Swistmas Package

I’m putting together a few holiday care packages for some family and friends, and it occurred to me that rather than eating all the extra stuff myself, I could easily make one more package. And then I said, “Yes, but I ALREADY ate all the extra stuff myself,” and I answered myself, “Yes, but you also ate some of the stuff from the packages, so you have to make some more ANYWAY.” And I thought I had a pretty good point there, so that’s what I decided to do.

Then I got kind of excited about it and starting riffling through my gift closet seeing what else I could put in there. Some possibilities: baby spruce tree kits, a St. Jude’s ornament, little stocking-stuffer things for kids. A cute little bird decoration that I bought three of thinking I’d keep one for myself and give two away, but so far I still have all three on my desk so maybe I won’t give away any of those after all. A Christmas version of the mother-in-law-dishes mug, a twin to the one I use all season.

But I don’t know, because it depends who wins. Like, maybe the winner won’t have kids, in which case I’ll leave out the kid stuff (well, but are you sure? Those sticker sheets are pretty awes). Or, like, maybe the winner will have food allergies in the family, in which case I’ll want to avoid sending a Box o’ Holiday Poison. Or maybe the winner will celebrate a winter holiday that is NOT Secular Christmas, and so then I’ll want to avoid sending a Box o’ Sacrilege. And so on. Anyway, if you win, we’ll talk.

To enter, leave a comment on this post by…well, should we say by Sunday December 14th, noon U.S. Pacific time? Does that give everyone enough time? And that still gives me enough time to put together the care package and get it sent to you in time for whatever holiday is coming up for you.

141 thoughts on “Swistmas Package

  1. Dr. Maureen

    I celebrate sacred Christmas, but I ALSO celebrate secular Christmas, so I’d LOVE a box ‘o’ sacrilege. Well, unless you hand-stitched an ornament that says, “Christianity is a dirty lie!” or something, but I’m kind of assuming you just mean heavy-on-the-Frosty-light-on-the-baby-Jesus.

    Hey! My word verification is “swisto”! That’s only two letters away from “Swistle”!

  2. Mairzy

    I need the Christmas package! (“No,” we say to our two-year-old, “that isn’t the right way to ask.”) May I please have the Christmas package?

  3. Gina

    I love Swistmas!

    Also – I have a little giveaway going on that ends tonight. I didn’t email you with it, since it’s not technically a PIF. I actually AM paying forward a company’s mistake to me, but I am not asking the winner(s) to PIF.

  4. Eva

    Awesome. And you didn’t actually say HOW you’ll be selecting the winner. Certainly not random. Best kissing up, perhaps? Because I was just thinking about what beautiful eyes you have. And taste in little girls’ skirts. And gee, your hair smells terrific (too much?). And my word verification was just “iwon” so it must be fate.

  5. Kelsey

    Swistmas might be the best word I’ve heard this season! Maybe you should start your own holiday, like in July, then we’ll have something to look forward to in the middle of the year.

    This is the most considerate sounding care package ever – I’d love to win, though we’d (sadly) have to pass on the food. I should make gifts out of all the boxes of death that will surely arrive here anyway. . . One uncle ALWAYS sends us a Harry and David box bursting with nuts.

  6. amysflock

    Great idea! I love the idea of care packages, so sign me up! :)

    No food allergies, and we DO celebrate Christmas…and we live on a farm and have lots of critters. :)

  7. susan

    Oooh, pick me pick me! Your box of Holiday poison and sacrilege had me cracking up. You are so funny, woman.

    Anyways, PICK ME PICK ME. If I win, I will pay you for the international shipping! Proms!

  8. Lorraine T.

    Hee…foshices my misses…foschices was my verification word! I wanna win so I can give it away to some unsuspecting person! Yay!

  9. fattylumpa

    YAY! I am soooooo so excited for SWISTMAS!! If I win, I have something to send you in return!

    OMG, I swear that wasn’t a bribe!! I’ve just been thinking about mailing some thing(s) to someone anyway in some sort of blog related way. And this just seems like some good Karma (BLO-rma?), or something since you are so generous.

    (But feel free to feel bribed. You know…if it will help me win.)

  10. StephLove

    You are so sweet, giving away packages to readers.

    I came over to say I tagged you on my blog but it looks like you might be too busy reading your voluminous comments to participated in memes. Happy Holidays!

  11. fairydogmother

    Ooh, I love this idea. Every year for the last few years I have wanted to do holiday care packages for my friends who live far away, but it always seems to slip off my list. So I’m obviously pro-holiday care package, even if I’m not so good about follow through. And I don’t have kids, but I do love sticker sheets, boxes o’ holiday poison and secular christmas!

  12. nonsoccermom

    Count me in! How you have the time to do all this and still parent 5 kids is beyond me. You have far more energy and motivation than I do, I think. I’m lucky to get out Christmas cards. Go Swistle!!

  13. Michelle

    Oh what a fun idea! I was thinking about this myself… that there are so many fun Christmas things out there. I can’t decide what to do, so my indecision so far means I’ve done nothing :) But maybe this is the get off my rear move I need!

  14. Tara

    Yay! A Christmas giveaway. And I don’t have kids but would TOTALLY want the kid stuff (if I couldn’t use it I would regift it to a friend’s child who could!). Merry Christmas to you!

  15. MaggieO

    Hey Swistle, I tried out your no-bake recipe and it was great! I’d made some before that weren’t as good (perhaps b/c they did not contain a stick of butter?) Also, how did I get along this far in life without knowing the banana splitting technique you described?

  16. Laura

    I’m proud to be a part of the Swistmas fan club also. Yes, Lady Swistle, you are onto something BIG here!

    I’d love to see what you can load into a care package!


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