Why I Stopped Taking the Mini-Pill

1) In the nearly 6 weeks since I started taking it, I’ve gone up 13 pounds. I realize these results aren’t typical–because if they were, no one would take the mini-Pill. When I researched it, I found that although many places said weight gain was not verified as a side-effect, many places also said that the chemical in the mini-Pill can cause water retention and also cause increased appetite. (Hi! How is that not weight gain?) One site assured me that the increased appetite would go away when the Pill was stopped. Oh, yes? And will the weight go, too, or do I get to keep that as a souvenir?

The weight feels weird. It feels puffy, soft. This doesn’t feel like the kind of weight I gain when I eat too much (brownies, what?), and I’ve had plenty of experience with that kind of weight.

2) Statistically, theoretically, scientifically, the mini-Pill is about as effective as the Pill–especially if you are good about taking it at the same time each day, which I am. Anecdotally, the mini-Pill is nowhere near as effective. And if you get pregnant while taking it, there’s an increased risk of birth defects. That makes me uneasy.

3) There is some question in pharmaceutical circles about whether the mini-Pill might lose some of its effectiveness on women who weigh more than 150 pounds. Something to worry about when I should be sleeping.

4) There is no evidence in decades of data that the teeny bit of medication in the breastmilk negatively affects the baby. I fret about it anyway.

5) If I got pregnant, Paul might think I deliberately failed to take the Pill. He knows I want another baby, and he knows I know he’s unlikely to go with that. I can tell him a million times that I would never trick him into having another baby, but I worry a part of him might not believe me.

6) I think that since he’s the one who doesn’t want another baby, he should be the one primarily responsible for the birth control, or at least for half of it.

7) Also, even though I do want another baby, I don’t want another baby yet.

8) And was I just imagining that I was sweating more? Because gross.

9) Ever since my friend’s OB recommended it to her, I’ve been taking a vitamin C tablet after sex to prevent UTIs–even though apparently my friend’s OB is the only one who’s ever heard of this. And, I read a long time ago that vitamin C can interfere with the effectiveness of the Pill. I don’t even know if this is true, but I have carefully stored this possibly-false information all these years. All this is the long way to say that I’ve worried that I am taking vitamin C at exactly the wrong moment for the mini-Pill to do its job. [Edited: I’ve looked this up online, and now believe the whole “vitamin C makes the Pill less effective” thing was an untrue adolescent rumor, which I cleverly put into Permanent Memory Storage. I did find stuff that said you shouldn’t take more than 100 mg vitamin C per day while on the Pill, and/or that you should take more, because the vitamin C increases estrogen and turns the Pill higher-dose, which can cause problems and/or help, depending on the situation. But I’m tired of researching now.]

All these things contributed to the decision, and I stopped taking it at the end of last week. But! If I go off it and my weight issues continue, I may go back on it. I had reasons 2-7 and 9 before I went on it, and I still went on it. It was the weight thing that…um. You know. Tipped the scale.

Speaking of which, in the 36 hours after my last pill dose wore off, I dropped 5 pounds. I was glad to see that, because I was getting pretty crabby when I would complain and people would say, “Oh, actually it’s a myth that the mini-Pill causes weight gain.” The auto-translator in my brain informs me that that means, “Nope, it’s all you, Fattykins. Why not try laying off the brownies?”

So, now what? Now the birth control decision gets to be made all over again. This time the decision is condoms and spermicide, even though I hate both for many, many reasons. The good news: 12 condoms and 10 spermicide applicators together cost the same as a month of the mini-Pill, and I can assure anyone who could possibly want assurance about such a thing that we will be saving money, if you get my gist. Especially after a trip to the store with two 2-year-olds and a 3-month-old. That is enough birth control for two months right there.

77 thoughts on “Why I Stopped Taking the Mini-Pill

  1. Erin

    I absolutely gained weight on the pill. And it makes me mad because I do NOT want to take it again. The weight battle is hard enough, you know? It seems like they should be able to DO something about that.

  2. LoriD

    5 lbs in 36 hours? Say no more… that’s enough evidence to say mini-pill=weight gain.

    I’m no help with options – we’ve done the condom thing since I went off the pill years ago. I agree that Paul should take on part of the solution. I refuse to buy the condoms myself… that’s his job.

  3. jen

    nngh I hate the birth control quandary. I don’t like any of the options! I wish humans had a little indicator to stay away. Too bad we couldn’t hone the dog’s virgin alarm… seems like when we think about touching each other he comes pouncing in all happy “HEY GUYS WHATS UP??” now if only he could ONLY do that when it wouldn’t be good to do that…

  4. Marie Green

    I don’t take the pill anymore either. For all of the reason you listed (weight gain here too!) and also, I just don’t like putting those hormones into my body. Gave me headaches, made me grouchy. Seemed not worth it.

    We use the “protection free sex after my period” method, which, at once a month is enough for me! =) Also, condoms. Which we both hate. Also, the pull and pray, sometimes.

    And I loved what you said about HIM not wanting more kiddos so HE can be in charge of birth control. Right on!

  5. Black Sheeped

    J and I have always thought birth control should go both ways–he’s just as responsible as me for not making a baby. We’re of the mindset that if both partners don’t want a baby, both should be doing something about it, pulling their weight, whatever. Hence, doubling up (condoms + pill) is a viable, extra safe solution in our world. Maybe we’re weird, but it makes sense in our minds.

    I’m so glad you’re shedding the extra water! I can’t believe you’ve dropped five pounds already. Ridiculous, mini-pill!

  6. CAQuincy

    How sad that I gained weight not during the mini-pill, but AFTER I stopped nursing, got OFF the mini-pill and got back on the regular pill. I’m pretty sure it’s the nursing that helped keep the weight off. And how on earth do you stop eating the extra 500 calories a day when it’s been a habit for so long?

    Had my annual yesterday, and I didn’t even have the heart to discuss my options with the doctor because I’m just so disgusted with it all. She handed me a script for another year, but I’m seriously considering the condom/spermicide option ’cause I just don’t want to do the pills anymore.

    And sadly, if I were to get pregnant, it WOULD be my fault (although not intentional–really). I’ve been so disgusted with pills that I haven’t been as “timely” as normal lately (oops).

    Can I just say again how glad I am that I’m not the only one frustrated by this whole business?

  7. Pickles & Dimes

    Yay for the 5-lb. loss!

    It’s frustrating that there aren’t more “easy” options out there for birth control. Jason & I hate condoms, but it’s so hard to find the right pill; one that’s the right dosage without all the wrong side effects.

    Completely unrelated, are you going to do another Monthly Diaper Usage/Cost Update? I love those.

  8. Pickles & Dimes

    Yay for the 5-lb. loss!

    It’s frustrating that there aren’t more “easy” options out there for birth control. Jason & I hate condoms, but it’s so hard to find the right pill; one that’s the right dosage without all the wrong side effects.

    Completely unrelated, are you going to do another Monthly Diaper Usage/Cost Update? I love those.

  9. Pickles & Dimes

    Yay for the 5-lb. loss!

    It’s frustrating that there aren’t more “easy” options out there for birth control. Jason & I hate condoms, but it’s so hard to find the right pill; one that’s the right dosage without all the wrong side effects.

    Completely unrelated, are you going to do another Monthly Diaper Usage/Cost Update? I love those.

  10. Jess

    I didn’t gain weight on the pill but turned into a weeping/raging lunatic. Good times. My husband and I have tried the rhythm method (enter our first daughter), and condoms, which we both hated. I had an IUD inserted last week. We’ll see how it goes. We want more kids, just not right now.

  11. Katie

    OH MAN. What a pain in the bagina. This is ridiculous that all the birth control stuff falls on the woman. Although, so does everything else, so why does this surprise me?

    If men had to bear the children and raise them while we were running off to work, I guarantee you they would have found a male pill by now. Guarantee.

    I hate ALL birth control options. I’m considering an IUD after I have another.

  12. Tina

    I gained weight and became a raging hormonal maniac on the pill. So, we used condoms effectively for 8 years. Then one night we didn’t. They work when you use them. They really do. That being said, good for you going off those horrid pills. I don’t have to worry since I’ve had the tubaligation done, but that is not for you!

  13. Swistle

    Oh, I love this discussion so much! Other people who have gained weight! Other people who hate all available birth control options! When I see my OB, I always feel like I’m the only one who can’t be happy with anything on the ENTIRE LIST. “Being pregnant” is kind of my favorite birth control option.

    Jen (never melts)- I like the idea of training dogs to be birth control! Ha!

    CAQuincy- I KNOW! You should have seen me after I stopped nursing TWINS (1000 calories a day). I was like, “Huh, how come I’m gaining weight all of a sudden? What do you mean, this is three serving sizes?”

    Pickles & Dimes- Hey, I forgot all about that! Maybe I’ll do months 3 and 4 combined.

    Tina- Ha! Yes. That is the trouble with condoms: they won’t take your track record into account.

  14. Allstarme79

    No on under 150 pounds?? There goes the idea of me using that when I resume normal, er, activities after pregnancy. I gained enough weight with this kid to push me over 150, as I would think most women would. I guess the mini-Pill isn’t for normal women maybe.

  15. Jennifer aka Binky Bitch

    I’ve said it once, or a million times (I can’t remember), but the -mini-pill is evil. The devil in disguise, I say.

    I just went bat crap crazy on it, but I’m sure I would have gained weight if I’d stayed on it longer than 1 week.

    Birth control sucks. I agree, if Paul is done having babies, then he should be responsible for birth control.

  16. bananafana

    I need to train my dog to do that – tell me if you figure out how! Not only did I gain weight on the mini-pill but I literally want to cry if someone touches me while I’m on the pill (ANY pill – we’ve tried them all plus the ring). Now THAT is birth control.

  17. Penny

    Pills always affected me quite extensively. They also claim no difference between brand name and generic, but the one pill that was agreeable with me was an expensive brand name, and the minute I switched to generic, havoc all over again.

    Word on #6. I think it’s Paul’s turn to figure out what to do.

  18. Tessie

    Oh, the mini-pill made me feel EXACTLY like I was pregnant all-around, including weight gain, nausea, fatigue, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS. It was awesome.

    Also, it routinely takes me 6 months OR MORE to get my cycle back after being on any kind of pill which means we have to plan way, way ahead for any conception-related issues. Geez, I can’t believe I just talked about that. Well, we’re all friends here, right?

  19. Bunny

    Amen, Swistle, you are on the pulse of all things womanly and reproductively related. I am about to throw the regular pill out the window as it is making me crazy. I am really interested in new methods you may look into like an IUD, maybe? I have heard of a lot of people getting them and it still wigs me out a little, but if you endorsed it, I might get on board.

  20. Erica

    I hate all birth control options except for my current choice: IUD. I thought I’d hate that, too, but so far it’s great. I never even think about it. And I’ve had it for six months now and I’m not even having periods anymore. There is still PMS, but no actual period. LOVE!

  21. Devan

    Well, let’s see. I think I’m more of a poster child for what NOT to do for birth control:
    1 – let husband be in charge of b/c
    2 – let it slide “sometimes” when dh whines
    3 – Pull & Pray
    4 – Think “What are the chances?”

    It’s a good recipe for a surprise though, so if that’s what you’re going for, this list should do it.

    BUT – YAY for dropping 5 lbs already! WOO!

  22. Jess

    Vitamin C interferes with the pill? That is not nice to hear! Where did you hear that? Is it true? I just started taking a multivitamin this month and I was already feeling vaguely suspicious because I’m having symptoms like I’m ovulating, which obviously shouldn’t be happening while I’m in the pill. You are scaring me!

  23. Jana

    I am *loving* this conversation. I still have to figure out what to ask my ob/gyn for at my annual in a couple of months. I feel like I’m too old to have to use condoms, but until my period shows up (10 months post partum and still waiting) I guess I’m stuck.

  24. Swistle

    Erica- *innocent expression*

    Jess (Du Wax)- I don’t even remember where I heard it! Which makes me even more intelligenter for carefully storing the information as fact!

  25. Swistle

    Vitamin C thing: I just spent a few minutes Googling, and I don’t see anything about it; in fact, in some situations there is advice about taking EXTRA vitamin C. So it was probably one of those total lies that go around the teenage community.

  26. Jess

    Swistle, you scared me so much that I went straight downstairs to the pharmacy next to my office and had a 20 minute conversation with the pharmacist about whether or not my multivitamin could interfere with my birth control pill. He said no it could not, and vitamins are actually encouraged when you’re on the pill because sometimes your body doesn’t absorb them as well.

  27. jen

    well as long as we’re trying out myths, there’s always that one about coke.. what was it… And if you do it standing up… hee hee…

    I do agree there’s an age limit to using condoms. I’d feel pretty silly buying condoms in my 40s.. no offense to anyone. Though in my 40s (only 5 years! woo hoo!) I might feel better about more permanent measures.

  28. Jen

    Seriously, 5 pounds already?

    I haven’t tried an IUD or the ring (you can’t use the ring while breastfeeding), but am thinking those will be my next options, as I hate taking the pill. Hate it! And it’s interesting to read all these comments on just how many of us hate it!

    I’m kind of doing the *innocent expression* thing right now…and I find I like it much better than weight gain and raging hormones.

  29. Swistle

    Jen (Skyhawk)- I think it must have been pure water weight: I was up like three times in the night peeing, and every time I was nursing the baby I was anxious for him to finish so I could go pee. …Is this TMI?

  30. Shauna Loves Chocolate

    I’m one of the women who actually does better on the pill (the regular one, not the minipill) because it evens my mood out (not the tricyclic ones – those make me loopier). So I love me the pill.

    Ever consider the shot?

  31. Jana

    Oh, please don’t do the shot! I have several friends who got the shot and are now having problems getting pregnant (a year after it supposedly wore off). I’m not saying it happens to everyone and it’s probably of the “unscientifically proven” variety, but something to think about nonetheless. (Is nontheless all one word or hyphenated….sure looks funny as one word)

  32. Omaha Mama

    I gained weight on the pill. The Dr. told me it was unlikely and I told him to F off (in my head). Really, I just nodded and smiled. I hope that you find a good option. I still say check out Mirena. Really.

  33. Mommy Daisy

    Ugh, this is such a hard topic, but I’ve loved reading all the comments. My personal story with BC is this: I started the pill before we got married. I hated the BC for the first 6+ months, but we continued to use that. It messed up my cylce…badly. Then I switched to a different brand. It seemed better, but then it messed with my cycle too. I HATED that one too. I told my husband no more, and I didn’t even look into other BC methods. He was responsible for condoms. And he was pretty good at it, because he did NOT want a baby yet.

    The best sex we had (we both agree) was while I was pregnant. (P.S. It was a planned pregnancy too.) And now 18 months post baby, we’re still using condoms only. My husband is still really good about using them, because HE’s not ready for another baby yet. But he’s been a little more lax about it than he was pre-baby. Interesting. (Obviously I don’t care, because I’d love another baby…now please. I am being good about waiting on him, though. At least trying to be good. I don’t push it. It’s hard not to.)

  34. Swistle

    Mommy Daisy- Oh, I KNOW! I’m always like, “What I should do is just NOT MENTION BABIES, for, like, THREE MONTHS.” And then LATER THAT SAME EVENING I mention them.

  35. Nellyru

    Well, add me to the list of mythical creatures which gain weight on the Pill! Because I gained plenty of squishy pounds every time I went on it. Ugh. I also got moody and weepy…but I was never sure if it was the pill or the image in the mirror after the weight gain that made me that way.

  36. Amy Q

    You have obviously done your research….my personal experience is that I was taking the mini pill, weighed over 150lbs, got pregnant unexpectedly and had a stillborn baby with massive birth defects. My personal choice…probably obvious. For us…condoms are an easy solution, bit of a hassle…but there is really no other option after experiencing that.
    Good luck!

  37. mom of the year

    Oh my GOD! I was so glad to see this! I have been going through the same stuff with that gizmo pill. But, like an idiot, I have stayed on it. You have been my inspiration to quit. Not that there’s been much reason to be on it (wink, wink).

    By the way, LOVE the blog!

  38. Jen4 @ Amazing Trips

    OK, well – I’ve never used BC. Never ever once in our entire marriage. Because I always thought it would be great to get pg when I was young. TEN YEARS LATER and we FINALLY did get pregnant. And after everything that we went through (meaning – tens and thousands of DOLLARS), I thought that BC was completely unnecessary.

    Enter Henry.

    And now?

    Well, I’d love to have another baby one day. Maybe next year – provided I am not committed to a mental institution before then. Can you imagine five kids in four years?!

    Holy Crap.

    I shot down a tubal ligation prior to my c-section and I told my OB I’d “think” about the IUD. Quite honestly, I was/am feeling a little too pressured about all this BC talk. So, currently, we’re flying without a parachute. Provided we were actually flying. Last I checked, the plane is still at the gate. Hell, the plane is still in the hanger and the wings are missing. If you get my gist.

  39. Kathi

    I didn’t resume the pill after my pregnancy because I was nursing and I didn’t want the hormones to go through my milk. I also got headaches from it and it was expensive and just a pain in the butt altogether….

  40. Mommy Daisy

    Ha ha, Jen4 (Amazing Trips), that was so funny. I’m glad I came back here to continue reading comments.

    Swistle- Wow, I’m glad I’m not the only one (in regards to your comment back at me). I do that ALL THE TIME. My husband will make some comment, and I can’t help but turn it back to babies! Ahh. Then he gets all huffy if I keep going on and on. Screwed my chances that month. HA! It’s sooo hard.

  41. Jenny

    Swistle, can you maybe change your spin on the condoms?

    I was on the Pill for ten years. 10 YEARS. I got off about 4 months ago to begin a pre-baby cleanse of hormones, and for some reason, condoms are almost exciting for us. Like, any second, we could pull this goalie and make a baby. It seems exciting somehow that we are in control of the situation and there are no nasty hormones calling the shots.

  42. Swistle

    Jenny- Ha ha! Yes, that’s a better attitude. I’ve felt that way about them in the past, in similar circumstances to your current one–but even though I DO want another baby eventually, the 3-month-old one in the next room makes the thought of “pulling the goalie” (ha ha!) not so much exciting as appalling.

  43. honeybecke

    I have read and loved each and every comment here. Swistle, I am glad you are re-visiting the BC topic. It is so interesting because we are right in the middle of a BC crisis here folks. We have a 1 1/2 year old and a 3 month old. We used the pill for 7 years and condoms in between. When I went off the pill after 7 years, I realized why I had been feeling CRAAAZZY for the past 7 years. I was so pissed that I didn’t realize before and had wasted so much time and energy being nuts. Anyhow, condoms suck suck suck so we hate them. I can’t do any BC with hormones so that leaves permanent fixes/spermicides/diaphrams/caps/sponges and IUD’s. All those options are annoying as hell, so I think we’ll go with a copper IUD.

    What I would like to ask your readers is if anyone who has been batshit crazy on other hormone based BC has had any craziness problems with the Mirena IUD, as it has some hormones as well.
    Also? Does it really hurt like hell to “install”??

  44. Artemisia

    I realize I’ve probably missed the the this-will-be-read-window as I am commenting pretty late, but I can’t resist.

    Three months ago A. and I took the plunge. I stopped taking the pill and got a copper IUD. I could not be happier with this decision!!

    I was really nervous about this at first. A foreign, plastic thing in my womb all the time? Insertion? Pain? (30 seconds of pain, an afternoon of cramps and I was home free.)

    I would really recommend anyone dissatisfied with your current BC to talk to your health care provider about an IUD! They can be removed when you want another/first kid, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a child, they aren’t sketchy like they were in the 70s, most insurance plans will cover all/most of the cost. In my case, within a year and a half I will have paid for it in the cost of my pills. They are over 99% effective and you never have to think about it. You can’t screw it up (a necessity in my scattered world). Spontaneity can once again find a place in your life. Or, if you prefer, laziness. You don’t have to hunt for condoms, spermicide, etc.

    I felt like I was LOSING MY MIND when I was on the Pill. I am so, so, so happy to be off of it. No more hormones screwing with my mind and my body. So happy. I feel so much better. And! NO BABIES!

    If anyone wants to chat about my experience with my IUD, I love to proselytize! Feel free to e-mail me at sagebrushandserendipity at yahoo dot com.

  45. Pann

    like artemesia, I say the copper IUD is awesome. No trouble at all.

    Getting it “installed” was not a big deal.

    Now it’s three years later and it’s the only thing that is keeping me baby free. I mean, other than the 21 reasons i have not to have another baby!

  46. Erica

    I got the copper IUD about 2 months ago (~6 mo post partum with baby #2). I too hate the BC racket and was absolutely nutty and overweight with pills.

    I did not have a picture perfect time getting things in place – it hurt, and afternoon of cramps and bleeding, and then hurting just didn’t go away. But there is some antibiotic that they typically prescribe for this (seemed sketchy, but it really did work). And heat packs helped. My toddler jumping on my belly did not.

    Then after that was resolved, DH got poked by the strings (which are actually not string-like, but exactly like fishing line). Ug, nothing sexy about being a pincushion. They had to be trimmed twice but those were both pretty easy procedures.

    But despite all that, it was SO worth the hassle. I feel completely normal (it took a while, but I do now), no weight or mood issues. No condoms or other mood killing interruptions. And when I convince DH that #3 is a good idea, it’s easily reversed.

  47. Anonymous

    I’m taking the mini pill and I haven’t gained weight but I’ve been trying to take off all this weight I gained during the pregnancy and it hasn’t been working very well. Also I am having periods every other week and not just light spotting full blown 7 days of here I am ones. I started taking this pill because I’m nursing and didn’t want anything that would be in the breast milk, but now I’m noticing how much my moods are being effected and they weren’t like this before I started taking the pill. My husband just kinda looked at me when I said I can’t deal with the side effects of this pill anymore so I’m going off it tonight (which I’m on another period anyways so no worries this week). I guess I will be trying barrier methods til I’m done nursing, here’s hoping they work

  48. hjmiles2000

    I’m so so glad that I found this site because I just started taking the mini pill a week ago after not being on anything for three years (one year trying to get pregnant, one year pregnant and one year nursing) and I gained 3 pounds in the last week (which may not be significant to anyone else but this is also the same week of lent for Catholics and I have worked out hard five days in a row AND been super good with my diet due to lenten fasting). As well, I snapped at my children WAY more than usual in the past few days and go to bed crying that I’m being such a bad mommy. The only reason I finally went on the stupid thing is because my hubby and I have had sex once in the past 18 months due to his hatred of condoms. Well, he will be pissed because I’m not taking the pill anymore and he can just get snipped since he would KILL me if we had anymore kids anyway. My friend told me she is loving Mirena so perhaps I’ll look into that, especially seeing as so many people her are happy with it.

  49. Anonymous

    I’m just curious if anyone here that has taken the mini-pill (Ortho-Micronor) for the relief of endometriosis symptoms? My OB said that the progestin only pill would help balance out my hormones because of the estrogen dominance I have. I’ve already picked up the prescription and am mulling it over whether or not to take them. My thoughts are that I may not have alot of the nasty side effects that most women have, as they may not have endometriosis and therefore have more imbalanced than balanced hormones. The thought of trying to remember taking one at the exact time every day is a pain in my hole, but really don’t mind compared to having some foreign object lodged in my body that I can’t take out on my own if there are complications. I’m not wanting to take the mini-pill for bc, but that is a plus, no doubt. Anyone have any helpful info regarding the mini-pill (Ortho-Micronor to be more exact)and endometriosis? Thanks =)

  50. Sharie

    I started taking the generic Micronor 2 weeks ago for Endometriosis. My OBGYN said that it is not as effective as the regular pill, but I’ve tried EVERY single one of those and can’t tolerate them – Migraines.
    I started mid-cycle and am experiencing my first period on the mini-pill – VERY heavy, and cramping in my back. Really no different that when I was off of it.
    In two weeks I’ve had 3 migraines (that’s a lot) and I can’t stop eating.
    I was just searching for other options. I do not want children by birth, and am not in a relationship, so I don’t need birth control. I just need to stop my periods.
    I did a 6-month course of Depo Lupron 3 years ago and it helped tremendously. However it is hard on your bones, so they don’t want to do it again.
    Good luck! Endometriosis really screws up your entire body because it messes with every aspect of your hormones.

  51. Anonymous

    i understand alot of what people have been saying. i started on the mini pill 2 weeks ago and have gained 3lbs which i know isn’t alot but for some one who is desperatley trying to shift the baby weight ( a 3 year old girl and 9 month old boy) which has left me with needing to lose about 4 stone. NOT wanting another baby now but would love just one more in about a year but worried about all the crap that these bc pills are filling our bodies with.

    i dont get why its always the woman who has to take something which makes us crazy and fat but my husband wont even entertian the idea of having the snip but then says things would be better between us if i lost some weight and i wasn’t so cranky, always left to us…

  52. Anonymous

    Interesting comments here. I’ve really enjoyed reading them. I’ve never been on hormonal birth control and would never consider them, as my family has a history of blood clots. More than that, though, I have found the most effective, non-invasive and best method to be natural family planning (NOT the rhythm method) Some posters say they want to train their dog to know when they ovulate? Don’t train your dog, train yourself. It takes some self discipline, but it really works! I had 3 pregnancies in 25 years – only one surprise (the first one before I began NFP) For information, contact the Couple to Couple league or http://www.creightonmodel.com. Good luck to you all!

  53. Anonymous

    I realize this thread is very old and not often used but just wanted to put in my two cents anyways. I have no children and even after a long stable relationship (10yrs) am unsure if it’s something I physically want to do. However, I have high blood pressure and my dr is very hesitant about leaving me on my regular bc pill (regular combined pill) due to the health risks. She mentioned the mini pill to me but I was not fond of what she told me- must be exact on the timing, not as effective as the typical pill and then I read about the 3 hr window thing and that it barely lasts 24hrs. I’m not one to do it around the clock but if I normally partake in the pm I dont want to worry about some afternoon fun too close to pill time.

    Interesting to see the comments on the mini pill as well regarding weight gain, mood, etc. On my regular bc pill I have had little/no side effects but after 10yrs and the hbp it’s probably time to change. I’m seriously considering one of the IUD’s. Overall seems less hassle if “installed” correctly (barring movement, expulsion) and if I do change my mind on the children thing, it’s not difficult to do.

  54. Anonymous

    i gained heaps of weight with my first pregnancy from a size 6 to 16. i was finally getting back on track then i found out i was pregnant again (my first boy was not yet two) i only had the one period. i really monitored how much i was eating and achieved a minimum gain with baby number two. thought i was looking hot considering i just had another baby. then i went to the doctor and she said you should consider bc and i filled my script for the mini pill. every time i go near the scales it seems i have added another few kilos. i am not eating crazy and i thought that breastfeeding was sposed to burn up the calories. hmmm at the next doctor visit i asked the question where is this weight coming from oh the pill is probably making you gain weight you might want to consider an iud the mirena. she thinks it is a fab way to go. i am signing up for it i can’t handle my inner thighs rubbing together any more

  55. Anonymous

    Thank you for posting your experience on the so-called minipill. During the 3.5 months I took it I gained 12 pounds and it’s all just as you described – puffy. My belly is like a souffle’. And I know it’s not the baby weight because I was relatively svelte for the 3.5 months after the baby was born, before I started taking the pill. In the five days since I stopped, I’ve lost 1.5 pounds already. I’ve also noticed a lot less swelling in my hands each morning. Now if the flatulence would also go away I would be thrilled. Women need to know about the effects of hormonal birth control on real people. Thank you for helping to spread the word.

  56. Katie from Washington

    Have any of you used Mirena without first having any children? I’ve also been exploring non-hormonal BC options and this looks like the best fit for me – except I have never had any children and I have heard it isn’t as easy to insert in a cervix that has never experienced childbirth. Anyone out there with a similar situation?

  57. charis

    I have the Mirena and have had it in almost 2 years since my son was born, it’s pretty much the worst birth control ever, weight gain, horrible mood swings oh and some months I spot every day, I’ve been wanting this out for over a year but all the other options seem to be just as bad? I’m hoping to get it out and try the pill again, I have gone on alot of blogs regarding Mirena and even though they say most of these symptoms are not caused by it, many ladies have had the exact same issues oh and you can still get pregnant with it, my friend just had a baby in october and she had the mirena IUD and I have read many more stories of pregnancies while having an IUD

  58. Anonymous

    I’m so glad to be reading about all the problems you’ve had with the mini pill. I was put on it due to I developed blod clots. Of course the villian was the birth control. I had been on the regular pill for 8yrs with no problems up until March. Due to I’m having to take blood thinners my options for birth control are very small. So far since starting in March I’ve gain 15 lbs, look like I’m prego, and pretty much have my period every other week. It truely sucks! The doctors believed I would only have to take the blood thinners for about three months but they are unhappy with my clotting levels and I may have to be on them even longer. The only IUD they recommend is the copper one and I’m not real sure I want to put something else in my body. I was suppose to under go having my tubes tied, but that has now been pushed back indefinetly. So I’d like to maybe hear more stories about anybody having a copper iud. Thumbs up to the weight loss!!

  59. Cynthiaw

    I tried the mini pill for 13 days i noticed a huge change day #2 (severe head aches,hungry all the time-i drank water i thought i was just thirsty after cup 3 i knew something was wrong, 2 days after i had my first period after 17 months (cause i am nursing my 8 month old baby boy)i got on the mini pill it’s been a pain to remember I’ve had cramping and guess what a period since day 9 that i started it yeah 2 periods in a month LAME!oh yeah not to mention my mood swings i thought it was just me until i started reading about all this ugh yeah i called to make another appointment told them i am quitting on the mini pill and that i wanted to stick with condoms and spermicide..oh yeah since i strongly dislike condoms as well i am getting lube :)

  60. Anonymous

    I’m so glad I read this today!

    I took the regular pill for a few months leading up to my wedding and ending up having to have my dress altered (yes, made bigger) due to the weight gain. I tried dieting and exercise and couldn’t shift the weight.

    I eventually got fed up, and came off the pill. Since then, the dieting and exercise have actually worked and I lost a stone in 2 months! Ended up slimmer than I was before I ever took the pill in the first place.

    People say the pill makes you put on weight because you get more hungry, which is true. But that’s not all, and I’m sure of it. 2 weeks ago I decided to try the pill again, mainly because I HATE condoms. I thought I’d give it another go, fight the feelings of hunger, and maintain my weight. Well in those 2 weeks I have put on 7 pounds and I am absolutely livid! I refuse to swallow another one!

    I thought I’d do a bit of research today into the mini pill, to see if this was any better, but I’m now convinced that it’s the same if not worse.

    I’m so baffled by birth control and how no method seems to be ideal! I honestly don’t know what to do. I HATE condoms, and the withdrawal method feels way too risky and I always get really panicky afterwards. I’ve looked into the IUD but I’m a bit worried about the insertion etc.

    Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

  61. The Married With a Baby Cat Lady

    Oh my gosh, I’m SO glad I found this entry, albeit old. I’m officially stopping the mini pill today after being on it for nearly 6 months. I weighed less after giving birth, not to mention, I have not felt like myself and I still get raging migraines. So glad to be done with this stupid thing! Love that I stumbled upon your blog. Cheers!

  62. amyelizabeth8

    After doing research to get the facts on the mini pill, I’m so glad I stumbled upon this blog and read about everyone’s personal experiences.

    Based on the facts alone, the mini pill seems like a good fit for me – I don’t want to get pregnant anytime soon, I have a history of high blood pressure, I am extremely faithful when it comes to taking the pill at the same time everyday, and I worry about the scary side effects of the combination pill. But after reading about everyone’s negative experience, I’m thinking it may not be a good option for me.

    I’m in a monogamous long-term relationship, and for about 3.5 years, I was taking a combination pill. I didn’t mind it at the time and wasn’t noticing any side effects. But this past December, I went to the doctor and found that I had unusually high blood pressure for someone that doesn’t smoke, isn’t overweight, and works out regularly. My doctor recommended coming off the pill to see if my blood pressure would improve, and sure enough, it did. Not to mention I was getting crazy anxiety over all the horror stories on the news about women getting strokes, deep-vein thrombosis, etc, So I was just at the point where I wanted to stop taking BC and see how my body reacted to being off of it.

    Well, in addition to my blood pressure going down, I noticed other differences, and realized that I was experiencing negative side effects on the pill after all. I finally managed to lose the weight I’d been trying to lose for a few years, I have so much more energy and I just feel better overall, and I’m much less moody and depressed. I love the way I feel being off the pill and the idea that I’m not harming my body.

    However, as I said before, I do not want to get pregnant right now. Though I’m 25 and am in a long-term relationship (with my future husband, as long as everything goes as planned), it just wouldn’t be ideal right now. So, that being said, I am a little worried because we have just been using condoms alone for the past 5 months. I find that I’m not able to enjoy sex as much as I used to on the pill, not because it feels different with condoms, but because I find myself worrying that the condom is going to break. My boyfriend also HATES condoms (because of the whole desensitizing thing) and wants me to get back on the pill, but honestly I really don’t want to. I don’t want to gain back the weight I worked so hard to lose (or more) and I don’t want to be a moody bitch with no energy all of the time.

    My OB-GYN recommended either the mini pill, an IUD, or an implant (Implanon), but those worry me as well. I don’t really know what I’m going to do…up until I read these comments, I was seriously considering the mini pill but I think personal anecdotes are sometimes more valuable/realistic than just the facts alone, so thank you to everyone that shared.

    I agree with everyone that said they hate the fact that we women even have to deal with birth control. It really is a crappy situation to be stuck with and men don’t seem to fully understand that. If anyone is in a similar situation as me and would like to provide your input, I’d appreciate it :)

  63. Amber

    I have had Mirena since 8 weeks postpartum (2.5 years so far). I don’t have any major complaints except that my cervix is really tender. The slightest bump during sex and the pain sends me through the roof! About 2 months ago I had a particularly painful episode that had me completely immobilized and in agony for around an hour. I almost had my hubby call an ambulance. I was sure the IUD had broken through my uterus or something, but I wasn’t bleeding.

    Anyway, I’m considering having the IUD removed and just staying away from hormonal bc for a few months to get my body back on track. I haven’t had a period since June ’09 (before baby). I worry about what that may be doing to my body.

    In the past I have tried Yaz, which gave me serious potassium problems, and the Ortho-Evra patch, which made me gain about 30lbs in 2 months! My experiences and research have helped me rule out Nuvaring, Depo-Provera, the minipill, combination pills, and the patch. A GYN I saw last year scared me away from trying a diaphragm (she said I’d end up with a uterine infection). My husband and I are not fond of condoms for the usual reasons. That basically leaves the cervical cap (which I think would cause infections like the diaphragm) and withdrawl.

    Is this seriously all we have to choose from or did I miss something?

  64. Luciane

    So this is month 4 on minipill. Actually just yesterday began regular pill because I am no longer breastfeeding. I just wrote to my obgyn because it has been about two weeks the cramping and low back pain after intercourse. No period since her birth…. Kinda freaking out.

  65. Anonymous

    Just started the mini pill this week, and like other posters, I see that this is an old thread, but still interesting. I shouldn’t take combo pill b/c my prolactin runs high and estrogen raises prolactin. I may not be able to get an IUD (my number 1 choice) b/c I have a partly septate uterus…they will do an ultrasound to decide about that. Short of abstinence or suicide I’m running out of options I’m willing to live with. Condoms suck b/c it’s like you always have to be arms-length away from your lover unless he’s got one on, and it kills spontaneity. I tried Depo shot in college- and it was 3 months worth of constant PMS-like emotional symptoms. Now after about a week of mini pill I read online that women over 155 lbs. are more likely to get pregnant on it..I’m 180… BUT, my gyn on Monday said b/c pills are NOT weight/dose dependent. My Gyn said wait a full cycle before stopping condoms, but websites say wait either 48 hours or 7 days. Who knows what’s true at this point? Ugh. I’m 40 and don’t ever want kids. Tubal ligation is SURGERY and kind of scary for that reason esp. if you’re not already doing it right after giving birth. Cizelle or Citronella or whatever the name of the better Mini Pill isn’t available here in the US so I can’t do that.

  66. jill

    I know this is old, but I have been on the minipill less than a week, and overnight my waist and stomach puffed up. It is a weird, soft squishing ss. Anyway stopping for a week to see if it makes a difference.


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