Winner, and New Technology Needed Pls

Um, heh-LO! Did SOMEONE post a pay-it-forward contest and then just wander off and not choose a winner? Swistle, I am looking in your direction.

The winner is Erin of MO Mommy, which is practically COSMIC TIMING because she is feeling a little GRIM lately and has been inadvertently shoplifting and so forth, and so this seems like the time for a hot brownie injection. Except they will not be hot, they will be cold and beginning to get stale on the edges. And they will be surrounded by random Target finds, including a few cutie things I bought yesterday from the school supply clearance section, which does not sound very exciting I grant you but they’re VERY CUTE THINGS and I bought them for myself as well because they were so cute.

Also: I am getting a NIECE. No, not for the pay-it-forward package! I mean, that’s what the answer the pay-it-forward question ended up being. I guess now I will have to learn how to spell the word “niece” once and for all.

Okay! Now that I’ve handled that little matter, I need to have a big hand-wring: it’s Rob’s first day of clarinet lessons at school, and he doesn’t know where he’s supposed to go for the lesson (it’s first thing in the day, before he goes to his classroom), and although the music teacher is expecting that some children will not yet have their instruments, she said they should come with their music books. Which we remembered at breakfast time, and yet managed to send him on the bus without.

I am trying to suppress my empathetic panic, imagining him getting off the bus already worried about finding where he’s supposed to go, and then realizing he forgot the music book. And that’s if he remembers to worry about finding where he’s supposed to go: I was already half-panicked about him forgetting to go to the lesson instead of to class. Really, I am not sure this system is set up well for my mental health. What I need is a little tiny remote control I can use to steer him.

19 thoughts on “Winner, and New Technology Needed Pls

  1. euqort

    This empathetic panic of which you speak? You pulled it from my SOUL. Gah.

    He’ll be fine he’ll be fine he’ll be fine.

    Yay babies! yay niece! (Someone to give Elizabeth’s adorable hand me downs to!)

  2. LoriD

    There is a system, but I haven’t yet encountered a school that uses it effectively. It’s called the In-ter-net. Our school has a website, but there are no class schedules, no blank forms, no parent information… nothing but the school rules and some outdated newsletters. The room number for Rob’s lesson should be posted there so you can prepare him. Heck, there should be a message there from the music teacher letting you know what to expect.

    I keep telling my husband that I’m going to go into the school and take charge of their website. Yeah, he says, in your spare time!

    Yay to a niece! I’m getting a niece or nephew in about 6 weeks and I am bursting with anticipation!

  3. Kelsey

    He’ll be fine. He can share a book and there will be other students who are wandering and someone will tell them where to go, or there will be signs posted. . . I think with school it helps to remember that it’s Rob’s first lesson but not the first time they’ve had new band students! I don’t say that to belittle your worry, but I want to reassure you that they may very well have a system in place, even if it isn’t obvious to you.

    Let us know how it goes!

    Oh, and I’m so glad Erin won your prize – she’ll love it!

  4. Joanne

    Ooh I get scared of my kids going to school for just that reason. Another poster made a good point, of course the teacher will have him share with someone. A remote control would be most excellent, though. I’d like one for my 3 year old and my baby, though too. I’d steer my 3 year old away from the basement door and I’d roll my baby over so she could get a longer nap.

  5. Kristi

    Oh my gosh, I agree w/Lorid 1000%! I am constantly harping on this at home – please run the organizational aspect of the school like a business and take advantage of your website!! ARHHH! Sorry, that really hits a nerve.

    Also, that little, tiny remote idea is pure, unadulterated genius!

  6. Hotch Potchery

    I have one in college and another in high school, and whenever I see something important laying on the table, or in Mr. P’s floorboard, or on the driveway (don’t ask), I kind of wish I was the type of parent who would rush to bring it to them so they wouldn’t feel bad having left it. Sadly for them, I am not.

  7. Alice

    i wandered through most of my formative school years in such an oblivious haze, it’s amazing i ever brought any homework to school / any assignments home / ever wound up at the correct bus stop. i’m sure my mom would VERY MUCH AGREE on the remote issue.

  8. Linda

    How’d it go with Rob? Did he even notice that he forgot his book? Sometimes I work myself into a tizzy and then my kid or my husband is all “WTF is wrong with you? It’s all good.”

  9. Michelle

    OH! You have no idea how bummed I am that I did not win the fantabulous brownies. Totally crushed. But that’s ok because I ummmm have a PIF of my own that I have been neglecting to put up but will post tomorrow with your gentle reminder of them ;) I’ll send you the link once it’s up.

    And when you figure out that remote control, let me know. I could use it now, but I *really* want it for the teenage years.

  10. Jen

    OMG – a niece! tiny pinkness to buy! hooray. not that boys aren’t a joyous occasion but i’m guessing you’ve had your fair share of buying boys stuff. ;)

    so…what happened with your remoteless boy? inquiring minds!


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