Coffee and Doughnuts

Yesterday I took Rob and William to a craft store at their request. I also took Henry, because at home he’s as much work as the other four children combined, but in a store he can be seatbelted into a cart—so if I’m leaving Paul stuck at home, I try to take Henry with me.

I forgot it was Sunday: the craft store wasn’t open yet and wouldn’t be for another half hour. Well, pooh. Okay, fine, we will go to the Dollar Store…..which also doesn’t open for another half hour. Staples? Half-hour.

Rob suggested Dunkin’ Donuts, where I have taken them two or three times in their young lives, and he did it in the perfect tone of voice: hopeful but not expectant. Soooooooooooooo…kay.

And we had a great time. I fretted for awhile about maximizing the value of our order, and finally said screw it and went for convenience ordering: I got the number 1 combo, which is a coffee and two doughnuts, and then I had Rob and William each choose two doughnuts. And we got a super-considerate clerk who paused for an almost imperceptible moment and then without drawing attention to it changed our order to maximize the value, which saved us 60 cents. I suppose 60 cents is no big deal, but it is a very pleasing thing to me, and it also pleases me that it is a pleasing thing to the clerk.

Henry ate almost my entire chocolate butternut doughnut while I ate my Boston Cream, and the older boys ate their doughnuts with bravado, ignoring my suggestion that they might want to eat half of each and save the other halves for later. My coffee was delicious: I’d never ordered a flavor there before because I was too shy to ask if it cost extra money, but this time I thought of an easy way to ask and I was rewarded with toasted almond flavor along with my cream and sugar, and MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm.

We went to the craft store, and I’d brought with me some 8.5×11 things I’d thought I’d have to have custom-framed ($$$$$$) because of their size, but it turns out there is such a thing as 8.5×11 document frames ($) so I was all set and couldn’t believe I’d put this off for several YEARS.

I wish I could tell you that my children spent their allowances on enriching craft supplies (perhaps something for making an “I Love You” project for their mother?), but instead they both bought Fart Putty, which is like silly putty but also makes realistic gross sounds. On the way home they were both making such sounds, and Rob said cheerfully, “Welcome to Mom Hell!” It was fortunate I was fortified with coffee and doughnuts.

23 thoughts on “Coffee and Doughnuts

  1. bluedaisy

    It’s always that spur of the moment stuff that works out best, isn’t it? Had you planned the whole DD thing, it would have never gone so smoothly. I love it when this happens. And if the worst is some fart putty, hey, I’d take it ;)

  2. Eleanor Q.

    It’s moments like those- the unplanned yet enjoyable- that make up for most of the planned yet excruciating rest of the week. DD coffee probably makes up for the rest.

  3. nicole

    Now I want to drive 20 minutes to the closest Dunkin’ Donuts. Thanks. I wonder if they sell the pumpkin donuts year round, or just in the fall.

  4. Jeanne

    My duaghter got some of that putty for her birthday. It was by far her most played with present! She loves it, and can’t understand why don’t find it quite as funny as she does (although her dad laughs pretty consitently over it).

  5. Swistle

    Dynamita- I asked, “What kind of coffee does the Number 1 come with?” So, like, taking a situation where the price is already fixed, and investigating what the options were.

  6. desperate housewife

    I want to go on your next craft store outing!
    I used to LOOVE when my mom did stuff like this with us. And I remember thinking, even THEN, when I was like, twelve, that this was the kind of stuff that would make having older kids fun for me once I was a mom.

  7. Kathy

    Am dreading the day my children realize there is such a thing as fart putty! Perhaps I’ll get some for BIL for Christmas… that ought to piss off SIL for sure! Muahahaha!

  8. Laura

    Craft stores are dangerous they’re right behind fabric stores and book stores as the most dangerous shopping places on the planet!

  9. Jewels

    The morning after a nine hour road trip, I took my niece (5) and nephew (3) to a donut shop in my neighborhood and the LOVED it. I think the donut selecting was the highlight for them. For me, it was the nomming.

  10. marybt

    When they grow up and become millionaires, they will still be enamored of fart putty. It’s a man thing; don’t even TRY to understand it – it will drive you to drink. Kind of like why my husband still thinks loud firecrackers are cool.


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