Little girl shoes, 75% off at Target! It is hard to see in the TINY PICTURE, but there are three different kinds: a dark brown maryjane with pink flowers (“Jaye”), a medium brown t-strap with embroidered flowers (“Lolli”), and a lighter brown maryjane with pink flowers (“Kimani”). Normally I buy shoes only a size or two ahead, but what can I say? A gear slipped or something. I bought them in sizes 6-1/2 through 11, for $3.74 per pair.

39 thoughts on “SCORE!

  1. Type (little) a

    Either you (and she) are going to be sick to death of those shoes in 6 months or she will be in hysterical tears after size 11 that she can’t wear her favorite shoes.

    Man, that was a Debbie Downer comment! LOL.

    I couldn’t possibly tempt fate buying that many. My daughter is very much the fashion plate who MUST pick out her own clothes.

  2. Omaha Mama

    Wow! I’ve been wanting the brown ones with pink flowers all year! $3.74!!! But I’ve done that stupid no-buy promise and can’t go buy the ratzin’ fratzin’ cotten picken shoes (excuse my French).

    That is one awesome show score!!!

  3. Meegan

    Holy cow, you are CRA-ZY! And I LIKE it. Very impressive. Please don’t tell my husband about this or he’ll start encouraging me to make the same kind of purchases. I like to string them out over time for fun.

  4. Misty

    Did they look at you funny in the check out line? Like how you always imagined they would look at you when you were buying tampons at age 13?

  5. Swistle

    Type (little) a- I KNOW! That’s one reason I don’t buy more than a size or two ahead, usually. I don’t know what came over me.

    Omaha Mama- OH NO! Can you, um. Cheat?

    Colleen- Better go see!

    Misty- I try not to look! I start having a VERY INVOLVED conversation with one of the kids, until everything’s bagged up

  6. Tina G

    I bought ONE pair in my daughter’s current size, simply because her tastes change faster than you can say “75% off”. And they were still $6-ish dollars. She loves them but complains about them anyway…”Mommy, they’re too loose…wait, now they’re too tight!” Good score, Swistle!

  7. Mairzy

    Wow. I’m in awe. I don’t think it would have occurred to me to buy that many, despite having been caught many times saying, “Oh, no, these are too little already? And they’re you’re only ones!” Way to save yourself a headache. I’ll file this away for the day when I have five kids and stumble across a great deal.

  8. Katie

    We have those shoes and they are AWESOME! (The ones with the pink flowers). You will love them. They match nearly EVERYTHING! I can’t believe they were that cheap. I SUCK at bargain hunting. I paid full price.

  9. Natalie

    Ahh, you apply shoe purchases for your daughter like I do for myself.

    Find a pair of shoes I really, REALLY like and buy every color. Obviously I don’t have to worry about growing out of them, but if I did, I would totally buy different sizes, too.

    Those shoes are adorable.

  10. Mrs. M

    swistle–you make my heart melt!!!

    funny side story: my friend’s kids LOVE to play in the rain and water. Baby gap had their big yellow wellie boots on sale for 2.50. She bought 8 pair. As one kid outgrew the boots, the next could wear them!

  11. Mary

    I bought shoes for my sister’s little girl over the weekend at Target as well. They had some really adorable ones at such a steal!!! Love the brown ones with the flower :)

  12. Kelsey

    We already have a pair of the lighter brown ones with the flowers near the Velcro of the strap. I trekked to Target this morning hoping for a similar shopping achievement, but alas, they had not one single pair!!! Bleh. Ours were only 50% off anyway, but I would have still bought a size or two ahead.


    Um, does YOUR Target have any left for me? Maybe we could work something out?


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