Do you remember the wee little tree kit I bought in the Target dollar section? It was really fun to buy it and set it up and plant the seeds, but I assumed it would come to nothing but disappointment: I’ve planted evergreen seeds twice before, and both times they’ve done nothing but add their wee quantity of nitrogen to the soil.

But this time! LOOK!

Not just one sprout, but TWO! The first sprout to come up is in the center, and then the other sprout is that teeny bit of white at 11:00. AAAAAA!!!! Spruce trees! Baby spruce trees!


On an unrelated topic, I’m supposed to be working on my wish list for Christmas. (My family shops early.) What should I put on it? What have you bought or been given lately that’s provided great satisfaction? (Like my spruce sprouts!)

36 thoughts on “ZOMG SPROUT ALERT!

  1. Emblita

    Yay spruce trees!

    My wish list is usually 80% books and dvd’s and 20% stuff I need for the house and can’t afford so I’ll try to get the fam to buy it.

    But stuff I love- my Remington hair straightener, Creative Zen MP3/Video player (so I can watch a workout video and tv at the same time! LOVE), and Do it Later 2009 non planner for the creative procrastinator.

  2. Bethtastic

    YAY trees! Growing stuff is so satisfying!

    I always ask for good vanilla extract (I like Watkins) for Christmas. Partly because I love it for baking and for putting in my tea, and partly because it’s consumable, and I love consumable gifts.
    I also ask for a variety of shampoos and conditioners (in moisturizing) or bar soaps. Because I’m not picky about them, and it’s a fun to have a new variety to choose from when a bottle/bar runs out. Also, they’re consumable.

    Strange, I know. But it’s fun :)!

  3. Psuedokim

    Do you keep an Amazon wish list? I usually just add to it throughout the year, mostly to keep track of books and stuff I want and then when family asks what I want, I refer them to the list. I know you’re a big reader, so I would ask for some books you’ve wanted but haven’t gotten yet. That’s always a safe gift to request; hard to mess up.

  4. Nowheymama

    You’ll have to get some dollhouse-sized ornaments for your trees!

    My SIL always gives me a basket of fun stuff like lotions and makeup and earrings that I never buy for myself. I love it.

  5. fairydogmother

    I’m supposed to be working on my Christmas wish list too but I haven’t come up with anything too terribly exciting. So far my ideas include cozy sweaters because my office at my new job is freezing most of the time, nice winter gloves, and DVDs: The Office, How I Met Your Mother, & the anniversary box set of Sports Night that was released this fall. Also gift cards, which nobody ever seems excited to hear but hello, who wouldn’t want a “free” trip to Target or Sephora?!

    Funny, because everyone wants wish lists, but have they given me any? Of course not. If they don’t follow through it just might be the Sports Night DVD & gift cards for everyone…

    Oh, I know what I bought recently that I really love! The new Ray LaMontagne cd, Gossip in the Grain. I like it for my drive to/from work when I am stuck in traffic, but it would be great background music just during the day. It is nice and mellow in a totally non-annoying way. Also, I am currently really loving Crabtree & Evelyn’s Edamame, Rice & Bamboo body lotion.

  6. Marie Green

    I have been looking for those tree kits ever since you mentioned it…. haven’t seen them in our Targets yet…

    Here’s what’s on my list: a Yankee candle (the bigger size that comes in a glass jar) (this is a standard wish list item- I usually get one and then it lasts all winter) (I like the vanilla or the cookie scents- smells like you are baking even when you are not), small glass pyrex dishes to replace my current fleet of gladware, large t-fal skillet to replace ours that is not-so-non-stick anymore, and good earth tea.

    I might also add The Story of Edgar Sawtelle to the list (our book club chose it BEFORE Oprah did!)- we are reading it for January, and since it’s only in hardcover it’s a bit spendy…

    So let us know what you decide to put on your list!

  7. Shelly

    How awesome that your trees are sprouting! I never have any luck with those things, either, so it’s very exciting to see yours sprout.

    My wish lists usually consist of books, books and more books. Other than that, I guess movies. I hate trying to make a wish list. The second I try to think of something I want, I can’t think of anything. I do like some of the suggestions others have made, though.

  8. t2ed

    You need a sign that says:

    Two Sprouts, No Waiting

    I am always happy to receive books, book store gift cards or the time to actually read those books.

  9. Bug-N-Bee

    Well, things I would have wanted for Christmas included an Amazon Kindle and a Zune. I got the Amazon Kindle from my cousin in August (I have no idea for why) and the Zune as an early birthday present. Now I don’t know what to ask for….

  10. Tara

    Yay for the spruce trees!

    But I have to tell you, I let out a loud guffaw when you said you need to work on your wish list ’cause your family shops early. YOU DON’T KNOW EARLY. Guess when my family demanded Christmas lists? (hold please, searching e-mail ARCHIVES)

    September 29th. Yes, that says September. Y’all are LATE. (and yes, I complain about how my family starts shopping earlier every year–they don’t even let us get to Halloween, for crying out loud.)

  11. Hotch Potchery

    Your trees are so cute!

    My latest favoritest thing? My iPhone. That is what I got for Christmas (in October).

    I have no suggestions, but I am going to go all “5 year old in a toy store” when I see all the suggestions…”yeah, I want that” “oh, I want that” “I need that, too!”

  12. Staci

    I bought the little tree too! But I may have made a mistake with a little over zealous watering… I hope I didn’t wash the seeds away. We’ll see I suppose… in a few weeks.

    My family is waiting for my wish list too!

  13. Vicky

    Yay trees. My target didn’t have them:( I’m still looking.

    My wish list is usually books, cds, and clothes. This year I am wishing for a screen door. So not exciting but I really want one.

  14. DCMomma

    How cute the growing sprouts are!

    I started a wish list on amazon. Which consists of stuff for the kids, and dvds. Generally its cheaper on there, so nice to have it all one place to check.

    Also, gift cards to Target/Kohls, etc. are much appreciated.

    Black Friday is great for deals and makes xmas shopping so much easier.

  15. Kristi

    You know what those sprouts mean, don’t you? You have a lot of creative, fertile energy flowing through you right now. hmmmm…….

    OMG my word verification for this comment is “meddler”!!! lol

  16. Julie

    You could adopt a needy family for Christmas and find out what’s on their list, and then ask for your friends and family to help you fulfill their Christmas wishes. I wish my family would do this for me, because there is really nothing I need, and not much I want that is affordable for anyone. It is the most gratifying feeling in the world.

    I’m a frequent reader, but first time commenter – your blog is the best ever. Thanks for sharing your random thoughts and musings.

  17. Alice

    my wishlist this year is: a really nice heavy-bottomed pot like for soup-cooking, and a wee portable speaker doohickey now that i have an ipod :-)

  18. drowninginlaundry

    I would love a Kindle, but alas they are useless in Canada.
    My favorite two things I have received in the last year are a HUGE crockpot that I can put on the stove and saute in before it goes in the cooker, and a bread machine.

    I also love my husbands Keurig coffee maker with the single pod system – it actually helps us a lot that we can each make a coffee or two at the time a day that works for us (shift workers) and not a big pot in the morning that is terrible by noon…..

  19. Astarte

    I’m a big fan of our pod coffee system, too. I don’t want a whole pot, ever, really, so making only one makes a lot more sense. Plus, they come in such yummy flavors!

    Hooray for your trees!

  20. Jessica

    drowninginlaundry – you can use your kindle in Canada, you just have to download the books from your computer to the kindle instead of using the wireless to download them. I love my Kindle.

  21. Lindsay

    I am lil miss practical so my wish list includes a salad spinner and a dust buster. Oh, and some stud earrings. I am so excited for the festivities of Christmas, but the shopping, meh. We asked one of the SIL’s what she wants and she would like hardwood floors. LOL. I love absurd Christmas lists. I think I will make one.

  22. Lindsay

    OH! But you know what has given me way more satisfaction than I bargained for? Cloth grocery bags. I recommend them to all. We feel all green and special, and it really is easy to get into and seriously the baggers were just using too much plastic in our neck of the woods, and we bought 3 big cloth bags and it is perfect for our fam of 2. So. I have no idea if it works for a family of seven or if you would just end up tearing your hair out b/c of all the cloth bags cluttering your house…but, yes, cloth bags have brought me satisfaction.

  23. Michelle

    Do you really want to hear about my lame wish list?

    1) A good heart rate monitor

    2) A new blender

    3) A new top to my Cuisinart

    4) A new vacuum

    5) Reusable shopping bags

    6) GC to WHBM (the first one that isn’t lame)

    7) A case for my camera (preferably a neoprene one like for my iPod)

    8) A day to myself. Or two. Or 3.

    9) A purple NU shirt that looks good on me

    10) ummmm. I need some ideas, too, apparently!

  24. nicole

    If I was getting Christmas presents this year, I would be asking for personalized stationery. On flat cards. Because I think they are classy. Also, new baking stuff. Cookie sheets, pastry blender, sil-pats, and an enamel cast-iron dutch oven. But I’m not getting presents this year. Being a responsible grownup sucks sometimes.

  25. Kelsey

    Yay for sprouts!

    I probably can’t be helpful with your Christmas list – I tend to ask for mostly books, CDs, DVDs. I do keep “list” on Amazon and one in a word file and add to it when I think of things, which helps at this time of year. But I don’t think there’s anything particularly special on my list that I can recommend. Is that sad?

  26. Anonymous

    I bought the same spruce kit from target, plus a flower kit. Four of my spruce seeds sprouted, but none of my flower seeds sprouted.


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