What is WRONG With You Today?

1. I switched from sandals to shoes, and my shoes are bothering my feet: they feel tight and overly warm, and my feet feel sore.

2. I changed exercises, and managed to make my shins owie.

3. I’ve had a headache every day for three days in a row.

4. It’s only Tuesday.

5. I’m fretful and upset about Marie’s situation.

6. I’m reading a book that has a sad baby plotline.

7. Among the blogs and tweetstreams I read, there’s been a sudden outbreak of sadnesses.

8. There’s no candy in the house.

9. Two of the children have runny noses. That never leads anywhere good.

10. Mouse’s peeing issues.

11. Rob’s school does a one-week sleepaway camp for sixth graders. It’s this month. I’m worried and fretful about obvious stuff, but also cranky about the supply list, which lists a million things we don’t own and then emphasizes that we should NOT be buying new things for this trip, but rather sending old stuff. Oh, sure, I’ll send his OLD sturdy waterproof hiking boots and one of our many daypacks!

12. Henry is in a particularly difficult stage, with lots of bursting into tears over very little, and lots of repeating questions he JUST asked me but now asking them in a whinier tone—and then, when I tell him I said no and stop asking me, saying, “WHY? Why, Mommy? Why should I?” *headache pounding*

13. Two phone calls I need to make.

14. “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?” “Hey, Mommy?”

15. The underwire is coming through my bra, and poking me in the armpit.

What’s wrong with YOU today?

59 thoughts on “What is WRONG With You Today?

  1. Shelly Overlook

    I am with you on the switching from sandals to real shoes. My feet are not happy being confined, even though they’re warmer now.

    My kid acts like she’s a puppy and speaks in this obnoxiously high-pitched voice that tears at me worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.

    I told my husband I needed to have him scan a form for me so I could email it out today. I put the form right by his cell phone, which he took to work today. Without my form.

  2. Sarah

    I hurt my neck in my SLEEP last night. And my chiropractor is out of the office today. So it’s just me, my three little ones, and a bottle of Advil for the day.

  3. Becky

    I have been late for work both days this week, and a majority of the days last week, because my husband (who carpools with me) refuses to get up before 7, and then only has time to shower/take care of himself (and even that takes longer than we have). I am left to get myself ready, get the baby fed, pack the diaper bag and our lunches, and then be angry because we are late AGAIN. I have repeatedly explained to him that I can’t be late for work. Yesterday there were tears and talk of feelings “When you sleep in so late, it FEELS like you are saying that you think I SHOULD have to do everything in the morning, even though I know you don’t actually think that.” This morning he got up a little earlier, but we were still late. ARG!!!

  4. lifeofadoctorswife

    There has been an outbreak of sadnesses lately. Very worrisome.

    What’s wrong with me is that I overslept, which I hate (even though I don’t actually have an office job or anyone who keeps tabs on me) and the reason I did it is because I woke up every 15 minutes between 4:00 and 6:00 and then finally fell back to sleep. So I am also tired. Blech.

    Hopefully the day will get better for both of us!

  5. Erica

    I pumiced my feet a little too thoroughly last night so it hurts to walk this morning.

    My son is sick and Very Clingy.

    I’m anxious and worried about money.

    We’re out of cookies and no one’s going to make them but me, and yet they all seem able to EAT them just fine.

  6. Tess

    I like these kinds of posts. I mean, not in a rude way, it’s just…oddly soothing. Someone else is In a Mood!

    I’m inching over from “meh” about my job to “actively unhappy”. I have to move offices AGAIN and I haven’t gotten a raise in 3 years.

    I need an expensive repair on my house. Tosc’s house still hasn’t sold and probably won’t by the end of the year.

    I’m not eating dairy for an entire MONTH, for the LOVE OF CHRIST.

  7. Jen

    I have had a month long perpetual runny itchy nose, which three different allergy medications seem to be unable to entirely fix. And it COULD have frosted here Monday night but it DIDN’T.

    I am having new sleeping issues and they are getting worse and more persistent. Which also means my husband starts snoring and I alternately elbow him and toss and turn with authority to get him to stop for five seconds during which I hope to fall asleep.

    My child’s alloted morning TV watching is almost over, which means I have to actually do something other than refill cereal and drink coffee.

    I propose we all make a second pot of coffee.

  8. LoriD

    I have 2 strollers (a jogger and a double) up on Craigslist today. With these sales, my baby days are terminally over.

    My clothes dryer died this morning. We are in the middle of a giant basement overhaul (piles and piles of stuff all over the place) – I’m too embarrassed to have the repair guy come.

    One of the unions at work will probably be on strike tomorrow, which will make coming to work really sucky for me, but even suckier for my friends who will have to walk the picket line.

  9. Mimi

    My kids seem extra unruly and my patience is low.

    I need to get my hair done badly but I don’t want to call to make an appointment and then, you know, SHOW UP to the appointment.

    It’s grey and cold.

  10. Lawyerish

    YES on the sandals-to-shoes change and resultant discomfort. Going back to wearing heels after six months in flip-flops is sapping my will to live.

    I hardly slept last night; I just could not get my brain to turn off (and this happens more often than not nowadays).

    I am switching b.c. pills and am a hormonal mess, with extra irritability!

    It’s freezing in my office.

    I’m reading a book that has me up in arms about a lot of things but has not offered any solutions, so I feel frustrated and angsty.

    I have been very intolerant of the dog lately, and I just read about a blog-friend’s dog dying, and now I feel like an ass and want to go home and rub his ears and apologize.

    Jeez. I could go ON. I’m a real joy to be around these days!

  11. Misty

    I have two fragile kids home today due to a whopping 9 vaccinations between them yesterday.

    One of these children is puking everywhere, including through his nose.

    I am constantly freaking hungry and know I won’t lose my baby weight until the little sucker weans.

    And I’m cold, but know it will get warmer and don’t want to turn on the furnace.

    Yay! Bitching is fun!

  12. Saly

    I don’t want to spend all night every night doing homework with my kids; I want for us to be able to relax together.

    Hub and I are going away next weekend. I see romance and alone time together. He sees sex and a Jacuzzi.

    In a few weeks it will be dark when I am driving home from work and that is always when The Sadness hits me. I have pre-sadness dread.

  13. Jess

    I am still feeling pissed and ranty about the incompetent lab tech at my prenatal appointment last week, who managed to mess up my blood pressure reading, my flu shot, AND my vitamin D blood draw. In other words, all three things she did. AGH.

  14. Barb @ getupandplay

    I somehow managed to bruise my heel (right by my Achilles tendon) and it has truly proved to be my Achilles heel because it hurts and makes me grumpy.

    I had an unfortunate social encounter over the weekend and I keep replaying it my head and still feeling awful about it.

  15. Maggie

    I just got assigned yet another of my co-workers projects by my supervisor because “there’s just not any way he’s going to get it done, he’s so busy.” And I’m not? I worked this week-end so I’d be up to date not so I could carry his sorry ass. Christ I hate my job today.

    Also, my mother-in-law is staying with us for three days. Enough said.

  16. Pigeon

    I spent a whole day yesterday painting the foyer (lots of small angled walls, a stairwell, spots too high to reach easily) and I hate the color. Which means I wasted four hours of babysitting, $50 of paint, and I have to redo that stairwell. And my 1 yr old WILL NOT NAP.

  17. Maggie

    Ooo, also I’m with Saly – I HATE my son’s homework. I hate battling over doing spelling words with him. Dog knows I hate spelling too, and yet I have to make him do it for school. Bleh. This post is great – clearly I have a lot of ranting to get out of the way. Thanks! ;-)

  18. Pigeon

    Also! An opportunity has arisen that would allow us to leave this godforsaken hellhole of a town and move back home, which I can’t blog about on my own blog, but ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT, to the point I am practically ill with anticipation and/or dread that it won’t happen. I anticipate at least two weeks of this feeling. GRR.

  19. anne

    I have a son Henry’s age, so I’m with you on numbers 12 and 14.

    Also, we had new windows installed yesterday and so the kids and I had to be out of the house all day. Our furniture is all over the place and window treatments are everywhere and it’s messy chaos. And three things are wrong with the window job, so the contractors have to come back out.

  20. Superjules

    My hair’s a mess. My throat hurtsish. My shoes are in the car and it would be a pain to get them. My cat kept me up for 2 hrs last night. Yesterday I got so sick to my stomach during clinical that I had to have my preceptor DRIVE ME BACK to the clinic while we were on our way to a home visit with a patient. The company I subcontract for is trying to tell me I’m required to work on Wednesday (when I have class) OR Thursday (when I have clinical).

  21. Mairzy

    Husband leaving for two and a half days. It’s not that I can’t handle everything on my own. I just get gloomy when he’s gone, and I can’t sleep well. And when I don’t sleep well, I turn into a monster.

    Just the headache would justify your feeling wretched. But sad blogs and sad books… there’s no hope, sigh.

    — Mairzy

  22. Katie

    I’m 8 months pregnant. Fat and swollen and congested and tired. So so tired. I just want 4 hours of sleep wherein I do not wake up to flip over, get a drink of water, pee, or check on my almost-3-year-old.
    Also – My work is insane and layoffs loom. I’d love to be laid off but I need my medical coverage at least until I deliver. Then I’m fair game, I say.

  23. The Regulars et al

    Been there ..here’s what I would do if I were you. Cover your table with newspaper then wax paper ..all kids inthe chairs and make banana splits…bananas are great because every kid can slice a banana with a butter knife..throw that in a bowl and top it off with sprinkles and such..you can do that all low fat and such ..they’ll be a mess..its fun for you and Paul..you can make soup or something after baths it’ll be a day of infamy for the kids ans they speak in hushed tones of the day we ate ice cream !!! I know you can get this all cheap-y @ target…
    I hadda a bunch of kids who say mom at once…Ice cream is a valuable tool in our trudge thru rough patches.

    Heh..heh..I said tool.

  24. Little-Bit

    ~ Volunteering for Too Many Things this month. UGH

    ~ Having to make The Call to the public library that the book I KNOW I turned in is not shown as Turned In. DOUBLE UGH

  25. Bratling

    My grandmother, who is unmedicated bipolar, had a mild stroke and has been living with us for the past month. We’re trying to send her home because we’re ALL allergic to her DAMN bird and she’s started being ugly, insulting people, and ordering me and my mom around. She’s taken to baiting the two-year-old, too. And she’s now trying to settle in for the winter. We want her OUT. She’s in better health than she’s been in for two years because we made her see the docs, but she, of course, is being nasty. When we get rid of her, which will hopefully be this week, there will be a party. She’s already had me in tears, but her picking on the baby is worse in my mind. The visiting nurse says that she thinks the horrible old woman is jealous of the baby. 87 years old and jealous of the two year old.

  26. Marie Green

    Thanks for your friendship through all of this, Swis.

    Today my house is a disaster, in both big and little ways. In order to really solve the problem, I need to do some major decluttering, reorganizing, and rearranging. I do not have the energy or interest to do this, yet it’s driving me crazy to leave it undone.

    There is really good quality, yummy produce rotting on my kitchen table. And I have no desire to do anything about it, except feel guilty.

    I need to do laundry. But I don’t WANT TO.

    (Do you see a theme here?)


  27. Nolita

    I have the whiny kid doing the broken record question asking thing and getting upset when the answer is the same (likely “no”)…AND my office is FREEZING too! Stop reading the sad book and bake some cookies!

  28. Pickles and Dimes

    I’m with Tess on the job front: I’m inching over from “meh” about my job to “actively unhappy”. (Plus a side of “HOLY HELL I AM GOING TO SET THIS PLACE ON FIRE.”)

    We’re going to be gone part of the weekend and I worry that Sunny will eat all the food we’re leaving out, so Abby won’t be able to eat and she’ll get sick again and die. (We’re not even going to be gone long enough to need someone to come check on them, but we can’t separate them because it stresses them both out.) Stupid fat cat eating all the food!

    The NY magazines are claiming the Yankees are going to roll right over the Twins, and their smarmy cockiness makes me SO MAD.

    I have PMS.

  29. Party of 5

    Took my 19 month old to the ER this morning, she went wet noodle on me in the parking lot while dropping the big kids off at school and pulled her elbow out of the socket. Felt awful about it and felt like the ER people thought I was full of shit with that likely story.

    Oh, and I have a boatload of laundry to do.

  30. Jolene

    I lost my job a month ago and my ex-husband is also unemployed. There are no good paying jobs in my area of 15% unemployment. I applied for food stamps yesterday. Sorry to be a downer, but it’s kind of nice to tell someone…

  31. Mom again

    1,3 4,8,12,13 but more than 2, & 14. And when I said on Sunday ” gosh all the tomatoes that were green all summer are ripe NOW! I guess we’ll have to make a big bowl of salsa and have a taco tuesday party!” my adult daughter invited her boyfriend over for dinner. I found out when we were going up to bed and she asked if I’d invited her sister and my son in law tothe ‘thing’ tomorrow night?

    Just got back from the store amping up to feed the twenty something young men. At least one is vegetarian so I can not bother with the expense of meat-beans for all!
    And i’m not vacueming either.

  32. Sam

    Since I am partially responsible for bloggy sadness, I feel I owe you a happiness. You ready? I’m having a baby. I think. If I stay pregnant. Which I am currently. And I’ll need your wisdom in the naming department. (Hopefully I didn’t just jinx the whole damn thing.)

  33. Bethsix

    1. I’m on a hippie mom email list, and today there was a subject line, “Help! 3-year-old won’t wear his winter shoes!” We live in Austin, mind you, where the high today is in the 80s (but the morning started out in the – gasp – 60s). Oh, to be the mother of ONE CHILD. Worrying about forcing the winter shoes. Pish.

    8. I tried to remedy my own no-candy situation by buying two boxes of Milk Duds at Target last weekend. They were both 4 months old and stale. I ate them anyway, but oh it was sad.

    9. My 9-year-old stayed home from school today with a sore throat. First time he’s stayed home by himself this long. He didn’t answer the phone around lunch, so husband went home to check on him. He was fine and laying on the couch. He thought the phone ringing was “just a message or something.”

    11. My boss sent her son to some two-week camp this summer where they had to bring RIDING BOOTS and HELMETS, plus uniform shirts and pants for EACH DAY. Conveniently, the camp store sold uniform shirts and pants.

    12. My 3-year-old: same bidness. Makes me wanna suckapunch him. (I do not.)

    13. One phone call I need to make. I’ve needed to make it for a long time, like months. It’s a health thing, and it NEEDS to happen, but it’s not like I’m BLEEDING, so I just keep ignoring it.

    Unrelated: I need a haircut like nobody’s business. My pants don’t fit (my pants never fit). I hate my job. I’m chewing old gum.

  34. Firegirl

    I have a bug bite that requires antibiotics.

    The deposit hasn’t hit the bank yet.

    A coworker just asked where Montana was…we’re in WA State. She’s our accountant.

    I am stealing Pickles & Dimes description of her job so great, now I am a thief.

    I agree that this is a fun, bonding-type post!!!

  35. Kelly @ Student of the Year

    I know how you hate to make the calls. I feel your pain. About the exercise switching, maybe you need new sneakers?

    Let’s see, about me now…youngest is being a total beyotch, had two completely sleepless hours smack in the middle of last night’s ‘rest,’ and I’m wondering how to balance a new job with studying and needy children. That’s about it.

  36. fairydogmother

    Oh my, do I need the chance to let loose with some of these and I can’t do it on my own blog.

    1.) The new girl at work who can’t seem to recognize that my name has 5 letters and in it. If she expects me to continue to respond to her she better start using all of them, PRONTO! This especially pisses me off because our names are nearly identical. Seriously. Like one letter difference between our names.

    2.) My boss. She is under the mistaken impression that her utter lack of respect for her staff is hidden well. It is not, and I am beyond tired of it. So is everybody else, which explains why nearly 100% of us are actively unhappy & job hunting regularly.

    3.) Job hunting, man. I applied for yet another job that I would be perfect for. As in I far surpass not only the minimum requirements, but the preferred characteristics for their ideal applicant as well. I have not even heard back from them.

    4.) I put my sandals away this weekend and the shoes I wore to work on Monday gave me blisters.

    5.) I kicked the dog in the dark this morning and tripped over him, and my foot still hurts. And yes, as a matter of fact I *was* walking over to the light switch, why do you ask?

    6.) There is no chocolate in my house, and I am in desperate need.

    7.) That winning lottery ticket still has not shown up. Any day now would be great!

    8.) My throat is scratchy, I have a low-grade fever, and I’m on day 2 of a migraine. See “in desperate need of chocolate”.

  37. JCF

    This list is oddly satisfying to read. Good to know that other people have the same dumb, whiny issues that I have.
    1. Yes with the switching from sandals. I hate making the switch every year.
    2. My husband isn’t going to be home until well after the kids are in bed for the next two nights.
    3. My lips are chapped.
    4. One of my big toes is peeling strangely. Gross. Sorry.
    5. I drank my daily allotment of coffee already.

    The good news:
    1. I got all of the laundry washed dried, and FOLDED today.
    2. All three kids napped at overlapping times for about 90 minutes today. That rarely happens with a newborn who thinks that napping for longer than 20 minute chunks if he’s not in my arms is for the birds.
    3. Someone dropped by three huge bags of NICE and CUTE hand-me-down clothes for ME! I have to try them on still, but I think there’s a decent amount of stuff that will fit.

  38. DomestiKook

    I’m sorry it sucks so hard.
    I have one easy fix solution for the bra issue. Ok, er, I guess two.

    first is to iron on a few pieces of iron on patches over the hole, it really does keep the wire in and keeps you from having to buy a new bra right away.

    No iron on patches? I have actually made the hole a little bigger, wrapped duct or electrical tape a few times over the end and then push it back through the hole and stich up the hole. Also put a few stiches below the tape.

    Hiding in the bathroom works great to craptacular days too. :/

  39. Nicole

    I HAVE A SORE FREAKING THROAT AND I WAS JUST FREAKING SICK TWO FREAKING WEEKS AGO. Sorry for yelling. Back to school is just revolting, germ wise.

  40. fairydogmother

    I’m back with #9:

    The dog’s eye, which he has had surgery on THREE TIMES in the last year to repair an ulcer, is pink and oozing again and looks very ouchy. I’m hoping it is “just” allergies. There is still no chocolate in my house. There were tears. Not from the dog.

    So. Over. This. Day.

  41. Kristin H

    I just read DomestiKook’s remedy for fixing the bra. My remedy is to yank that f*****g wire right out of the bra.

    What’s wrong with me is that I just finished all the wine. But there was sort of a lot of wine, so it doesn’t really feel all that bad.

    (You should have seen all the typos in this comment.)

  42. momma on the run

    OOooh! Hooray! A place to vent the things that can’t be talked about elsewhere!

    My husband tells me daily that he hates his job as a school administrator and wants to go back to teaching. (this means a TEENSY decrease in pay)

    I am reluctant to go back to work and pay someone else half my measly teacher’s salary to spend the day with MY baby.

    My oldest daughter has a 30% curve in her spine and may need a brace (NOT a teenage girl’s idea of a ‘cute’ accessory) or worse… surgery.

    My middle son (who BTW just had surgery to repair an undescended testicle 6 months ago) has an umbilical hernia and is seeing a surgeon on Tuesday.

    8 doctor appointments in 3 weeks.

    My brother and SIL are getting a divorce, and my brother is trying to make me hate my SIL and take his side. My poor sweet niece and nephew. :(

    I could go on… but I’m starting to feel better. I better save some ranting for another time.

  43. Mary

    I can’t help with most of the fretting. But I can tell you that if you go to Value Village, or Deseret, or whatever similar place you have in your neighborhood, you are quite certain to find what you need for a few dollars. In general, I don’t like to shop in those places, but when it’s for some obscure thing that won’t be used more than a couple of times (riding boots for a one week horse camp) they’re great. My husband is a scoutmaster, and around here, Deseret is the first place he goes for outdoor gear.

  44. shriek house

    That is quite the list!

    My sad today has mostly to do with the mortgage and our lack of income. Also the no candy in the house thing. (But that’s because I ate it already. Which adds shame to sad.)

  45. DomestiKook

    Kristin H, LOL! I do that too sometimes but it messes with the structure of the cup! Unfortunately my boobs are too big to go without the HATED MASOCHISITIC wire. Hence the fix. :)

  46. Mommy Daisy

    I;m merrily reading this post, thinking to myself, I don’t have anything to complain about. Then I read your last two!

    If I hear “Hey, Mom?” as much today as I have all week, I’ll go crazy.

    And I am slumming it today with a comfy bra, so I don’t have to be poked again!

  47. Alice

    ugh, add me to the pile of “about to become more than just irritated with my job,” which makes me EXTRA angsty because i have LOVED my job/company for 4.5 years, and the bad is solely because we hired a new head guy, who has brought in all his cronies to replace our guys, and now it feels like MY company got bought out which DID NOT HAPPEN but it’s just as crummy anyway.

  48. Kate's Crazy Life

    1. Showering every day is tedious. And I’m tired of it. Yet I do not like being UNshowered.

    2. Hubby will not be joining me at the YMCA for the kids’ swim lessons tonight which means I will not get to sneak upstairs and run while they swim. Poo.

    3. I may have overdone it on the pushups on Mondays. My arms are hurty.

    4. I need to do laundry, vaccum, mop, clean bathrooms, and various other household fun. Don’t want to.

    5. I want to go to Target and buy stuff. Exciting stuff such as new socks and underwear, bathroom cleaner and Post-it notes. I probably shouldn’t. Yet I still may.


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