmothers engagement rings. It’s sentimental for other reasons and sort of resembles the first one. It would have been nice if the original wasn’t lost but it’s okay now.

  2. Becky

    My husband lost his ring a few years ago. He accused me of hiding it from him to prove a point. I did not. But I was the one who found it a few months later, in between couch cushions, so he still thinks I hid it. Sigh. But we found it!

  3. Jana

    My husband has lost his ring twice. The first time was on our honeymoon and he noticed it was gone at the airport right before we were set to fly home. Luckily, he found it in the restroom trash bin a few minutes before we boarded. The second time, he lost it camping with the kids and found it in the gigantic bag holding the tent. It was cold and it must have slipped off while he was packing up the tent.

    I’ve lost my ring once, but I’m the kind to take mine off when washing dishes. I’d put it in my pocket to help the kids carve and clean out their Halloween pumpkins and I found it in the recliner where it had fallen out while I was feeding the baby. I now have a little decorative box next to the kitchen sink to hold my ring while I’m in the kitchen.

    So it is possible to find a lost ring. I really hope you’re able to find yours!

  4. Kate

    When I was married I lost my wedding ring and cried and cried and cried and made SIGNS of it to hang around our apartment building even though I was certain it was lost forever. The maintenance man found it a few days later and I baked him chocolate chip cookies and gave him a Tim Hortons gift card, because I had just moved to Canada and understood that Tim Hortons acts as currency here (even though I personally loathe their coffee).

    Cold makes your hands shrink and it’s been very cold lately, so check inside all of your coat pockets and in all of the nooks around your seat in the car. Also, you can put a piece of pantyhose over the hose on your vacuum so you can jostle it around under things without being afraid of sucking up the ring.

  5. Di

    I lost mine a while ago. I had tucked it into a pocket to wash dishes, then absent mindedly threw my pants in the wash. I had all but given it up for lost, when a couple of weeks later, my husband did the wash, and went to clean out the dryer trap and found it there. What is amazing. We live in a big apartment building and share the laundry room with 60 other apartment dwellers.

    Now of course, I don’t wear it, since I’m a good 25 pounds heavier than the last time I had the ring sized.

  6. Sarah

    My mom went to the cottage for her honeymoon for her second marriage. Put her ring in her pocket while making hamburgers. Then put some Kleenex in her pocket. Then threw the Kleenex in the fire because that is what you do with paper at the cottage….. Several hours later, she realized her ring was missing. Then realized she had thrown it in the fire with the Kleenex. They sifted through all of the ashes and found a few of the cracked diamonds and had it remade. Thank goodness it was insured.

  7. jen

    I have lost two rings and both times found them. The first ring I lost was a plain gold band I wear on my thumb but I was DEVASTATED, perhaps more so than if I lost my actual wedding ring, because it is a ring my husband gave me for Christmas when we were 15. I have worn it for over half my life. I found it while I was putting away a pair of jeans. It must have slipped off while I was folding them. The second ring I lost was my actual wedding band (I don’t have my engagement ring soldered to it). I looked everywhere for it twice. It is a ring of actual value so we kept looking. About two weeks later, after I had stopped looking and was just starting to search for a new one, I found it in the depths of my purse. My purse has a zipper pouch which is always where I put my rings when I take them off if I am not a home and it must have worked its way into the very corner of the zipper pouch and gotten stuck there when I searched it. After a couple of weeks of purse use, it must have slipped back down. I actually accused my husband of taking it (thinking he was doing something sweet like getting it engraved…this was around Valentine’s day) because I was certain it was in the zipper pouch. And it was, in the end.

    Also, depending on your homeowner’s insurance, it might be covered? I think some policies do cover valuable jewelry but then you maybe have to have an appraisal to prove its value? I’m not sure…I feel like I’ve heard of that. Something to check into if you do get to the “It’s going to have to be replaced” point.

  8. bessie.viola

    I have two: When I was younger, my mom lost a diamond from her ring. It was a sidestone, so not the biggest diamond in the set – which made it even harder to find. She enlisted us to help and I ended up finding it in the sheets of my parents’ bed.

    I once lost my wedding rings for MONTHS. They were just gone – I had a little dish on my bedside table where they always went at night, and one day they were just gone. I had given up on ever finding them and was dragging my feet about filing an insurance claim to replace them because I didn’t WANT new rings. We were in the process of moving, and in packing my daughter’s room we moved the (extremely heavy, very large, made-by-my-dad) changing table/dresser and found it. It was behind the dresser, just sitting on the top of the molding around the floor. I still don’t know if my daughter (who was two-three at the time) “borrowed” it or if I took it off while lotioning her and it fell…

    Anyway, that’s my novel. I really hope you find it!!

  9. Michelle

    I had a pair of earrings that were lost for years, and I found them in the inside pocket of a purse. When I was a kid, I lost one earring and found it years later inside our piano that no one ever played. Is yours a wedding band or an engagement ring, or both? I hope you find it!

      1. Lynn

        I have an engagement ring, but I haven’t worn it since the kids were born. I found food and cream and gunk was always getting trapped in the hollow behind the diamond, and since it stuck out (not very much, but a bit), I sometimes scratched people with it. Now I wear a simple gold band, and the diamond ring sits in my medicine cabinet – a couple thousand dollars worth of sentiment that we could probably use for something better. My husband is still kind of bitter about it – so just the flip side of engagement ring regret :).

  10. H

    I don’t have any lost ring stories but after reading Kate’s comment, it occurred to me it might be in gloves or mittens or perhaps the car since it might have been cold in the car, and maybe you were taking gloves/mittens on and off. Oh, wait, a ring story JUST popped into my head. Yes, my husband lost his ring in the garden when he was planting tomatoes and we rented a metal detector and found it.

    1. DrPusey

      I’ve got a similar story! My husband is a biologist. He was doing field work one year and lost his ring out on the field site, which was an hour and a half away from where we were living at the time. We also rented a metal detector and found it about a week later.

      More accurately *I* found it with the metal detector. :)

  11. Claire

    My BFF lost her wedding ring for weeks and WEEKS, and then found it behind/under her nightstand when she moved it for some other reason. Don’t give up! I will also second the hose over the vacuum thing as it’s helped me find plenty a small earring. Good luck; I hope you find it! But if you don’t, just think of it as a reason to get something new and shiny to… re-commemorate your commitment to Paul (or something equally satisfying).

  12. Katie Mae

    I have a story that I hope will be on the helpful end of things, but may not be, but might be a nice story about lost rings to hear anyway?

    After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather lost her engagement ring, which was of course sentimental but also quite valuable. It had been insured, so after many stages of looking for the ring/accepting its loss, my grandfather was reimbursed for it. He never spent the money and left it to my dad, and now my parents use “Granny’s ring fund” for sentimental occasions–for instance, my parents contribution to my wedding came from the ring fund, which is something I hope my grandparents would have loved.

  13. Claire

    Oh, ALSO! I had a cat once that collected shiny things, including my jewelry and deposited it in a far corner under a futon in our office/guestroom. I could NOT figure out why I couldn’t fine half of most of my earring sets until I actually SAW the minx slip off my dresser with a silver earring in her mouth. I followed her, pulled out the futon, and she had a little pile of her trinkets under it. So…what I’m saying is is one of your cats a jewelry thief/hoarder?

    1. The Other Gail

      That’s my mother’s story, too, 60 years ago. Her mom had accused her of stealing her wedding rings. They pulled the apartment apart and found that the cat had a stash of shiny things under the stove.
      The rings, a silk stocking, bits of foil and glass. Darn cat!

    2. Shelly Coursolle

      Yes my cat loves my engagement ring I found it three months later in the toaster because we had ants on the counter had clean the toaster

  14. Elizabeth

    My SIL lost her ginormous diamond and band a few years ago, and after the snow thawed someone found them in a parking lot of a restaurant and turned them in.

    I’ve also lost my Tiffany necklace twice. Tons of sentimental value. The first time I found it frozen in the path where I always went running. The second time I found it in the depths of the baby glider we were preparing to put out on the curb. I was cleaning under the cushions and there it was!
    I hope it turns up!

  15. Kati

    I lost my wedding band a year or two after we got married–we were outside shoveling and I must have pulled it off with my glove. (I’d left my engagement ring inside for fear of that exact scenario.) It was just a simple gold band, but I was crushed. We even went out and bought a metal detector, but never found it. I went through the same stages, convinced myself it was okay, and we got a replacement ring.

    About a month later, I got a call from our local police department–someone in our apartment complex had found it and turned it in. What amazed me is that the police had taken the time to figure out whose it was–they tracked me down by looking at the engraving inside the ring, which had my husband’s name, and then cold-called anyone in our complex with that name.

    (Despite having convinced myself it didn’t matter and the replacement ring was just as good, I switched immediately back to the original ring–though I kept the spare just in case.)

  16. Jesabes

    The diamond fell out of my mom’s ring when she and dad had been married about 20 years. Or 18/19, I suppose, because she went without it for a bit, then for their 20th anniversary got a new three-stone diamond ring she absolutely loves. The best part of the story is that a decent chunk of the new ring was paid for with the homeowners insurance on the old one. Do you think your homeowners insurance might cover yours? It did help she had a band with a missing diamond, so they didn’t have to take her word for it that the whole thing was gone, but still.

    Also, on a completely separate note, my husband lost his wedding ring on our honeymoon. We’d been married 6 days. He lost it while snorkeling in deep water, so no chance of getting it back. When we got home, we heard lots and lots of stories of lost wedding rings. I think he still holds the record for the fastest loss among the people we know, though!

    1. Caitlin

      Jess, this is funny! I was thinking about my best friend’s parents: They got married at a seaside place, and her Dad lost his wedding ring at the reception playing beach volleyball!

  17. Lauren

    I lost the ring from my high school boyfriend (and now husband!) one new year’s eve. I took it off to do my hair and couldn’t find it after that. My mom found it while digging in the garden that spring, under a stepping stone! Our best guess is that it must have gotten caught up in my hair or clothing and I must have walked out back to chat with my mom, who was gardening as I got ready that new year’s eve.

  18. Stephanie

    My mother in law was gardening and noticed her ring was missing, searched the entire yard and garden for it and assumed it was gone. Weeks and months went by and she lost hope, thinking maybe it had gotten eaten by the lawn mower at that point, so she went out and bought an inexpensive replacement ring. The next spring, she went to put on her gardening gloves and BEHOLD! Her ring! It had been in the glove the entire time.

    Good luck! Fingers crossed it’s out there somewhere (and that you find it of course)!

  19. StephLove

    I’ve had two wedding rings. The gold one I wear now I got when my wife and I were legally married last year and a cheaper silver one from the commitment ceremony 22 years ago when we were young and broke. I lost that one in a public restroom at the beach, having taken it off to wash my hands. I went back almost right away, already in tears, and found it in the dustpan of a janitor who was sweeping up the restroom. If I’d been even a few minutes later it would have ended up in the trash.

    I also used to have an onyx ring my grandmother left to me. It was a little big and it slipped off my finger while I was raking leaves a couple years ago. I felt it happen and assumed I’d just rummage around in the leaves and find it but I never did. I still look for it in that part of the yard sometimes.

    I really hope you find your ring.

  20. Pickles & Dimes

    Oh, I hope you find your ring, Swistle! (But I love that Paul is going to make you a new one.)

    I have 2 stories:

    A coworker lost his ring at work (he assumed). He had pictures plastered everywhere and we tore the place apart. Then, months later, his wife found his ring in one of those over-the-door shoe holders in their closet, tucked inside one of their kid’s gloves. NO idea how it ended up there.

    Last summer, Jason was golfing with his buddy. He took off his wedding ring while he re-applied sunscreen and set it on the back of the golf cart. FIVE GOLF HOLES LATER, he remembered the ring and miracle of miracles, it was still on the back of the golf cart. I’m amazed it was there because that golf course is hilly and there had been drinking involved so I’m sure the driving was erratic.

  21. Gretchen

    My husband lost his wedding ring when we were at my folks’ for Christmas. Couldn’t find it, thought about a replacement but – it’s not THE ring. In March, when the snow melted, my stepdad found it at the bottom of their steep driveway. It had flown off his hand when he was clearing snow off the car (without gloves??) So a ring can be VERY lost and still turn up.

  22. Jen LC

    my only ring story takes place in a warehouse in pittsburgh, where we were taking part in a craft show. between selling my stuff, i’d walked over to another booth and tried on a pair of gloves. HOURS later, i looked down to see the stone missing from my engagement ring. instant panic/dread.

    i retraced my steps, looking all over the place for something glinty, but this warehouse was filthy and crowded and full of tables and displays and construction materials. (construction junction if any pittsburgh ppl are reading.) anyway, it was the last place to find a diamond.

    finally i remembered the gloves, went (ran) back to the table where i tried them on. they hadn’t been sold yet! i looked inside but no. it wasn’t there. i was so so so sad, but i bought the gloves (it felt like i should have them) and walked back to my booth. saddest walk ever.

    as i was coming up to our booth to tell the other girls that i didn’t find it, i spotted something glinty on the floor behind the booth and up under the edge of a replacement window, in a puddle…and there was much rejoicing.

    i so hope your ring turns up and i can’t wait to read about where you finally found it. :)

  23. Mimsie

    My grandmother’s wedding band was lost for a couple of years. Then one day Mom got out the best china to serve tea to company, and one of the guests found the ring perfectly fitted in the circle handle of the teacup. Nana had washed the dishes some time previously, and her ring slipped off in the soapy water, finding its temporary home in the bone china cup. Hope you will find yours too!

    1. Monica

      This is so cool! I follow a tumblr blog called “things fitting perfectly into things” and it’s all about perfect fits like that. :-)

  24. shin ae

    My mother lost the diamond from her engagement ring while she was cleaning up trash in the street outside her house. Someone actually found it out there later and she has it now, carefully wrapped up because she never did wear that ring again.

    Soon after I got my own engagement ring, I was looking at magazines at the store and whacked my hand on the fixture, knocking the diamond out. I panicked, but with me, my friend, and a store employee searching, it was found. Now I don’t wear my ring, either.

    Not whole ring losses, but valuable diamond losses and FINDINGS! I hope you find your ring soon.

  25. KeraLinnea

    My engagement ring was originally designed with one of those invisible settings that make it appear as if the diamond is just floating on top of the band. It was very cool, and I loved the way it showcased the diamond’s shape. After we got married, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do the thing where you pair up your wedding band and your engagement ring, because they weren’t bought as a set-my engagement ring has a round band, and the wedding ring is a flat band, so I wasn’t sure I would like the way they looked together, so I was wearing the engagement ring on my right hand while I thought it over.
    At the time, I worked in a restaurant, and I was washing out water pitchers in the sink before leaving for the day. I got in my car, got on the freeway, and realized that my ring had swiveled on my finger so that the stone was on the palm side of my hand. I twisted it back upright, and was horrified to see there was no diamond. I instantly remembered having my hand inside the water pitchers, scrubbing the insides and bumping my hand against the rim of the pitchers over and over again while the water ran into the sink. I felt sick. I’d been married less than a month. I exited the freeway and drove back to work, practically sprinting to the kitchen. I ran my hand over the bottom of the sink and felt something. Sitting just an inch from the drain was my diamond. If it hadn’t been there, my next step was going to be begging the hotel engineer to take apart the sink trap.
    The jeweler redesigned the setting, and while I’m glad the stone is secure now, the more robust setting causes the diamond to look different, more like a square or a marquis than an oval. I also switched the ring to my left hand, wearing it with my wedding band, though it’s still separate from my wedding band. Now that I don’t work in a hands-on sort of field, we’re thinking about having the setting changed again to be more like the original, but that’s one of those things that’s easy to put off. There’s always something else to spend the money on.
    I hope your ring turns up soon.

  26. Caitlin

    Losing things, especially of sentimental value/history, is such a terrible feeling. I’m so sorry.

    But I have two happy Found stories!

    1) When we went on a trip to Europe last year (that sounds humblebraggy just to say, but it’s relevant bc it was losing something so far away and we were bopping all around and all hope seemed lost), I brought one of my favorite pairs of earrings and I had worn them quite a bit. They are a pair by my favorite jewelry maker, but which I never would have picked for myself. They were a gift from my (now divorced) brother and SIL. I last remembered wearing them in Paris, and I KNEW I had thoroughly checked our hotel room before leaving (I am a little OCD about that), and I thought I even remembered packing them up. Our next stop was to England to visit some friends. I couldn’t find them when we were packing up to leave a few days later, much to my dismay. To my further dismay, these same friends had movers come LIT-RALLY as soon as we left for the airport because they were MOVING (they are really, really great friends to have graciously hosted us the day before they moved). When we got back home and I went through everything thoroughly and still couldn’t find them and it became clear that they were Missing, I asked the friends to keep an eye out but figured if they ever turned up, they’d turn up in a few years when they finally unpacked their office, or whatever. Or they were just somewhere lost on a continent thousands of miles away and I’d never see them again. I even called the hotel in Paris to see if they had been left. They hadn’t. DISMAY. The loss of those earrings was even more symbolic because it symbolized the loss of my SIL and WOE and Etc! I finally sucked it up and ordered a replacement pair, but I just wasn’t in love with them. The stone was slightly different and they’d changed the design slightly and so they sat in a drawer.
    The lost earrings turned up months and months later in a bag of cotton balls when I was packing for another trip. I was ELATED. AND I was able to return the replacement pair I’d never worn.

    2) One night in Nov. 2012, my husband chased the cat out from under the guest bed (we try to keep them out of that room); he came back into our room where I was reading in bed and asked me if I’d lost the ring he was holding up. It looked vaguely familiar but wasn’t mine, though it happened to fit me perfectly. I knew it had to belong to either a friend who stayed with us in September, or to my Mom. Sure enough, in November my parents had driven to SC to spend time with family, then stayed here on their way back to be with me for my surgery. My great aunt had given my mom the ring years and years ago, and has since passed away. Mom thought she lost the ring in SC, though she never mentioned it. It must have somehow fallen into her suitcase and gotten flung under the bed in our guest room. I’m still amazed we found it before the vacuum cleaner did – we’d have never known & it would’ve been gone for good. When Mom came to visit months later for girls weekend she officially passed it on to me. It truly makes me feel happy and loved every time I look down and see it – which is every day, as I now wear it with my wedding band.

  27. Carrie

    I lost my wedding ring several years ago. I got to Stage Three and started looking for replacements, and I found a solitaire super, super cheap at a jewelry store going out of business. The original ring was somewhat sentimental as it was actually the ring my father bought my mother on their 10-year anniversary (although, I got it since their marriage didn’t last 15 years!). Anyway, I had myself a really LONG think and my brain went PING!, and I remembered where I MAY HAVE put my ring. Sure enough, I found it in the basket I where I kept the pull-ups in the bathroom–underneath the pull-ups I had just restocked! Anyway, DH and I were about to hit OUR 10-year anniversary, and he had never actually bought me a ring (see: wedding band was my MOTHER’S), so he told me that I could go ahead and buy the solitaire for myself. I wear it on my middle finger, and it’s absolutely lovely, and it didn’t break the bank.

    Of course now my original, 30+ year old band needs a prong replaced, so I’ve been wearing my solitaire on my ring finger to get by until I finally get the wedding ring in to get it repaired.

  28. Becky

    My mom was out pulling weeds in our yard in the country when I was young and her ring went flying with the handful of grass she threw into the brush. It was near an old barn/workshop, so the ground was full of old nails and crap, so a metal detector wouldn’t have done any good. She never found it, but did get a different one for an anniversary a year or two later. There was a significant flood there about 13 years ago (holy cow; how was it that long ago??), so I’m sure the ring is long gone.

    I’ve “lost” my ring a couple of times. Thankfully I’ve always found it within a couple weeks. I love that Paul is making you a new ring. It will definitely have tons of sentimental value. And what a great story, even if you never find the original.

  29. Sara

    I hope you find your ring Swistle! My husband lost his ring a week so before Christmas 2012 and he was a wreck. the funny thing is that *I* am the one always misplacing my ring and it drives him crazy. We looked in all the rooms and he even went through the trash (both the kitchen and the can outside). He had resigned himself to the fact that he lost it. Oh, I forgot–my then 4 year old said she took it and had it in her room. So, we ripped her room apart and interrogated the hell out of her. Didn’t find it. So, we weren’t happy sentimentally, obviously, but more b /c of the expense and the fact that it was a custom made ring. On Christmas Eve, my MIL had barely walked in the house and said, “Is that a ring?” It was lying next to my curio cabinet, hidden by the carpet! Mike thanked her a million times that day. She already had a reputation for being the person who could find lost things–this cemented it. :)

  30. jcl

    My husband lost his wedding ring on day 3 of our honeymoon. I didn’t take it well at the time, but it is fine. We went through a series of cheap replacements that never lasted very long and we have just given up on him having a ring at this point. Funny thing is though, just last night I found the last (stainless steel) one he had used behind the radiator next to our bed. It has been missing for over a year. I only found it because we are packing up to move in the next month.

  31. Kara

    I “lost” my original engagement ring when we moved from Rhode Island to Arizona. It was a stressful time, and I didn’t even notice it was gone until we were two days into the drive. Devastated does not even begin to describe how I felt. About a year later, we bought a house in Arizona, and finally unpacked some of the last boxes- the ones with the glassware and other non-daily use items. Sure enough, in the bottom of one of the boxes, my ring appeared. But by that time, I was pregnant and my fingers were too swollen to fit it on anyways. I put it in a box, and I’ve never worn it since- 11 years ago. Because I just can’t lose the baby weight from my fingers (yeah, that’s it).

  32. HereWeGoAJen

    I don’t have a found ring story, but I have a found object story. I have a comb that was my grandmother’s. It’s one of those plastic combs with a handle and I like it because it is made out of much tougher plastic than modern combs. (I’m not particularly sentimental that it was my grandmother’s. I didn’t know her well and she died 25 years ago when I was seven.) Anyway, I’ve been using this comb for years and years. When Elizabeth was three weeks old, we went to have family portraits taken. At the photography studio, I pulled the comb out of my bag and realized that the very tip of the handle had broken off. I searched my bag and the floor for it and didn’t find it. About six months ago, I found this tiny piece of plastic on the floor beside my bed. Right in the middle of the floor, not near anything, couldn’t have been hidden next to anything. I have no idea how it got there. And we’ve moved since then. TWICE. I lost it in Florida and I found it in Georgia. So hopefully your ring will turn up.

    Oh and my husband lost a tv remote and found it three years later in a different house. Perhaps you should move?

  33. onelittletwolittle

    My sister-in-law lost her engagement ring 8 years ago, when she was planting a garden in the front yard with her then-fiance.

    This past summer, she was moving some annuals, and lo-and-behold, her ring was there in the garden bed.

    Eight years!!! So what was lost can be found. And is often found when you’re not looking.

    A bit off the subject, but I always think it’s funny that my rings don’t fit when I’m in my last trimester of pregnancy, the time in which I really want a ring on my finger.

  34. Phancymama

    My husband has lost his wedding ring three times and found it each time. It has always been due to the cold, it slips off his finger or when he takes off his gloves. Once it was turned in to lost and found, once it was in his pocket and once after hours of searching with a flashlight he found it by the outside of door. Then we bought him a silver ring to wear in the cold and now he wears that one all the time.
    I hope yours turns up!

  35. Jess

    In the ‘misery loves company’ category, I lost my engagement ring before we even got married. It had been my grandmother’s ring and she had passed away shortly before. We never found it. So, yeah. Sorry I don’t have a hopeful happy ending for you. In the end, it was just a thing, though a special thing, and all of my people were safe so I could deal with losing a thing. Our renter’s ins did cover it though, even though we had no appraisal or any official paperwork, just a picture of it.

  36. Carolyn

    My friend lost her wedding ring (they actually think it was stolen by one of their home health aides when she was recovering from a surgery – how AWFUL is that??) Anyhow, her original ring had been custom designed by her husband and was beautiful and she loved it, but once it was gone they decided to do a totally different kind of ring (the whole “giant diamond solitaire” thing is pretty but not necessarily practical with little kids, particularly one with severe food allergies, who would have a reaction if anything got stuck in her ring!) In any case, they had insured the ring so they used the money to purchase a NEW ring, which she actually loves more than her original one (more of a fancy wedding band this time than a traditional wedding ring). So, it can work out well sometimes :)

    1. Another Heather

      Just wanted to chime in to say that yes, home health aides can have sticky fingers! They play a pivotal role in my long missing ring saga…
      I have gone through three “missing” rings, two of which were mine and one of which was his. I’ll start with his because it’s actually quite humorous and has a happy ending:
      We were helping someone move and in order to avoid scratching the furniture while he broke it down, my guy pocketed his ring. At some point, the ring must have fallen into one of the boxes of items we were taking to sell at a local store. We got them all unloaded, sold, and went out for dinner that night, at which point I guess he noticed but didn’t think much of the fact that he wasn’t wearing his ring. He realized after a more thorough search that it was absolutely not in any of his pockets or the floor of the car. So we drove back to the store and asked them if they wouldn’t mind checking the boxes we had just sold. When nothing turned up, we called the friends who were moving and asked them to look around. While they located a sweater that I had left (hurrah!) they ring’s whereabouts remained a mystery. Well, a few months later we were back in town and walked into this same store for a browse. The guy at the counter apparently recognized my husband and RECOGNIZED the ring from when they had a class together (it is an unusual design). It had turned up much later when they were breaking down the boxes, stuck in the bottom folds! They’d had it in the lost and found ever since. It was amazing luck.
      My personal ring saga involves hospice workers likely stealing the “family heirloom” that was supposed to be my engagement ring (my husband hadn’t proposed with it yet!) And the replacement turning out to be a fashion ring that was mis-hallmarked. When we finally replaced THAT with a beautiful antique ring from an online vendor it went missing in the mail on its way to us! I hounded the post-office like a crazy for a solid month until they did the necessary digging and found it “on the truck” (yeah right).
      Oh Swistle, I hope your ring turns up! I’m a sentimental person and I had the brief moment of hesitation when it came to replacing “the” ring. But whatever ring you end up with, it’s still about the two of you. And now it can be a ring that symbolizes all you’ve accomplished since getting married, an affirmation of the original if you like.

  37. Amelia

    I have a few stories:
    My mom lost her wedding and engagement rings once, and it turned out that my magpie younger brother had taken them from her bureau while she was making bread or something else that would make her hands all gooey. She found it weeks later in his toy box during a deep clean.
    My mom also knocked out her diamond in her engagement ring once, she thought in the laundry room, but several weeks later (after my dad had replaced the stone), she found it in the bottom of the washer. How it didn’t get flushed away during the intervening washes, we’ll never know. My dad had the stone re-set into a new, right-hand ring for her.
    AND, my husband lost his ring while swimming in a cold lake. He actually went back to the lake, put on his SCUBA gear, grabbed a borrowed under-water metal detector, and spent an hour or two trying to find it. I think he really enjoyed himself. He didn’t find it, so we bought another one, a half-size smaller, and he doesn’t wear it swimming anymore.

    Have you considered that you might need to downsize a bit once you find it? If it could easily slip off in the trash or a bag for Goodwill, it’s probably too large (plus, whilst downsizing, which takes about a week, you can revel in the fact that your fingers have clearly lost weight in the past few years!).

  38. Jenny

    I’m hopeful the ring will turn up, resulting in a good story to share. Lord knows mine has fallen off my overly crowded nightstand into the ill-placed trash can more times than I can count. I’ve been extremely lucky to have always found it. Kids can be super at finding stuff, as can kitties, apparently–who knew? Good luck!

  39. Kirsten

    A co worker got her hand smashed in a door at work. (I work at a residential treatment facility for troubled youth.) The prongs on her diamond bent and the diamond went flying. She left for the er, more upset about the ring than her hand. After our youth were all in bed, six of us scoured the area for two hours. A night staff came in, went in the calm down room, and said ” Here it is!” It was in the hole that the door latches into in the door frame! (Door jamb? Is that the name?) He was just the right height and at the right angle to catch the light. Don’t give up!

  40. Reading (and chickens)

    My husband and I are both on our third rings. He lost the first one white-water rafting. He lost the second one taking out the trash–it was cold and the ring slipped into the apartment dumpster. I lost the first one by (I think) accidentally throwing it in the trash when I was prepping chicken for dinner. I lost the second one somewhere in the house, and got a third ring–and then found the second one on the little baseboard behind the toilet (I don’t know why it was there). It has always been okay. They are expensive to replace and not strictly necessary, but we like them, and it’s always been a sigh of “oh well,” and that was that. It was okay. I don’t know if that was helpful or not. Probably not?

  41. Annika

    When my husband was a young teen, he was snorkeling at the beach on a Virgin island and a just-married couple approached him, distressed because one of them had lost a ring in the water. He looked for an hour or more and he found it!

    I cannot get my wedding ring off because I am 75 pounds heavier than I was at my wedding and I did not think ahead when I was gaining that weight. All the stories of rings falling off hands in the cold are cracking me up! (Not because it is funny. But because it is so different than my current predicament.)

  42. Stimey

    See, the great thing about my wedding ring is that my fingers are fatter now than when I got married, so I really have to put some EFFORT into getting the ring off of my finger, making it unlikely that it will get lost. Mayhap I could suggest fattening up your fingers in the future?

    I am so sorry. I think the lathed ring sounds wonderful and maybe even better than an original. It is made by hand by a husband who still loves you enough to do such a thing all these years later. What could be better than that?

    1. Guinevere

      I think this is very true! I had mine resized after weightloss caused it to go flying across the room when I gestured. I ended up stabilizing about 10 lbs above the weight at which I resized and it’s actually great – the ring is hard but not impossible to remove in all climate conditions, but it’s difficult enough that I don’t take the ring off much. Perfect! (I have a non-snaggy setting that it is possible to wear for most things.)

      My mother-in-law once put her ring on the toilet for purposes of applying lotion and then wandered off, being a little scatterbrained. (PSA: never put your ring on a toilet.) This is not a “it gets miraculously found” story because the ring totally got flushed down the toilet, but it IS a “everything was okay” story – she used her own mother’s wedding set for a while and that was a pleasing sentimental substitution until they found the same ring again and had the funds to purchase it. I think that Paul’s lathe-crafted ring should be also a very pleasing sentimental substitution, and hopefully all of the other awesome stories can keep hope alive that it may be found yet!

      1. Guinevere

        Oh!!! I am forgetting – pre-resizing I did lose my engagement ring. I was in the parked car with a door open, was putting on lotion, it fell off my lap, and while I knew immediately that it had fallen, I couldn’t find it anywhere on the ground by the car or in the car. I searched frantically for a long time, called my spouse and friends to search with me in case my panic was making me overlook the obvious, and nothing. There were no gutters or places where it could have fallen, just a very clean street, so it was very mysterious that it was simply gone… and it was not anywhere in the car. I finally drove home with mounting panic that I had hallucinated the whole thing and lost the ring someplace else entirely. In desperation, I tried taking the car apart with tools. I found it in the innards of the parking brake.

  43. el-e-e

    I do hope you find your ring! You don’t need another story, but i have one and want to share – I love reading everyone else’s!

    I lost a ruby and diamond ring my parents had given me, when I was in high school in Florida. I’d gone with some friends to the beach one night and we’d made a small bonfire, which was forbidden at the state park beach. Oops. We had been laying back, looking at stars, and I was wearing a (demin, natch) jacket and remember having my hands in my pockets. A ranger made us put out the fire and we kicked sand all over that thing, and hurriedly drove away.

    In the car I realized my ring was gone, so we turned around, drove back to the beach, found the spot where we’d kicked sand, and in the dark, dug around on our hands and knees. Amazingly, we found the thing within 10 minutes. I still can’t believe that and I still have the ring.


  44. Kristin H

    Oh! I have such a great story for you that I’m skipping all the other comments to tell it. When my grandmother was first married (when my mom was still a baby), still took her ring off one day to do some gardening. She set it on the fence ledge next to the garden, but when she went to put it back on, it was gone. Gone, gone, gone. They looked and looked, and it was not to be found. She eventually had another one made that looked just like it, and wore it for the next 20 years. UNTIL, 20 years down the line, she was tilling the SAME plot of land, and guess what turned up? Now she had two rings, exactly the same, and since she’d been wearing the replacement for so long, she decided to keep wearing that one, and she passed on the original to me (first granddaughter) when I got married. Now I wear my grandma’s ring when I need a replacement for mine, or when I want to feel close to her.

  45. Liv

    My husband lost his ring (it was a tad too big) & went around checking possible places & didn’t find it.

    I took out the garbage bag, held the top & shook it all to one corner, then felt the corner of the bag…there was the ring.


  46. MargieK

    I lost the stone in my engagement ring on a day when I’d been running errands all over town because we were leaving for vacation the next day. I never did find it, but figured it could have been anywhere. Our eldest was about 9 weeks old at the time, so it could have been tossed with a dirty diaper. It made me sad for a while, but I got over it and kept wearing the wedding band. I put the engagement ring in a box, figuring I’d eventually put a new stone (perhaps a cubic zirconia) in it but have yet to do so (this was almost 29 years ago). In the interim I’d been wearing a much nicer albeit old fashioned ring that I’d inherited from my grandmother’s spinster cousin and gotten lots of compliments and comments on it. Then two years ago for our 33rd anniversary my husband (who is NOT the sentimental type) got me a special band with 20 diamond chips in it and I have been wearing that ever since. I’d still like to replace the stone in my engagement ring someday.

    My husband lost his wedding band a few months after we were married. He was a mechanic and took it off a lot (much to my dismay), claiming it was dangerous to work on engines and it might get caught on something and he could lose a finger. We’re not sure whether he set it down on the coffee table in our apartment and someone walked off with it (we were living in married student housing because I was a grad student), or if he left it on a ledge in the bathroom and it fell into the trash. We have not bothered to replace it — but he doesn’t work as a mechanic anymore (except on our own cars when necessary), so perhaps I should consider that for our upcoming anniversary — except I’m not sure he’d wear it, and I have no idea what size he’d wear.

    I’ve found that my rings (I also still wear my high school ring on my right hand — I graduated 38 years ago) have worn grooves into my fingers, so they’re really hard to remove. I don’t take them off to cook, do dishes, form hamburgers, anything; I just wash my hands well, and the rings are fine. I *did* take them off when I was six months pregnant, as my hands would swell up (along with my ankles, etc.), but never lost them during that time.

    I wish I had a found ring story for you. I’ve lost and found certain earrings numerous times, and all these other stories give me hope that you’ll be able to find yours.

  47. Jillian

    I lost my engagement ring years ago, and then we moved, and months later, the people who bought our house found it in the washing machine! I think they called our realtor to get my phone number and I went over and picked it up that day!

  48. Liv

    I have one more too – my mom is constantly giving me her old stuff & gave me something I actually wanted for a change (usually it all goes right to goodwill) – and I put the bottle under my bathroom sink. Months later, I opened the sink cabinet & just happened to notice something on the bottle top. I pulled it out and it was a ring on the spray bottle top. It looked familiar, then I remembered my mom gave it to me & realized it must be my dads (really $$$ ring).

    He had been washing his hands and took off the ring and placed it on the bottle spray top, forgot to put it back on & my mom promptly ‘donated’ I to me. Glad I didn’t goodwill it!

  49. Julie

    When I was a little girl, maybe 5ish, my mom lost the diamond out of her engagement ring. She looked down one day, and it was just gone. Hoo boy, did we look for that rock. I felt like I knew each loop of carpet in the house personally. 4 days of searching and nothing. Then my dad walked into what was then an office, turned on the light, and saw something shiny on the ground. He went right over and plucked the diamond up from where it was just hanging out on the floor.

    It wasn’t until yesterday that I heard his side of the story, which was that my mother hadn’t told him she’d lost the diamond before he found it completely randomly.

    I will forever be paranoid about the stones in my rings as a result. I can deal with that.

    (Hoping and praying your ring turns up.)

  50. Alicia

    My husband once lost his ring for over a year. He was playing softball and put it in his softball bag. It went missing. Look forever, checked lost and found, it never turned up. After about 6 months we got him a cheap ring from a site called Tanga I think. About 5 or 6 months later someone who works with him said that lost and found was cleaning out there stuff and he should go look for his ring one more time. Turns out his place of emplyment had TWO lost and founds and he had checked only one not knowing about the second. And his ring was there. :D

  51. Monica

    My stepdad lost his ring out in the yard during the first year, and never found it. Replaced it after a month or so, and a year later he lost that one too. Replaced it. Then, just before their 10th anniversary (8 years later) he was sorting through some old vacuum parts that he was going to take to get recycled and found it at the bottom of the box!! So we thought he lost two rings, but now it’s down to only one, and he has a backup just in case. :-)

    My husband frequently takes his ring off to spin it on the table when we’re talking, or takes it off and leaves it on the coffee table if he’s playing video games. I just know he’s going to lose it eventually! Luckily it’s tungsten, not gold, so it won’t be quite as expensive to replace.

    I hope you find your ring, and be sure to tell us the story if you do! I think it’s quite sweet for Paul to make you a new one. Maybe if you find the original ring you can wear the new one on your right hand.

  52. Laura

    My husband’s wedding ring was lost for three years. During a crazy round of Spring cleaning, I found it underneath the bathroom sink in a never used shower caddy — the baby/toddler at that time must have found it and dropped it in there. I always felt like it would float to the top at some point and be discovered. Don’t give up hope! (As an aside, I find that “something is missing” feeling to be like wearing a too tight itchy sweater I can’t take off, and I’m having sympathy pains on your behalf.)

  53. Kelsey d

    This is slightly different but at the hospital I work at, we are no longer allowed to wear rings with any jewels or diamonds in then, for infection control reasons. But I’m still not comfortable NOT wearing a ring , like you, I feel weird and almost naked without my rings on. Since we had all our wedding rings made, my husband and I are going to the metal smith this week and are going to have a matching wedding band to my husbands made for me (since mine has diamonds in it). My husband suggested this and just seemed like very sweet and sentimental… Like the ring will still mean something to me. I would suggest having your husband make you one, because you will still feel a connection to it, rather than just getting a temporary replacement from target or a consignment store. Then, if you guys choose to at a later date go shopping together, then you are still picking it out together.

    Good luck. Hopefully you do not have to worry about this at all as it will turn up.

  54. Laura

    1. I just finished reading the comments, and therefore will never be in the garden again with my rings on (You should do a Swistle poll on where lost things often get lost or are found. That may be fun once the current crisis is resolved.)
    2. It appears that losing a valuable item has several common stages of feelings. So interesting!

  55. Katie

    When I was first engaged I took my engagement ring off in a restroom at school when I was washing my hands. I realized it about five minutes later and rushed back but it was gone. Luckily the next person who used the bathroom found it and turned it in to security who had it locked up tight. I never took that off again until I was pregnant and it didn’t fit anymore.

    Since I’ve been chronically pregnant my rings have not fit me well for the last six years. As a result I don’t usually wear either of them. I keep the engagement ring at the bank. I keep my wedding ring in my medicine cabinet in my bathroom. Why? I have no idea. But, a couple of weeks ago I found my ring in a kitchen cabinet. I have absolutely no recollection of having worn it, much less of having taken it off in the kitchen and placed it in the cabinet (which is right above the kitchen sink and a not totally wild place to put a ring while one is, say, washing dishes). And yet it appears I did just that. The point is that if I’d gone to look for it in its usual spot I would’ve discovered it missing and had absolutely no idea where to find it. And yet I did find it. Totally by accident.

    Good luck finding your ring, Swistle!

  56. Kathy

    I haven’t read all the comments so forgive me if this has already been suggested but have you checked between the mattresses of any beds that you have changed the sheets on lately? I’ve lost rings several times tucking sheets in between the mattress and box springs.

  57. Barb

    My mom once lost the diamond in her wedding ring and found it weeks later in the lining of her dress coat. There was a hole in her pocket and the diamond snagged on it and fell into the lining of her coat (like at the bottom).

    My husband lost his (thankfully inexpensive) wedding band when we’d been married for less than six months. He’d been golfing with his friends (he’s horrible) and was in a stream looking for his ball. His hands were cold and he lost the ring in the stream.

    Good vibes that you find it!

  58. Mary

    My sister once found a lost ring (not a wedding ring) in a pair of gloves. The ring had been lost for years and there it was! Have you checked your gloves?

  59. Honeybecke

    I’ve got a doozy of a story for ya. It’s My favorite story to tell. I lost my ring about 3 years ago. We had been sledding on a huuuuuuge hill/area that doubles as a golf course in the summer months. We have snow on the ground from October-May. I had taken my gloves off several times to take pictures and of course my ring slipped off one of those times, but I didn’t notice until we’d gotten to the car. We KNEW it was on the sledding hill somewhere. So what did we do? We came home and straight away bought a metal detector on Amazon. We went as a family and walked a grid but didn’t find it and didn’t find it. Then three months later I was out of town and when I got home my husband had my ring on his finger and I just burst out crying. Joyful tears! I too, had gone through the steps of mourning and had come to acceptance so it was quite a shock to see it! My husband and my dad, along with my boys had gone back and found it–under a foot and a half of snow!! Best day ever. :)

  60. dani

    I’ve never lost my wedding ring thank goodness as it’s something that has always been at the back of my mind. Anyhow, I worked really hard in college and saved my money to buy myself a ruby and diamond ring. I finally did it and promptly lost it the first few months I owned it. I looked every where and called every store I shopped at in a 20 mile radius of home. A few months went by and I got a call from a lady at a clothing store telling me that she thought she had found my ring. I had given up hope at that point but drove to the store and sure enough it was my ring. The actual employee that found the ring was not there that day and I wanted to thank her. I went back the following week with a gift card and a thank you note and it just so happened to be the day the “big wigs” were coming to inspect her store. So, I got to thank her in a private meeting in front of all of her bosses…happy ring story. Don’t give up hope yet Swistle.

  61. Melinda

    My husband lost his ring a couple years ago. After a few months I found an inexpensive stainless steel replacement for him. It was never as comfortable and he would take it off and leave it sitting around. That always made me a little sad. I knew it was just a ring and not the marriage logically so I tried to get over myself.

    (Here comes the good part…) Then, about a year after he lost it, I happened to look in the rubber gasket seal of our front loading washing machine and there was his ring. I was so happy to see it! So was he. And he wears it all the time now.

    Hope your ring shows up too!

  62. g~

    OMG, I am totally going to ignore this part of your blog:

    Because if my husband ever imagined this was a possibility for us, I would not hear the end of it until he had one.

  63. jill

    Friend found her wedding ring in a sock drawer after it had been missing for months. Hope you find yours soon! Maybe someone’s story will point you in the right direction :)

  64. Alison

    I lost both my rings about a year ago. It was on a night that my husband was out of town and my mother in law took my oldest for a sleepover so that I could run ten thousand errands and begin cleaning/clearing out for an upcoming move. I realized about 10 pm that they were missing and could be anywhere. I found them late that night while tearing the house apart. I had washed some old quilts, folded them, and put them up at the top of our closet. The rings must have slipped off as I was folding and I folded them into a quilt. I still can’t believe I found them.

  65. Marguerite

    My brother lost his wedding ring in a snowy parking lot after fixing a tire, left, realized it was missing, went back to the parking lot IN THE DARK and found it!
    I haven’t lost any of my rings but developed an allergy to them after my pregnancy. So I know where my lovely rings are but after only two years of marriage, I can’t wear them anymore. I really miss them and don’t like looking like I’m not married, so we are figuring out some alternatives.

    1. Laura

      There are coatings that they can put on the inside of the ring to prevent the allergic reaction. My SIL had this done after she developed a rash under her wedding bands.

      1. KeraLinnea

        Clear nail polish worked for my sister when she developed an allergy to her rings. She just brushed a couple of thin coats along the inside of the ring, let it dry, and never had any issues since.

        1. amy

          Is there a hollow spot under the ring? I reacted badly to that with my rings because soap and/or water would get trapped. I got that hollow filled in and Voila! No more reaction!

  66. Megan @ Mama Bub

    My husband lost his ring at the beach last summer and we still haven’t replaced it. At first I was just sad. I wasn’t mad AT him, he’s responsible and was really upset about the lost ring and he certainly didn’t do it on purpose. Anyway, his had diamonds in it, and he went back to the place where we bought it to see how much it would cost to replace it and laughed all the way home. SO. He still doesn’t have a ring, but now I can laugh about it rather than feel sad about it. He just can’t decide which replacement option to choose – nice and pricey, or cheap and boring. I really want him to get one of those titanium rings, but he votes no.

  67. Laura

    You have to read Y’s story:

    My own story isn’t anywhere near as uplifting: I lost my rings at least a year ago and they haven’t turned up, but it’s O.K. I rarely wore them before, so I didn’t feel the need to replace them. I’m sad–and annoyed with myself–to have lost something so special (and expensive), but in the end they’re just things.

  68. Nancy

    My husband is on his third ring. I think I was a bit sad when he lost the first one, but now many years later it really doesn’t matter at all that it isn’t the original ring.

    When he lost the second one, we were a bit short on funds, so he didn’t tell me he’d lost it while he saved up over several months to replace it. I never noticed in that time that he wasn’t wearing his ring, until I saw him wearing the (identical) replacement. When I said “Hey, you haven’t been wearing your ring much lately, have you?”, he confessed to keeping quiet about losing it.

  69. velocibadgergirl

    At my old job, one of my coworkers lost his wedding ring somewhere at work in November. Everyone on staff kept an eye out but no one found it. His wife was quite displeased. Then, in January when he took down the Christmas decorations he put up in the building, he found his ring in the decoration box, where it had slipped off his finger while he was working. Hooray!

    I hope you find yours in an equally unlikely place and this turns into a funny story to tell later.

  70. Gigi

    I lost one of the diamonds in my ring years ago and have been wearing a simple anniversary band ever since. But my husband recently brought up that we either a) replace the diamond or b) replace the whole ring. I’m kind of torn. I never “loved” my wedding set (it looked JUST like my mother’s; which I now have) but at the same time it’s MY wedding set.

    I hope you find yours!

  71. Ann

    Wow, so many lost ring stories! And so many amazing happy endings – wish I had one! I’m a teacher and I noticed at a morning faculty meeting that the diamond had fallen out of my wedding set. I had teachers, and then students, looking for it, but it never turned up. Then one day, a week or so later, I saw something shiny on the floor of the adult bathroom, and I talked myself into believing it was my diamond. Amazed, I showed it to some co-workers, who gently helped me see that it was plastic. So sad! I never did find it, but it’s okay. Someday when we have extra money (ha-ha), maybe I’ll replace it.

  72. Laura

    My mom lost her wedding ring when I was in high school. She was certain that it was in the trash at a local pizza joint where she and dad had eaten lunch. They sifted through the trash that afternoon, but didn’t find it. The drawer where she keeps the dishtowels never opened all of the way because the edge of the stove blocked it. One day when my dad was working on the stove, she completely emptied the drawer and there, at the bottom, she found her ring. I would lay odds that yours is still in your house — it is just a matter of time before you find it. Offer the kids a reward and sit back and wait.

  73. Portia

    Ooh, I have a found-a-lost-ring story!

    I lost a ring that my boyfriend had given me. I usually never took the ring off, but I had the flu and was up and down all night and the ring was bothering me, so at some point I took it off. The next day, I realized I wasn’t wearing it and couldn’t find it on the bureau, the bathroom sink, the bedside table, etc. It took me a long time to realize it wasn’t going to just turn up. I thought the most likely scenario was that it was in the bedsheets somewhere, so I unmade the bed and eventually took the whole bed apart — took the mattress off the boxspring, crawled all around under the bed with a flashlight. Nothing.

    We looked for that ring for over a year. At one point, when I was changing the vacuum bag, my heroic boyfriend even sifted through all the grossness in the bag to make sure the ring hadn’t wound up in there. I eventually resigned myself to its loss, and thought sadly that one day we would move out of this apartment and the ring hunt would be over forever. One morning, well over a year later, my boyfriend was making the bed, felt a lump under the sheet , and there it was. (Um, please note that the sheets HAD been changed since the ring loss. Many, many times.)

    I bet it will turn up somewhere that you’ve already looked a thousand times. I hope so!

  74. Lise

    My high school class ring went missing sometime during the summer after graduation. I had no idea when and where I’d lost it. My father found it in his garden 27 years later with a carrot growing through it.

  75. Shannon

    A couple of days after my second child was born I was determined to get my ring back on. I jammed it on my finger and immediately realized what a bad idea this was. My finger swelled up and no amount of soap, olive oil or magical thinking was going to get this ring off. I really didn’t want to go back to the hospital, I was so happy to finally be sprung! So my husband took a flat head screwdriver (to wedge between my finger and the ring) and a hack saw and sawed it off my finger! It makes you realize how much you trust someone ;)

  76. Amie

    My mom was going to give me her wedding ring when I got married. Then she lost weight before my wedding and her ring fit again, so I got a new one. A few months later when I watched my ring go down the shower drain (no stopper) I was SO GLAD my mom hadnt passed her ring onto me, afterall.

  77. April

    I lost mine once and it turned up in the kids’ room a couple weeks later. My husband’s is gone forever because we were leaving the mall during a hurricane last year (not an exaggeration, but I can’t remember what the storm was) and he was putting my son in his car seat, pulled his hand back and it flew across the parking lot. The water was up to my calves, so we never found it. We keep talking about getting a new one but haven’t found out his ring size still. Eventually I’d like it to be known that he’s taken.

  78. Libby

    I was about to go into a class where we wore gloves, so sitting in my car, I took off my mother’s engagement ring and promptly dropped it. I looked and looked and looked, and it just was not there. How could it be gone? I hadn’t moved from the driver’s seat! Took me a frantic half hour to realize it had fallen into the crevice between the steering wheel and the steering wheel cover.

  79. Tessa

    My dad lost his original wedding ring at the beach when my parents were just married. They looked for it for a few hours and gave up; they were packing up their gear to leave when someone hollered “hey, did someone lose a ring?” Sure enough. A year later he got it stuck on the back of his work truck as he was jumping off and his partner was driving away, that was the end of that ring. (And nearly his finger.)

    My friend’s husband is on his 8th! wedding ring. Finally this year he got a tattoo on his ring finger. Much cheaper.

  80. ESL

    My husband has “lost” and found his at least 4 times, one time it was gone at least a week. Three of the times, I think, it was in our yard or another family’s yard, and we needed to rent a metal detector to recover it. Another time he couldn’t remember when he lost it, but it turned out it had slipped off his hand when he was taking out the trash and when the snow melted we found it beside the trash can. That time he had it tightened.

    I will tell you that the one time we thought it was really, really gone, he was really upset/mad at himself, and I was relaxed about it. It’s only a thing, I kept saying. So I’m sure you’re much more angry at yourself than your husband is at you.

  81. Katie

    Oh my gosh, I just thought of an idea. Make “find mom’s wedding ring” a chore on the chore wars. Maybe it will cause one of your kids to find it?

  82. idena

    Years ago I lost a small sapphire that was on the side of the diamond of my engagement ring. I was devastated and embarrassed and mad. Couldn’t wear the ring with that one stone missing, and couldn’t afford to replace it. Mad Mad Mad. Then after about an hour of walking around the house mad, I decided to give in and take the ring off and be done with it, when I looked down and on the floor between my feet was the stone. It must have been stuck in the fabric of my sweater or pants or somewhere on myself, since I had walked all over the house looking for it, but found it when I stopped.
    Then after 10 years of marriage I got a new wedding band, because I wasn’t into gold anymore and thought a nice new platinum band would be the way to go. Love it. Then at 15 years of marriage switched over the engagement diamond and sapphires to a new platinum setting to match it. But then shortly after stopped wearing the engagement ring because it got caught on everything and in the way and annoying to wear on a daily basis. Then at 20 years stopped wearing the band as well, due to dry skin issues and being super mad at my husband.
    You know what I learned? Wearing or not wearing a ring doesn’t make me married or not married. And the ring I was married with was a symbol, and not anything more, so it was okay to switch out rings as I desired. I’m back to wearing the band alone (and the set when I got out to dinner or other events) now that my skin is in better shape and when I realized I love my husband even if he is a jerk sometimes.
    And that right there is a very long story with no purpose or help to you.
    Hope you find your ring soon!

  83. Nancy

    My sister-in-law is of the “wedding rings should never be removed” school, to the extent that she didn’t want her husband to remove his ring for safekeeping while he was doing a bungee-jump off a bridge.

  84. Rah

    I lost a birthstone ring once on a shopping trip. I went back to the mall and inquired at Lost and Found. Nothing. When we got home, we got flashlights and looked all through our car, including under the seats, between them, etc. The flashlight caught a sparkle, and I excitedly and awkwardly reached under the seat to retrieve it and pulled out a ring that was NOT MINE! We had bought the car used, from a teenaged boy, and what I had found was an old timey wedding band with a tiny diamond embedded in the gold. We never did find my birthstone ring.

  85. Kalendi

    I still wear the original set (soldered together) from our wedding 33 years ago. I would be devastated if I lost them even though they aren’t a very expensive set! My husband on the other hand has gone through three rings. The original ring had a little diamond in it and he went over the top of his bicycle handlebars and lost the diamond. So I had the diamond replaced and the ring sized. He then lost the ring in the pumpkin patch (he thinks) at the grocery store but it was never returned. SO I replaced the ring and that ring was cut off from his broken finger after his bike accident. He still has the ring but doesn’t wear it. But if you knew my husband you would laugh (I do). I think rings for my husband weren’t a good idea. My Dad never wore one because he worked with his hands.
    I’m sorry Swistle I hope yours turns up!

  86. Jenny Grace

    “There are more calls for a metal lathe than you might think, but always fewer than Paul hopes.”

    I have no ring stories (or I have long complicated ones that don’t quite relate to me or seem necessary relevant). But I would like to know more about the calls for a metal lathe.

    1. Swistle Post author

      They are mostly of the dull-but-satisfying nature: making a custom part out of metal to fix something else, for example.

      There’s a whole hobby group dedicated to using a metal lathe to MAKE A NEW METAL LATHE. Paul has CONSIDERED THIS.

  87. laura

    I think that your ring slipped off because you’ve cut salt enough to lose the puffy water retention in your body–sure it’s lame it happened but YOU’RE CUTTING SALT–on the other hand I’m stupid and I have no clue what I’m saying : )

  88. danish

    I lost my wedding band in the last couple of weeks, wahhhhhhh! I’m afraid it went in the trash even though I pored thru it with disposable gloves on. I love my ring and these comments give me hope that I will find it soon. And I hope you find yours too. I’ve been wearing my pointy, set too high, scratched CZ engagement ring that I thought I liked and needed 8 yrs ago. It’s a poor substitute, I tell ya

  89. rebecca

    Hubs has lost his three times, found it twice. Once in the inner workings of the recliner, once in the catbox in the closet. He had put it in his pants pocket, hung up his pants in the closet and it fell out of the pocket into the kitty box where it lay buried for days until I smartly thought to look there. The third time? We did not find it. He thinks it was lost at his sister’s sprawling home/yard and you can’t really tear apart someone else’s house the same way you can tear apart your own. We waited about 6 months but I felt reallllllly weird with him not having/wearing a ring so I took the $$ out of our joint savings and bought him the closest kind I could find to his very unusual original. We still look at the sister’s house. We still look in our yard. But it is probably gone to the elements. I get sentimental when I look at the baby pic of our firstborn with all our hand entwined b/c oyu can really see his original ring there but, truth be told, except to harass him once or twice a year, I have forgotten about the ring on his finger being a replacement. Get another ring. Promise the kids a hefty sum of $$$ if they find your ring in the house. They are more determined and more familiar with nooks and crannies but if that does not work, get a new ring and all will be will.

  90. sooboo

    My husband has also lost his ring three times! Glad to see he’s not the only one because three seems like a lot to me. The first time it was in the bottom of my MIL’s pool, the second time it fell off in his pocket when he reached in it to grab something and the third time it was lost for days and he found it at the end of the bed, wrapped in the sheets when we stripped the bed change it. I got really mad at him the last time because it looked like it wasn’t going to be found, which I feel badly about now. We have since gotten it re-sized. I hope you find your ring. Say a prayer to Saint Anthony (he’s the patron saint of lost things). It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it will work or if you aren’t Catholic or religious.

  91. Sarah

    Oh I’m so sorry- I lost my ring once (it was my engagement diamond AND my wedding band, b/c we’d had them soldered together) and it was such an awful feeling. I was so upset and guilty that I had somehow lost it, and hoping Jim didn’t feel devastated and hurt about it since he had picked it out for me and it had so much meaning to him. And then also I was just so SAD at its being gone. There’s no replacing the ring someone put on your finger when they asked you to marry them!
    Then months later, when I had pretty much given up on it and sadly accepted that at some point we’d just need to get another ring, I found it tucked inside a tiny tear on a patch of Adelay’s bedspread quilt. I was so intensely thrilled and happy (it kind of rivaled when I saw it for the first time, actually) that I could not care less how it happened to get there, I just wanted it back on my finger! Now I actually hardly wear it in the winter, because I’d have to be taking it on and off so often due to my chronically dry hands that require cream four to five times a day. I can’t risk that much handling ever again- I’d rather have it sit safely in my jewelry box til summer! So I hope you have just such a thrilling, how-on-earth-did-it-ever-get-HERE-and-thank-heavens-I-found-it-at-all! moment.
    Jim also lost his wedding band, but we were literally only a few months into the marriage when it happened- he was eating ribs at a downtown festival, made a total mess of himself of course, and somehow in the midst of all the napkins and wet naps and whatever his ring also got wiped right off his hand and disappeared into one of many downtown trash barrels. We weren’t nearly as sad though since it was just a cheapie and not special like my ring was. He replaced it with his grandfather’s old wedding band, which actually had much more literal and sentimental value, and has managed to keep that one safe so far.

  92. Susie

    Swistle! I am so sorry! I hope you find it. Here is my story:
    Shortly before our first anniversary, I lost my wedding ring at frisbee. (We take our rings off to play, because we’ve heard too many stories from friends who had to have rings cut off after jamming or breaking a finger and blah blah blah.) I thought I put it on my key ring like I usually do, but it was missing when I went to put it back on. I looked all over the grassy sideline, and enlisted our entire team to help, and we spent ages looking before my husband took pity on me and said it was no big deal. I was crushed! I wore my engagement band, which I normally never wear, but felt weird and off just wearing that.

    Anyways, a week later, at frisbee again, I sat down to put my cleats on, and lo and behold, there was my ring. Somehow – a week later, after the grass had been mowed – I managed to sit in the exact right spot, and managed to look at the exact right place, and oh, I don’t know, it felt like a minor miracle.

    That’s all! I found it! I hope you find yours too!

  93. Maureen

    My husband and I bought fairly cheap gold bands for wedding rings, and I lost mine. It did feel weird not having it on-but I wasn’t too upset-which is unusual because I have emotional attachment to all kinds of inanimate objects. I replaced it, thought for sure I would find the other one-but no such luck.

    I really hope you find yours-but I love the idea of Paul making you one, that is awesome!

  94. Monique S.

    ACK! Oh good luck. I do hope you find it.

    My almost losing my wedding set is always in the back of my mind now and my husbands. I was about to go for a run but before I did , I needed to put bug spray on the baby and myself. So I took off my rings and set them on top of the buggy. Which I don’t recommend by the way. Since I usually take my rigns off before I run. I didn’t even think to look for them. I was not even half a block away before I remember that I set them on the buggy and then the frantic search began. I came back into the yard, wild eyed and crazed and all weepy not wanting to tell him what I lost but I wanted to enlist his help. I found my engagement rings quickly but my wedding band was harder to spot in the grass. Needless to say, he was the one who found it and will still to this day not let me live it down that I almost lost my ring. Except that he lost his wedding band and teh person who found it was our quite tall friend who happened to look on the top us pack! shelf while she was helping u

  95. amy

    I didn’t lose my ring, but I lost the Mom pendant my husband had special-ordered for me to wear at work because I couldn’t wear my rings there. I slept with the necklace on and didn’t notice until late the next day at work that it wasn’t around my neck. Panic ensued and I searched everywhere; work, the sidewalks to and from work, the house, even tore apart our cumbersome waterbed frame to check between everything and under all of the drawers in the bottom. No luck. I was sick with grief.

    Maybe two months later, on Mother’s Day, of all days, I found it wedged into the carpet under one edge of the bed frame. I cried I was so relieved.

  96. M.Amanda

    I’ve lost my rings a couple times, but always found them within a few days, usually in pockets or in the couch. I take mine off all the time as I hate wearing them when my hands are wet or when I’m sleeping. A lady in the movie theater restroom about stroked out seeing me remove them in public. “OH, HONEY. You NEVER remove your rings in public. That’s just bad luck!”

    However, back when I first started making jewelry, I found these beautiful green beads and made a pair of earrings. Then I lost one in the yard. I looked for hours without luck. The other sat in my jewelry box for months before I resigned myself to making another. Unfortunately, I no longer had any matching green beads. I made another pair that were the same except for the green bead and wore them all the time until I lost one of those at work. I sent out a desperate email to the entire building (about 60 people) and heard nothing. I kept it just because as soon as you get rid of it…

    Months later the person I work with most closely everyday leaned over my desk and there it was, hanging from her ear. I gasped, “The earring!” She laughed and said, “Oh, isn’t it pretty? I don’t know where I got it or where the mate is, but I found it stuck to my sweater and thought it was just too pretty to not wear just because I can’t find the other.” I told her where the mate was and she gave it back to me. I made her a couple pairs just to say thank you.

    So glad I didn’t give up, though I’m still waiting for the original green beaded earring to turn up.

  97. Sarah

    My wedding ring was my husband’s late mothers. She had passed away when he and his siblings were all under the age of twelve. I took my ring off one day and could not find it anywhere. I looked and looked and always thought in the back of my head that a friend of my husband’s, that was always at the house had taken it. I felt so guilty because I feel like it still kinda belongs to my husbands family.
    One day I open the drawer to a little side table we have and heard something slide around in the back of the drawer. It sounded like a rock or something. When I pulled out the drawer I was shocked to find the ring!!!!
    It had been 8 years! We had looked in the drawer and used that drawer so many times. It still blows my mind.
    Don’t give up hope.

  98. ayana

    Wow, you have over a hundred responses here, so you may never actually read this, but just incase, here’s an encouraging lost ring story. I live in Massachusetts where we have pretty tough winters. Nine years ago, in January, we got a huge snow storm and my husband was out shoveling, alone, because I was 8 months pregnant and couldn’t help. He got snow in his sleeve and took off his glove to shake it out, and I guess he shook his wrist pretty vigorously because his ring flew off his finger and landed God-knows-where in an unidentified drift of snow somewhere in the parking lot behind our apartment. He shoveled and sifted and searched for hours, but couldn’t find it. And he was really upset, for all the reasons you mentioned, but also because he didn’t want to be perceived as “one of THOSE guys” who loses his wedding ring. We were young and broke and expecting our first baby and couldn’t afford to replace the ring right then, plus, I kept holding out hope that we would find it. We asked our neighbors to keep a look out. We scanned the parking lot and snowdrifts for anything sparkly whenever we went outside. But it didn’t turn up. The snow from that storm melted and new snow fell. A month went by. The ring was gone. And THEN…(I swear to goodness this is a true story) 5 or 6 weeks after he lost it, we were all packed to go to the hospital for my scheduled c-section and he was helping to lower me into the car, and as he was closing the door I saw something shiny on the ground just beside the front tire. And it was HIS RING! On the ground, right next to our car, found on the day that our daughter was going to be born. It was a little scratched up, but not dented or squashed, and he popped it right back onto his finger and we drove to the hospital and had a gorgeous baby girl. And that story of how we found the lost ring on the day she was born became my daughter’s absolute favorite bedtime story. Anyway, I hope you find your ring, and that you get an equally awesome story out of it!

    1. Swistle Post author

      I always read them all! I get them emailed to me, so it’s like getting a lot of really great emails instead of primarily “SALE EXTENDED ONE MORE DAY!!” emails.

  99. Kami

    I’ve lost two important rings, a wedding ring & my class ring. My wedding ring was on the kitchen counter (I never wore it while cooking/cleaning) & my 4 year old was admiring it, all I can come up with is it went in the trash accidentally. We never found it, we did replace it with a much bigger princess cut diamond. The marriage didn’t survive anyways lol.
    The class ring….my daughter around 16 years old was wearing it a lot. Sure enough she lost it. I was super upset & pretty much could get mad about it anytime it was brought up. Low & behold we found it maybe 3-4 years later. She’d put it in a bathroom corner cabinet and it had slid behind a piece of wood near the door. I was cleaning the entire cabinet out & found it! So yours may show up, whenever!

  100. Susan

    I have not lost a ring, but I did replace my wedding band…when we were married 33 years ago, we had matching rings made by a silversmith. They were wide bands of rose gold and sterling silver. But very wide, and mine was never really that comfortable. We didn’t get an engagement ring because we were very poor at the time and I just didn’t care if I had a diamond. (I’m really NOT a jewelry person.) So several years later I decided to buy myself a plain, thin rose gold band. I’ve worn it ever since and I love it.

    When were were married 20 years I wanted an anniversary ring (I call it my “20-year prize.”) I thought I wanted the typical ring of small diamonds but then I decided to go with a custom-made band of rose gold with an inlaid band of Australian opal. It’s quite unusual and suits me well. I wear them both all the time now and break out the “original” hippie-made ring for our anniversary.

    I love reading all the stories of rings lost and found! Hope you find yours but I’m glad it’s not a big deal for you guys if it doesn’t turn up.

  101. mammafairy

    First, I really hope you find it! next, please try this. Say a prayer to St Anthony. It does not make a ha’porth of difference whether or not you believe in anything, just explain to him , that the ring is lost, and you would very much appreciate his help in finding it, and then look again, everywhere you already looked and it just may turn up.
    When it turns up, try to remember to say a quick thank you to him too!

  102. Deborah

    Not a wedding ring story (I just got engaged!), but a relevant lost jewelry one, especially since she wanted me to use the diamonds for my wedding band: This summer, my great-aunt passed away and very generously left me a beautiful necklace (in the shape of a star) and pin (in the shape of a moon) set, each w/ several diamonds that belonged to HER mother and had been brought from Russia. I wrapped them in the tissue, placed them in a coin purse, thought I put it in my own purse, and moved on with the rest of the sorting and memory sharing with the family. Got home (2 hrs away), went to show the pieces to my boyfriend: coin purse not in my purse. No problem: clearly in a box in the car with the other things. Went through every. single. one. Nope. Ripped apart purse, car, everyone else’s boxes, called cousins, uncles, nothing. Went back out to house. Nothing. Was preparing to go out for a 2nd trip as a last-ditch effort to put up signs because I figured it had fallen out of my pocket or something, when I heard my mom shriek! The coin purse, it turned out, was the same color as the carpet in her car; apparently it had fallen out of my purse, slipped under the passenger seat car, and was lurking in the shadows! Hope your ring is being stealthy, too, and that it turns up soon!!!

  103. Anne

    My husband lost his ring swinging on a rope swing the summer after we were married. He came in to the house in a panic feeling consumed with “bad luck for the marriage mojo” and I assured him that it was not bad luck for the marriage just bad luck for the ring because I was sure we would never find it on the bottom of the murky lake. But his friend said “let’s try” and they went out with goggles and found it!!

    My sister lost her class ring while weeding on a farm in New Zealand. She looked and looked to no avail. When she left the farm she wrote her name and address down for the farmer in case he ever found it. Several years later when he was selling the farm he plowed the field one last time and turned up her ring! It was dented and twisted (it is a very basic gold ring) but he thought it was probably hers so he contacted her and then sent it. She had it cleaned up and now it looks as if it never spent any years buried in dirt.

    Good luck!

  104. Surely

    Ugh! Argh! That’s awful!

    I LOVE that Paul is making you one. Love it.

    Remember when I lost my mother-in-law ring? It showed up the day before the house was being TORN DOWN. There’s always hope.

    I’m betting it is somewhere completely random, especially since you don’t take it off.

  105. Stefanie

    Chiming in very late with a lost necklace story. Ok, so it’s not my wedding ring, but I had a beautiful tanzanite pendant that I loved and that meant a lot to me. I wore it to work one day, came home and cared for little kids, then realized at bed time that I wasn’t wearing it anymore and had no idea where it was. Long story short, it was well and truly gone. I didn’t wear necklaces for the next 8 years (no, I’m not exaggerating), for fear of losing another one. Then one day I was clearing out my nightstand to take to Goodwill. I had removed all the big stuff in the large, deep drawer, and all that was left was detritus–paper clips and dust and pennies. I came *this close* to shrugging and taking it to Goodwill as-is, but at the last moment decided that I should suck it up and do the right thing and not send my garbage to be dealt with by someone else. So I emptied everything out of the drawer. Including my necklace, which had apparently slithered off the nightstand and into the deep recesses of the drawer many years before.

  106. Courtney Tucker

    True story:
    We were engaged to be married. I had to work a booth at the Dixie Classic Fair (more than 300,000 people visit each year). I was walking through the annex building with massive crowds of people and something felt “off.” I felt my ring spin around and folded my thumb over to touch it but it felt different so I looked down. The whole freaking setting had fallen off of the ring itself, prongs and all. I flipped out. Called my fiance. Panic set in. I retraced my steps and saw it about fifteen feet away sparkling on the ground. Swistle, there were so many people there that when I stooped down to pick it up I worried that people would not see me squatting and knock me over.
    I tried not to take that as a bad omen regarding the marriage.

  107. Hope

    I am going through this now. I went on vacation five weeks ago and hid my ring in my home in case someone broke in, and cannot remember where. This was four weeks ago. We tore the house apart, went through the garbage three times. I am at a loss and truly devastated. I feel for you, as I know what you are going through. I went through all the stages you mentioned. Don’t have advice, but wanted you to know I feel your pain. I hope somehow it turns up for you!


  108. Christina

    Ohhh I loved reading through all these comments, such a fun stories and really amazing stories!!

    I have two:
    1) My mom lost the diamond out of her ring at a friend’s house and we searched high and low with flashlights to see it sparkling. Never found it, but my dad bought her a new ring the next big anniversary. They’ve been married 30+ years so she just wears the band mostly anyways. We heard from the family friend recently that they STILL keep an eye out for her diamond (this was like 20 years ago).
    2) My friend was visiting from out of town and we were going and doing fun things everyday. I’d just gotten out of the shower and was standing in my towel talking to her about that day’s plans when I just felt like something wasn’t right and noticed my wedding ring was gone! I freaked out and almost dropped my towel. We tore the house apart and couldn’t find it. We’d been out the night before to paint pottery, a restaurant, and bowling, so thankfully there were a lot of pics taken. We zoomed in on them and looked for when my ring was missing and it was on before bowling, but not after. We called the bowling alley and they’d found it and set it aside for me to pick up. We drive there and I go inside and they say “well, we found it in the ball return, it’s broken.” I thought “oh wow maybe it’s scratched or bent a little.” Um, nope. Broken. In 3 pieces. Turns out Tungsten bands break under pressure. Luckily the ring was still under warranty, so I just paid a small shipping fee and have a new one, with my same engraving and everything. I wasn’t too upset because it wasn’t the engagement ring or my wedding ring from the ceremony- those are still waiting to be sized and soldered….. 2.5 years into the marriage.

  109. Sarah

    Feeling absolutely devastated…A week ago today I lost my wedding ring on the beach in the Maldives (honeymoon). After endless searching and still no ring…trying to enjoy your honeymoon when feeling so sad about the ring is a hard thing to do. The ring has only sentimental value as it was my mothers wedding ring which we melted down and my husband hand made for me. We leave the island today and I keep hoping reception will ring me with news that someone has found it :-( annoyed with myself of putting it in the shirt pocket instead of going back inside to put it securely away but the weird thing is that my expensive engagement ring and husbands ring were found straight away and they were in the same pocket!!! But for some reason my wedding band remains somewhere in the sand. So many thoughts that maybe just maybe when I get home I will find it in my case but I’m 99% sure I had it on as I was so proud to wear it! After reading these stories I have a small amount of hope in me that someone one day will find it I just hope it will be sooner rather than later :-(

  110. Hope

    I found my rings. They were missing two months and found them in a shirt/jacket pocket I looked in at least ten times. I couldn’t believe it. There is hope.

  111. Danielle

    I lost my wedding ring a few months ago. Im very busy with my two little ones and taking care of the household, so i have misplaced it many times and have always found it. However, this time I dont remember at all where i had it. And for weeks i have been ripping my house apart and I cannot find it anywhere. Once i left it on the floor accidentally and my 6 year old vacuumed it up. I keep having this feeling the same thing happened, but this time i didnt notice and i just dumped the contents of the vacuum in the trash. I’ve been having dreams about it. I havent told my hubby yet. I just don’t want to disappoint him. I told my best friend today and i was bawling my eyes out. Ive had the ring for 7 years and although ive been irresponsible with it, it means a lot to me and i am devastated.

  112. T

    I had a replacement wedding set, one of those with lots of tiny stones that I bought after my first baby was born and my regular rings didn’t fit. Last year around Christmas I noticed a stone was missing and I made a note to take it in to fix it.
    When I actually thought about it, probably 5 or 6 months later, I couldn’t find it. I still can’t. The only thing I can think of is that I put it somewhere “safe”. But it’s so safe I can’t find it! Did you ever find yours swistle?


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