Affair Dreams; Tulip Bulbs

I blame that book for the dream I had last night: the dream started when I was already having an affair, and it was miserable. I was thinking, “I don’t even really WANT to be in this cheat-relationship, and I can never undo this awful thing I’ve done, and I hadn’t realized when I started this that either way I’d have to have a Bad Break-up with SOMEbody!” Yuck.

I had to go drop off a check at someone’s house this morning, and I managed to get all worked up about it. What if they’re HOME?, etc. And they WERE home, against expectations, but I was still able to just quietly put the check in the envelope taped to the door and everything was fine. (And if they’d come to the door to say hi, that ALSO would have been fine, FREAK.)

On the way home I stopped and bought tulip bulbs. Tulips are my favorite thing to look forward to in spring. This past spring there was a blank spot in the tulip patch, so I was hoping I’d remember to buy more bulbs and fill it in: that’s the kind of task that generally occurs to me riiiiight after the first snow. The only assortment the store had was more bulbs than I needed (a 25-pack, and I only needed maybe 6-8), so it’ll be fun to decide where to put the extras. I wonder if they’d get enough sun if I planted them in a ring around a small deciduous tree we have? Or maybe I’ll put some around the mailbox. Or next to the door. Or maybe somewhere out of sight so I can cut them for indoor vases, instead of feeling like I shouldn’t cut them because it’ll ruin the patch. Or maybe I’ll pot them and refrigerate them and have them bloom in December! Anyway! Fun decision!

I also impulsively bought a 10-pack of a dark-purple kind called Queen of Night. The mixed bag has yellow, orange, red, white, and pink, so I’ll have to carefully space the dark ones—but I think/hope the effect will be gorgeous.

13 thoughts on “Affair Dreams; Tulip Bulbs

  1. Sara A.

    I hate hate HATE affair dreams! Then you wake up all guilty and that feeling can follow you around all day until you have the epiphany that -hey!- that didn’t really happen!

    1. Jane in Pa

      LOL- so true…why do I have to feel guilty about something that was just a dream?! Thought I was the only one who felt that way!

  2. Marilyn

    I vote for a random-ish arrangement around the mailbox or near the door! Then you could end up cutting some, and when some fizzle out over the years, you shouldn’t have too obvious a blank spot like you would in a ring around a tree.

    I love the sound of the colors! You’ll have to post some pictures come springtime.

  3. Jodie

    Love love love tulips, like you I sometimes forget to plant them. I’m glad you reminded me. One year the children picked out and planted queen of the night, white and pink and the overall effect was oddly pleasing. Even though you’d think 6 year olds dumping whichever bulb where ever would make for chaos, it came out lovely.

  4. lillowen

    I hate affair dreams. Mine tend to be about how I’m happily carrying on an affair, until all of a sudden I REMEMBER I’m married (I thought it was just a fun new relationship and didn’t realize it was a tawdry affair) and then I’m faced with the horrible realization I’m going to have to Make a Decision. Also I usually worry about what my family will say, since they love my husband and will likely think I have made an incredibly stupid choice (they would be correct).

    Thanks for the reminder about tulips! I always forget until it is too late, and as a result we have sadly remained tulip-less. Will have to remedy that this fall.

  5. Lawyerish

    Ugh, I have those kinds of affair dreams, and they are so stressful! I am always thinking during the dream, I don’t want this and now I can’t take it back and it’s going to totally bollix up my life! And I wake up all stressed out and upset. I’d rather not have those types of dreams at all, but sometimes I think, if I’m going to have a dream about an affair, why can’t my brain just step out of it and let the dream-me have a good time without all the guilt?

  6. shin ae

    I’ve been wanting to try those Queen of the Night bulbs for a while. They’re so pretty.

    I haven’t had an affair dream like yours. That’s not to say I haven’t had an affair dream. They just don’t go that way. I’m sure that says something about me, but I have no idea what it would be.

  7. Laura Diniwilk

    Is it really weird that I never have actual affair dreams (at least not where I am the one doing the cheating)? Sometimes I’m with an ex, but in that scenario I never met my husband and am not married. I also sometimes have “the road not taken” dreams where I pick the other guy instead of my husband, but those all take place in the past, pre-marriage. Never any where I am definitely married and cheating though.

  8. phancymama

    Someday I will live where I can have tulips. I love tulips.
    And I don’t think I’ve ever really had an affair dream either–usually I’m not married or my husband is there but not my husband, or such. But dreams that are not fun are the worst.

  9. Doing My Best

    I’ve always enjoyed the Queen of the Night tulips when we’ve planted them, and I think they’re pretty with the other, brighter colors =). How do you keep the squirrels from eating your tulip bulbs?

    1. Swistle Post author

      I think the squirrels are why I have a bare patch: there were some little holes in the dirt, so I suspect the bulbs disappeared via EATING.

  10. Dr. Maureen

    Is it really time to plant the bulbs? I thought October? My tradition is to forget until the ground is frozen, also. Except last year I planted some bulbs bought from the school fundraiser and most got eaten and then they also turned out to be teeny tiny flowers when I thought they would be tulip sized. I do not know what I am doing, obviously.


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