Chocolate Mint Chip Cookie Emergency!

El-e-e has brought to my attention a Serious Situation regarding the Chocolate Mint Chip Cookies recipe I posted the other day: mint chocolate chips are only available seasonally, and this is not the season.

It’s true that I bought mine during the Christmas season. I bought many bags, because I was so enchanted by their existence. In fact, I had six bags, and what do you mean, “Why the past tense?”

So many bags on hand is why I had not yet noticed that none of you would be able to make the recipe unless your grocery stores were of a particularly exemplary sort; if I had known, I would not have teased you so cruelly.

Okay! Okay! Let’s all remain calm. Luckily, LoriD has solved the problem: she added 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint extract (make sure you get peppermint, not mint) and used regular chocolate chips. You may want to adjust the chocolate chip quantity: the mint chocolate kind are 1 and 2/3 cup bags, the regular chocolate kind are 2 cup bags, and I thought it was best with more like 1 and 1/4 cups.

LoriD also tried Crisco instead of butter. I tried it myself, and I think the butter is significantly better-tasting in this recipe. I’m going to try the mint extract variation as soon as I get some more butter in the house.

22 thoughts on “Chocolate Mint Chip Cookie Emergency!

  1. Tessie

    Well, that makes sense. I was going to resort to the Andes Thin Mints but I’ll try the peppermint extract too.

    Were you cursed with that deal where Blogger refuses to show your new post today too? I published and published and published and yet my post would NOT show up.

  2. Swistle

    Tessie– The first couple of times, it said something about an error and not being able to publish and please try again later. I think it was on the third try that it published.

    I want to experiment with Andes Thin Mints, too. I’ve seen Andes Thin Mint CHIPS in the chocolate chip area, and I bought a bag, but they got accidentally eaten before I could bake them into anything.

  3. el-e-e

    I WAS PRAYING someone would be smarter than me and substitute extract, then share the amount. Sorry for calling you out. But it WAS a serious emergency.

    HEROES, all of you. And if I have extract at home, which I think I do, then I am SO glad it’s a Friday night and will be baking as soon as humanly possible this evening.

    The kindness of the Internets, I sware! Thank you! :)

  4. Mommy Daisy

    Oops, I posted my comment on the other version of this post. ;) I just saw that there were other comments here.

    I had suggested the Andes Mints for baking too. I think that would work.

    Also, Swistle, margarine or butter? I can’t wait to try this recipe. Sounds so yummy.

  5. Artemisia

    I just made the recipe last night and they turned out great! In fact, half the cookies are going on a trip with us this weekend and will serve as a hostess thank you gift. YUMMY.

    Also, I liked that this recipe made a modest amount of cookies, so that even if I wasn’t giving half of them away, I would be buried in temptation. I am sure it would double easily enough to make treat bags during the holidays.

    As a last resort, I did manage to find Andes Thin Mint Chips at Wal Mart. (In Wyoming for Pete’s sake!) I am not a fan of the big box store, but I was OBSESSED with making this recipe. I couldn’t find any mint chocolate chips at any of the other grocery stores in town.

  6. Artemisia

    Geezuz, I feel like a stalker. But I forgot!

    For lunch today, since we all care, I brought one of the yummy cookies for dessert to go with Pioneer Woman’s Pasta Primavera leftovers!!

  7. Swistle

    Jen– Oh, DARN, now I will HAVE to make ANOTHER batch of cookies and eat them ALL in the name of RESEARCH.

    Tessie– Oh, DARN, now etc.

    Mommy Daisy– “Other version of…”? OH! CRAP! Thanks, I’ve deleted it.

    Also: BUTTER. For heaven’s sake. Margarine, indeed. Perish the thought. (Oh, I’m a fine one to talk, since I use Crisco in my chocolate chip cookies.)

    Artemisia– I like that, too. Although after making a first batch, I immediately doubled the next batch. Temptation: BRING IT ON. More…weight… (Crucible reference–catch it? You rock! Ha ha, that’s another reference! The “more weight” was a rock, you see? And the “weight” thing is also a pun, because the calories! My god, this is GOLD. Which is ALSO HEAVY! I cannot stop.)

  8. LoriD

    Good god, woman… how big is your pantry that you can store 6 bags of out of season mint chocolate chips? My husband also suggested that, aethetically, he would have liked white chocolate chips added to the recipe.

  9. Marie Green

    Ok, all you baking goody two shoes, you’re going to convince me to try this recipe, and I love baking about as much as I love running…

    Which is to say, I’m actually enjoying the running, and dreading it. Just like baking! Enjoying it, but dreading hauling out all the ingredients, the mixer, the “helpers” that I have…

    Make sense?- because I’ve had a lot of coffee today and I’m sort of floating.

  10. Kelli in the Mirror

    I did find the mint chocolate chips not too long ago at Big Lots. If something like that is near you, they might still have them. They were only 1.30 a bag, too. I bought nearly all they had. But I just ran out. Sad.

  11. Jess

    Okay, I realize that this is a post about cookies, not about running, but I have to say that this running thing is starting to get scary. I did my second session of Week Two yesterday, and increased my jogging speed to 5 miles an hour, and it went okay. For the moment, things are fine.

    But THEN. I did what I shouldn’t have done, and I read ahead. Have you SEEN what will be happening in the coming weeks? In week four, we have to run for five minutes straight. In week six, it’s eight minutes. And THEN, in week seven, it’s twenty five minutes of pure jogging. From eight minutes of jogging to twenty-five in one week.

    Oh my god, the panic. The panic.

  12. CakeHead

    You are going to make me fatter than I already am. Must. Make. COOKIEEEESSS.

    I’m a butter snob. I use minimal amounts of crisco in my buttercream frosting, and always use butter in baking. Not that I would turn down a confectionary treat if it didn’t have real butter in itm, because I’m a pig like that.

  13. Swistle

    Jess– Obviously that’s insane. I mean, that TRIPLES the jogging, and not in a “30 seconds to 90 seconds” way, either.

    Well, I’m not doing it. I’m not even thinking that Week 3 is possible, and that goes from 90 seconds to 3 minutes.

  14. Misguided Mommy

    okay so seriously, i was on my way to the store to buy this stuff, i signed on to double check this recipe. thank gosh you posted this because i would have probably started crying in the chocolate chip isle thinking i was retarded and couldn’t find mint chips. now a whole new problem has arisen…how do i not eat a whole bag of chocolate chips before i get the rest of the ingredients together hmmmmm?

  15. Misguided Mommy

    joai akjfoiaaj alojiuoinv

    sorry i was typing with my mouth full…so if i gain 46 pounds this pregnancy i am blaiming it all on you and your mint cookies…..the baby is already kicking and wiggling in there…shoulda put a little note must have very tall glass of milk to go with cookies!


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