Follow-up on the Cat

I was out this morning running errands and having lunch with my mom. When I got home, I read all the comments on the post about the cat, and I had renewed hope. Paul was out on errands too, so I waited impatiently for him to come home so I could go get the cat without having to bring Henry with me. I imagined how I’d come home afterward and do a post that was just a picture of the cat. AND THE CROWD GOES WILD.

We drove to the shelter—and there was a “HOLD” sign on the cat’s cage. I found a worker and asked if holds ever fall through, and she said, “Oh, sure, yes! We can take your name and call you if they don’t come back. Which cat?” When I said the cat’s name, she said, “Oh. Actually, they’re filling out the paperwork right now.” The kids wanted to look at the other cats, so I saw My Cat being taken out in a cat carrier.

So. If I’d gotten back from errands a little earlier, if I hadn’t waited for Paul but had instead just taken Henry with me, if I’d posted my post last night instead of this morning—that cat would be home with me now, and this post would be a picture of him. I am thinking of it this way: that maybe the people who took him (it was a woman in her 40s and a woman in her 60s) NEEDED a cat without claws, but didn’t want to declaw a cat so had been waiting for an already-declawed rescue cat to become available. And now they will take him home and he will be very happy, and we will find another cat later and be GLAD this one fell through, because we will like the other one so much. In any case, it’s happy that cat gets to go home now.

19 thoughts on “Follow-up on the Cat

  1. jen

    I would feel a little at peace with this, because at least that cat got his wish, he’s Going Home and not sitting in a shelter if you couldn’t have taken him. I’m still sad for you, but I’m glad he’s going home.

  2. christine

    I’m glad that the shelter cat found a home. And I know that there’s another cat out there waiting for you. Before we got our cat, we applied for another through a rescue group, and he was adopted out right before we were approved. BUT I love, love, love my current cat and couldn’t imagine having a nicer one.

    Good luck!

  3. lifeofadoctorswife

    This made me a little teary for you, but also a little happy-teary for the cat. Because he is clearly SO WANTED. And I think that’s rare for an older shelter cat.

    So YAY for being adopted!!!

    And now you can find that other perfect cat that will make Future You say, “I am SO GLAD that the other couple adopted the first cat, and now everything has worked out just right!”

  4. Nik-Nak

    This where I throw out ‘Everything Happens for a Reason’

    I can’t wait to see the cat ya’ll do get, and kudos to you for being willing to give declawed kitty a. Home in the first place!

  5. Sarah

    Ooof. This stinks, but yeah, good that kitty has a home, definitely. I’d still feel pouty for awhile, though, but it seems the universe willed it a different way.

  6. The Curmudgeon

    How lovely that the cat found a good home – and I think you’re absolutely right that those women were looking specifically for THIS cat. I’ve volunteered with the ASPCA for a long time, and declawed cats are frequently shunned by prospective adopters – I’m sorry you didn’t get to love him but I’m glad he found a good home.

    That shelter sounds like a well-organized, caring establishment – I’m sure they can help match you with a beautiful and friendly older cat. ( can be a great resource, too.)

    You are lovely for caring so much about giving an animal a good home. I know the right one will find you.

  7. Marie Green

    Well, that’s a bummer! Do you find “looking for the next cat” or “imagining/planning for the next cat” enjoyable too? Because I do, so while I would be super bummed, I would also like that I got to continue looking forward to something fun and exciting.

  8. Mrs. Irritation

    Oh no! That’s so sad. I know I would obsess about this awhile if it were me.

    BUT, think of it this way. That cat found a good, kind loving home with people who were extremely allergic to cat scratches (work with me here) so they HAD to go with the older declawed cat.

    Which only means that in the kitty universe, YOUR cat is queuing up to be next in line to come find you.

  9. Swistle

    Marie Green- YES, and one thing my mom said when I was thinking I might regret taking that cat, is that she thought the only thing I’d regret is that the fun of the search was over!

  10. Swistle

    Mrs. Irritation and lifeofadoctorswife- YES, I LOVE “queuing up” analogies. I think that since we’re willing to take an older cat with any of a variety of issues, it’s probably GOOD that we didn’t take a cat who was going to be SNAPPED UP by someone else. Sigh, though.

  11. Christina

    GAH! So sad you missed taking him home w/ you. But also happy that your shelter is rolling out the kitties – even the old ones! I like picturing shelters having many ppl taking cats home in high demand instead of them sitting forever in cages or (gulp) being put to sleep.

  12. alice

    Definitely sigh, but so happy that he found a home, and that there are other people who want older cats! I agree with you – you’re very open in what you’re looking for, so people who *wanted* a declawed cat got one without having to maim a cat whose paws are whole, and now you’ll be available for Your cat, who is waiting for you.

    But none of that removes the wistful sighs that come from this scenario.

  13. Stimey

    You will find Your Cat. You really will. But I am so sorry that this guy didn’t end up with you. It is incredibly hard to fall in love with an animal and then not get to keep him.

  14. Superjules

    Well I’m glad that the end of this story was the cat got a home. Instead of… other options.

    I guess you’ll have to keep kitty window-shopping until the right one comes along!


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