Love, Swistle

Dear William,

You left an unopened container of chocolate milk in your lunch box all weekend. Probably I should have checked, since you are only in second grade. But do you smell that smell? That is why you have a paper lunch bag today.

Love, Mommy


Dear Rollover Ad,

I did not roll over you. Stop pretending like you think I did. That is so annoying, I am already boycotting your maker.

Love, Swistle


Dear “Recipe-Ready” Chopped Pecans,

You call that chopped? Think again, friends.

Love, Swistle


Dear Mean Anonymous Commenters,

That is not going to look good on your permanent record. Also: sometimes you don’t notice you’ve been automatically logged in.

Love, Swistle


Dear Paul’s Sister,

Sweetheart, Christmas is a completely predictable holiday. It doesn’t get SPRUNG on us: it’s on the calendar from Day 1, and it’s not until Day 359, so there’s plenty of warning. When you mail the kids’ presents too late to arrive for Christmas, and you do it EVERY YEAR, and you KNOW they arrive too late, and you write to say you hope they won’t arrive too late even though you mailed them parcel post on December 23rd…well, I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but doesn’t any alternate plan suggest itself to you?

Love, Swistle-in-Law


Dear Biological Clock,

OMG SHUT IT. Haven’t I done enough for you? We were a good team, but it is OVER. Retire to Arizona or something.

Love, Swistle


Dear Paul,

Me and my biological clock, we are waiting for diamonds. Or maybe a puppy. Or, I don’t know. SOMETHING.

Love, Swistle


Dear Rob,

Think about what you want to say before you start saying it. I am trying to be a patient, listening, here-for-you kind of mother, but it is hard for me to focus on The Moment when you are saying, “Hey, Mommy. Um…when I….um….I mean, when YOU….um…. thing. Um, the other day, when YOU said that WE….um.” Think it out first, cupcake.

Love, Mommy


Dear Coffee,

The idea is that you’re supposed to get me through the day, and then punch the time clock. If your shift starts at 7:00 a.m., I don’t need you here at 11:00 p.m. No overtime will be granted. Kthanx for your understanding.

Love, Swistle


Dear Snow,

You prevented my friend’s 40th birthday present from getting to her on time. Birthdays are always important, but especially decade birthdays. You and I are no longer on speaking terms.

Love, Swistle


Dear Dr. Seuss,

If you have to totally make up words in order to make your books have rhythm and rhyme, maybe you should try a different writing style. Not everyone has the same talents, and that’s okay.

Love, Swistle

47 thoughts on “Love, Swistle

  1. d e v a n

    ha! These are too funny. I haven’t noticed the anon comments much, now I’m curious enough to go back and snoop. lol
    EW on the chocolate milk!!! Fingers crossed for diamonds and/or puppy!

  2. fairydogmother

    I’m thinking diamonds AND a puppy. Preferably one who is potty trained already.

    I’ve been wanting to write a post like this for quite sometime, but I would end up writing about work and that would be a bad move. *sigh*

  3. ColorCodedC

    Love these! How about “Dear (Literally) 3-Degree Temperatures This Morning, I live in Florida now. This does not exactly provide me with the I’m-home-for-Christmas-warm-and-fuzzies. Love, ColorCodedC”

  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous comments are your prize for having a public blog wherein you share private, complicated information. Take the comments or lose the blog.

  5. Alice

    hee, i love how entitled anonymous commenters are. “you have a blog, therefore we are totally justified in being assholes!” i’m a little confused on that rationale, but hey, i’m not an anonymous tool so i wouldn’t understand :-P

  6. the new girl

    HA HA HA!


    –Love Anonymous

  7. fairydogmother

    Wow. Apparently Anonymous never learned the lesson that just because you can say something that doesn’t mean that you should.

    But then again some people feel like they are entitled to cast a vote as to how other people live their lives. Those people would be wrong. However they tend to be incapable of comprehending that. Or how reprehensible their own behavior might be.

  8. Linda

    Dear Headache and Bad Attitude,

    I know I drank too much rum last night and should have stayed awake till I was 100% sober, but I didn’t. I don’t think you would be hanging around if my kids hadn’t woken me up a zillion times so I got tiny little chunks of sleep instead of a nice long siesta. So let’s pretend that I got a good night of sleep and you get the hell out of here, okay?

  9. Swistle

    Dear Anonymous,

    What would “taking them” entail? Letting them continue to sit like turds in my otherwise beautiful comment section? Check! But if you mean I have to humbly appreciate them and take them as my due, you’re wrong. No one deserves meanness in exchange for sharing, and I’m sorry you feel that they do. Kisses–

    Love, Swistle

  10. Kim

    Dear Swistle,
    As usual, you’ve made my day. And since I had a semi-stressful morning of shopping and errand-running, imagining myself slapping Annonymous has been a satisfying release as well. Endorphins for everyone!!!

  11. Firegirl

    Dear Swistle,

    I, too, am on the outs with snow. It snowed 6″ more last night!!!!

    I vote for a puppy!

    Anonymous must be getting coal for Christmas, that’s why they’re so pissy.

    Couldn’t love you more if you were twins!

  12. Michelle

    Ohhh I love the letters.

    And umm how bad of a mom does it make me that I’d think seriously for a moment about sending in the stinky lunchbox just to teach him a lesson about checking for old food?

  13. Anonymous

    I wish I lived near you (not in a crazy-stalker-way, more like a Friends or How-I-Met-Your-Mother-way) and you were my friend. Your letters made my day.


  14. Jodi


    Those are great! I could write a few of those myself.

    And the child who cannot tell a story without taking an hour? Yeah, I have 7 of those. Urrrrrr!

  15. Maggie

    If I just switched “Rob” to my son’s name, that letter could be from me, I love my son, but when it takes 10 minutes to spit out a comment my attention wanes rapidly…

  16. Erin

    Dear Swistle,

    I may have to steal this post format for my own post. I love your writing and respect your honesty. Sorry anonymous comments (WHY can I NOT EVER spell anonymous? Did I get it wrong again?) came on THIS post too. Boo.


  17. Frazzled Mom

    About Dr. Seuss… he was one of my favorite authors as a kid, but I can relate to his annoying made-up words. But just as annoying are the made up items in his illustrations. My 22 month likes to look at books at point out the objects she can identify. This Mom so beams with pride : )

    I will sit with her and point to some other objects to build her vocabulary. But then I look at some weird contraptions that simply don’t exist in this world, and I’m left wondering what I should tell my toddler. Quite a quandary.

  18. Omaha Mama

    Go Swistle!
    I noticed no letters to your younger crew. All of the letters of this fashion that I could write would be to my two-year old. Who is trying his hardest to be unlikeable thish holiday season. It isn’t working, but he keeps trying…
    Great post, by the way.

  19. Farrell

    I love all the readers who wrote their comments in “dear swistle” form as I am not that clever!

    I totally want to steal this idea, but if I do, I will absolutely give you credit.

  20. chris

    dear swistle, here from chicken and cheese ROTF awards. loved the letters and LOVED the commentor who used “endorphins for everyone!” am adopting it as my new favorite phrase for now. thanks!


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