Cleaning Project: My Desk

Here is a Before picture of my computer desk. This is where I am sitting RIGHT NOW, which seems weird: I’m looking at a photo of my desk—AND, behind the photo, the desk itself.

Top shelf needed dusting, especially those pretty, shiny, unnested nesting boxes. There was also a cardboard box of photos from Henry’s birth; perhaps time to at least put those somewhere less prominent, if we’re not going to get around to gluing them into a journal until he’s in school?

Second shelf down had a huge stack of Postcrossing postcards, plus a bunch of desky tools (the only ones in the house that don’t get lost, because no one uses them except me), plus my Hello Kitty Flowerpot of Disarray (freebie one-page calenders I glue into the front covers of journals; the fake stamps charities send out; an empty package of chocolate-covered dried cherries in case I need to remember who makes them; receipts).

And then the desktop itself, which was several big teetering piles of papers and notepads.

I cleared every single item to the floor, then wiped down all the shelves, then rooted through the pile putting things away/back. And here’s After:

It still needs some fiddling (the decorative items are just “cleaned and put back anywhere,” not Arranged yet), but it’s a huge improvement. The Flowerpot of Disarray remains, but I went through it and threw out some stuff (receipts from last Christmas, newspaper clippings it is too late to write a letter to the Editor about, snail mail I have already answered). I found an empty chocolate box to hold the desk supplies. And now on the desktop there is room to put things, without piles tipping and spilling. There is VISIBLE DESKTOP AREA.

26 thoughts on “Cleaning Project: My Desk

  1. Michelle

    Congrats, it looks great! You must have read the same inspiring post I did yesterday (except I can’t remember who wrote about it). Of course I was inspired to clean my office but not enough to actually do it … yet. I’ll be having a very similar post ummm sometime in the next three years maybe ;) Nicely done!

  2. Astarte

    Nice!!!! Doesn’t it feel lovely?! Now, if only we could not take that feeling for granted and begin the cluttering process over… and over… and OVER again!!!

    Also, hey! I know some of those people in those pictures!!! In fact, I know all of them!! I STILL have that one of the twins on my fridge, because it’s too beautiful to take down, along with the most recent one of all the kids. What’s with the dollar, though?

  3. Jessica (a.k.a. Mom)

    Looks nice! Our computer desk is usually quite cluttered. Too much techy-geek stuff here to keep it all managed very well. It would help if we didn’t have two full size 20 inch monitors to deal with.

  4. bluedaisy

    So if you ever have the desire to visit the Philadelphia suburbs, you can feel free to stop by! I plan to do some de-cluttering this weekend. We are having some guests for lunch on Monday so I figure, I better clean a bit before then (It’s a playdate but I hate that word). Seeing your fantastic results gives me much needed motivation!

  5. Lindsay

    ahem that is not meant to diminish your progress….I looked at my own glass crud covered computer desk and confess my anniversary is coming up and my own wedding pics still aren’t really in an album…they are just chilling on memory cards and sticks, waiting to be accidentally but devastatingly written over and lost forever…and that is seriously not good.

    Totally in awe of your progress.

  6. Marie Green

    Our office is BY FAR our most cluttered/messy room. Even when I “clean” it, it’s still the catch-all for so much… well, crap.

    Nicely done- I bet it feels great!

  7. Swistle

    McMama- ZOMG there was TOTAL SWIRLING. Henry was napping, but Elizabeth and Edward were all, “WHAT IS THIS?” “CAN I PLAY WITH THIS?” *dropping item* “OOPS.” “MOMMY WHAT IS THIS?” “MOMMY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” “MOMMY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?” “MOMMY WHY ARE THESE THINGS HERE?”

  8. Missives From Suburbia

    I’m with McMama on this one. I have to wait until my kiddo is napping or in bed to tackle anything that requires the slightest bit of organizational pondering. I think you must be a better multi-tasker than I!

  9. Sara

    Ya know, I did some cleaning and organizing myself today, and I gotta say, there is NOTHING like that feeling of “ahhhhhhhhh, that’s better” after you’re done. Or is it just me?


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