Spring Ahead (Daylight Saving Time) Printout to Avoid the Endless Discussions About Whether It’s EARLIER or LATER Right Now

I will tell you what kind of talk sends me immediately to the kind of squirmy rage that makes me want to flail futilely at someone’s face: “Wait, it would be FIVE o’clock, but now it’s SIX o’clock, so it’ll be EASIER….wait, no, HARDER to…wait, no. Okay, it WOULD be five o’clock, but we CHANGED…”

I’m not saying I don’t start these very Daylight Savings Time discussions myself: I’m powerless not to, which makes me want to flail at my own face. And then I have to listen to Paul doing them and ALSO correcting me that “actually, it’s saving, not savingS,” which he’s super-lucky hasn’t gotten him killed. PLUS, the kids get involved, so there’s the added bonus of having these discussions with people who are not understanding the concept at all.

Anyway, this has got to change. (CHANGE. See what I did there?) I’m not going through this again. Well, no, I’m going through it ONE MORE TIME, but this time I’m WRITING IT DOWN. Every time we do that stupid hour-math in the next couple of days and come to an accurate conclusion, I’m writing it down. Next year I will be able to copy this to a word-processing document, increase the font size, print it out, and hang it next to the clock. (Paul tells me I could also make a Google docs document so that ANYONE can print it out. I will work on this, so perhaps when we are looking for this post next year we will find a link to something printable.) (Ha ha, like I’ll actually follow through with that.) (I ACTUALLY FOLLOWED THROUGH WITH THAT: Google Docs printout.)

(changing from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time)
(“losing an hour”)

It will be HARDER to wake up in the morning: you will feel startled and deprived when the alarm goes off, or if you don’t have to use the alarm you might wake up startled by how late the clock says it is. If the kids normally wake at 6:00, you may be pleasantly surprised to find them getting up at 7:00. (Maybe. In my experience, children only seem to make the negative adjustments.) Then you’ll walk around all day saying, “I don’t know WHY I’m so tired when I slept an hour later!” If you have a teenager, he or she may emerge an hour after you would usually expect.

It will be HARDER to go to bed at night: you will feel sleepy later than usual. If you have a small child, you’ll be dealing with an hour of perkiness and calling you in, as their little internal clock tells them it’s not sleeping time and you tell them it is.

It will be EASIER to wait for meals: you will feel hungry later than usual. The children will not be hungry at lunchtime, and then an hour later you will be saying, “OMG stop whining for food, you JUST HAD lunch. This is why I told you to finish your sandwich.” Then you will sneak into the kitchen and have a little nibble because OMG HUNGRY.

It gets light LATER in the morning. This is dreary for waking up, especially since we have been since December gradually getting used to having more light in the mornings, and we will sit sipping our coffee resentfully in the dark.

It gets dark LATER in the evening. This is nice for the evening commute, and for making letting the kids play outside right up until dinnertime.

People who forget to change their clocks will arrive places an hour LATE. If you are having a party on the Sunday of a time change, you should make plans for late arrivers, just in case, and you should put a reminder of the time change on the invitations. If you have an appointment, you may miss it. If you have church, you may arrive just in time for the post-service coffee and doughnuts.

If you want to prepare the children for the change ahead of time, don’t bother. Or if you must, you can spend the days before the change waking them up earlier and putting them to bed earlier. And I recommend changing the clocks late afternoon on Saturday, so that the lost hour comes from the kids’ pre-bedtime time, rather than their post-bedtime time.

See also: Fall Back (Standard Time)

13 thoughts on “Spring Ahead (Daylight Saving Time) Printout to Avoid the Endless Discussions About Whether It’s EARLIER or LATER Right Now

  1. Misty

    Do you know, the removal of the “s” actually makes everything make more sense for me.


    Also, so dreading this next week. Maybe you could do a post demystifying why we participate in these shenanigans at all. Because, this is the most horrible idea ever.

    Unless you can justify it. Do I need to go hunt up the last DSL post?

  2. Brenna

    Good gravy. If there’s one good thing about living in Arizona (there may just be the one*), it’s that we don’t participate in DST shenanigans.

    *Just kidding. The November-March weather is pretty awesome too. So, two things.

  3. PinkieBling

    This. Is. AWESOME. Post the update, and I’ll make it a Google doc if you don’t have time/feel like it. The world needs this.

    The part about sneaking off to have a snack kiiiilled me. HA!

  4. Jess

    my kids always play the game, “well it would really be so and so time” and I am mean and just say, “well now it’s really this time, get used to it”

    and I totally do the snack thing too.

  5. Beth

    This is brilliant and hilarious. Swistle at her best.

    As to what to do when the kids are all at school all day: WRITE! As someone said on your last post, you could write about paint drying and still have a vast following of devoted readers.

  6. Courtney in Crete

    Here in Greece, we’re springing ahead on March 25th. And we (well, my small family, not the whole country) has an 8:30 am flight. Gah.

  7. Mama Bub

    I’m secretly hoping that my kids will sleep “later” tomorrow, even though I know it’s a fake “later.” It will kind of make up for the fact that one of them woke up at 4:00am for a week after the fall back shenanigans of 2011.

  8. Slauditory

    This morning, I totally thought of this post when I woke up and noticed that I’d slept until 7:30. I was all, “That’s odd. I normally wake up around 6:30. OHHHH DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. Swistle was right about the confusion.”

  9. Raven

    Twice a year, every year, for the past 19 years, I want to move back to Arizona even more than I usually do. I am utterly useless for at least the next week.


  10. bunnyslippers

    Don’t bother, indeed. We tried to tucker our girl out at the playground so she would maybe go to bed early. Naturally, she ended up having a 2 hour dead to the world nap (no possibility of waking her at all) from 5-7 and then was up and full of beans until eleven. ELEVEN.


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