Target Haul

Last night I got dinner and pajamas done early and went to Target shortly after Paul got home from work because OMG EVERYONE TALKING AT ME ALL DAY LONG AND ALSO FIGHTING AND SCREAMING AND KNOCKING THINGS OVER.

I found SUCH a haul. And shut UP, Jane, I AM TOO decluttering.


Wall-E comforters, not particularly exciting to ME since I prefer the nice-even-for-adults comforters I bought long ago that never get used because they’re too hard to wash if they get peed on, but Rob and William lovvvvvvvvve Wall-E and think he is the cutest! ever! and the comforters are cheap and thin so maybe they’ll fit in the washing machine. Anyway, they were 75% off, so $7-something each and worth the no-doubt temporary thrill.


Unders, 50% off. I bought a few packs, and I’ll buy more if they go to 75% off.


My co-aunt bought this shirt for our co-niece, and it is such a cute shirt you can not even believe it. So I bought it for Elizabeth too, so she and her cousin can match. It was $6 on sale down from $7, and it was the last one in 5T.


Two rugs to put in the mud room. One for wiping boots (foreground) and one for….stepping on and looking pretty (midground). (The light one with rings on it in the background was part of the household already.) 75% off, so the boot mat was $5 and the runner was $15 (doesn’t $60 seem a little high for a 2×5 Target runner? Maybe that’s why it was on clearance).


These Qubemates things are also for the mudroom, for backpacks and instruments and mittens and lunch boxes and homework and things. We need a system that can work for two kids, then four kids, then five kids, then back down the ladder until it’s only one kid, and it would be nice if it were a system that could then be broken up later and used in other parts of the household. So I chose this system, where the pieces fit together and you can get a unit with an adjustable/removable shelf, or with a door, or with two drawers.

But OMG expensive! My plan was to wait for them to go on sale, and buy a unit or two each time, because the shelf one is the cheapest and those are $25 EACH, and the other kinds are $30 and $35 but I forget which is which. I guess the drawers must be the most expensive. Last night when I went, Target had run out of a sale item and was offering an instant substitute of the Qubemate with a shelf, so I bought four of them at $16.24 each. That was still wicked expensive to lay that kind of money down in a chunk, but it was $35 less than they would have been at regular price.


Pencil cases and mechanical pencils for later in the year when someone loses one. 75% off.


Cloth napkins for care packages, 75% off. One set is Simply Shabby Chic and has lace edges la-di-dah. The other set is the Target Home brand and I like the aqua color.


Pretty bins! I think fabric-covered bins are kind of dumb because they’re impossible to clean, but they’re so! pretty!, and they were 75% off, and I love them.

37 thoughts on “Target Haul

  1. Belly Girl

    You are naughty! If you can’t find a place for your towels where the heck are you going to put two comforters? :)

    At least some of your purchases are for the purpose of organization. I LOVE those cubes, we have them in 3 rooms in our house, such nice organization systems.

  2. Christina

    I like that most of your purchases were for tidy/organize purposes!!!

    I have similar fabric covered bins. I use the big ones at my desk to catch clutter and one as a recycle bin for paper. The small compartment ones I divide up desk stuff in. I don’t have kids so I never thought about the no-wash aspect!

  3. Melospiza

    You know what those fabric bins are perfect for (in my household, at least)? School papers. OMG, the drifts of artwork and completed papers and spelling tests and handwriting practice that pile up in our house! I do not have the stamina to go through them every day. So I just chuck them into one of those bins (well, I think I use slightly larger ones) and go through them at the end of the semester. Each kid has their own, and about once a week one will remember to put his/her papers in the bin of their own accord.

  4. Farrell

    All sound like great buys. I’m so jealous you have a mud room. My work bag, laptop and Sophie’s backpack, plus our shoes, all end up on spare kitchen chairs. Luckily, there are four chairs and only 2 of us who need to sit, so it’s not the end of the world, but still, I’d like the items to be accessible but not in view. Sigh.

  5. Miss Grace

    Earning a Swistle Care Package is on my bucket list.
    Well, that and Swistle following me back on twitter (@grace134), so I can respond to your old navy sales complaints.

    I’m very subtle, obviously.

  6. Tess

    Um, I HAVE THAT RUNNER, and also the matching area rug, and I am almost POSITIVE I paid at LEAST $60 for it. I guess at the time, it seemed worth it? I have no defense. I have, and do still, enjoy the rug(s), so there’s that. And for you? The thrill of us being rug twins. Good times.

  7. marybt

    You did good! I love those fabric bins.

    Think of it this way – now you don’t have to get rid of as much stuff since now you have someplace to put it! lol.

  8. HollyLynne

    Great deal on those comfortors! We have a band from England saying with us for a night a few weeks from now (long story) and we need some extra blankets and sheets. I’ll be hitting up Target this weekend . . . hope I find deals as great as yours!

  9. Kelly

    I have the area rug that matches that red/brickish pattern runner. love it. you have excellent taste. lol

    love the paisley bin!


    I’m in Calif. and we don’t really have mud but I too wish we had a mud room. =)

  10. JEN

    I shop Target clearance as well (what can I say – great minds think alike) and I am in awe of your greatness in the shopping arena today.

  11. Swistle

    Miss Grace, how is it I am not already following you on Twitter? Remedying.

    Tess- NO WAY! Rug twins…ACTIVATE!

    Firegirl- Run right out and get it! You can be Rug Triplets with me and Tess!

  12. DomestiKook

    Cute stuff! I love the paisley pink bin and think it’s good I don’t known where you live or I would so have to come steal it. Or I guess buy my own. Hm. Might be cheaper than airfare to where ever you live. Anyhoo, I would use the pink paisley one for rolled up hand towels and washcloths and put it under then sink.

  13. Leah Rubin

    Kiddo, you done good! Har, har…

    Seriously, the napkins are a lovely thing to have, and at that price? You go– I love all of it, and I love Wall-E, too! I would curl up under the comforter singing his “It Only Takes A Moment”– that was so super-cute!

    Enjoy your haul– you only live once…

  14. Maria

    I love that you use the word ‘wicked’.

    With that in mind, I’m in wicked awe of how you manage all these deals. I go to the Target near me and I find like maybe one thing as I sprint through the store because I have 10 minutes to get in and out. Yesterday, it was Fettuccini Alfredo with Broccoli Smart Ones for $1.88. SCORE!!!

  15. Sam

    I love the cube shelves and boxes. We got one for kid toys and it has helped with the crazy toy mess that takes over our living room. And I love your Target sale finds, even though I swear my Target is stingy with those little red stickers.

  16. Melis

    My Target must send all the good clearance to another Target and I am much too lazy to run deeper into town to that special recipient. My Target usually has the lousiest leftovers on their endcaps.

    That being said, I totally covet your fabric bins as I am a container junkie. Show me a pretty jar and I’m like Pavlov’s dog!

  17. Swistle

    Aibee- Mudrooms vary from mudroom to mudroom, but ours is a little walk-in-closet-sized (but not closed off like a closet) area just to the right of the entry door, and that’s where we’ll keep boots and coats and backpacks.

  18. Swistle

    P.S. to Aibee- But bikini/mud-wrestling. Hm. Hadn’t thought of adding that. Wonder if that would fit in the back corner where we aren’t planning shelves?

  19. Elayne

    I spend more money on “organizational aids” (like the shelves and bins and whatnot) than just about anything else. Then I bring it all home and look around and stick it out in the garage with the other 57,194 “organizational aids” already moldering out there (most of them still in boxes/with tags) and go lie down. Hope you have more motivation than I do!

  20. Sam

    The green thingy used to set iPods and phones and such to charge that you have there? I got one for Chicken on clearance for his bday that is coming up! We have problems with him not charging stuff, so I hope it helps.


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