Virtual Avon Party! Right This Minute! Until at Least September 24th, in the Comment Section of this Post!

Okay! *brisk clap-clap* Feedback on Avon has been positive, and I’m gearing up to place my order. Anonymous mentioned that an Avon seller’s first few orders get them the most commission, so my thought is that we’d have the greatest impact if we all ordered during the same couple of early-on ordering periods. Lee says she’s supposed to submit her orders every 2 weeks, and the next one is due by September 25th–let’s say Monday the 24th, just to be sure. And if you miss that one, the next deadline is October 9th (8th to be sure). Operation Buy Avon From Lee–COMMENCE! (First act of business: better name for operation.)

Here is the web site:

If you go there and place an order, you can have it shipped to you for $3 flat-rate (use coupon code SHIP3), which is an especially good deal if you are ordering lots of heavy bottles of shampoo or bubble bath.

Here’s what I did: from the site’s home page (which is where the link above brings you), I clicked “shop.” Then in the left-hand menu, about two-thirds of the way down, I clicked “Promotions.” That brings you to a big picture, and a hard-to-see pull-down menu below the picture. The pull-down menu contains a bunch of good deals–choose one and then click the hard-to-see box that says “Go.” For example, people were saying nice things about the “Anew” line, and right now it’s buy one and get the second one for $5. And since some of the Anew stuff is already on sale (like, the Skin Optimizer is $10 down from $22–I don’t know what optimized skin would be like, but SIGN ME UP), things get even cheaper.

The promotions change each 2-week ordering period, I think, so if you don’t see anything you want this time, maybe the October 9th deadline will be better. In fact, LAST week, when I obviously SHOULD have ordered, the perfumes were “buy one for $15, or two for $6 each.” So, actually literally less money to order two. But I missed it because I was dithering on a second choice, trying to decide solely based on the written description if I wanted Summer White or Be Kissable. (The first choice was Soft Musk, which I wore in high school and might hate now but wanted to try again anyway.) Oh, here’s a similar example this week: the Avon Solution skincare things are 2 for $9.99. So you can buy ONE for $12.50, or you can have TWO for $9.99. Hmm, TOUGH CHOICE.

Those of you who were all happy about Avon bubble bath will be glad to see it is on sale 2 for $9.99 in the 24 oz size, or 4 for $15 in the 16 oz size. –Hey, look at me, hawking Avon! Picture me presenting a sparkling bottle on one open palm. I’m gesturing to it! I’m smiling! My teeth are doing that “ding!” sound as they gleam! I’m serving small clever snacks!

After you browse languidly through the specials, you can click on “makeup” and you’ll get a fresh menu on the left that will include “makeup specials” and there are more deals there. Repeat with skincare, bath & body, etc. Those don’t include all the specials, though, for some reason: when I then clicked on “eyes,” I found specials that weren’t with the other make-up specials. Basically you have to look at every single thing, is what I’m trying to say here.

Here are some of the things I’m thinking of getting (I tried to link, but the links didn’t go to Lee’s site specifically, and there was a “find a representative!” button):

The Skin Optimizer

The Soft Musk I might not like anymore but sure liked back in high school. (Can I be remembering that I had the coordinating deodorant? Surely not!)

From the “any 3 for $5” page (four whole items to choose from! go nuts!), I’m thinking of getting 1 Avon Basics Vita Moist Face Cream, 1 Avon Basics Hand Cream in Silicone Glove, and 1 Foot Works Bonus Size Therapeutic Cracked Heel Relief Cream. I don’t even have cracked heels (not that you asked–thanks for CARING), but that sounds nice for the feeties.

Avon Basics Care Deeply with Aloe Lip Balm

Beyond Color Plumping Lip Color SPF 15 with Double the Retinol (ooo, DOUBLE the retinol!), in Sienna and in Twig (“Twig”? Yes, thank you, I would like my lips to resemble a small dry BRANCH).

Beyond Color Plumping Lip Conditioner SPF 15 with Double the Retinol, in colorless (24% more lip plumping!)

Dew Kiss Lip Dew (but dewn’t)

Moisture Therapy Intensive Moisturizing Lip Treatment (I love lip balm)

Instant Manicure Dry Nail Enamel Strips, in Reddy To Go (what? that’s not slutty)

Ultra Color Rich Lipstick Sheer Spring Shades, in Sheer Sangria

Healthy Boost Skintrition Moisture Lotion (if they had to invent a word, it’s GOT to be good!)

Speed Dry Nail Enamel, in Delicata

Heavenly Soft Eyeshadow Trio, in Plum and in Nude.

This is getting lame. I think I’ll stop.

Here is something I didn’t order: “body yogurt.” Gross! It’s probably wonderful, but doesn’t it sound disgusting?

Remember if you order to use SHIP3 to get $3 flat-rate shipping! Also, tell me what you order, because I am going back and forth on EVERYTHING and may want to copy you.

27 thoughts on “Virtual Avon Party! Right This Minute! Until at Least September 24th, in the Comment Section of this Post!

  1. Black Sheeped

    Do you know what “body yogurt” reminds me of? Home remedies for yeast infections I’ve read about.


    This is so awesome that you’re helping out your friend!

  2. jen


    I can’t decide.

    though I am flashing back to the bubble bath. It came in a big pink bottle that was sorta bubbly shaped.

    Now I’m going to have to go scrape yeast infection out of my mind. My relationship with yogurt has always been a little skittish, and now this!

  3. Omaha Mama

    Very tempting, I may just have to have a little look. Thanks for sharing your infinite Avon wisdom. They’ll be asking you to sell it soon right here and


  4. Marie Green

    Mother-in-law dishes to Avon- I can’t keep up around here!

    Ok, since I am a faithful and dutiful Swistle Follower, I’ll check out the Avon site. And just yesterday I didn’t even know I needed anything! =)

    Do you use The Force on us, because you’ve got quite the following. And also, I agree- skip the blogher ads- go straight for Avon, baby! =)

    (Um, that was a joke.)

  5. Mommy Brain

    “Cause Swistle said to.” That’s what I told my husband when you made me buy a ton of clothes from Children’s Place. And that’s just what I’m gonna tell him when he sees what I’m buying from Avon. Did you know Avon sells handbags? bras? shoes?!?

    I’m not a makeup person but I still checked out the site “cause swistle said to” and found sooooo much stuff. Jewelry! Flip-flops! Home decor! They even have Dora bedding and Elmo pillows. You really could do your holiday shopping there. This is not the Avon I remember.

  6. Swistle

    Mommy Brain- I was kind of surprised, too. When she said she was selling Avon, I was kind of like, “Um…AVON? Oh, dear.” Because I knew I was going to have to buy something to show support. I was resigned to my fate–but then I was browsing and somehow things kept going into my cart.

  7. MrsGrumpy

    Oh Curses! My newest form of therapy is of the retail kind. But, everyone needs to feel pretty so it really wouldn’t hurt anything if I just bought a few small things, right?

    Thanks for the link!

  8. Tessie

    You are definitely remembering that “coordinating deodorant” thing correctly. I MAY or MAY NOT have had the same thing.

    I will be BACK with the exciting details of my order (YOU WERE WORRIED, WEREN’T YOU?)

  9. LoriD

    Once again, the poor Canuck cannot play the online shopping game. Loser that I am, though, I’ll be checking back to see what everyone has ordered!

  10. Tessie

    Okay, I am back. I’ll let you decide which of the following items I purchased (Hint:ALL OF THEM):

    Uplift Mascara
    My Lip Miracle in Grande
    Slick Tint in Opal (nostalgia)
    Candy Cane Lipbalm (2)
    True Color Eyeshadow
    True Color Blush in Russet
    Crystal Aura Eye Color in Champagne
    Completely Clean Cold Cream Cleanser
    Kids Bathtime Body Paint
    Detangling Comb
    Some foundation that I can no longer remember the name of in a shade I no longer remember(helpful!)

    They are totally going to rue the day they offered ME $3 flat-rate shipping!

  11. Swistle

    Tessie- OH NO WE DID NOT! Oh, I was hoping the coordinating deodorant was a DREAM. Did you get the Soft Musk scent too (musky armpits! awesome!) or did you have a different favorite? I mean, “May or may not you have a different favorite?”

    Also, I am ELECTRIFIED by your order! Now I want EVERYTHING ON YOUR LIST as well as everything on mine! Also, it just seems really exciting that an ACTUAL ORDER was placed!

    Is Tessie the first, or does anyone else want to claim first?

    LoriD- This is a SAD WORLD. Every time I post a shopping option and you can’t have it, I feel it afresh.

  12. Tessie

    I don’t remember the name of the scent, only that it came in a maroon bottle. I definitely had the coordinating deodorant, though.

    I thought about getting some for nostalgia, but actually (SECRET BORING GLIMPSE INTO THE LIFE OF TESSIE) I don’t wear cologne or perfume anymore.

  13. Shelly Overlook

    So maybe I missed this part, but riddle me this. If no one in your real life knows about Swistle, how are you explaining to your friend that you’ve got all these people coming to order stuff from her?

  14. caley

    Ok, just placed my order, and sadly it’s full of boring, practical things- nothing fun:

    -a couple of moisture therapy lip moisturizers
    -bath time body paints (ok, fun for my son; not so much for me, since I’ve never used it and imagine it’ll just lead to more cleaning up)
    -the Footworks foot soak and callus cream (doesn’t pregnancy just do number on your feet??)
    -the Clearskin mask, I just love masks
    -Advanced Techniques intense repair damage repair hair treatment (could there be ANOTHER word in the name of that?)

    Like someone else commented: I had no idea I needed all this stuff before looking at the site! I’ve never used any Avon products, so I tried not to get too much, but when there are sales and promotions and deals and ‘buy 2 and save’… it is just so difficult to hold back!

  15. Swistle

    Tessie- You might think that would be boring, but NOT TO SWISTLE. Now I want to know WHY. And what you USED to wear. I was Soft Musk, Charlie, and Chantilly in high school.

    Shelly Overlook- I struggled with that very issue. First I thought I would just not tell her, and she would just think people found her site randomly. Then I realized that was a dumb idea, and that actually I should be ASKING her if she WANTED me to spread the word. PLUS, I thought that if she and I worked together, we might even be able to arrange bonus deals or little Avon prizes or something. So I told her I had a secret blog that she should not read, and that I was wondering if she’d like me to tell people about her site. And she said, “Awesome! Yes please!” (Still waiting to hear from her about bonuses/prizes.) (Oh, also: my parents and Paul know about the blog, but they only read the posts I email to them.)

    Caley- I KNOW! I was all nonchalant until they started practically GIVING me things for FREE. It was like, “Oh, you only want one, for $3? Are you sure you don’t need THREE FOR $5???” I don’t think your order is boring AT ALL! I am TAKING NOTES! Anything with “intensive repair” is what I like. And I like masks too. I like the kind that are like peeling off dried glue, and I also like the revolting kind that get rinsed off, making my face look so so lovely in comparison to how it looked with all that gross stuff on it.

  16. Tessie

    When I was pregnant, smelling perfume close-up (like for example, ON MYSELF) made me barfy. Then, I just kind of never got back into it. It all seemed too strong after that.

    Scents of the past include: The Maroon One, Debbie Gibson’s Electric Youth, Sunflowers, CK One, Clinique Happy, and Issy Myaki.

  17. Anonymous

    Okay, here’s my order:
    -Nail polish (don’t remember the technical name, but do remember the color was cherry)
    -Skin So Soft-shower gel (original scent) (2) – Seriously, the mosquitos run from me when I bathe with this…and it actually smells good! (not smelling like you showered in OFF or some equally offensive bug spray smelling stuff
    -Beyond Color Lip Plumper – I think the only thing on my body NOT plump right now being 7 months pregnant is my lips, so I thought I’d plump them up as well….
    -Uplifting mascara
    -Skin So Soft bug spray (fot the 2 males in my life who won’t bathe with my SSS shower gel)
    -High School Musical Lip Gloss (what? it’s for my niece….)
    -And…becuase it was only 2.99 after some of my purchases, the Halloween/Jack o’ lantern bag for my little dude’s first trick or treating experience this year….
    Looking forward to my goods arriving!!!!
    Thanks Swistle!
    Jess in Nebraska

  18. Jenny

    Just wanted to tell you that I really like that Vita Moist Face Cream. It smells really clean and simple. I use it when I need to put cream on my face, but it’s not night time so I don’t want to put on my thick turbo Night Force.

  19. Swistle

    Tessie- Did you have the Benetton one? Colors, I think it was. I think of that as The Scent of High School.

    Jess in Nebraska- Okay, this is getting SERIOUSLY FUN with people ORDERING like this. But my shopping bag, it is going to EXPLODE because I keep getting ideas from your lists!

  20. Tessie

    Ooooo, I always coveted the Benetton stuff, but I remember it being unavailable in Small Town MN for some reason.

    Both me AND my high school boyfriend wore CK One. As a sign of our TRULUV4EVAH! ACK! To this day, if I get the merest WHIFF of that stuff, I am like THAT IS CK ONE, ISN’t IT?

  21. Jess

    Okay so last night when I was up at 330am browsing the internet to see what medications are safe during breastfeeding…I just happened upon your entry (I have no idea how this happened. Surely I wouldn’t be surfing blogs while sick IN THE DEAD OF THE NIGHT.) And like a drone was all, “yeah we’re shopping!”

    It’s a little frightening.

  22. Swistle

    Jess- Oh, totally. I can see how that would happen. I mean, really, ANYONE searching for medication information might stumble upon the Avon post. “Frightening”? No, no, I think you mean, “Awesome!”

    Tessie- I’ll bet you didn’t have a Bennetton–that was the only place you could buy Colors, I think. Or was the store called Esprit? Or were those two different stores? I can’t remember, but I DO remember ripping out pretty much EVERY Bennetton magazine ad and putting it up on my wall. A black hand holding hands with a white hand! That’s so amazingly meaningful! A platinum blond head next to a dark afro! DEEP!


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