Speaking of Shopping

Speaking of shopping, today’s trip to Target didn’t result in any Awesome Finds (oh, wait, I did get a red-and-white holiday-season-type sweater for Elizabeth for $5), but a trip afterward to the fish store resulted in a lengthy consultation with a fish-expert-type person and also in five new additions to the Thistle household. Meet platys 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, who will remain unnamed until they have survived a reasonable period of time.

You know what’s tricky? Photographing FISH.

14 thoughts on “Speaking of Shopping

  1. Giselle

    We had a platy that lived (alone) for 2 1/2 years. I hope you have similar luck.

    Right now we are having fabulous luck with a variety of tetras. They seem to be equally easy to please. And they are supposedly “social” fish, so they chase each other around and act all happy all the time.

    Happy fishy days ahead!

  2. Anonymous

    Ooh, platys! Did you know that this kind are live-bearers, meaning that they don’t lay eggs but give birth to live young? From the pictures, it looks like you have both males and females, and that the females are pregnant. Keep an eye out for tiny little babies! Scoop babies out and keep them in a separate (heated) tank, or put in lots of plants for them to hide in, because the parents will eat them.

    (Steph, aka Fish Geek)

  3. Anonymous

    I was always excited until the babies were born, then panic-stricken that they’d be eaten :)They are really, really cute — miniature fish that swim all over the place.


  4. Swistle

    STEPH. There are TWO BABY FISH in the tank AS I TYPE!!! And we DON’T HAVE A SECOND TANK!! STEPH! What should I DO??? I’d thought, “Oh! How cool! I will go out and buy a heater and/or an in-tank baby-fish thingie this weekend!” But there are baby fish NOW!! NOW, Steph!!

  5. Penny

    A Pyrex measuring cup works in a pinch for baby fish nursery…just hook over the corner of the tank with the cup inside the water and scoop babies into cup…


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