
Today is another tough-to-get-going day. I spent last night dreaming I was unhappily dating my high school boyfriend and living in an apartment that was under siege by, like, cannons. And, like, flaming logs and stuff. While it was a relief to wake up and find the the girl my high school boyfriend cheated on me with was no longer jumping out at me (and that flaming logs were no longer a problem), I still don’t feel particularly PERKY this morning.

The kids watched Kung Fu Panda yesterday, so today I have this stuck in my head: “Yesterday is history; tomorrow’s a mystery; today is a gift, that’s why they call it the present.” Um. Thanks. (Though—I mean, are we all clear that that’s NOT why “they” call it the present? And why does “what sounds good” so often trump “what’s true”?) (See? This is the kind of day it is.)

Anyway, I made a pot of coffee and took an iron supplement, and we’ll see if those two things together can give me the energy and strength to lift a single drop into the bucket.

And actually, although I’m draggy, I’m CHEERY-draggy. If you know what I mean. Like cheery-melancholy, where you feel blue but you kind of LIKE it and enjoy wallowing in it a bit, as opposed to regular melancholy where you feel like crap? This is cheery-draggy, where I’m kind of enjoying the groaning and the making of coffee and the flopping in a recliner and the crabby remarks.

19 thoughts on “Cheery-Draggy

  1. sara

    I can get behind a good crabby day. The movie ‘Someone Like You’ has a great line about that…one girl says to the other, “you were having such a spectacular mope I didn’t want to interup it” Sometimes you need a spectacular mope

  2. Virginia Ruth

    Oh ugh. That “Yesterday is history…” blurb wounds my English-major-etymology-nerd soul every time I see it cross-stitched on someone’s wall.

    I just want to thank you for writing so honestly about your moods. It’s really going to help me, whenever I have kids and am surrounded by the expectation of “Every moment of motherhood is filled with JOY and BLISS!”

  3. Stimey

    Well, that’s something. At least you’re cheery. I’m also draggy, but in that puffy zone in the middle where I am neither melancholy or cheery.

  4. Sixminutes

    As usual, you articulated something I’ve experienced but never put into words. Cheery-draggy. Exactly! And like Virginia Ruth, I really appreciate that you are so honest about your moods. It’s immensely comforting.

  5. Alex

    i am having a similar exhausted/happy morning. Three and a half hours of sleep? By golly, that’s ok! I even went running. (Typcially? Three and a half hours of sleep equals death lasers that shoot out my eyes and foul, foul language to pour from my mouth.)

  6. Maggie

    At least your quote from KFP sounds mystic. My family constantly gets stuck on the “there is no charge for awesomeness . . . or attractiveness” quote. I MAY have seen that movie 1(00) too many times.

  7. Brooke

    I kind of feel like you’re feeling all the time. I’ve emailed my doctor about maybe medicating that, but she hasn’t replied. Don’t you think when your patient mentions that she thinks she might need antidepressants again, that would be an email to attend to? I should probably have some coffee, too.

  8. Miz S

    I am draggy too, but not cheery-draggy. More like apathetic-draggy. Like I can’t muster up the energy to care if I’m draggy or not. Perhaps some kitten pics would nudge me into the cheery-draggy zone.

  9. Alice

    i’m in the “stoned-draggy” place. where i’m dragging, but in the glazed-over-eyes way where i’m not sure if i care that i’m dragging or not. am i working? dragging? happy? MEH TO ALL.

  10. Kelsey

    I agree that cheery draggy is the better kind of draggy, but I hope you fine a just cheery day soon.

    Next week I’m going to post a response to your question about snacks and kids w/ allergies, but I’m already afraid it won’t be very helpful…

  11. the new girl


    One time I was in yoga with my sister and at the end, I swear, SWEAR! the instructor reads that quote. omfg. Like it was supposed to be all deep and zen and everything was super quiet and my sister and I exchanged side-ways glances, with slightly raised eyebrows and pursed lips (from having to bite the insides of cheeks to keep from LAUGHING OUR ASSES OFF.)

    To this day, if one of us is kind of depressed or needs a picking up, we will seriously recite this deep, zen-like verse.


  12. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog

    Hey now WAIT a minute: I love that quote. It’s all deep and right in the middle of a cartoon. I love cartoons that make you sit back and say “whooooaaaaa, man. Right on. Right ON!”

    I am also cheery draggy. And I keep swearing that today I will not fart away on the computer. Heh.

  13. Swiggy

    I dislike inspirational quotes, they make me fell like a loser for not thinking them up myself. I’m also not a huge fan of those new “I’m so-and-so, and I’m a Mormon” radio spots (sorry, just heard one as I was typing).

    Here’s to hoping you’re back to a relatively normal funk soon.

  14. Swistle

    Amy & Lis- Everything fine! We’re having internet problems that may soon be resolved. I’m doing some Twittering from my phone (see righthand margin), and I got a slim break of internet just now with hopes for steady access soon!


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