
I got a haircut, and I told the stylist specifically what I wanted (“To grow it long, but wear it up”), and she said a blunt cut would be best for that. Then I told her that I also sometimes wanted to wear it down, and that I would prefer to have some layers, and that I didn’t mind if that meant having little pieces sproinging out of the updos. I reassured her about that several times: “I know it means little sproingies! I don’t mind! I LIKE little sproingies!” It turned out that I was wrong about that.

I think I was picturing that the sproingy pieces would be softly and charmingly disheveled-looking, but instead they just stick out everywhere in a bristly, non-romantic way, and keep me from making a smooth braid or twist. Luckily my stylist knows I don’t always know my own mind (it’s one of the reasons I am so loyal to her), and so she didn’t put in MUCH layering (just one long layer and some ends-choppiness) and she didn’t do MUCH tapering (just a few pieces). It’ll be easy to grow out.

But then I’ll have all-one-length hair, and it’ll look like a triangle when I wear it down. Dilemma. Well, there’s just no such thing as having hair that is BOTH of the opposite ways I want it, at the same time. This is how mullets came to be.

I did something really cool with it today (it would be cooler without the little pieces sticking out) (BYGONES), but then got extremely frustrated trying to get a picture of it.

First there were twenty pictures like these first three, as I tried to hold the camera behind my head:


(You see what I mean about the unromantic sproings?)



Maybe it would be better to take the picture in the mirror, so I could get farther away?:



Hope rises! This is getting better!



Okay, just…never mind. I’ll TELL you about it. It’s one of those two-strand twist things, but I started it over one ear, and then did it over the top of my head and around to the back. Then I put the last bits in a bun that ought to look charmingly disheveled but instead looks like a wad of hair-ends. (IT’LL BE EASY TO GROW OUT.)

18 thoughts on “Haircut

  1. Amanda


    Also – enlist the help of your little worker bees for pics of the back of your head. Most of them will look just like above, but maybe one will nail it.

  2. ToyLady

    I wore my hair long — waist-length — for close to 30 years, always braided, and I loved it! The couple of times I let myself be persuaded to put layers in (You’ll like it! You can wear it down! You can DO more with it!), I hated them. I had the same problem with the little sproingy bits – and it would take me a couple of years to grow the layers all back out again. I think having “wisps” escaping from your braid (or whatever) never works unless you’ve got a full-time stylist on hand.

    Anyway, eventually, I realized that my hair was starting to look a little . . . thin on top and it was not looking nice anymore, so I had it cut to my shoulders – in layers. While I can’t really “do more” with it, what I CAN do is nothing. I can wash it, put a little mousse in it, and . . . nothing. No fussing, no styling, no braiding, just nothing. It’s kind of nice.

    Of course, now, if I want a ponytail, I have those little sproingy bits sticking out again. . .

  3. Tracey

    Maybe next time ask for angling? Kind of like an updated Rachel? That prevents the dreaded triangle, but the front pieces are usually still workable.

  4. Tell. Try. Question. Sigh

    Triangle hair is never good — i am currently living with bad geometry myself, after a did-it-on-my-own haircut several months ago. Sounds like your sylist practiced some damage-control, as you mentioned not too many fwing-fwongs (my word for your sproingys). I’m sure it won’t be too bad as it continues to grow out.

    Love your attempts at snapping your self. Glad you kept them in the post — made me laugh out loud. Reminds me of some of my own handiwork last week, trying to get one decent picture. Just one. Never happened.

  5. Tracy

    I actually think it looks nice! Sproingy fwing-fwongs and all!

    What is the dreaded triangle look you mention? Like a point down the middle of your back? Or a 3D triangle?

    I’m currently growing out a pixie cut (so by “currently” I mean for the last 8 months… and I”m nearly into a short bob now).

    Did you try the spin pins so many readers mentioned? I got them for my daughter (hair down to her butt), and we are loving them for her!

    1. Swistle Post author

      It’s when the hair is sort of flat to the scalp (because of being weighed down by all the length), but then spreads wider and wider down to the ends. Like a Christmas tree shape, kind of.

      I’ve bought the spin pins but haven’t tried them. I’ve peered at the instructions but I don’t get how they work—or how they don’t get horrifyingly tangled into the hair! One day I’ll be have a non-chickeny mood and just go for it!

      1. Fairydogmother

        Um. If you are me they sometimes DO get horrifyingly stuck in your hair. My hair actually warped one somehow. I should do a post about it probably.

        The instructions don’t really help, you just kind of have to take a deep breath & do some trial & error practicing with them. Sleep deprivation & holding your breath help with the bit of hair bravery this requires. Usually they are awesome though, especially if you don’t spin them too tightly into your hair. I can actually sleep with them in my hair now (yeah, I don’t know how I manage that either)

      2. Annabel

        I was going to recommend spin pins! I am SO BAD at hair but they help get my buns to be firm but soft and romantic.

        I just screw them in to my bun, never had them tangle. One from the bottom then one from the top. You have to spin them when you remove them a little.

  6. Maggie

    Yes, I always think I’m going to get soft, romantic tendrils, instead I get angry or flat pieces sticking out. I have no idea why I think I’m going to get romantic tendrils because my hair is not even remotely curly, but I think it often and have to remind myself of its utter impossibility on a regular basis.

    Also, I am incapable of taking a photo of myself with my phone. Could probably start an entire website of insane/ridiculous/truly comic attempted self portraits.

  7. Susie

    Swis! It looks awesome! I think the sproingy bits DO look nice and disheveled, in a lovely way. And you are definitely becoming a hairdo magician.

  8. Anne

    I like the sproingy bits! Maybe the key is that they look charmingly disheveled on someone else but never on yourself? Anyway, I like them. Also if you are ever in need of a non-skirt icon the first of the in-the-mirror pictures looks EXACTLY like the artsy type of user pic that so many people use. Go you!

  9. Brigid Keely

    Another vote for the liking the wad of hair ends! It DOES look charmingly disheveled, kind of breezy and soft.

    I think it’s related to how I love the look of mussy bed head ON OTHER PEOPLE but on me I just think “ugh time for a shower.” Like everyone will KNOW/ASSUME I’m dirty/lazy. TIME FOR A HAT.

  10. Gigi

    I love how your attempts at self-portraits turned out pretty much like mine always do…except you are brave enough to actually post them.

    This is why I gave up trying to grow it out. And I know EXACTLY what you mean by “triangle-shaped.” If I don’t straighten mine (at it’s current length) it definitely has that triangle look – drives me batty. Which pretty much means I have to straighten it EVERY. DAMN. DAY! *sigh* The things we do for beauty.

  11. Sara

    Completely agree that I like the sproingies on you. I always like the idea in my head, and on other people, but when I see them on my OWN head, that is when I get to feeling like you do. So, another vote for embracing the sproingies.

  12. Brenna

    So cute! I also think your sproings are charmingly disheveled.

    Possible photo tip (possible because I’m sure if it will actually work): With your back to the bathroom mirror, use a hand mirror to find the angle you like, then take the photo of the hand mirror. Off to the side like, so your phone isn’t in the shot. Okay, maybe this was a stupid tip….


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