Next Month! (or Maybe the Month After That)

My nephew is due August 19th. My niece was due in February but was born March 1st. I would greatly enjoy hearing your “post-due-date” birth stories—particularly if it led to the baby being born in a different month, but ALSO if it didn’t. (Though I don’t wish it on my sister-in-law, I do find the idea of a September 1st nephew appealing, for symmetry’s sake. Birthdays exactly 6 months apart!)

66 thoughts on “Next Month! (or Maybe the Month After That)

  1. Chris

    I am “due” September 25, but I am hoping the baby is born in October instead. For odd reasons like I prefer the month of October over Sept, and there’s something appealing about a birthday being at the beginning of a month instead of the end. Unhelpful since it hasn’t happened yet, but there you are.

  2. Clarabella

    My due date was April 26th, but The Boy was born May 4th. That was as long as my doctor would let me go without induction. The night before I was scheduled to be induced, I went into labor. I was in labor for 22, going on 23 hours, so he was *almost* born May 5th, which would have been lovely too, as it had been the birthday of my beloved Grandmother.

  3. Clarabella

    Oh, I should say we were hoping he would come April 30th, which is my Dad’s birthday. As it is, his zodiac sign didn’t change anyway, so…

  4. Alyssa

    Hello Swistle! Not sure if I have ever commented on your blog, but I love reading it :)
    Now for my story… my due date was July 19th, and everyone was saying how my baby was going to be born super late (because that runs in my family) but believe it or not I gave birth on my actual due date!

  5. jen (melty)

    I was “due” october 15th with my youngest… but a high afi and big baby had all the drs saying I wouldn’t last that long. In my pregnancy hormone induced fit of idiocy i did not want a september baby (??? I think I was jsut attached to october because it’s my favorite month, and .. I don’t know, I was pregnant, leave me alone) so I told the little brat to stay put until then. My water broke at exactly 38 weeks on October 1 and he was born on Oct 2. That was the last time he ever did anything I told him to do.

  6. Robin

    I’m a symmetry gal myself but no doctor will let her go 2 weeks overdue any more. So unless she’s a home birth kind of mom, you’re getting an August nephew! Interesting though – if she lives in a school district with a Sept. 1 cutoff, he’ll almost definitely be the very youngest kid in his grade unless he can hold off til symmetry day after which he’ll be the oldest in the next grade. For some reason that always fascinates me.

  7. Carolyn

    My baby was due in March but decided to join us in February ;) So he was born in a different month, though not in the way you asked about! I, however, was due to be born at the end of July, and didn’t make an appearance until August 15 (oh my poor, poor mother!) ;)

  8. Noames

    I usually lurk, but this is something that was SUCH A BIG DEAL to me at the time, that I’m still not over it — and sadly no one in my real life really wants to hear about it, though they were very sympathetic at the time. So I’m jumping at the chance to tell you WAY too much about it. :)

    I was due on Sept. 21, but no woman in my family going back at least two generations has ever even made it to their due date. No serious preemies, but lots of babies born between 38 and 39.5 weeks. So I was convinced that would be my experience as well — and was only worried that my baby would end up with the same birthday as me (Sept. 6) or that there wouldn’t be enough of a cushion to make the two birthdays really distinct.

    Well, my baby was born on October 1, after weeks (WEEKS!) of pre-labor that went nowhere, including contractions that woke me up at night (and then stopped), a false “is that amniotic fluid leaking” alarm, and a scary midwife who implied it would be better if the baby just came out already (at 38 weeks), because she thought it might be growth restricted and anyway was going to recommend transferring me to an OB for an induction.

    And the worst part was that I was still going to work every day, gigantic, in hot and humid DC, and constantly hearing “are you STILL here?” and “what, still no contractions?” (do you want to hear about the contractions I’m having right now? didn’t think so.) and “ahh! what if you GO INTO LABOR AT WORK??” (as if I would spontaneously eject a baby with no warning at my desk).

    In the end, the baby was perfectly healthy (though tiny) and came out at 41.75 weeks, with only the help of two membrane sweeps and a giant dose of castor oil.

    And her birthday is 10/1/10, which I love, for the symmetry, and is not too close to my birthday at all!

    And unless I’m specifically thinking about how uncomfortable I was at the very end, I hardly ever remember how it felt like I might never stop being pregnant. :)

    Congratulations on your new nephew! I hope he comes on time.

  9. Jess

    I was due January 18 and my midwife would have induced me 13 days later, so I could only have gone into the next month if I’d been induced on January 31 and had a really long labor. As it was, I was six days late so firmly in the January camp.

    I have a reverse story that may not help you–my sister was due March 4 and went into labor two weeks early and had a February baby instead. And she was happy about it because she likes purple pretty much as much as I do and the February birthstone is the amethyst. And when I realized that, I was ALMOST (but not quite) pissed that I didn’t have to be induced on 1/31 and then have a two-day labor, just so I could have had an excuse to get some kind of amethyst jewelry in honor of Callum.

  10. Catie

    My due date was December 29, 2009. (sidenote: you would not believe how old it got to hear, “Oh no, so close to Christmas. You don’t want that.” — Err, and what exactly do you suggest I do about this NOW??? Drove me NUTS.)My baby was born 8 days late, on January 6th. I’m actually happy now, as I like the way 2010 sounds, instead of 2009, but hoo boy, I did not feel that way at the time, when not only was I going into a new month, but a new year, AND (depending on your opinion on when a decade ends/starts) a NEW DECADE.

  11. Mary Kate

    I thought I had a Swistle target sighting on Wednesday night. I was at a Target in the baltimore area returning merchandise. When I happened to look over and notice another woman who looked strikingly like you returning merchandise as well. I was trying to mentally compare her to the pictures you have posted but couldn’t decide. I thought about yelling out swistle and seeing if you responded but then thought better of it.

  12. Brenna

    My firstborn (girl) was 3 days late, my second (boy) was born on his due date, Dec. 31st (Daddy’s little tax deduction!), and my third (girl) was born four days late, on Sept. 6th. I was hoping she would be born on Aug. 30, since that is my late grandmother’s and my brother’s birthday. But apparently, my girls like to run late. I like sapphire better anyway.

  13. meanliving

    My first was due on 2/23 but water broke on 2/21 and he was born on 2/28 (homebirth). Before my water broke, I had kind of been hoping/trying to find the silver lining of potentially being very late by thinking about a 3/4/05 birthday (also, March Fo(u)rth). But no.

    My second was due on 4/20 and I was hoping that would NOT be the actual birth date given the stoner jokes. He was born on 4/23. I had been told to hope for a Taurus baby (what I got) instead of an Aries, but I don’t know about these things so, yay?

  14. Christina

    I was 3 weeks late! My mom likes to remind me often.

    My dad was due mid-December and held on until January 1st. A new year’s baby. Which, apparently my grandfather didn’t like b/c he couldn’t deduct him for the year and also he was the SECOND born that year in NY state so he missed out by a few minutes on getting a year’s supply of diapers for free.

  15. MamaK

    My mom’s bday is 7-6, my husbands is 7-26, and so they joked about my firstborn coming on 7-16… even tho’ he was due 7-28! Sure enough, I went into labor on 7-16, but the actual birth didn’t happen until 7-17. and no symmetry at all since it was 08. So maybe your sil can go 2 wks EARLY and get a different month?!

    Also, unrelated to that BUT I know you love giveaways, and I’ve got one up:

  16. Auntie G

    My due date was September 26th and my best friend’s was August 25th or so. My parents were coming in September (to live in a short-term rental; we are not LUNATICS) for two months to help us get ready for the baby and then stay for a few weeks after baby came.

    So OF COURSE my best friend went past her due date, and my water broke on August 27th, at exactly 36 wks. We were NOT READY. It was very early morning, and I didn’t even wake my husband at first, knowing that unless contractions started, I had at least a few hours before my OB would want me to head to the hospital. I went downstairs and logged onto work and started frantically typing email instructions to my colleagues (I thought I had at least two weeks! NOT! READY!). My husband woke up at 6ish and I tried to very calmly say, “My water broke.” I believe his exact words were, “You’re kidding.”

    My OB called me back and said I didn’t need to head to the hospital until lunch, so I actually went into the office to at least clean off my desk, and tell my rather needy BOSS boss in person that – ha ha! – I’d be having a baby that day. Oh, yes! The girl I’d hired to cover for me while I was out was also starting THAT DAY. I’m sure she enjoyed that orientation. Everyone acted like I was going to give birth right there at my desk.

    I went to the hospital around 1:00, having called my parents to say, “How about an August grandchild, instead?” They started the 3-hr drive to Chicago. THEN I called my best friend to tell her what was up…and she was having an overdue emotional breakdown as only an impatient and uncomfortable mom could have. I felt SO AWFUL…and I chickened out and didn’t tell her I was on my way to the hospital. She was SO UPSET and I just couldn’t do it. I’m not sure she’s forgiven me to this day for not telling her (pretty sure she’s gotten over the birth order thing, though).

    After all that water-breaking drama, contractions never really got going on their own, so I ended up going the pitocin route and had my son at 8:45 PM that night. My friend, who was supposed to give birth in August, had her son on September 4th. Our sons’ bdays are 8 days apart.

    The best part of the story (if you’re still hanging in there), is that we are both pregnant again. My friend is once again due in late August, but since I’m not due until late October, barring a disaster, she will definitely get to go first this time. :) In fact, though my OB and everyone says I will likely go early again, I fear they are jinxing me and I won’t have this baby until November. I’d greatly prefer October!

    Obviously, though, since my son was born, I have become THAT mom who tells every pregnant woman she sees, “Be ready a month before, JUST IN CASE.”

  17. Caitlin

    My older sister was due late February and showed up very early in the morning on March 1. In a leap year! I was so close to having an older sister who was technically younger!

  18. Heather R

    This isn’t exactly what you asked for, but interesting I think anyway. I was technically born a month earlier than my due date (was supposed to be born mid-July, but was born June 17). But, to this day, my mom thinks I was right on time and the doctor was just wrong about the due date because I was 7 lbs 8 oz and perfectly fine and seemed like a full-term baby.

    I guess early on in her pregnancy, my mom started bleeding somewhat heavily and they did something ?? I think to stop it….although now that I type it, it seems weird because I had a miscarriage and no one tried to anything to stop it. Anyway, she said she thinks it was actually her period and that she managed to have her period the month before while she was pregnant too and didn’t know she was pregnant. So the whole date of last period thing would have been off by a month. And back then they didn’t do ultrasounds to date the pregnancy (1977-78).

    Another interesting thing is that I essentially had my period during my third pregnancy. Exactly when I expected to get my period. I say “essentially” because it was much lighter than normal, but it lasted 5 days. I only decided to take a pregnancy test after the fact because it was so light….so maybe it runs in my family?

    But as for my own kids, I went into labor with both kids exactly at 39 weeks and 4 days. My daughter wasn’t born until 39 wks 6 days and my son was born the same day, 4 hours after my water broke.

  19. el-e-e

    My BFF growing up, and her brother had bdays like that. Totally solved the dilemma of the non-bday kid wanting a present, too — half-birthday!

  20. Mama Bub

    I was due May 31 and then May 28. Both of my kids were induced a week late, and born in June. With my son my doctor would have let me go a full additional week before inducing, but my amniotic fluid levels were low, so he wanted to get things going a little sooner. With my daughter I was DONE and didn’t want to be in the hospital on my son’s birthday, so I was induced a week later, rather than waiting the full two weeks to see if I would go into labor on my own. (I fully believe that I would have gone to 42 weeks without going into labor with both kids.)

  21. Wendy

    For some odd reason, each firstborn child in my husband’s family (for 3 generations) has been born in the same month as the family member? Complicated? perhaps easily if you see the family tree. Anyway, my due date was Sept 25, and it was a joke that by family tradition the little one should be born in October, my husband’s birth month. Oh I laughed about it… until I was a week overdue! I went into labor at midnight on October 1.

  22. NellaBean

    My second son was due on February 1, but was born January 5. I’d gone to L&D for a non stress test (why do they call them that anyway, I always felt stressed getting and being there!) and planned to finish up some shopping for a baby shower I was hosting for a friend that weekend. When they told me I had to have an emergency c-section that afternoon, I was all “You’re sure? I still have errands to run!” (My son had a healthy birth even though he was a little thing of just 4lbs 6oz and others kindly took over the party planning for my understanding friend!)

  23. Carmen

    Oooooh, fun!

    Kieran was due March 26 and was born April 6th.I went into labour late in the day on 4/3, it really picked up in the afternoon/evening of 4/4, so I was really really rooting for his birthday on 4/5/06 but he was having none of it. After a loooong miserable labour he was finally born at 2:43 pm on 4/6.

    Lexi was due Sept 22 and was born Sept 29, which is 2 days before my Oct 1 birthday. That’s a bit too close for people to ever remember my birthday. Oh well. She’s cuter anyway! With her, my water broke while I was at the hospital having an NST done & ultrasound to check fluid levels. Fluid levels were low, nurse tells me to go to Assessment as my doctor was on duty that day. I stood up and WHOOSH, my waters clearly were broken. I starting having contractions 45 minutes later and she was born 8 hours after that. A much more pleasant labour than the 3 day long one, I’m hear to tell you.

  24. Carmen

    Oh good grief. I’m HERE to tell you. HERE. Why don’t I proofread these things before I press Publish?

    Also? My mom’s due date for me was Nov 19th and I was born Oct. 1. She always argued with the doctor about her due date as she was fairly certain it should be no later than Nov. 1. So I was either 4 weeks early or nearly 7 weeks early, depending on who you believe.

  25. Ami

    My due date was July 21. I had a serious pre-term labor scare around 34w, and was on edge, ready to give birth anytime after that point…only to end up being induced (of course!) on July 29. My son was born July 30. Thank goodness, because if the month had turned, I would have Lost. My. Mind. I have to grit my teeth whenever anyone, of any age, tells me that their birthday falls between July 21 and July 29—as if they stole their birthday from me. But you know what? My almost six-year-old LOVES having “the whole month” of July as his “birthday month.” Sometimes I joke with him that he was supposed to have come earlier (“You could have had your presents today, but noooo….”), and he says “but I like having my WHOLE month.” So there you go.

  26. Elsha

    Both my older brothers were weeks and weeks late. My oldest brother was due early in May but born June first, my next brother was due mid January and is a Valentine. So when I came along September 27, 10 days BEFORE my due date, my mom was totally in denial about it being labor. She thought she still had plenty of time!

    My own daughter came 8 days after she was due, but it was all May– due the 10th, born the 18th.

  27. thellfamily

    When my mother was pregnant with me she was due in August. But I came September 5. Two years later when she was pregnant with my sister she was again due in August — but she came July 24.

    My sister and my (at the time) step-mother were pregnant at the same time, and due 3 days (I think) apart. And they ended up giving birth on the same day. So my nephew was born 5 hours before his aunt. And my father’s grandson was born 5 hours before his daughter. All on September 6.

    Then when I was pregnant with my twins I was due October 14… but they came early, September 5, on my birthday.

    We really like September in my family.

  28. Julia

    I was due with my first on 6/11/11. My grandma told me when I found out I was pregnant that it was really too bad I wasn’t due a couple weeks earlier because our family didn’t have any May birthdays. (See where I’m going with this?) On the morning of 5/29, I went into labor. My mom was at my grandma’s house that day and kept in contact with me to make sure it was the real thing. At one point that day my grandma (who didn’t know I was in labor) told my mom that if we were going to get a May birthday, I needed to get started. Lo and behold later that night when my mom left to meet us at the hospital, my grandma got her wish! My son was born on May 30th (about a week early) and I got a May boy instead of a June bug. It worked out. :)

  29. Jessica

    My first child was due June 6th. We decided to name our daughter Margaret (my middle name, after my grandmother). We then found out Margaret means “a pearl” and one of June’s birthstones is the pearl. I thought that was really neat. That, plus the fact we already have a lot of May birthdays in our family meant I really, really wanted her to be born in June.

    She was born at 3 pm on May 31st. Missed it by 9 hours. I still wonder if I’d waited longer to go to the hospital, where the doctor broke my water, if labor just might have lasted 9 hours longer…I sometimes feel like I messed up some cosmic plan by jumping the gun.

  30. nicolien

    Due/birthdate stories, I have a fascination with them! I myself was born a bit over 3 weeks late (Nov. 25 instead of Nov. 3rd), so no change in month but a change in zodiac sign. Since I am much more of a saggitarius than a scorpio, I always say I did it on purpose (just to hear my mother grumble about those heavy last weeks of waiting…).

    My sister in law had a baby on March 18 this year, and that baby was due early February. She was FIVE weeks late (they live in the countryside in Eastern Europe and only saw a midwife when labor had already started, so no doctors who even knew about the pregnancy to induce it earlier). We found it hard to believe (5 weeks!) but since my niece came out looking like a 3 weeks old baby, I guess they had calculated the right due-date…

  31. Lynnette

    My baby was due on 7/31, but dug in her vicious little heels until we served an eviction notice on 8/7. Pitocin, a failed epidural and 12 hours later, 9 lb girl on 8/8/09.

  32. kate

    My husband and I have our birthdates 2 days apart, on May 17 and May 19. I was due with our first daughter on June 12, but was induced with pre-eclampsia and she was born 4 weeks early on May 15 (7lb 10oz… wouldn’t have wanted to go to term). Our second daughter was due on June 1, but was born 3 weeks early on May 10 (8lb 10oz… definitely wouldn’t have wanted to to to term).
    Thus, the 4 of us have our birthdays on May 10, 15, 17 and 19.

  33. Anonymous

    I am one of four children and our birthdays are all within a 22 day period. We loved it. It was such a special thing to celebrate every year and we all ‘graduated’ to the next age at the same time.

    My birthday is also at the end of the month- almost last day. I secretely love it– you do get a ‘birthday month’ instead of a day.

  34. Anonymous

    I am one of four children and our birthdays are all within a 22 day period. We loved it. It was such a special thing to celebrate every year and we all ‘graduated’ to the next age at the same time.

    My birthday is also at the end of the month- almost last day. I secretely love it– you do get a ‘birthday month’ instead of a day.

  35. Lauren

    I was born two weeks late and a girl in my elementary school was born two weeks early and our birthdays were two weeks apart (hers before mine) so we were born on each other’s due dates. Of course we had to be best friends after that.

    My daughter was born 3 days late- day after Easter, day before my husband’s birthday, she clearly wanted her OWN day. My son was born 9 days early- 6 days after we switched to new health insurance, 1 day after my husband returned from a trip. We like to cut it close!

  36. saly

    I wanted so badly for Bud to be a December baby but he had other plans and came 3 days late on Jan 7th. Lu was due in late August and came 10th days early but still in August. With Liv because of my history with big hypoglycemic babies, we induced early. So though she was due 8/6, she came on 7/29. I had wanted the 28th because I have a thing about dates being a multiple of 7, but the Dr was booked that day. Now she shares a bday with my SIL which is kinda cool.

  37. Anonymous

    I was due on September 25, and my stubbornly posterior baby finally made an entrance on October 4 (my waters finally broke out of the blue on October 3, the day before my set induction date). I woke up every single morning I was postdates and wept in disbeliefand rage at STILL BEING PREGNANT. (In my defence, I had hg and was still throwing up violently at 41 weeks and change. Pregnancy and me were not BFF.)

    If I’d known then that we’d wind up living in Virginia, where the cut-off for kindergarten is at the end of September, thus meaning that my very social child would be at home for an extra year (or costing us exhorbitant preschool fees for a whole extra year) I’d have said ‘Sod the natural birth, induce me now’ in September. Sigh. People keep telling me brightly that it’s good that he’ll always be the oldest in the class, he’ll be the first to get his driver’s licence! I don’t actually find this very cheering.

    My second child did me the immense favour of kickstarting labour at thirty-six weeks and five days. I never even got to the vast, swollen and weepy stage with him, and it was bliss.

  38. Tamar

    Should add – my second was due in November. I should have had a late September baby and an early November baby, but instead I have two mid-October babies. When they complain about those joint birthday parties, I shall tell them that they only have themselves to blame.

  39. Crafty Beth

    My firstborn came 5 days late, giving him a January 30th birthday. While staying pregnant for another week didn’t appeal to me, it would have been cool if he had been born on February 6th, which is my husband’s birthday as well as HIS father’s birthday. Our second was due in April but came a week early (March 31st). So glad we narrowly missed an April Fool Baby!

  40. Giselle

    My MIL was due on August 23rd with her 3rd child…her other kids were right on time. My SIL Sara wasn’t born until September 12th!!! Can you imagine? I’m sure they don’t let you go that far anymore.

    And my cousin’s wife was due on February 28 and went into labor at 1 am on Feb. 29, 2004…leap day. It was her 2nd and so she assumed the baby would be born that day…but after 30 hours, she finally delivered a March 1st baby and narrowly missed having a leap baby!

  41. Sarah

    My first was due on February 2nd, but was born on January 24th – which made me happy because I like January’s birthstone (garnet) better than Feb’s. My second is due September 8th, but I am really hoping for an August baby, not just because I am (ALREADY) done being pregnant, but again because I like the birthstone better. Silly, I know, but it will please me if it happens.

  42. Brooke

    My first was due on June 18, just a few days before my first wedding anniversary on the 23rd, so of course that was the date everyone was putting their bets on. I was hoping for anything but that date, and also to make it to the end of the school year (I was teaching 4th grade at the time), which was the 17th. Imagine all of our surprise when my daughter was born on the 9th of July! Not only did she miss our anniversary, but also two uncles’ birthdays in early July and the 4th! She is eight years old now and still doesn’t ever want to leave my side! Three weeks late and 10 1/2 pounds!

  43. Mrs. Commoner

    My second was due 5/26/2008. I delivered him (via emergency c-section) 6/1/2008. I was actually thankful for the delay. My other child’s birthday is 5/27, so a 5/26 birthday was not desired. What finally sent me into labor on 5/31 was a jaunty walk after dinner – after trying ALL of the other old wives tales. Aside from the two kids being born in separate months they are pretty much the same, personality wise, since they are both gemini’s.

  44. Anonymous

    My brother was supposed to be born April 9. There was a blizzard. My mother spent the day willing him NOT to come that day. He stayed in til MAY 4!

  45. Farrell

    I was born almost a month late – due in Feb; born on March 21. That was back in ’77; they didn’t induce then I guess; just let the baby come when ready. Well my mom was PISSED. Not only was she SO OVER being pregnant, she had also taken off work in Jan. waiting for my arrival. Plus, there was THE BLIZZARD OF ALL BLIZZARDS that year so not only was she immensely pregnant, not working and just waiting around, she was essentially home-bound because it was impossible to GET ANYWHERE due to the snow. In other words, she was bored to tears. But as it happened, I was born on the first day of “Aries.” Not sure if that means anything; maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t, but there you have it. (Also I was still tiny – only 6lbs. Okay maybe not “tiny” but small/average, not huge and “overcooked” is my point).

  46. Josefina

    My younger son was born past his due date. I feel terrible, but I don’t remember what his due date was. It seems to me he was something like 12 days past. I was surprised by this because my first son was born 10 days before his due date, and during the latter part of my second pregnancy all my midwives said it seemed as if I was going to deliver early.

    The funniest (not really) thing was that when I called the midwife in the middle of the night when I went into labor (this was the midwife that didn’t really like me), she didn’t think I was actually in labor (remember–I was already something like 12 DAYS LATE) and told me to wait a while to come in, even though I had about a 45 minute drive to get to the birthing center and 20 minutes before that to drop off my older son at a friend’s house. I barely made it, needless to say.

  47. Josefina

    My younger son was born past his due date. I feel terrible, but I don’t remember what his due date was. It seems to me he was something like 12 days past. I was surprised by this because my first son was born 10 days before his due date, and during the latter part of my second pregnancy all my midwives said it seemed as if I was going to deliver early.

    The funniest (not really) thing was that when I called the midwife in the middle of the night when I went into labor (this was the midwife that didn’t really like me), she didn’t think I was actually in labor (remember–I was already something like 12 DAYS LATE) and told me to wait a while to come in, even though I had about a 45 minute drive to get to the birthing center and 20 minutes before that to drop off my older son at a friend’s house. I barely made it, needless to say.

  48. Slim

    Third kid was due August 21, I think. I was induced on Sept 1 because of that meant I could have my dr deliver and because I wanted to be sure I’d have the option of starting him on time for kindergarten and I thought my state might move the date (nope — still Sept 30).

  49. Christy

    I was due 11/28 and went overdue and finally begged my doctors to induce me on 12/3 because I had a PUPPP rash (DO NOT Google, gross). My OB even said it was the worst case he’d seen all year.

    I wasn’t upset with having a December baby. I like blue topaz better than yellow!

  50. hydrogeek

    My second baby was due October 27, and I had him November 10. He was only 7 lbs, 10 oz, and perfect, no meconium or any other issues. He knew when he needed to come out! Good luck to your SIL! (Oh, and my doc let me go 2 weeks overdue, but wouldn’t let me go any further than that he said. I convinced him my “real” due date was the 30th!)

  51. Gwen

    My daughter was due April 30th, but there are 5 April birthdays in my family and we hoped she could wait until May. I also wanted her middle name to be ‘May’ because it would sound so nice with her first name (Meredith). But when the time came she was born April 29th and I was glad I didn’t have to wait any longer! Her middle name is Violet because she did not cooperate with our May plan!

  52. Kim

    My oldest was due July 26 and was born Aug 2. My youngest was due July 7 and was born July 14. Each was born exactly a week after their due date :) My water broke with the oldest, but b/c of a lack of contractions I had to have pictocin and lots of other interventions. The youngest was induced on that date, but I had been contracting (is it still considered an induction if I was already in beginning stages of labor??) for about 12 hours.

  53. hush

    My DS was due Oct 15, was born Oct 23 after an induction due to my sudden hypertension – everyone was fine.

    Almost 2 years later, my DD was due Sept 28, and was born Oct 3. I now have 2 October babies, but luckily not 2 additional Scorpios in the family (I’m a Scorpio, so is DS, so if DD had been it just would have been too many Scorpios… not that that matters at all)

  54. The Gori Wife

    My due date was November 9th though I knew that to be wrong. I knew the conception date and Nov. 4th was the actual date. The doctor wouldn’t listen to me though, and in the end I was happy they’d dated it a bit later from an early ultrasound because I had gestational diabetes and they wanted to induce me even before I got to my due date, so that bought me a little extra time. I was adamant about not wanting an October baby, somehow I thought November was just a nicer sounding month, I can’t remember the logic exactly. The absolute worst case scenario in my head was giving birth on Halloween.

    Which is exactly what happened. Induced the night of the 30th, delivered the 31st.

    But OH! How wrong I was! Halloween has turned out to be the COOLEST birthday ever :)

  55. Anonymous

    My daughter was due Feb 22 and born March 2 (on a leap year). Actually one due date we were working with was Feb 16, so Feb 26 I went in for an induction that didn’t take. Everything turned out great!

  56. yasmara

    My 2nd son was due at the end of November, right at Thanksgiving. I was really, really hoping I’d have him before the holiday so I could relax & eat turkey & have lots of family around to help with the baby. Instead, I was 40 weeks pregnant, huge, completely uncomfortable, unable to eat more than 2 bites of food without raging heartburn, & in general, totally miserable.

    Everyone at work was really shocked when I came back to work after the holiday weekend. Strangers in stores would ask when I was due & just about my only pleasure was answering, “last week.”

    He was born at 41 weeks exactly, on December 6th!

  57. velocibadgergirl

    My friend was due at the end of September with her first and ended up having him 10 days late on October 4. Then she was due in early November with her second and ended up having him three weeks early on October 18 due to him being footling breech. She never planned two birthdays so close together, and yet she got them.

    My son was due January 6th but wasn’t born until January 15th when he was evicted by C section after we found out he was transverse and unlikely to ever vacate the premises on his own. I was feverishly hoping the whole time that he wouldn’t be early because I wanted his birthday as far from Christmas as possible.

  58. velocibadgergirl

    OH, and…saw the “no doctor will let her go two weeks over” comment and wanted to say that mine did (and this was in 2010, so not the old days of letting babies ride it out). She was happy to let me go up to 42 weeks until we found out the kid was basically wedged in, so if waiting it out is important to her, she should ask and / or ask about other options for OBs.

  59. velocibadgergirl

    One more and then I swear I will stop: I was REALLY REALLY REALLY hoping mine would be born 1/13 since my husband’s birthday is 12/13 and mine is 3/13. We missed it by TWO DAYS. GAH.

  60. Monica

    My mom was due with me (firstborn) on February 20th, and I was born March 11th. She was due with my sister in late March (27th-29th-ish), and sister was born on April 11th. LATE LATE LATE. That’s an extra 5+ weeks of pregnancy right there, poor woman.


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