Happy Shopping Trip

My mom and I went shopping this weekend and we were both feeling a little grim and crabby. I think that’s what motivated me to buy things I might otherwise have continued dithering over.

I’d admired this plate at Home Goods several times, but I kept thinking, “Well, but we don’t really NEED another lunch-sized plate…” This weekend I thought: (1) I am willing to get rid of another of the lunch-sized plates to fit this one in, and (2) This is why we HAVE mixed dishes: so that I can get the new ones I love, rather than having to be done choosing.

This next thing was one of my favorite purchases of the whole trip. I’ve been drawn to these strawberry things (are they serving dishes? dog bowls? …bakeware?) for months, ever since they appeared at the consignment shop. And only $6 for the set! And strawberries always remind me fondly of my niece, even though she hasn’t been called The Strawberry since her fetus days. But then I would think, “But I don’t have any particular USE for them.” This weekend I thought, “If I love them this much, and if I have struggled on each of five visits here to justify buying them, and if they are SIX DOLLARS, I think I should just buy them and let things shake out. If I have to donate them to someone else later, SO BE IT.” And then they weren’t even $6: they were $4-something because the consignment shop marks them down every month they’re still there.

I like this bowl (soup-sized), but when I got it home I was thinking something like “But why this bowl and not any of the many others I like?”

Oh, yeah! Because there’s a bird on in it!

New plastic plate for the kid-plate pile.

These Dilettante cherries (dried cherries thickly coated in chocolate, then with a layer of colored white chocolate over all that) are a big ISSUE for me. There used to be bags of them at Wallllmart for $3, but for some reason in the last few years they’ve more than tripled in per-pound price. Now I can get much smaller quantities for much higher prices, and I don’t love them enough for that—but I like them enough to feel resentful over the change (THEY SHOULD NOT COST AS MUCH AS SEE’S). These boxes were on clearance for $3 (down from $5, which was already down from $8), so STILL kind of expensive, but they found my buying point.

And the biggest thrill of the whole trip: MUGS. The aqua one on the left is one I already had, and it is my favorite, favorite mug: I reach for it first almost every time it’s clean. I love everything about it, and have to force myself not to give in to the temptation to leave it in the cupboard just because I’m afraid it will break and then I won’t have it anymore. For months I’ve been keeping an eye out for it at Home Goods / TJ Maxx / Marshalls, but I’ve never found another one. And then this weekend I found (1) a second aqua mug, for back-up; (2) the same mug in pink; (3) the same mug in a another pattern I liked. It was very exciting.

21 thoughts on “Happy Shopping Trip

  1. Josefina

    I like all the things you chose, especially the fish plate. Know what I was thinking while reading about your mug, though? I am fascinated by the favorite mugs of others. I definitely have my own favorite, but I love to see other people’s favorites. I wish there was some kind of database or multiple contributor blog or something for that. Anyway, fun!

  2. Amanda

    I love a good trip to TJs or Marshalls or Homegoods. I also hate leaving finding nothing. I mean there is SO much and nothing spoke to me? Sadness.

  3. Buttercup

    I regret my word choice in the following sentence. I just had a rather fulfilling TJ Maxx trip myself, where I got some goofy, punch-out paper kits for a friend’s birthday (meeting my <$10 requirement for birthday gifts for people who can buy things they want for themselves [that exactly meet their tastes][and that they have room in their homes for]), a Martha Stewart tote bag embroidery kit that I had seen at Michael's and couldn't justify the ridiculously over-priced purchase of, and a belt hanger. I looked at Target AND Wal*Mart for a belt hanger and was disappointed. TJ Maxx had perfect ones for $3.99 on the racks in the line to check out.

  4. Slauditory

    The pink plate reminds me of a Betty Draper dress–so pretty! I love the fish plate, too. I think you and I have the same taste in eclectic dishes. I have many, many thrifted oldey-timey floral and fruity plates.

  5. el-e-e

    You are so good at buying things like this, that you just LIKE and WANT, for no real reason other than they are pretty or cute. I NEVER allow myself purchases like that (hardly ever — sometimes around holidays), and I think it’s a character flaw.

    I have matching coffee mugs for the weekends, from my everyday pattern, but they’re too skinny for a good amount of liquid. The other three mugs I have, I like – one from my college, one that my son bought me, and one from his school – but nothing frivoulous or PRETTY. Perhaps I should get one. :) I was thinking of going to TJ Maxx this week for clothes, anyway…. hmmm…

  6. Life of a Doctor's Wife

    I love all the purchases, and am highly envious that you have TWO of a favorite mug (my favorite is one my husband got in college and there aren’t any more anywhere and I am SO AFRAID I’ll destroy it one of these days).

  7. Anonymous

    I have a set of the strawberry bowls. Actually, they came in a set of three, with plastic lids that quickly tore. I love the bowl with the bird in it!

  8. Beylit

    Retail therapy is the best, and in my mind it is especially good when it involves dishware of any sort. My husband wont allow me in a store that sells dishes alone with the bank card when I am depressed.

  9. Julie

    I love the strawberry bowls. My mom’s kitchen is decorated in strawberries and I am always looking for accessories for her. We had plates similar to those growing up.

  10. Maureen

    So pretty-I am all about the beautiful mugs, dishes, and I collect vintage china whenever I find it at garage sales.

    el-e-e, I hope you buy yourself something pretty and frivolous. This kind of thing can really brighten your day, and you deserve it! We don’t have Goodwill stores up here, but I hear they can be a treasure trove of cute, inexpensive dishware. My husband probably would wish I were more like you, and didn’t feel perfectly comfortable treating myself to things I enjoy ;)

  11. d e v a n

    I’m such a sucker for mugs! I’m the only person in our 6 person household who ever uses mugs but I have enough for each finger and toe to have their own. haha

  12. Bitts

    MIXED DISHES?!?! I have never even CONSIDERED the concept! I LOVE so many plates/cups/bowls/etc at HomeGoods, Marshalls, etc … and I NEVER buy them because they aren’t my “set.” But you BUY them? And USE them? And when you set the table it doesn’t all MATCH?

    I am speechless. And confounded. And I may have just had an epiphany.

  13. Swistle

    Bitts- YES. Just…ONE OF EVERYTHING. Any time I see a dinner plate, lunch plate, bowl I like…I buy it, and put it on the stack! I do have a set of my grandma’s china that I use for dressy occasions where I like to match, but otherwise it’s HEY EVERYONE, LOOK AT ALL THE DIFFERENT DISHES!

  14. Kelsey

    I love mugs and have a few favorites but can never stop looking when I’m out to see if there are any new ones I like better.

    The best mug I’ve ever seen is a peony one I bought at Target a few years ago – I gave it to a friend and have always been sorry I didn’t get one for myself.

    I think you made excellent choices.

    When I see the strawberry bowls I think of jello – which makes me think I must have seen something similar used for that purpose at some point.

  15. Anonymous

    Thank you for posting because I love to see what people buy at TJX/Marshalls/home Goods and also while thrifting. *I have terrible luck thrifting.)

    I even have the TJX Mastercard which is AMAZING. It gives you gift certificates back that you can use at their stores. It’s like shopping for free. It is The Best Credit Card Ever.


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