Old Navy SCORE

Old Navy, Old Navy, have you any bargains? Yes ma’am, yes ma’am, two bags full.

I bought two of these reusable shopping bags to carry home my stuff, and two more to put in future care packages. They were on clearance for $3.49, and then all clearance was an additional 50% off, so I got each one for $1.74.


Boy shirts. Top row, left to right: polo for Edward; dinosaur shirt that probably won’t fit Henry (it’s 18-24m) but at $1.49 I HAD to try it; stripey polo in Rob’s next size up.

Bottom row: Rob asked me earlier this week if he could have a purple t-shirt: he’d noticed he had red, orange, yellow, green, and blue, but no purple. I said I’d look, but I didn’t have much hope. This one was on clearance for $1.98, and with the additional 50% off it was $.98. The other shirt is a stripey/picture polo in Rob’s next size up.


Long-sleeved Elizabeth shirts for next year or possibly the year after. Upper left is a $4 sweater. Center column is basic shirts in periwinkle/white stripe, pink, periwinkle, grey, blue. Also a red shirt that says “oh deer” on it, with a picture of—wait for it—a deer. Upper right has a cute owl on it. Lower right is a shirt that has a rainbow made up of the words “red” and “orange” and so on, and a cloud made up of the word “fluffy.” Except for the sweater ($4.23) and the rainbow shirt ($2.99), everything was $.99, $1.49, or $1.74.


One single short-sleeved Elizabeth shirt. I spent an entire $1.99 on this one because I liked it so much, making it one of the highest-priced items in the bunch.


For my lovey-lovey niece-niece. Four shirts ($.99-$1.99 each) and a pair of tights ($.98).


I also bought seven pairs of socks that aren’t in the photo because I’d already put them in the wash.

Total bill: $47.67.

32 thoughts on “Old Navy SCORE

  1. Shannon

    I need to hit up Old Navy SO BAD. All of our clothes are getting ridiculous and I’m outgrowing all of mine. I have an ultrasound and appointment on Tuesday, after which, I’m going shopping!

  2. beyond

    was at old navy yesterday too. got t-shirts and bags for our friend’s kids in indonesia. (we’re leaving in 4 days yay!) um… i just made sure that nothing was made in indonesia. plus a couple of simple cotton shirts for me. nothing cost over $4.50. bargains make me happy.

  3. -R-

    I would love if you would talk about how you buy clothes for your kids for future seasons. I can’t figure out what sizes to buy in long-sleeves and what sizes to buy in short-sleeves for my 6 month old.

  4. Swistle

    -R- The hardest age to shop for is baby and early toddler stage, because the baby’s growth can be so unpredictable and the size ranges so inappropriately wide (how can it be sized 6-12 months when a 6-month-old is such a dramatically different size than a 1-year-old?).

    When I do buy ahead for babies and toddlers, I estimate size based on how the baby has been measuring so far: if my 6-month-old was wearing size 3-6 month clothing in May, I would buy 6-12 month for fall; if my 6-month-old was wearing 6-12 month clothing in May, I would buy 12-18 month for fall. And my kids are long-torsoed, so if it’s a one-piece I buy it a size bigger than that. I err on the side of too big, since baggy can be cute but too small might not go on at all.

    For older kids, it gets much easier: it’s not guaranteed, but it’s common for kids to wear one size for an entire year or more. So, for example, when I’m buying ahead for Rob, who wears a size 10, I can buy short sleeves or long in size 12, because he’ll probably wear size 12 for a whole year; if he’s wearing a size M swimming suit one year, I buy him a size L for the next year.

  5. Mary

    As someone who has run into a friend early in the day while shopping, gotten engrossed in conversation with friend, gotten into friend’s car, spent the day with friend, been dropped off at my house, and only realized late in the evening that my car was somewhere around town and couldn’t remember where …. I fully understand. This was even before Mommy brain so as of now, I should be committed.

  6. the new girl


    Oh how I wish we lived closer, so you could tutor me in deal-finding in a real-time way.

    I’d buy you the Starbucks beverage of your choice after.

    Venti, even.

  7. Stimey

    I badly want to go to Old Navy all of a sudden. They should have paid YOU with all the people that are going to go pouring into their stores after this post.

  8. Astarte

    I used to really like Old Navy. I haven’t bought anything there in awhile because the older kids’ clothes aren’t as great as the younger kids’, and don’t seem to hold up as well. But, neither are Children’s Place jeans, because almost al six pairs I bought for Patrick this year ended up as shorts for this summer b/c the knees tore out. Children’s Place hasn’t had as good deals this year, either, have you noticed that? Hmmpf.

  9. Kim

    Old Navy seduces me like a tall, dark, glistening muscled piece of hot dude, then tosses me aside like a thoughtless, using man-whore.
    Apparently your store isn’t that way.

  10. Snoopyfan

    I had to go today just to get one of those adorable bags!! I also managed to get myself a new nightgown, shirt and shorts, two sweaters for my hubby, a shirt for my daughter and teh cutest yellow rain boots for my son-all for $30! Thanks Swistle!


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