Eight Weeks is Enough Time, Right?

Today at Target I bought a “Christmas Tree Grow Kit” in the dollar section. It is the wee-est, cutest thing ever: a teensy little green pot about 2 inches tall, and a chunk of soil, and six little spruce tree seeds. For one dollar!

It is almost worth the whole dollar just to see the soil expand. It’s a lightweight chunk about the size of a stack of four quarters, and you look at it and think, “Uhhhhh….this is a wee little pot, but it’s not THAT wee.” Then you add a little water (1/6th cup, which took me awhile to figure out but is 2 and 2/3rds tablespoons), and the soil just GROWS. It’s a little gross to watch, even.

And then there IS enough soil to fill the wee little pot, and you scoop it in there and press in the six seeds, and you put the pot on a sunny windowsill and you wait. Good thing I bought it with lots of time before Christmas!

20 thoughts on “Eight Weeks is Enough Time, Right?

  1. Paul

    so cute!!! plants wither and die at the sight of me, so i’m not sure i could grow anything from seed . . .but for a dollar, heck! that might be worth a try!

  2. Maggie

    I love those little pots that grow things — I always get them when I see them, although I have yet to have a successful growing experience…

  3. Michelle

    Sure, plenty of time … which Christmas? :)

    I got those pots with the herbs a couple of years ago, and they worked really well. Fingers crossed that you have your six miracle spruces!

  4. Pann

    I grew one of those once!

    My college roommate accidentally killed it over spring break.

    Yeah well, whatever…. it is a really fun project!

  5. Ellen

    Um, I saw this post and thought “Swistle is 8 weeks pregnant!”

    Congratulations on the tree, but somehow it pales in comparison with the congratulations I thought I’d be giving… ;-)

  6. Kerry

    I recently planted a bunch of Serrano pepper seeds I got at a restaurant hoping that at least one plant would grow, and now I’ve got 8! Hopefully all 6 trees will grow for you and you’ll have almost enough to go around.


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