Winter Wonderland

My before-I-even-knew-what-blogging-WAS friend Firegirl was asking about favorite Christmas songs and I was trying to choose one (fail), and that reminded me of how one of my favorites is a song I didn’t used to like at all. I used to think Winter Wonderland was an extremely boring song, and also lame, but then I bought one of those Scholastic multi-book packs of Christmas books and one of them was Winter Wonderland, which was a book to SING. And this was when I had two children, and I used to read to them before bed (now Paul does reading duty), and I let each of them choose one book and then I’d read both books to both of them, and anyway my point here is that they kept choosing that Winter Wonderland book over and over, and I realized it was a very pleasing song to sing and right in my range. But more importantly, I realized it was a song about an ENGAGEMENT. I’d been picturing children outside making a snowman and calling it Parson Brown, but it’s NOT children, it’s a couple! And they go on a walk, and they start joking around about how the snowman is asking them if they’re married and they say no but that he can do the job when he’s in town. MAD FLIRTY!! And then later on they’re all snuggled up by the fire and they “face unafraid the plans that we made” while out walking! So the joking around is what helps them to discuss it for reals!! Isn’t that ROMANTIC?? So anyway, now I love the song. Except the verses about the circus clown and the Eskimo way, because those are totally not on topic.

13 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland

  1. elckd

    I did not know this! I have always liked the song, but never once gave any thought to the lyrics – it makes perfect sense though, thanks :)

  2. Heather

    I like that song too…’s funny because I usually never pay attention to lyrics at all, but I was aware that this was about a couple in love. The one that never made sense to me until someone explained it to me was “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” I didn’t understand, first of all, why Santa would be kissing a Mommy because he is married. Second of all, that would just be SO upsetting for a child to see!!!! Why is there a song about it? Then someone explained to me that it is the Daddy dressed up like Santa….but still, the child doesn’t know that, so it would still be upsetting!

  3. The Gori Wife

    I never knew that! Face unafraid – how cute! Next time I hear it I will listen carefully to see if it is catapulted higher in my list of favorite songs. My favorite has always been that carol of the bells one.

  4. Anonymous

    I’ve always liked this song because it’s catchy and easy to sing along with and I like the lyrics. You should go on wikipedia or google for the history to the song. It’s interesting :-)

  5. L

    this post is exactly why you are one of my fave bloggers. Who has the ability to write coherently and interestingly about a song? Amazing. And thank you for posting on Christmas Eve — I still need my computer time, even on Christmas Eve. Now — I have a kitchen to clean and presents to wrap and 38 minutes to do it in. Good luck, me.

  6. Lippy

    Isn’t it funny how your opinion of songs change as you get older or hear the lyrics in a different way? I do love Winter Wonderland it is easy to sing along to. Now off to make three pans of potato casserole and a shit ton of artichoke dip.

  7. cakeburnette

    I have to agree with you about those weird “not on topic” lyrics. Every year I wonder WTH is going on with them and why someone felt the need to ruin a perfectly fun song.

  8. Anonymous

    Idk what’s up with the circus part but I always took “the eskimo way” to mean eskimo kisses =) Happy Holidays!7


  9. Firegirl

    Firstly: Love you so much!!

    Secondly & Weirdly, the trivia at the mocha stand was what they called the snowman in the song. We both said Parson Brown but Trivial Pursuit said “Circus Clown”.

    I can’t wait to read Kevin the last sentence. He’s going to love it.

    Thirdly, now that you’ve pointed it out, that has to be my favorite song,

    Merry Christmas dearest friend!

  10. Caitlin

    the circus clown verse was written to replace parson brown because they thought the spur of the moment engagement was “inappropriate” for kids! or so says wikipedia…

  11. Hannah

    Winter Wonderland was my Grandparents song. They were engaged in the winter, and my Grandpa had no car, so he would carry my Grandma on his back and they would sing this song…so whenever I hear this song, it makes me happy :)


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